
gary_poster(bac out) benji frankban (gmb sprinting) https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/af560291cc6180166d05d115d54a449ab5dab277?authuser=1&hl=en-US12:08
frankbangary_poster or benji___ : could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/lpsetup/commands-unittests/+merge/112094 ?13:02
=== benji___ is now known as benji
benjifrankban: I can in a few minutes.13:04
frankbanthanks benji13:05
* benji wonders how his nick got to be "benji__", but enjoyed kicking the imposter "benji" off freenode anyway.13:05
bactarmac should be working now.  frankban please let it merge your MP after review.13:19
bacgary_poster: i'm back home but can't really see.  will go sit in a dark room for a little while13:19
frankbanok bac13:19
gary_posterok bac, relax13:19
bacgary_poster: good news though.  no visible problems. told me to go home and not come back for a year13:20
gary_posterexcellent, bac13:20
gary_posterbac, when you return, let's get those goals take care of in allhands14:22
gary_postergmb, when you see this, please let me know how allhands is going for you14:22
gmbgary_poster, Haven't tried today, will do so in the next half hour or so14:25
gary_postergreat gmb, thanks14:25
benjifrankban: I have commented on https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/lpsetup/commands-unittests/+merge/11209414:31
frankbanthanks benji: reading14:32
frankbanbenji: thanks for the comments, I will change the branch as you suggested. Only a question: how do you suggest to implement the get_arguments in the subcommand tests? Actually I am reusing arguments (e.g. test_install calls test_inithost.get_arguments)... so, class/static methods? Testcase subclasses?14:40
benjifrankban: I figured it would just be the body of the module-level get_arguments, but as a method instead.  Did I miss something?14:40
frankbanbenji: we can have TestCase.get_arguments(self), but then we should continue supporting the story of another testcase reusing the arguments returned by the first testcase (e.g. InstallTest.get_arguments(self) should call and extend Inithost.get_arguments(self)). If I am not wrong, we can 2 this in 2 ways (that I can think now): 1) having one testcase as a subclass of another (so, use super and then extend)14:46
frankban or 2) use class methods, so we can call AnotherTestCase.get_arguments()14:46
benjifrankban: ah, I think I see why you went with the original solution then.  I agree that leaving it as-is is best.14:47
frankbancool benji14:49
frankbanbenji: branch updated following your suggestions.15:11
benjicool; looking15:12
benjifrankban: looks great, approved15:13
frankbanthanks benji, I will approve the mp and wait for tarmac to do the rest.15:15
benjiI, for one, welcome our new branch-landing overlords.15:16
benjifrankban and gary_poster: I have the smoketest branch up for review at https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/lpsetup/bug-1017973-add-smoke-tests/+merge/11214115:23
frankbanbenji: looking15:23
frankbanhum...still waiting for tarmac...15:28
gary_posterbac, is tarmac alive?15:36
gary_posterI want to start adding the workaround to bug 1014916 and bug 1013921 to lpsetup.  I think it is kinda safe because Graham is out this week, and because I ought to be able to get people to help me if I slow down, and I think it ought to be fast.15:46
_mup_Bug #1014916: simultaneously started lucid containers pause while starting after the first seven <lxc (Ubuntu):Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1014916 >15:46
_mup_Bug #1013921: our zope.testing fork needs to emit subunit time immediately before test start and immediately before test completion <paralleltest> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1013921 >15:46
gary_posterIt goes against the rules...15:46
gary_posterI'm gonna do it, and ask Brad to work with me on it when he returns15:47
frankbangary_poster: cool. tarmac is not merging my branch, maybe this is because rhere wasn't a commit message at the time I approved it?15:47
gary_posterfrankban, maybe not.  I dunno.  Can I do anything to help?  You could try adding the commit message and then unapproving and then reapproving, maybe?15:48
frankbangary_poster: trying15:48
