
=== Htbrdd is now known as zz_Htbrdd
asterismohi there03:04
asterismoi need to figure out something03:04
asterismothere is a bug in which pulse audio cannot get muted/unmuted with XFCE keyboard shortcuts03:05
asterismobut in terminal i can use "amixer set Master toggle"03:05
asterismobut this cannot be executed from xfce shortcut03:05
asterismobaizon, bipolar, slowz someone?03:06
asterismothis is my problem03:08
asterismoi can execute "amixer set Master toggle" in terminal, and everuthing goes fine03:08
asterismobut the same command does not work as a keyboard shortcut03:08
asterismowhy is that?03:08
asterismothe key shortcut works for some other key combination, but not for XF86AudioMute03:15
jeepfanaticwas hoping if someone could help me out with a small issue i'm having03:18
jeepfanaticjust installed 12.04 finally and having problems with running the "terminal" screenlet - worked fine in 11.1003:19
jeepfanaticwhenever i try to launch it now it crashes - i did submit a report03:19
Unit193Alright, what's the bug number?03:22
jeepfanatici submitted through the crash report03:23
Unit193Hmmm... Should still give you a number as it opens firefox.03:27
jeepfanatic_sorry i disappeared - had to reboot - couldn't get to browser window03:28
jeepfanatic_i did something dumb a few mins ago03:29
Unit193Alright, well if it didn't open a browser, I think the bugreport wasn't completed.03:30
jeepfanatic_ok well now it isn't even generating a crash report03:30
jeepfanatic_but it isn't launching either03:30
jeepfanatic_going to remove and reinstall screenlets and i'll be back03:30
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Unit193Try purging rather than just uninstall, and you can force the report by doing ubuntu-bug screenlets (whatever the packagename really is)03:32
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zzz9Hi, all06:00
zzz9Is there any way to apply wim image under linux?06:00
zzz9I want to restore win7 but I have reorganized all partitions except win7 backup partition on my netbook06:01
xubuntu648I have a question about installing Xubuntu 11.10, can anyone help me_09:52
hobgoblin!ask | xubuntu64809:54
ubottuxubuntu648: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:54
xubuntu648Thanks. I am trying to install Xubuntu 11.10 but it has stalled and is not progressing, what should I do_09:55
hobgoblinwhat specs is the machine? where has it stalled? did you check the download and/or cd integrity?09:58
xubuntu648Its an IBM Thinkpad T60 and i cant say where it has stalled, I just have a screen with Thank You and an installation progress bar at the bottom which is only about 10% done. I see a circle that is rotating, indicating that it is doing something, but it has been doing this for 20 minutes without any change10:00
xubuntu648i havent checked download or cd integrity, am a computer novice so i dont know how!10:01
hobgoblinxubuntu648: at the bottom where it says what it is doing - there is an arrow - click it and see if it opens to tell you what it is doing10:04
hobgoblinxubuntu648: what machine did you burn it on ? windows?10:05
xubuntu648it was burnt by a friend so I dont know, anyway I clicked the arrow and theres a lot of information, shall i tell you only the last piece of information_10:07
xubuntu648successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.Upower'10:08
hobgoblinsounds like it's hung though somewhere - how much RAM do you have?10:08
hobgoblinnever read that one :)10:09
xubuntu648i think 8GB10:09
hobgoblinmore than enough then10:09
hobgoblinis it connected to the net?10:10
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Guest18866Hi folks! How do you install themes on Xubuntu?10:11
xubuntu648further up in the information log it says Client failed to connect to the D+B US Daemon10:11
xubuntu648yes its connected, or should be10:12
Guest18866Right.. Themes anyone?10:15
knome!patience | Guest1886610:15
ubottuGuest18866: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:15
xubuntu648hmmm, hobgoblin, i just tried to check my internet connection by opening email and it failed to open, saying the connection was interrupted, so i might not be connected to the net10:17
Humble313hey, hope you're all well. i'm having wifi problems with ubuntu so i was told to try xubuntu. what's the best version?12:02
blackgatocatnegrubuntu is more resources heavy than xubuntu, and honestly look at this channel name, how can be be objective?12:06
Humble313it's for my dad12:10
Humble313as long as it has basic features that include openoffice or something he should be fine and compatibility with hp drivers12:10
