[00:28] niemeyer, tyvm for reviews, good comments [00:28] * fwereade looks at time, goes to bed [00:28] fwereade: My pleasure, good stuff too.. both seem almost mergeable [00:28] fwereade: Have a good night! [00:28] niemeyer, cheers :) [00:38] good night [05:22] Okay, I'll get some food and head to bed.. looks like we'll have a meeting at 4AM (ouch) === nijaba_ is now known as nijaba === meetingology` is now known as meetingology [09:03] Morning [09:04] TheMue, heyhey [10:16] TheMue, was just wondering about FlagWatcher... is it ok to assume that watched nodes will never have their content changed? [10:25] fwereade: Have to look if it fires by accident. It is intended to just recognize if a node is created or removed. It first has been the exposed watcher, but niemeyer then recommended to name it flag watcher to be more flexible. [10:26] fwereade: Btw, the ServiceUnitsWatcher is for review at https://codereview.appspot.com/6325062. Your work helped a lot. [10:26] TheMue, I think it'll fire with every content change, won't it? [10:26] TheMue, sweet [10:28] fwereade: It uses the content watcher, so yes, it may be. [10:30] fwereade: Hmm, even if it is not intended to be used with node with content it's better to change it. Thx for the hint. [10:30] TheMue, cool, np [10:37] davecheney: Hi [10:38] TheMue: howdyu [10:38] davecheney: Howdyu? If it's the abbreviation I assume: fine. ;) [10:40] davecheney, heyhey [10:57] fwereade: The fix is in: https://codereview.appspot.com/6336058 [10:59] TheMue, I feel it needs a test : [10:59] :) [10:59] hi. [10:59] meeting in one minute? [10:59] yy [10:59] Aram: Think so. [11:01] where? :). [11:01] fwereade: OK, will add one to be sure. [11:01] Aram: g+ ? [11:01] ok [11:01] hi niemeyer [11:01] Aram, niemeyer: heyhey [11:01] davecheney: Yes G+ [11:01] sup! [11:01] Heya [11:01] Is it party time yet? [11:02] niemeyer: Hi [11:02] niemeyer: Only waiting for mark to send the invitation. [11:03] Where's Mark? [11:03] niemeyer: Not yet seen *sigh* [11:03] Okay, I'll kick it off then [11:03] niemeyer: Thx [11:04] sigh [11:04] signed in with the wrong account [11:04] two secs [11:05] davecheney: I can invite the other one two [11:05] davecheney: If you want [11:05] nah [11:05] just logging in now [11:06] Aram, William: Invite is out [11:06] niemeyer, cheers [11:20] niemeyer: Aram: TheMue: fwereade: good morning/afternoon/evening all [11:20] mramm, heyhey, come join us on g+ [11:21] mramm: Heya [11:22] can somebody throw me the hangout link? [11:23] laptop overheated [11:24] mramm: Done [11:24] mramm: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/02365fc5d5c685631f4c5d7068a7bab6c7e99543 [11:45] davecheney: https://codereview.appspot.com/6333056/ [11:45] niemeyer: yes, i was looking at that one [11:46] davecheney: I haven't looked, so I have no idea about what's there, but that's what rog had to say: [11:46] Jun 22 13:39:56 niemeyer: i've got a preliminary CL that starts the provisioning agent, but i haven't done the tests yet. https://codereview.appspot.com/6333056/ [11:46] Jun 22 13:40:10 niemeyer: someone might want to take it on while i'm away [11:46] i'll make it work [11:46] niemeyer: good luck with your presentation [11:47] i'm going to a live screening in AU at 2am I think thursday morning [11:47] m_3 is in town, i'll bring him along [11:47] davecheney: oh, nice [11:48] davecheney: The one I'll be in is early friday [11:48] hmm, is that the 2nd day or the third day [11:48] davecheney: Third [11:48] i'll have to catch it on video [11:49] i doubt the owner of the cafe the local GDC group have taken over will put up with us for 3 days [11:49] davecheney: hehe :) [11:49] niemeyer: good luck, what a coup! [11:49] davecheney: THank you! [11:49] Okay, I need to get some more rest, or they'll kick me out when they see I'm unable to speak at all :) [11:50] See you all later! [11:50] niemeyer: Good night [11:59] Lunchtime [15:05] fwereade: Thx for review. [15:06] TheMue, yw, hope it's helpful [15:49] hm? [15:49] error: Failed to create merge proposal: Server returned 405 and no body. [15:49] from lbox [15:49] who's fault? :). [15:55] Aram, probably lp, give it a sec and try again [15:56] ok [16:05] gn all, I have quite the stack of reviews if anyone's of a mind... https://code.launchpad.net/juju-core/+activereviews [16:07] have a good one [16:07] meh, lbox works for other branches [16:07] damn === jamespage is now known as hazmat_mk2 === hazmat_mk2 is now known as jamespage [16:25] * Aram goes to the store to buy some tea. [18:13] Hi all! [18:17] hi again niemeyer. [18:17] niemeyer: I have a problem with lbox [18:17] "error: Failed to create merge proposal: Server returned 405 and no body." [18:18] I get this error on one branch, but not the others. [18:20] Aram: Hmm [18:21] Aram: Can you please post the "bzr info" for that one branch? [18:21] sure [18:22] niemeyer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061229/ [18:23] Aram: Hmm.. seems alright [18:23] Aram: Can you please try the same operation with -debug? [18:23] lbox pr bzr? [18:24] lbox or bzr? [18:24] Aram: lbox propose -debug [18:25] yes [18:25] niemeyer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061241/ [18:27] Aram: I think this is my fault [18:27] Aram: lpad recently broke due to an API change introduced in Go itself [18:28] Aram: Looks like I have done something wrong while working around the issue [18:28] Aram: Looking right now [18:28] right [18:40] Aram: Can you please confirm the version of lbox you have installed (dpkg -l lbox) [18:41] niemeyer: [18:41] white:mstate$ dpkg -l lbox [18:41] Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold [18:41] | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend [18:41] |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) [18:41] ||/ Name Version Description [18:41] +++-==============-==============-============================================ [18:41] ii lbox 1.0- The Launchpad Toolbox [18:41] Aram: Cheers [18:43] I'm having some trouble trying to figure how this request could possibly be done with a POST [18:46] I suspect I'm about to understand something curious on the http package [18:48] Or about my own logic, of course [19:21] Aram: I know what's wrong.. just adding a test and will have a working version [19:21] great [19:33] Building.. [20:00] niemeyer: hmm... I see new versions on launchpad, but apt-get update isn't picking them, is there some kind of delay/cache? [20:03] ah, the amd64 package still needs building [20:03] 4 minutes [20:35] or not :) [20:36] Aram: Yeah [20:36] Aram: It's super slow for whatever reason [20:57] Aram: lbox should be good [20:57] Aram: Can you please see if it solves your problem? [20:57] I'm going to grab some food if so [20:57] yes [20:57] checking now [20:59] meh, still don't see the update. [20:59] I can see it built on launchpad [20:59] but apt-get doesn't pick it yet [21:03] okay, updating now [21:04] testing... [21:06] niemeyer: works, thanks. [21:06] Aram: Woohay [21:20] Okay [21:20] Lunch has gone by already.. will find something reasonable outside [22:45] oh man, hope you didn't miss lunch because of fixing lbox :). [22:45] added two reviews to the queue [22:47] morning davecheney [22:47] morning! [23:02] Aram: Thanks! Nah, was just excited pushing stuff forward :)