
f1zz3ri am trying to add and remove some programs from startup... in Autostart -kde control module i only see one program00:03
f1zz3rhow can i remove others programas from startup?00:03
f1zz3rthat why i was trying to open that folder00:04
genii-aroundf1zz3r: What specific thinks are you trying to remove being being started?00:05
kermodeanyone know why wicd-kde is giving me a "Bad password" error?00:35
kermodeit does that four or five times, then connects00:35
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noaXesshey all05:33
noaXessstill a problem in dolphin, after upgradng to 4.8.405:33
noaXessdouble clicking on a xml file opens firefox instead of default application kate..05:34
noaXessstill have checkecn file association and preffered apps...05:34
qbitright click on an xml file and choose Properties05:35
qbitthen click the little wrench icon on the right05:35
noaXessqbit: already done..05:35
noaXessor.. wait.. sorry.. not that ;)05:35
qbitApplication Preference order has kate at the top of the list?05:35
noaXesshave done a lot of tests..05:35
qbituse the move up/move down to reorder the list so kate is at top05:36
noaXessah.. this.. yes....http://i.imgur.com/TG6xn.png05:36
noaXessqbit: if i right click and open with, kate is on top05:37
qbitonly other thing I can think if that isn't working is in systemsettings -> file associations and put xml on the search box05:39
qbitthen under the application tree do the same move up/move down for the xml entry05:39
noaXessqbit: same settings there..05:40
noaXessqbit: bbs... breakfast ;)05:41
qbitthen I suspect Dolphin is seeing the file you're trying to open as one of the other mime types in that big list05:41
qbitif you can isolate the right one and make the same change....05:42
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noaXessqbit: what you mean exactly?06:07
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qbitnoaXess: when in systemsettings -> file associations and entered xml into the search box at the top it returns 3 categories07:07
noaXessqbit: jep07:07
noaXessapplication, image and text07:08
qbitnoaXess: if you expand the applications category you'll see a plethora of entries associatted with various forms of xml mime types07:08
noaXessqbit: jep a lot07:09
qbitwhat I'm wondering is if Dolphin is thinking the file you are trying to open is one of these other types07:09
qbitwhich might be wrong07:09
noaXessqbit: but no other type has firefox as first application in preference order07:10
qbitso that is just weird07:10
qbitmaybe it is a bug and needs to get reported somewhere as  PR07:10
qbitbecause really, the generic xml one should have taken care of anything with a .xml suffix07:11
noaXessqbit: yes.. thats the prob... i thaught i found allready a bugreport.. but can't remember find it again07:11
qbitI just know on my system the xml entry has a list of every browser on the machine first, with the kate and kwrite ones almost all the way to the nottom of the list07:12
noaXessqbit: and if you double click on a xml.. kate will be opened?07:13
qbitI single-click07:13
qbitlooking for an xml file to make a test with now07:13
noaXessqbit: ok.. me too ;)07:14
noaXesssingle/double click option07:14
qbitOK - it opened in Firefox too07:14
noaXessqbit: so, bug.. right?07:14
noaXessstill one..07:14
qbityup - I moved kate to top of list and still Firefox07:15
qbitso I see exactly same thing you see07:15
qbitso I believe bug07:15
noaXessqbit: searching again to get a bug.07:15
noaXessqbit: can you make a test from console... kde-open your-file.xml07:15
noaXessqbit: what happens?07:16
qbitin Konsole a kate sitemap.xml opened the file in kate07:17
noaXessqbit: and kde-open sitemap.xml?07:17
qbitI just used a sitemap.xml from a web site I was working on....07:17
qbitwent to Firefox07:18
noaXessqbit: kde-open sitemap.xml opens also firefox?07:18
noaXessok.. strange..07:19
noaXessit has something to do with mime types.. anywhere in a config file of kde... so not a dolphin problem.. cause kde-open works without dolphin07:19
qbitunless Dolphin is actually using kde0open behind the scene07:20
qbitbut I think I can recall some time ago able to open an xml file with a single click in Dolphin and if I had it set to open in Kate it did07:21
vishakhi guys07:21
qbitthat was way back probably KDE 4.7.3, or .2 or earlier07:21
noaXessqbit: i tried to use another file manager.. wait.. need to remember.. hm...07:22
qbitha ha ha - in Konqueror file manager it works correctly07:23
qbitclick on the xml file an it popped right up in Kate07:23
noaXessqbit: krusader07:24
qbitso I suspect the problem might really be Dolphin07:24
qbitI've never seen nor used Krusader so I know nothing about it07:28