knomeHumble313, you can have libre(open)office in both and hardware support should be the same12:11
Humble313but the advantage is that it'll be much faster than ubuntu right?12:12
Humble313especially since it seems that you only need half the ram12:12
knomewell, somewhat faster. if you install libreoffice, it will still need the ram libreoffice needs12:12
Humble313the pc has 1.5 gb ram12:13
Humble313amd athlon single core processor12:13
knomeso depending on the applications you're going to use, it might be quite similar to ram usage12:13
knome1.5GB ram is fine12:13
Humble313and ati radeon x1650 pro graphics card. like i said basic usage.12:13
Humble313openoffice programs would only be used once in a while. mainly browsing websites and youtube.12:13
Humble313right now ubuntu is fine but wifi keeps dropping out so i was recommended xubuntu.12:14
knomei'm not sure if that would help much, especially if it's a hardware issue; again, the hardware support is the same for both12:14
SandJFirst question: does it *need* to be wifi?  Is it a desktop computer in a fixed location that could be connected via a long lead?  It may be quicker and less painful in the long run.12:16
Humble313the router is in my room and the pc is in the next room12:17
Humble313it was running perfectly fine via wifi on windows 712:17
SandJIt is possible to connect via the mains, BTW.12:17
Humble313ubuntu detects the usb and the router, connects, doesn't show anything on the web browser and then disconnects and reconnects. same process over and over again.12:17
blackgatocatnegrxubuntu would be a tad lighter, and honestly, cable internet works better. since the pc s next room, just get a long cable, it wont' afect the speed conection.12:17
SandJAlso, the first task is to work out what the fault is - the operating system is less likely than the provider, clashes with neighbours' wifi is possible, other forms of interference such as poorly suppressed motors, faulty router, faulty wifi card...12:18
blackgatocatnegrHumble313, winmoden -_-12:18
knomeHumble313, did you have to use ndiswrapper?12:18
Humble313what's that?12:18
Humble313btw this is my first experience with ubuntu/xubuntu12:18
Humble313only installed yesterday12:18
blackgatocatnegrHumble313, accient story, basicaly modens that where made for winsows and where really hard or imposible to work on linux.12:19
SandJI am 99.937% confident changing the operating system from ubuntu to xubuntu will NOT change this problem.  (Unless it means going from a Ubuntu with an old inappropriate driver to a new Xubuntu with a new driver)12:19
Humble313ok well the router is bt homehub 3. and no device has had trouble connecting before.12:19
Humble313whether it be a pc, laptop, netbook, android or ios phone12:20
knomeHumble313, it's a wrapper used by some wireless cards; you might want to check jockey (somewhere in the appmenu under settings/system) if ndiswrapper is enabled12:20
Humble313does that still apply to wireless usbs? as i haven't used a wireless "card" in years12:21
blackgatocatnegrHumble313, you could try installing a program to improve your wifi conections, it may help. WiFi Radar works ok sometimes.12:22
Humble313hmm, i'll try that now12:22
Humble313what just happened?12:23
knomeHumble313, you were disconnected and reconnected12:24
blackgatocatnegrHumble313, for some reason irc is very sensitive when you use wifi, even in windows, so you may disconect from irc even if your wifi works fine fr everything else.12:26
Humble313installing wifi radar now12:27
Humble313ok configuring now12:32
Humble313one of the option is regarding wpa12:32
Humble313currently says no wpa12:32
Humble313would i just have to put my password there?12:32
Humble313and apparently my router automatically switches from channel to channel but i dunno if that's true.12:34
Humble313currently on channel 712:36
Humble313do i put the wifi password in the key section or the wpa section?12:37
SkippersBosshumble, i take it your wifi does have a keyphrase setup ?12:37
SkippersBosswould be smart :-)12:38
SkippersBossother wise a popup box will show every time you connect to it12:38
Humble313there's two sections on the program. there's the wifi options. i put the channel to 7, mode on auto cos i dunno about that. put password in key, and security restricted?12:39
Humble313and the other simply says wpa12:40
SkippersBosshmm i hae missed something here12:41
SkippersBosswhat end are you configuring here12:41
SkippersBossthe router or xubuntu12:42
Humble313i came here because i had a problem with ubuntu, they said xubuntu wouldn't solve it.12:42
SkippersBossit sounds like the router12:42
Humble313so they recommended i install wifi radar12:42