gary_posterfrankban, if that fails, merge manually.  we can iron out the wrinkles later when someone has access to the tarmac machine15:50
frankbangary_poster: yes, I will wait for 2 minutes and then merge manually15:51
gary_posterok cool15:51
frankbangary_poster: maybe I should have asked this before: when I review lpsetup branches, should I follow the usual steps for a mentored reviewer (i.e. request Raphael review)15:54
gary_posterfrankban, um.  :-D  Can I pretend you didn't ask me that? ;-)  The thought had quietly occurred to me before, and I thought that it would be nicer and easier and quite reasonable if we did not go through the mentoring for this project.  That said...15:55
gary_posterI suspect the proper thing to do is to go through the mentoring process.15:56
gary_posterIf I pretended the question didn't exist then I didn't have to do the proper thing :-P15:56
gary_posterI know!  Let's ask Brad when he returns.  he's the reviewer god.  or was, once.15:57
gary_posterSo meanwhile frankban, continue reviewing lpsetup without mentor.  We'll ask Brad for his judgement later.15:57
frankbanhum... ok gary_poster, and we could still forget to ask him...15:59
gary_posterfrankban, what was that?  did you say something?  Were we talking about something?16:00
frankbanabout the weather I guess...16:01
frankbanand tarmac merge my branch.16:02
gary_poster:-) cool16:03
frankbanbenji: approved,  I've added just a comment.16:07
frankbangary_poster: I am looking at the card "rename validators to handlers". we already have a handle() method in the subcommands that can generate confusion, do you agree in also renaming handle() to run()?16:21
gary_posterfrankban, lemme look at code, one sec16:21
gary_posterfrankban, so handle->run and handler->runner?16:23
gary_poster(in argparser)16:24
frankbanno, handle -> run, validate -> handle_namespace (or similar), handler remains handler16:24
frankbanand, validators -> handlers16:25
gary_posterok, trying to get my head around that16:25
gary_posterright, ok.  So handlers.py contains (validators -> ) handlers...and16:27
frankbangary_poster: currently the handlers are called validators in argparse: we have a validators class attribute, a get_validators() method, a validate method that actually runs the handlers. we should rename all these attrs and methods.16:27
gary_posterright, validate becomes handle_namespace or prepare_namespace, and is fir handler in self.get_handlers(namespace): try: handler(namespace); except ValidationError as err: parser.error(err)16:29
gary_poster(IOW, ValidationError remains, and handlers raise it)16:29
frankbanI was suggesting to rename handle() to run() to avoid confusion, because handle() does a different thing: it runs the steps.16:30
gary_posterfrankban, right, I agree with that, but then why should handler (in register_subcommand and BaseSubCommand) remain handler?  It is either the "run" method or something else designed to run the subcommand's steps, right?  Calling that a handler seems another very similar confusion16:32
gary_posterBaseSubCommand.__init__ in particular, I mean16:33
gary_posterI don't love "runner"16:33
gary_posterbut I like it better in that context than "handler" I think16:33
frankbangary_poster: ah! I see, yes... what about "callback"?16:34
gary_posterfrankban, I like that, yeah16:35
gary_posterfrankban, and all the rest you said makes sense to me now too, fwiw, so +116:35
* benji returns from lunch and looks at the MP review.16:39
benjiLaura Czajkowski's change of the smoke test bug importance from Undecided to High confuses me.  Was that a bot, perhaps?16:51
gary_posterbenji, no, she is responsible for triaging, just as we were when we had community rotation or whatever it was called.  We are not allowed to have untriaged bugs in the LP project and lpsetup is an LP project.16:54
gary_poster"high" is the correct triage in fact: it is not critical, but we intend to do it now.16:55
benjiah, that makes sense16:55
gary_postercorrect at least according to our LP definitions of course16:55
benjiyeah, my main confusion was to why she was doing anything, but since it is part of LP, it makes sense16:55
benjiconfusion relieved, tragedy averted16:56
gary_posterfrankban, are you quitting now?  I have a question for you but I don't want to keep you16:58