noaXessqbit: liek a modern mc ;) with a lot of functions..07:28
noaXesseasy to witch between panels with tab07:28
ubottuKDE bug 279786 in general "define to open a special extension always with program X does not work" [Normal,Unconfirmed: ]07:32
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit07:36
noaXessqbit: seams not exactly the same prob.. cause this will open xml's in yed, cause it is set to... but on our system firefox isn't set to open xml a s default in file assiciation, but firefox will do it anyway07:47
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qbitnoaXess: yes - I agree, was looking for something a little more specific and not finding it07:50
noaXessqbit: i try to create a bug report07:51
nrejoAre there Chinese input method in KDE?07:57
noaXessqbit: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30254908:23
ubottuKDE bug 302549 in general "Dolphin open files with wrong association" [Major,Unconfirmed: ]08:23
cavemanhello there kubuntu08:47
denice73Salut tous :)09:19
linuxshineis there a command similar to sudo -i for the desktop environment? I am tired of having to enter my password so many times to do updates and installs I know I dont need it often but when I do it would come in handy11:08
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phoenix_firebrdyofel_: are you there?12:16
phoenix_firebrddoes the microblog app work for twitter in kde 4.9?12:26
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BluesKajHi all12:51
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Picijust close the window....13:10
BluesKajclose the cave door13:14
AceKingI am having a problem with my sound. I completely lost it within the last couple of weeks. The last time I had my speakers on was 2 weeks ago. I ran aplay -l in Konsole. Here is the output. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1053994/ I've been searching for about a week now, but nothing seems to be working. I would appreciate any help.13:16
BluesKajPici, have you heard of ISPs allowing windows only OSs connecting thru their internet client software ? There's a guy at #ubuntu making that claim.13:17
BluesKajAceKing, what soundcard?13:19
AceKingBluesKaj: It's built into the MB13:20
AceKingBluesKaj: the info I got is posted in the pastebin13:21
AceKingBluesKaj: If that is not enough info, is there a command that will show more info?13:22
BluesKajyes  AceKing , what does, lsmod | grep snd, output , look at the first line in the list13:24
BluesKajAceKing, that command tells us what audio driver/module is loaded13:25
AceKingBluesKaj: It says "no such file or directory"13:25
BluesKajAceKing, copy and paste the command intoi the terminal  , lsmod | grep snd13:27
AceKingBluesKaj: My fault, I copied the ,output. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1060741/13:27
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AceKingBluesKaj: OK13:32
BluesKajAceKing, ok open , system settings>multimedia>phonon>device preference , check the list of devices and test them , use the one that gives you audio output with the test buttonand move it to the top , then apply and "apply device list to " as well13:32
BluesKajthat's one method , we have to try first13:33
BluesKajAceKing, unless you plan to use the hdmi out to a audio/video receiver or a tv then we need to do a different configuration , I assume you have speakers connected to your pc that you want to use .13:35
AceKingBluesKaj: It shows 2 devices, "GF108 High Definition Audio Controller Digital Stereo (HDMI)" and "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo". I tried both, and no sound out of either13:35
AceKingBluesKaj: I don't plan on using the HDMI output13:36
BluesKajAceKing, ok then run this in the terminal , sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel ...if there is no output , then that's normal and the module is loaded , you may have to  reboot , but first chaeck alsamixer in the terminal for volume ctrl settings , make sure thy're up to 80% at least amd no MM in the boxes13:39
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AceKingBluesKaj: OK, there was no output. I ran alsamixer, and there was mm in a couple of the boxes. I unchecked them and still no sound. When I unchecked the headphone I got loud static out of the speakers. I couldn't adjust it any lower13:44
BluesKajAceKing, did you check device prefernce in phonon test ?13:44
AceKingBluesKaj: I'm trying that right now13:45
AceKingBluesKaj: Still no sound out of either device listed13:46
BluesKajAceKing, you may need to reboot in oreder to reload alsa13:46
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, I will reboot and sign back on to let you know.. Thank you13:47
AceKingBluesKaj: I rebooted and still have no sound14:15