SkippersBossa wifi radar12:42
SkippersBosslike i said i missed somesong12:43
hobgoblinHumble313: my bt router is set to channel 1- but it's a version212:43
hobgoblinif that's what you;re talking about12:43
Humble313do i leave the mode to auto in wifi radar?12:44
SkippersBossIIRC Humble313 is experiencing intermittent contact on xubuntu right12:44
Humble313basically my problem was that i installed ubuntu. it detected wireless usb and router but it wouldn't actually connect. first time i've had this problem.12:45
Humble313if i'm putting key in wifi radar then security type would be restricted yeah?12:45
hobgoblinSkippersBoss: don't think it connects properly - but I don't know if they've checked in additional drivers - nor what card they actually have12:45
SkippersBosswifi radar should giv you all wifi connections in the neighbourhood12:45
SkippersBossTrouble with wifi connections can be that if there are to many broadcasting on the same channel you could experience issues12:46
Humble313there's only one other router near me thats using channel 712:46
Humble313but yeah, security type open or restricted since i'm putting a key?12:47
SkippersBossI remember experiencing a problem on a friends x24 a week ago.. that had a TP-link card12:48
Humble313btw, using a wireless 150mbps usb, not card.12:49
Humble313it started acquiring ip address then ran into unexpected problem12:49
SkippersBossAre there any additional drivers activated for the wifi plug ??12:50
Humble313not that i'm aware of12:51
Humble313reason says i have an obselete package installed. please install upgrade if possible12:52
SkippersBossa :12:52
SkippersBosshave they given a name ??12:52
Humble313like an error code?12:53
SkippersBosscan you physically hook up the machine to the net ??12:54
Humble313yeah but my dad would prefer wifi12:54
SkippersBosswell they usually give the name of the obsolete package12:54
SkippersBossjust to get the upgrade sorted12:54
Humble313right now it's acquiring ip address12:55
Humble313gosh man, ubuntu was supposed to be simple lol12:55
SkippersBossyeah it is 95% of the time12:56
SkippersBossProblem lies with the manufacturers  of certain hardware. If they do not donate code to the open source we have a hard controling this12:57
Humble313i'll stick to ethernet now. gotta do other things but yeah it seems the problem is acquiring the ip address12:57
SkippersBossi think your usb network card is not fully supported :-( I do remember this issue...12:58
SkippersBosshave fun: i need to be doing something else now12:58
SandJHumble313, sadly the easiest way of sorting out the WiFi is with the PC connected by13:10
SandJcable while you do it.13:10
SandJThat way you can get all the upgrades and drivers you might need and check connectivity and so on.13:10
blackgatocatnegrDoes "Windows Wireless drivers" program helps at all?13:12
blackgatocatnegrI never tried it.13:12
blackgatocatnegrprogram name "ndisgtk, a GTK+ based frontend for ndiswrapper, allowing an easy way to install Windows wireless drivers."13:13
hobgoblinI'd guess that a lsusb with the thing plugged in would be rather useful in seeing if the thing has problems13:15
Humble313ill be sticking to windows on this pc :)13:18
blackgatocatnegryou could at least try ndisgtk first13:19
Humble313for ubuntu?13:20
Humble313i think i've done an additional driver search though13:24
blackgatocatnegrndisgtk is in the ubuntu repositories, just search for Windows Wireless drivers13:25
blackgatocatnegrif that does not help, nothing will.13:26
blackgatocatnegrunless someone there has made a linux driver that works with your card13:27
Humble313oh ok, i see. thanks13:27
davidvjHaving a problem completing an upgrade to xfce4 through the ppa. Anybody able to point me in the right direction?17:45
xubuntu329hello to all17:47
blackgatonegro davidvj, try with synaptic17:47
blackgatonegro davidvj, if that fails, reboot and in grub pick repair broken packages17:48
xubuntu329i'm trying to install xubuntu 12.04 but installation crash at "install grub-dummy" can someone help me? thnx17:48
davidvjIt is in synaptic that I think my problem lies ... will try a reboot an see if that helps .. thanks17:49
blackgatonegroxubuntu329, well try to install xubuntu 11.10 then upgrade to 12.04, then install propietary drives, then restricted drivers17:56
blackgatonegrothats the solñution official suport seems to be giving17:56
xubuntu329thnx blackgatonegro i'll try17:58
davidvjlooks like after a reboot the xfce4 ppa is working correctly ..... How do I move the top panel items to the right-hand side?18:09
blackgatonegrowell, did you upgrade to 12.04 already?18:10