frankbangary_poster: no problem, please ask16:59
gary_posterok thanks.  So, I want to add a --lxc option to inithost.  When you use that option, it will run a separate step that installs things specific to the host only if it is an lxc container.  (Then lxcinstall will include that option.)  I intend to do this by adding an lxc step, and then adding an lxc argument and then adding a call_lxc that only calls the step if the argument is included17:02
gary_posterwhat do you think of that?17:02
gary_posterfrankban, ^^17:02
gary_posterI'll be right back17:03
frankbangary_poster: I think it's right. FWIW I've used the dynamic dispatcher in the same way for create_scripts in lxcinstall17:05
gary_posterfrankban, ok cool thank you!17:07
frankbanwelcome, have a nice evening!17:08
gary_posteryou too :-)17:10
benjiwell, that was fun.  I had to restart my machine to get networking to work again17:24
bachi gary_poster, i'm looking at your suggestion about piotr's method.  i don't really see that it buys that much and adds an unexpected command line option.  i'd vote for not doing it.17:44
gary_posterhey bac17:44
bacand you've got to remove it from sys.argv before calling setup() or it gets angry17:45
gary_posterbac, what it buys, apparently, is that you can use the system's setuptools if it is installed17:45
gary_posteras it usually is17:45
gary_posteron Ubuntu17:45
gary_poster(where setuptools == distribute)17:46
gary_posterso, isn't that something of value?  Note that another way to approach this is to run screaming to barry, who IME will make you feel better at the very least, even if there aren't any options ATM.  He write that email not very long ago though17:47
gary_posteraren't any good/approved/official options, I should say17:47
gary_posterhe's probably doing something reasonable for his flufl things17:48
gary_posterlet's see...17:48
gary_posterbac, :-/ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~barry/flufl.i18n/devel/view/head:/setup.py17:49
bacso your point being barry has punted like us mortals?17:50
gary_posterbac, precisely17:50
benjibac: are we in all tarmac, all the time land now?  In other words, do I have to manually land my lpsetup branch or will tarmac do it for me?18:08
bacbenji: don't land.  i have it running as a cron job but am having some problems with gpg-agent18:08
bacbenji: either it will land via the cronjob or i'll do it by manually running tarmac18:08
* benji laments that his beeper still needs AC power to work18:16
* gary_poster goes to have lunch, a bit late.18:20
benjiI really like having tarmac.  It has already saved me from comitting with failing tests.18:35
bacbenji: yeah, i saw that.  cool.  yours is committed now.19:04
bacbenji: distribute_setup.py is dirty too19:14
benjiIs that distribute's version of ez_setup.py?  Do we need either of them?19:15
gary_posterbenji, yes; and it depends.  I added a "pain" topic for bac to talk about the packaging annoyances on Friday.19:24
bacbenji: hey, tarmac makes me look busy:  https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/lpsetup/bug-1017973-add-smoke-tests/+merge/11214119:31
* bac needs to make a new LP user for tarmac19:31
* bac ponders --swedish-chef option for tarmac19:31
bacgary_poster: it is time for me to switch to a 'bot user in LP for tarmac to use.  can you think of an appropriate one to re-use or just create 'yellow-tarmac', 'yellow-robot', etc?20:00
bacactually it should not be yellow-specific, of course20:00
gary_posterbac, lp-tarmac?20:03
gary_posterbac, I wonder who diogo is using20:03
gary_posteron call with flacoste20:04
bacwere he not off stuffing his face with crepes and red wine i would ask him.  (diogo, not francis)20:04
* bac </jealous>20:04
bacok, i'll suffer with my user id until tomorrow20:05
bacgary_poster: damn homonyms21:07
* bac intrigued that "skillz" got by your spellchecker21:08
gary_posterskillz seemed humorous21:09
gary_postervain seemed unintentional21:09
bacyes, quite.21:15
baci remember in grade school the teacher was talking about homonyms.  she had the hardest time convincing us that "pin" and "pen" were not pronounced the same.21:15

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