BluesKajAceKing, there is one more thing to try , open with krunner (alt+F2) , kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf , add this line to the bottom,  options snd_hda_intel index=0 , save the file14:20
BluesKajAceKing, then in the the teminal , sudo alsa force-reload14:22
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, done14:23
* BluesKaj slows down ...doing too many things at once14:23
BluesKajAceKing, one more question do you have pulseaudio installed , if so check your audio hardware tab settings in phonon14:25
AceKingBluesKaj: Pulse Audio is not installed. Still no sound. Should I install it?14:26
BluesKajAceKing, yes14:27
BluesKajAceKing, that shuld have been one of the fist questions . these days i assume pulseaudio is installed since it's been default on the last 4-5  releases14:29
AceKingBluesKaj: I just installed it. I opened it up and it shows an x thought the speaker. I tried to click it, but it didn't do anything14:30
BluesKajAceKing, you need to go to phonon to setup the preferred device  and the hardware settings14:31
AceKingBluesKaj: OK14:31
AceKingBluesKaj: Damn, still nothing14:34
AceKingBluesKaj: Did I need to restart after installing Pulse Audio?14:35
BluesKajAceKing, yeah , most likely14:35
AceKingBluesKaj: Ok, I'll restart and let you know. Thank you14:36
AceKingBluesKaj: I restarted and still no sound. I tried going back into phonon, and tested both devices listed. The sound worked fine when I first installed Kubuntu. I wonder what happened?14:44
BluesKajAceKing, did you set the hardware tab in phonon to analog speaker setup?14:45
AceKingBluesKaj: It shows the GF108 High def audio, and the Built-in Audio Digital Stereo (IEC958)14:47
AceKingBluesKaj: All others are grayed out14:47
BluesKajAceKing, ok , what does lsmod | grep snd , show now ?14:50
AceKingBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1060861/14:51
BluesKajAceKing, sudo modprobe snd_hda_codec_realtek15:02
AceKingBluesKaj: Just came back to prompt with no results15:03
BluesKajAceKing, good then it loaded the module15:03
AceKingBluesKaj: OK15:03
genii-aroundNo news is good news!15:04
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, somehow I got the test sound working in Phonon on both devices listed. However, I cannot adjust the sound with the volume widget in the taskbar while the test sound is playing. I tried playing an MP3, but it wouldn't play.15:18
BluesKajAceKing, in run command/krunner do kdesudo kate /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf . Change the line with, options  snd_hda_intel index=0, to , options snd_hda_codec_realtek index=0 ..not sure this will work but it's worth trying. then you'll have to run , sudo alsa force-reload  , again15:23
BluesKajAceKing, if the force reload doesn't work , try rebooting again ..that's about it for me , I can't think of much more to help15:24
AceKingBluesKaj: I will restart and check to see if it works. I appreciate all the time you spent helping me. If this does not work, I may do a reinstall to see if that solves the problem.15:26
BluesKajAceKing, unless you install pavucontrol , that might help direct the sound to the proper circuit if the settings are correct15:27
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, I will try that first. Thank you15:27
BluesKajAceKing, once installed pavucontrol will in the kmenu in multimedia15:28
BluesKajwill be15:28
AceKingBluesKaj: OK15:28
BluesKajpulseaudio volume control15:28
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AceKingBluesKaj: I restarted and have system sounds, but no other sounds. I wonder if Kmix has something to do with it. If I try to start Kmix, it hangs up and never starts up.15:37
BluesKajwhat about alsamixer , check it , AceKing15:37
Peace-AceKing: sudo apt-get install plasma-widget-veromix15:38
AceKingBluesKaj: OK15:38
BluesKajPeace-, he has pavucontrol15:38
BluesKajlook like the kmix bug15:38
BluesKajshould have thought of that15:39
AceKingBluesKaj: Ok, alsamixer only has 2 items showing, Master and PCM. Neither is muted15:39
BluesKajAceKing, look in kmenu>apps>multimedia> pulse audio control , set the options there for analog output15:43
netrunner_masz pozyczyc 5 zl?15:44
AceKingBluesKaj: Under Output Devices?15:45
BluesKaj!pl | netrunner_15:46
ubottunetrunner_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:46
AceKingBluesKaj: It only shows HDMI/ Displayport, There is nothing else to select. On the check boxes below, only PCM is checked15:47
natmanIs there anyway to get rid of the title bar in Firefox ( like windows ) but still have it usable to min/max,etc..15:48
BluesKajAceKing, in phonon hardware tab , what are options there?15:48