davidvjlooks like I am fully upgraded!18:10
blackgatonegrodavidvj, install restricted extras, install propietary video card driver, update?18:11
davidvjOK will do! How will that help with moving my menu items on the panel?18:13
blackgatonegroit will not, but it will save you problems later18:13
davidvjJust remembered .. I called for restricted extras as a part of my basic install.18:16
blackgatonegrodavidvj, make sre they are installed, try to play a mp3 file18:16
blackgatonegrodavidvj,  if you can heard sound, then is installed18:17
davidvjI have been playing BBC video material and that is usually the critical test18:18
davidvjYes sound was fine18:18
blackgatonegrook, next install the propietario video card driver, make sure is the one that has "update" in the name18:19
davidvjwhere will I find the prop vid driver? I have already installed colour management ... hope nothing is going to mess with that18:20
blackgatonegroin settings /adicional drivers18:26
davidvjI should have known that .... OK; " no drivers available" it tells me. Never found a driver with any prior linux installations18:29
blackgatonegroThen nevermind then. Now go to system/ update manager and update18:29
davidvjOne last nagging question: I am using 'Industrial' window format (others with the same problem) the window-border is really hard to grip ... have you found a solution?18:31
blackgatonegrodavidvj, try changing the theme18:32
davidvjBeen there and multiply done that ... as I inferred all the themes appear to have the same problem.18:34
knomedavidvj, http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/18:35
blackgatonegroHave you changed your video settings?18:35
blackgatonegroah wait, video grip, nevermind.18:36
davidvjKnome: will look at that ... thanks18:37
knomedavidvj, np18:37
blackgatonegroAnd here I was thinking it was the windows looking weird, must be all the video problems I usually have on linux18:39
davidvjknome: learnt something new today .. thanks .. new window tricks for this old dog ... it works quite well18:42
davidvjAll of the video and terrible sound problems that I had disappeared a couple of years ago. All my installs now are mostly clean.18:44
uskerinei am using live distribution from xubuntu18:44
uskerinei disabled the wifi last time i used the system18:45
uskerineand now i can not find the small icon on the task bar to get connected again18:45
uskerineany ideas on how to reactivate wifi? it seems it has been disabled18:45
davidvjThe icons are a bit hard to see .. did you change your background?18:46
uskerineno i didn't18:46
uskerinei see the bluetooth18:46
davidvjIf you are talking to us then you can not be disconnected!!18:46
uskerinei am taking through other computer18:47
uskerineso my xubuntu is disconnected18:48
davidvjgo to 'settings > network connections'18:49
Yanchoguys, i am trying to install ubuntuone on xubuntu. however after installing ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk when i go settings > ubuntu one control panel - the application is crashing .. any idea from where to start fixing please?18:50
uskerineit was just clicking on the double arrow icon18:50
uskerineand "enabling the wifi"18:50
uskerinei feel a bit embarrased.... :) but it works now18:50
uskerinethanks anyway i return back to xubuntu18:50
blackgatonegroYancho, try reboot, grub, fix broken pakages18:50
davidvjglad to help18:50
Yanchohow to enter into grub blackgatonegro ?18:51
blackgatonegroreboot, in the menu, pick the second option of the linux version you are using, then pick recover /fix broken packages18:52
Yanchook will do thanks :)18:53
Yanchoblackgatonegro, did that - now when i start it, no application is starting. ps aux | grep ubuntuon gives :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1059570/ any idea?19:01
recon69_laphi, I'm trying to use eclipse IDE, But I get  "bash: /home/mec/opt/eclipse/eclipse: cannot execute binary file" when I try start it from the command line?19:02
blackgatonegroYancho, try to fully remove ubuntu one using synaptic, then reintall it using synaptic, make sure you have smart upgrade enabled.19:04
recon69_lapnever mind, look like i trying to run legacy 64bit install of eclipse on a new 32bit install19:12
recon69_lapaggh, how to you shrink a dialog thats to big for screen?19:20
blackgatocatnegrrecon69_lap, try to resize the windows or just change your screen resolution, chaging the minumn font size also may help19:21
recon69_lapcant resize the dialog, it's off the screen !!!!19:22
SysiAlt+Right click19:24
recon69_lapmaximize worked this time :) , but second program I'v had this problem with19:24
