
jtvhi bigjools04:57
bigjoolsjtv: ok so I have a concern about that branch04:57
bigjoolsthere are multiple places that join the fixed string "maas" to the end of TFTPROOT04:58
jtvGo on04:59
bigjoolsit should be encapsulated04:59
jtvWell that's the work I was already doing when I recognized this need for a separate branch.  Chicken and egg.  :)05:00
bigjoolswhat are you changing then?05:00
bigjoolsin the other branch I mean05:00
jtvSingle module for constructing TFTP paths.05:01
jtvSo all the TFTP/PXE path construction (in both shell and python) will use that instead.05:02
jtvBut I opted against taking shortcuts by doing both at once… only leads to mistakes.05:03
jtvAh.  Thanks.05:06
bigjoolsde nada05:06
jtvThis is where Zaphod Beeblebrox might say “Oh?  Well forget it then.”05:07
bigjoolsthat's so depressing05:09
jtvWell he wasn't a nice guy.05:10
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
jtvDaviey: I wonder if you could have a look at the maas-import-pxe-files script… I'd love to know if the /var/lib/tftpboot/<arch>/<subarch>/pxelinux.cfg/default file it generates are at least slightly sane.  We're not activating those yet, but we will at some point.10:29
Davieyjtv: One thing i'd /really/ like to do soon.. is just try it on real hardware :)10:34
Davieyroaksoax: Do you have flexibility to try this on the Lenovo lab this week?10:35
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jtv1rvba: done with your review — few more notes.  And with that, I have to run!11:11
jtv1nn people11:11
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cheez0rDaviey: let me know if you have a couple of minutes to chat; I'm trying to be sure I grok the openstack/juju/maas stack as well as I believe I do and would like confirmation.13:03
Davieycheez0r: I am on a call now, but maybe someone else can help in the interim13:05
cheez0rNo rush at all- I just want to pick your brain for about five minutes.13:05
rvbaHi roaksoax, just a heads up: I've just landed support for loading raphaelJS from the package.  We will simply need to tweak the settings RAPHAELJS_LOCATION (similar to YUI_LOCATION) to point to where the files will be located.13:39
czajkowskihave folks seen the two mails come into contact maas maintainers team page.13:59
czajkowskijust a heads up in case it's gone into a folder and not seen13:59
allenapczajkowski: I'm replying to Max right now; want me to CC you?14:06
czajkowskiallenap: no tis grand just wondered did people see the mails14:09
czajkowskithe other one is Questions on Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS from Tomas14:09
allenapczajkowski: I didn't reply to that. I sense that you're itching to do it though.14:12
czajkowskiI find the posts interesting14:13
czajkowskinot sur eI can answer them but sometimes people dont see the contact me mails so I am just trying to highlight them14:14
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allenapczajkowski: I cannae edit that docs doc.16:13
czajkowskiallenap: try now please16:14
allenapczajkowski: Cool, works, ta.16:15
czajkowskiallenap: great, one way to check people read my mails :p16:16
roaksoaxDaviey: sorry internet connection just got back16:17
roaksoaxDaviey: and yes, what lenovo lab?16:17
Davieyroaksoax: The lab we brought up last cycle?16:18
Davieyunder pgraner16:18
roaksoaxDaviey: ah sure!16:19
allenapczajkowski: For even more evil: misspell everyone's names in the doc and don't grant edit.16:19
roaksoaxDaviey: i didn'tknow that was the lenovo lab :)16:19
czajkowskiallenap: eh no I kinda want people to edit it :)16:19
roaksoaxDaviey: but yet, where do I get the credentials16:20
Davieyroaksoax: didn't you already have access?16:20
allenapczajkowski: But they'll have to ask you for edit, so you can check that *everyone* has read your message and acted on it. Who can resist not correcting their own name? Actually, I know of one person...16:21
roaksoaxDaviey: the only two labs I had access two were the UEC one and the one jamespage uses16:22
czajkowskiallenap: lol16:22
Davieyroaksoax: Hmm16:23
Davieyroaksoax: can you request access through the QA team?16:23
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=== hazmat_mk2 is now known as jamespage
roaksoaxDaviey: sure, will do16:25
roaksoaxDaviey: i think I can even use canonistack to test the script16:41
Davieyroaksoax: script ?16:44
roaksoaxDaviey: maas-import-pxe-files16:44
burnbrighterwhen using the mass shell to try to delete the admin node, I am seeing18:34
burnbrighterNodeStateViolation: Cannot delete node node-e7924f74-bcbd-11e1-a4fe-000c295c2531: node is in state Allocated.18:34
burnbrighterhow can I delete the admin node when the interface won't let me18:34
burnbrighterOk, well, it appears half deleted.  I can no longer edit the node from the interface, but it is still in the interface18:38
burnbrighterCan anyone help me with the commands to delete ghost entries in the interface?20:03
burnbrighterI'm guess it should be able to be done via the maas shell20:03
cheez0rtrying to delete nodes from MaaS?20:11
cheez0rhang on, I think I have that here somewhere20:11
cheez0rsudo maas shell20:13
cheez0r> from maasserver.models import Node20:13
cheez0r> node = Node.objects.get(hostname='myhostname')20:13
cheez0r> node.delete()20:13
burnbrighter>>> node = Node.objects.get(hostname='maas02')20:23
burnbrighter>>> node.delete()20:23
burnbrighterTraceback (most recent call last):20:23
burnbrighter  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>20:23
burnbrighter  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/maasserver/models.py", line 636, in delete20:23
burnbrighter    % (self.system_id, NODE_STATUS_CHOICES_DICT[self.status]))20:23
burnbrighterNodeStateViolation: Cannot delete node node-e7924f74-bcbd-11e1-a4fe-000c295c2531: node is in state Allocated.20:23
cheez0roh, they can't be allocated.21:03
cheez0ryou have to terminate-machine from juju first.21:03
burnbrighterhow do you terminate the machine from juju?21:13
burnbrighterok, juju destroy-environment21:22
burnbrighterweee, that did it21:23
roaksoaxflacoste: is rvba the only one working on the celery stuff?21:45
flacosteroaksoax: no, allenap and bigjools also participated23:30

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