AceKingBluesKaj: OK, it shows the first option (which is grayed out) GF108 High Definition Audio Controller. The next one down is Built in Audio Analog Stereo. And at the very bottom is the GF108 again which is selectable15:50
BluesKajAceKing, your speaker system is connected to your pc , correct ?15:51
AceKingBluesKaj: Yes, and we are getting close, because I can hear all the system sounds ok.15:51
BluesKajAceKing, ok , choose the analog output15:52
AceKingBluesKaj: OK. Do I need to restart?15:53
BluesKajno AceKing , it should work . if you choose the same option in the pavucontrol , it should already be selected , since setting it in the hardware options15:54
AceKingBluesKaj: I can now hear my MP3 playing. I just cannot control the sound from the volume widget on the taskbar15:54
BluesKajAceKing, do you have vol ctrls on the KB ?15:55
AceKingBluesKaj: I have volume controls on VLC, which is the program I'm using, and that works15:55
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BluesKajAceKing, that's you best bet then , in the near future if you update/upgrade kmix should fix itself15:57
BluesKajor after a reboot15:57
AceKingBluesKaj: I appreciate all the time you spent helping me today. Thank you for getting my sound back!15:58
BluesKajAceKing, np, ...I spent 10 days trying to fix my audio after installing a new soundcard , so i know how frustrating and tricky it can get15:59
AceKingBluesKaj: I googled for days trying to get it to work16:00
BluesKajthere are just too many optional audio settings in linux ...there should be an audio manager of some sort linked to all the options that need to be set16:02
BluesKajppl yeah , pulseaudio , but it only does about half of the settings required16:03
BluesKajppl say , that is16:03
lordievaderGood evening16:03
BluesKajit's noon here :)16:04
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lordievaderHow are you BluesKaj?16:05
BluesKajbbl , gonna watch the news ...we have a local disaster that I'm keeping an eye on ...a mall parking garage collapsed into the food court below16:05
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k0shelp me please16:11
=== k0s is now known as qw[UA]
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:12
genii-aroundqw[UA]: A description of what you need help with might get more response :-)16:12
qw[UA]i am use in Spark (ubuntu) and i would like my monitor is automatekli disable16:12
qw[UA]help me please in off this options16:13
qw[UA]auto-disable in ourtime*16:14
lordievaderqw[UA]: We have told you earlier, Spark is not kubuntu, you need to find a Spark linux support room.16:14
qw[UA]but Spark is founded in Linux (ubuntu)16:14
Piciqw[UA]: We can only support official variants of Ubuntu/Kubuntu here16:15
lordievaderqw[UA]: Yes and Ubuntu is based on Debian, but you wont get support for Ubuntu in the Debian channel.16:15
qw[UA]Pici, I use it admits off ver *ubuntu16:16
Peace-qw[UA]: man xrandr16:16
qw[UA]were his options16:16
qw[UA]Peace, sorry what?16:17
Peace- qw[UA]  it's a kubuntu issue?16:18
Peace-no so no support16:18
Peace-we don't support LInux mint , debian , ubuntu ... we support only Kubuntu and kde16:19
qw[UA]sorry not understand you16:19
kishntpdate is quite slow ain't it16:23
genii-aroundkish: I suppose it depends on the amount of lag between you and the tick server16:24
kishlet's hope not16:25
genii-around( or if network is fully up by the time it wants to sync the time )16:25
kishi should just get my own time server16:25
kishwhat do those things cost?16:25
kishwhy would my other pc be off 2.47 in one day16:26
kish2.47 seconds!16:26
genii-aroundkish: That is extremely odd. Maybe you have something overclocked, etc16:30
SlobKnobanyone know if the nvidia 540m which uses optimus, is supported at all?16:43
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genii-aroundSlobKnob: Yes, it is16:46
mfraz74For ages I've been struggling to get searching working in KMail2, but I think I've figured out the cause - I don't have a search folder17:32
mfraz74Any ideas how I get that folder back?17:33
Peace-mfraz74: mmm kmail is under develop?17:46
Peace-mfraz74: i would not use it for a !!while!!17:46
genii-aroundI use webmail pretty much exclusively now17:47
genii-aroundMisan2012: Yes, we see what you type17:47
mfraz74Peace-: too late!17:47
Misan2012thanks =)17:47
genii-aroundMisan2012: If you have some question about your Kubuntu, you can just ask the main channel here and see if someone offers an answer17:48
Peace-genii-around: me too17:54
BluesKajthunderbird works here , I sill have my ISP email plus gmail , so t-bird accesses both17:58
noaXessqbit: check this ;) https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29117718:16
ubottuKDE bug 291177 in general "XML-based files are opened with the default browser instead of the associated application" [Normal,New: ]18:16