blackgatocatnegrrecon69_lap, change xubuntu minimun font size19:24
blackgatocatnegrrecon69_lap,  or change screen resolution.19:25
recon69_lapresolution is up as far as it will go, I'll try minimum font, but i hope it does not make it hard to read text19:26
recon69_lapnope can't find minimum font anywhere19:31
blackgatocatnegrTry settings / setting manager / appearance / default font19:33
recon69_lapblackgatocatnegr: duh, I knew that :) thx from the help19:37
=== blackgatocatnegr is now known as blackgatonegro
baizonhello :)20:02
xubuntu600Hey if anyone can haelp me I just installed Xubuntu 12.0.4 and can't get my laptops speakers to work20:02
baizonxubuntu600: check pavucontrol20:04
baizoncheck there for outputs20:04
xubuntu600I've tried every setting but no luck20:04
baizonxubuntu600: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting20:05
blackgatonegrocheck pulseaudio20:13
xubuntu872hola friends - quick question.  what desktop environment does xubuntu 12 come with?20:21
baizonxfce 4.1020:22
baizonxfce 4.820:22
xubuntu872ok, thanks.  i've got xubuntu running in a virtual machine, do i just not get a desktop environment?20:29
blackgatonegronope, you get it, only emulated and that.20:33
xubuntu872how do i convince it to run?  it's telling me that $display is not set and that this version of fte must be run under x11.  xorg is up to date, i know because i tried to apt get install it.20:35
blackgatonegro"Mmm.... try using wubi then"20:37
xubuntu872wubi is a windows installer?  i'm not tryint to install it under windows20:39
blackgatonegrothen just boot it from the live cd and not install it20:40
blackgatonegrohave you read this? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox20:42
blackgatonegrothere is also http://sourceforge.net/projects/portableubuntu/20:43
blackgatonegrobut that one is a bit outdated20:45
xubuntu872i'm looking at the first one.  i think i have a different version of vmware.  it's trying to do easyinstall, which a cursory google search recommends against.20:50
blackgatonegrotry with the alternate cd20:51
blackgatonegroor try with 11.10 then upgrade20:51
xubuntu872ok, i'll try version 11 when i get home tonight.  thanks!20:58
Zubinhow to install a usb modem in xubuntu?21:04
recon69_lapZubin: plug it in to a usb port?21:05
Zubinya but it did not read.21:05
Zubini tried even to change the modules and add the usb serial option but the file did not save and hence i could not load the modules.21:07
recon69_laphang on, I'm getting a message from the sprits, is the modem a  Belkin Wireless G ? :)21:08
Zubinno its a micromax 3g modem.21:09
recon69_lapZubin: try use lsusb to identify the usb code for the modem, then have a look at supported hardware21:10
recon69_lapZubin: these commands might help too http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:18
recon69_lapZubin: opps http://paste.ubuntu.com/1059784/21:20
Marzatahow do you connect Android 4.0.4 to Xubuntu 12.04? usb cabel? wifi? ssh?22:42
ochosiMarzata: or bluetooth?22:45
ochosii guess much depends on what you want to do22:45
ochosibut i have no experience with that whatsoever, so i wouldn't know22:45
ochosi(don't have android)22:45
lemmonerI do via USB22:46
Marzataisn't that suppose to be linux and they to talk together ...22:47
GridCubenot... really22:47
Marzatathe next proprietary crap ...22:47
* SkippersBoss uses wifi through the router. to connect to his Arc to his xubuntu machine22:48
knomeMarzata, recheck the attitude22:48
* SkippersBoss has not yet been able to sync his se arc with his xubuntu box :-(22:49
Marzataimagine ...22:49
lemmoneraren't android sources available?22:50
GridCubeyes they are somewhere22:51
lemmonerthen it is a matter of time a fork appears22:52
knome#xubuntu-offtopic for android discussion22:53
=== zz_Htbrdd is now known as Htbrdd
knomeholstein, hello. can you please turn off awaynicks? thanks.23:02
knomeHtbrdd, ^23:02
knomeholstein, sorry ;)23:02
knomeHtbrdd, please turn off awaynicks23:04
Htbrddwhy do i need to do that? not trying to be rude just asking?23:04
knomeHtbrdd, that's a channel policy, we try to avoid any unnecessary "lines"/messages sent to users; sometimes the channels is really busy even without23:05
Htbrddmy irc bouncer sets away when i log out.23:05
knomeHtbrdd, i'm sure there's some kind of option to turn that off23:05
knomeHtbrdd, setting /away is ok, using awaynick is not23:06
knomeHtbrdd, there's a big difference :)23:06
Htbrddyea i think it sets away for just #freenode not just a channel. but i will look into it.23:06
knomeHtbrdd, both nick and /away are network-wide23:06
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