lordievaderHello everyone18:20
lordievaderHey azbarcea, how are you?18:33
qw[UA]i have one question about install lazarus i didn'st see this programm from the list18:33
mah454I have this problem : (dependency) http://pastebin.com/B53HwPxu18:34
mah454How can fix this ?18:34
qw[UA]mah454 you live Ukraine ?18:35
lordievadermah454: Have you tried installing those packages manually?18:35
mah454no Iran18:35
mah454lordievader: no18:35
mah454lordievader: why manual ?18:36
lordievadermah454: Because in that way you might resolve your dependency problem. Or try something like "sudo dpkg -f", but I'm not really sure it was that problem.18:37
mah454also I added this repository : http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/kdelibs5-dev/download18:38
mah454but not fixed ... !18:38
mah454this "deb http://ubuntu.mirror.cambrium.nl/ubuntu/ precise main "18:38
lordievadermah454: Ah it wasn't dpkg -f, it's apt-get install -f, so try that.18:40
lordievadermah454: Oh and run sudo apt-get update, before it.18:40
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mah454no ! not fixed ...18:44
mah454why repository's have problem ?18:44
bazhangmah454, switch to another one18:45
genii-aroundmah454: "http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/kdelibs5-dev/download" is not a repository18:45
mah454genii-around: I know . Open this link in web browser and view repository ...18:45
genii-aroundmah454: The lines in sources.list are formatted like so:  link distribution repository18:47
genii-aroundeg: http://somewhere <space here> precise ( or different distribution name ) <space here > main ( or universe, multiverse, restricted, and so on)18:49
TheLordOfTimemah454:  pastebin your sources.list file18:49
TheLordOfTimethe entire one18:49
genii-around( pre-pended by deb or deb-src )18:50
mah454TheLordOfTime:  http://pastebin.com/5XSLjSdY18:50
mah454deb-src is disabled ...18:50
TheLordOfTimelemme check something18:51
* TheLordOfTime checks the mirrorstats page18:51
mah454TheLordOfTime: what is lemme ?18:51
TheLordOfTimeslang for "let me"18:51
mah454what do this ?18:52
mah454my repository have problem ?18:53
TheLordOfTimei cant find your mirror on the mirrors list18:53
* TheLordOfTime thinks for a minute18:54
TheLordOfTimeyou may want to try a different archive mirror, not sure which you'd use though...18:54
BluesKajmain server would be good right now , since there aren't any new OS releases in the repos for a while18:55
mah454TheLordOfTime: this good ? "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted universe multiverse"18:55
TheLordOfTimethat should be fine18:56
mah454lemme check something18:59
mah454what do this ?18:59
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MrDarkUserI read this article,  http://www.dwheeler.com/essays/fixing-unix-linux-filenames.html and I would like to do something about it19:00
MrDarkUserI want to have a system policy that restricts filenames.19:01
mah454MrDarkUser: what restriction ?19:06
mah454TheLordOfTime: no ! not fixed (repository ....)19:06
MrDarkUsermah454: to a portable, and sane set of characters. (arbitrarily configurable)  Basically, I don't want filenames starting with - to be recongized as valid filenames19:08
MrDarkUserrightnow,  KDE has gone so far as to bork up filenames very bad...   If I try to create a file and directories   by creating a file with path name foo/bar/qux, KDE converts the /'s to a look a like character, and then I can't deal with the file any more19:10
MrDarkUserI want KDE to give an error message, and or just do the expected by creating a directory tree19:10
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TalwinHi Guys - am i in the right place for a little support?19:44
TalwinDo i assume thats a no? Or just a little quiet?19:46
bazhangTalwin, ask a question if you so desire19:47
TalwinOh hi.19:47
TalwinI know this has been asked a bazzillion times and I have spent about 4hours trying to figure it out, but i cannot for the life of me get my wireless adapter to work.19:48
bazhangwhats the chipset19:48
TalwinI am on the machine now with a wired connection. Broadcom i think! 4312 i believe.19:48
Talwintheres a lot of posts about the same problem and i have tried all the solutions i could find to no avail. it is quite possible i am an idiot alas.19:49
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Talwini just did lspci and i got this: Broadcom Corporation BCM431119:50
Talwinso 4311.19:50
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:50
MrDarkUserTalwin:  are you running from a liveusb?19:51
Talwinno. i did install that way though19:52
MrDarkUserTalwin:,  I got my broadcom to work by adding /cdrom as a repositor (when I was running from liveusb)19:52
MrDarkUserTalwin, you may have to mount the usb drive, and add it as a repository19:53
MrDarkUserTalwin: then the add-hardware wizard will find it.19:53
MrDarkUserTalwin: This took me about 6months of frustration to figure out.19:53
MrDarkUserTalwin: or you can just navigate to the pool directory on it and click on the broadcom .deb files...19:54
Talwinthanks for the heads up, I have dabbled with linux but would consider myself a total noob. repositories are places where the system looks for packages right19:54
MrDarkUserand tell them to install that way.19:54
MrDarkUserTalwin: yes,   /etc/apt/sources.list    The liveUSB system does not account for the change in path19:55
Talwinso how do i add these repositories?19:55
MrDarkUserTalwin: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list19:56
MrDarkUserTalwin: ... and  you will see the basic formatting... I think you just put a path down instead of http://19:56
Talwinso I see lots of links to respositories. how do i go about adding one.19:57
Talwinand which one do i add19:57
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TalwinI have the liveusb with me. do you mean I plug it in. and add a path to the usb?19:58
MrDarkUserTalwin: yes, you plug that in... it has the files you need19:59
MrDarkUserTalwin: deb file:/cdrom/ oneiric main restricted    was the line I needed to add for my liveusb system19:59
MrDarkUserTalwin: but that was when I was running from a liveusb drive... (it shows up as /cdrom/)20:00
MrDarkUserTalwin: You will need deb file:/media/MOUNTEDUSB/ precise main restricted  (if you are running 12.04)20:00
MrDarkUserTalwin: and run    sudo apt-get update ;20:00
Talwini am running 12.04.20:01
Talwinand updated a few hours ago totally20:01
MrDarkUser(are you on the network with that device now, over ethernet?)20:01
malbolgiaHello anyone had crazy behavior with aconadi? On my system it is eating up all ram and cpu after 5min of booting up the pc20:01
Talwinplugged in with the ethernet, typing on it right now20:01
MrDarkUser(Oh, your problems may be worse)20:02
malbolgiahad to kill every single process to get a usable system20:02
MrDarkUserTalwin: So... yikes.. you don't need to do any of that... (I had to get the networking working from the usb drive)20:02
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Talwini dont understand why this is so hard! :O20:05
BarkingFishevening all. If anyone is about, can you help me to try and get a webcam working please? System is finding a module for it, the power's on to the cam, but for some reason my machine won't allow me to open /dev/video0 to view the transport through the cam.20:07
Talwingoing to try a restart. may be back :o20:07
BarkingFishCamera VPID is 0ac8:0328, it's a Flexicam VM130 (gspca chip), made by Z-Tech Microelectronics20:08
kaddihi, my firefox keeps opening files & folders in nautilus, even though i'm running kde. How to fix? (12.04, 64bit)20:20
BluesKajkaddi, kmenu>computer>system settings>default applications>file manager , choose dolphin from the list20:24
kaddithat's already the case20:24
BarkingFishevening BluesKaj :)20:24
kaddifirefox ignores it20:24
BluesKajkaddi, then remove nautlus20:25
kaddiin the past there used to be a kde-firefox-addon of sorts20:25
kaddibut i don't know the name of it20:25
kaddithen it opens it in explorer, because I have wine installed.. which is even worse :p20:25
BluesKajkaddi , if you also have gnome/unity installed then I don't know , unless there's amethod to tell FF to use dolphin.20:27
BluesKaj hi BarkingFish :)20:27
kaddiwell there used to be that compatability package20:27
kaddibut i have forgotten how it's called20:27
BluesKajbbiab ..in the midst of setting up the BBQ20:27
BluesKajBarkingFish, does the digital camera optiob in system settings apply to a webcam or isthat strictly for regular digital cams20:33
BluesKajBarkingFish, ? ^20:33
BarkingFishno idea20:34
BluesKajok , thought that option might work with webcams20:34
BarkingFishlooks like regular digital cams only20:35
BarkingFishno mention of webcams at all20:35
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alex_____ok im back..20:38
=== alex_____ is now known as Talwin
Talwini have managed to get wifi to work with the help of that link earlier but now i have slightly different problem20:39
BarkingFishBluesKaj, it's just annoying me. The modules are loaded, the camera is powered on, the lens is visible, but /dev/video0 is doing diddly in VLC or mplayer20:39
Talwinif i delete the wifi connection then i can reestablish it ok. but if i reboot then it wont auto connect to it.20:39
Talwinand there is no way to connect to it without deleting it?20:40
BarkingFishTalwin, have you set network manager to autoconnect?20:40
BarkingFishok, how are you running the wifi, ndiswrapper or with a built in module?20:40
Talwinthats a good question. i think its built in but i have tried SO many things that i dont really have any idea20:41
BarkingFisheasy way to find out20:41
BarkingFishjust press alt+f2, type konsole, hit enter and type  ndiswrapper -l20:41
BarkingFishthat will tell you if there is anything being controlled by ndiswrapper, or which has drivers installed20:42
Talwinno output at all20:42
BarkingFishok, then it's a built in module you're running20:42
BarkingFishHow is the device connected, via USB or internal card?20:42
Talwininternal card20:42
BluesKajBarkingFish, make sure you have v4l and it's libs installed20:43
BarkingFishok, could you type lspci -nn | grep wireless and tell me if you get anything back please, Talwin20:43
BarkingFishi have done, BluesKaj - i have v4l, v4l-conf, all the v4l libs and the like installed too20:43
BarkingFisheven v4lucf to config it with and run a preview - it knows the camera is there, but the preview into mplayer fails20:44
BarkingFishok, Talwin - could you type: sudo apt-get install pastebinit please?20:44
BarkingFishI'd like to see your lspci output, and this is the quickest way of getting it :)20:45
Talwinok done. so whats the output command?20:45
BarkingFishwhen pastebinit is installed, please type:  pastebinit lspci -nn20:45
BarkingFishthat will send the output from lspci -nn to pastebin, you will get a URL back, please type it here20:46
Talwinunable to read?20:46
Talwinunable to read from lspci20:46
BarkingFishone moment20:46
BarkingFishthis is weird.20:47
BarkingFishgot it20:48
BarkingFishplease type:  lspci -nn | pastebinit20:49
BarkingFishthat way you get the url back, I needed to pipe the output through to pastebinit20:49
BarkingFishgreat, thank you :) please give me a moment20:49
BarkingFishthere we go... [27] 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN [14e4:4311] (rev 01)20:50
BarkingFishDid you use the broadcom link from the bot earlier, Talwin?20:51
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Talwini think the problem COULD be some of the stuff i did before?20:51
BluesKajBarkingFish, Talwin that should work right out of the box , iirc20:51
genii-aroundkaddi: I would suggest in firefox, go to about:config and add or edit these three: network.protocol-handler.expose.file = true (Boolean)      and: network.protocol-handler.external.file = true (Boolean)    and: network.protocol-handler.app.file = <put here path and filename of file browser you want as default >20:51
BarkingFishYes, BluesKaj - it should. This is what's confusing me.20:52
Talwinexample: i have the ndiswrapper installed somewhere.20:52
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:52
Talwinim not saying it using it but i know its there.20:52
BarkingFishi am gonna have a read through that myself, i use ndiswrapper here as my wifi doesn't have a linux driver operational yet, Talwin20:53
BluesKajwish i could remember the bcm module/driver20:53
BarkingFishi need to clue up a bit on this20:53
Talwinif you go down to the installing b43 drivers it was those three steps that got it working20:53
Talwineven though i sort of felt i had done those but no matter.20:54
BluesKajTalwin, lsmod |grep bcm ..is there any output20:54
BarkingFishBluesKaj, it's listed as a supported VPID for the device, it should really be running already :)20:55
BarkingFishhttp://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Supported_devices > 14e4:4311 supported and working BCM4311 802.11 b/g20:56
Talwini can get it to connect wirelessly20:57
Talwinbut it wont reconnect on boot20:57
Talwinthats the problem20:57
Talwinmoment im going to connect wirelessly.20:57
BarkingFishhm.  so it's connecting manually, but autoconnect on boot is missing it.  Is it just possible that the module is not loading onboot, BluesKaj?20:58
BluesKajBarkingFish, yes , that's what it looks like , there should be an option in NM to auto connect21:00
BarkingFishthere is, BluesKaj - he has it enabled :P21:00
BarkingFish<BarkingFish> Talwin, have you set network manager to autoconnect?21:01
BarkingFish<Talwin> yes.21:01
=== alex_ is now known as Talwin1
Talwin1ok..more information!21:02
Talwin1the only way i could connect without rebooting was to use these commands21:02
Talwin1sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb21:02
Talwin1then sudo modprobe b4321:02
BluesKajTalwin, sudo ifconfig wlan0 up21:03
Talwin1no output21:03
BarkingFishright, then we need to get that module to load on boot so that it's present when you start21:03
Talwin1do you mean ipconfig?21:03
BluesKajTalwin1, good , ther's no error21:03
Talwin1ah ok :21:03
BluesKajyou may need to reboot to see whether the command I posted will stick21:04
Talwin1Oh so that command with no output may have fixed it?21:05
Talwin1ah ok. well i will reboot21:05
BarkingFishthe other thing you could do is to add the name of that module to your /etc/modules.conf21:05
Talwin1reboot or do that?21:05
BarkingFishreboot first21:05
BluesKajok , brb ...check steaks21:05
BarkingFishiirc that's the place you stick modules to get them to load on boot21:06
BluesKajBarkingFish, the module should automatically ist in modules.conf afaik21:08
alex_no luck21:09
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Talwini am connected by cable now21:09
Talwini would need to run those commands21:09
Talwinwhich i can do if you want me to21:09
BarkingFishOK, well could you do me a favour please? could you open the konsole up again, and type: /etc/modules.conf | pastebinit please?21:10
BluesKajhm, odd ...that module should load at startup21:10
BarkingFishi just want to see if the module is in your config to go in on boot :)21:10
Talwinno such file or directory21:10
BarkingFishthat's slightly wrong then21:11
BluesKaj /etc/modules21:11
Talwinneed to sudo that21:12
BarkingFishi have it in /etc/, BluesKaj21:12
Talwinand then command not found21:12
Talwinwhen i sudo /etc/modules21:12
Talwinthis is a brand new install..i only did it today.21:12
BluesKajkdesudo /etc/modules21:12
Talwinthat did something..no output though21:13
BarkingFishGot it then, Talwin :)21:13
BluesKajyeah same here...nothing21:13
Talwindialogue box popped up21:13
BarkingFishCould you (in konsole) type:  vim.tiny /etc/modules21:14
Talwinthen lots of tilde's21:14
Talwinlast line is "/etc/modules" [readonly] 6L, 198C21:15
BarkingFishok, type :q and hit enter21:15
BarkingFishthen type  sudo vim.tiny /etc/modules21:15
BarkingFishyou need root perms to edit it :)21:15
BarkingFishonce you're in, press the Insert or INS key on your keyboard, and use the cursor keys to move to the end of the line marked lp21:16
Talwinyep im there21:17
BarkingFishwhen you get there, press enter and type  b4321:17
BarkingFishwhich should come up on a new line21:17
BarkingFishdone that?21:17
BarkingFishok, now press Escape (ESC)21:18
BarkingFishand type  :wq  then hit enter21:18
Talwindone. back to normal terminal21:18
* BluesKaj has never use vim ..used vi a few times and nano lots of times , but not vim21:19
BarkingFishNow (assuming this is right), when you reboot, it should load the b43 module into the kernel when you next boot up21:19
Talwinok...so reboot!?21:19
BarkingFishBluesKaj, I'm more used to vim, it's easier for me to work with :)21:19
BarkingFishand Talwin - yep, if you wouldn't mind please :)21:19
BluesKajright BarkingFish ...fewer commands to save the file and exit21:19
BarkingFishPlus it doesn't allow to you mess the file up, if you try and quit without writing your changes, it warns you to override it before you go :)21:20
BarkingFishIf I change the file and just go :q, it says "No write since  your last change, type :!q to override21:20
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=== alex_____ is now known as Talwin
TalwinWell Sirs you are gentleman and scholars.21:23
Talwinworked! :)21:24
BarkingFishspot on21:24
BarkingFishAre you able to connect on startup now?21:24
Talwinthanks for all the help. did i do anything wrong out of interest?21:24
Talwinstupid kde wallet pops up but ill figure that out21:25
BarkingFishyeah, that's for the connection password21:25
BluesKajjust give the wallet blank pw and it won't bother you again21:25
BarkingFishnetwork manager by default tries to store your network passwords in a secure wallet21:26
Talwinthanks again for all your help!21:26
BarkingFishyou're most welcome21:26
BarkingFishcome back if you get screwed on anything, we're mostly always here :)21:26
BluesKajoh the wallet is actually useful21:26
Talwinits lateish here so im off to bed.21:26
Talwinhah, i bet i will21:26
Talwinsee you later21:26
BluesKajok g'nite21:26
BarkingFishk, i'm going to break off and try to get this camera working21:37
BarkingFishback in a bit21:37
BluesKajBBL ...dinner , then the news ..we have a local disaster .. car park crashed thru 2 floors in a mall21:44
BarkingFishOk, well the camera isn't working still. I've been through every color profile available, lowered the frame rate down as far as 5FPS, and all I get is either a very small portion of the picture (like maybe, the top 2 lines) and the rest of the output is gray.  It will not record at all, and VLC will not touch it with a bargepole23:03
BarkingFishFor those who may know about this stuff, it's a V4L2 setup, cam is 0ac8:0328 (Flexicam VM130) using the gspca_main module23:04
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