
ShapeShifter499so I have an iPhone.....  I can't chroot ubuntu arm on it can I?06:04
ShapeShifter499it's jailbroken06:04
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: as it isn't running a linux kernel, you certainly can't chroot.06:09
ShapeShifter499I blame folks om #idroid-dev   they seemed to act like it would be possible, never told me chroot didn't run the linux kernel in its own space....  I had to research to find that out06:11
ShapeShifter499LetoThe2nd, Chroot is basically the sandbox that has to be jailbroken on iOS right?06:11
ShapeShifter499to achive a jailbroken  device06:11
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: no. there's no one to blame for you.06:11
ShapeShifter499LetoThe2nd, I would have to recompile everything06:12
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: chroot is exatly what the name says: it gives th existing session a new root filesystem.06:12
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: hence, of course the existing session already has to be a linux one.06:12
lilstevieidroid-dev would get the idea that it would work, cause idroid is all about running android on the iPhone06:12
lilsteviethus having a linux kernel06:12
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: besides the fact that ubuntu only supports cortex-a8 devices and upwards.06:13
LetoThe2ndlilstevie: but thats not chrooting.06:13
lilstevieLetoThe2nd: but you could chroot from idroid06:13
lilstevieLetoThe2nd: from their perspective it can be06:14
LetoThe2ndlilstevie: sure, if its already running some linux derivative it *might* be doable with hoops and jumps. but not from ios.06:14
lilstevieI know most of the idroid guys, they would have assumed he meant from within idroid06:14
LetoThe2ndlilstevie: probably.06:15
ShapeShifter499well I made sure they knew I had a iPhone 4s, a uncompletely unsupported device06:16
ShapeShifter499anyways I have to remake, recompile, and edit everything to get ubuntu stuff to chroot on a iphone right?06:16
ShapeShifter499* I would have to06:16
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: sorry, but if you run into them and say "can i chroot" like here, then they probably assume that you know what you are talking about. and that you are not unaware of the basics like that its *not* a full virtualization etc.06:17
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: no.06:17
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: just pressing some recompile button does not make things work automagically.06:17
ShapeShifter499"remake, recompile, and edit"   I know recompiling everything wouldn't work now06:18
ShapeShifter499some of it could though right?06:18
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: plus, ubuntu is not recompiled easily for new architectures (don't know what the iphone runs besides fancy buzzwords.)06:18
ShapeShifter499LetoThe2nd, it runs arm stuff06:18
ShapeShifter499I know that for sure06:19
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: great. thats about as precise like telling me that *most* cars tend to have an engine.06:19
ShapeShifter499I think armv706:19
ShapeShifter499LetoThe2nd, well that's pretty much all I'm sure of now06:20
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: if its fully armv7-compatible, you *might* get away with *only* make somehow run the linux kernel, be it native or inside some virtualization.06:20
lilstevieLetoThe2nd: it is armv706:21
LetoThe2ndlilstevie: ok. like i said, i'm not particularly interested in hardware with old, bitten fruit on it.06:21
lilsteviewell anyway, it wouldn't be easy06:23
LetoThe2ndcertainly not, thats for sure.06:23
ShapeShifter499well at the beginning I had a idea, run ubuntu on a iPhone and I feel kind of stupid.... I took a head first tackle at the idea without fully understanding what I was attempting06:25
LetoThe2ndShapeShifter499: hehe, there's nothing bad about having ideas and starting them head first. but like i said, if you do that, in most cases there's noone for you to blame if things dont work out. thats the risk of that procedure :)06:28
lilstevieShapeShifter499: I had the same idea a few years ago06:37
lilsteviewhen openiboot first started06:37
lilsteviebut ubuntu, even the armv6 version was just too heavy for the 3G06:38
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, someone did create a working x11 window manager, does that mean I could recompile some of the linux apps I wanted to run?06:48
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, compile from source code06:48
lilstevieShapeShifter499: kind of06:49
lilstevieit is a bit more involved than that06:49
lilsteviethe X11 libs cydia offers are only libs06:49
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, its called windowmaker, some lightweight window manager like gnome06:50
lilsteviehm not heard of it06:51
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, http://ihackmyi.com/topic/100323-so-who-wanted-window-maker/06:52
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, its found on the ininja repo   ininja.com/repo06:52
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, I mean ininjas.com/repo06:52
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, I just found it and I'm about to install it06:53
ShapeShifter499I have to use a client like issh which views x11 sessions06:54
ShapeShifter499lilstevie, well I guess it's more like xfce06:56
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janimomarvin24, is your 3.1 kernel no longer based on chromeos ?11:28
marvin24janimo: no11:28
* ogra_ thought it was11:28
marvin24never was11:28
marvin24based on nvidia downstream11:28
marvin243.0 was based on chromeos11:28
janimomarvin24, huh? I thought it was based on chrome kernels before, as it had a lot of chrome specific patche sno?11:28
janimoah by never was you mean 3.1 not any of your kernels :)11:29
janimogood, I assume nvidia's is much closer to mainline11:29
marvin24the nvidia kernel is more android'isch11:29
marvin24janimo: in no way11:29
janimoah, forgot that indeed11:29
janimoalthough they have at least branches which do not have android in their names11:30
marvin243.1 has about 6000 patches11:30
janimoI though they have some more vanilla patches too11:30
marvin24while 3.0 "only" 60011:30
marvin24or so11:30
marvin24the main problem is also that 3.1 is not maintained upstream (while 3.0 and 3.2 is)11:30
marvin243.1.10 was the latest release11:30
marvin24the difference to the "real" android kernel is minimal only11:31
marvin24(I guess just some android specific drivers)11:31
angsHi, I have beagleboard-xM rev C. where can I find the officially supported ubuntu image for it?11:52
angsis it http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu ?11:52
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ogra_angs, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAP12:01
ogra_the elinux images are built by a community member, not related to the official ones12:01
angsogra_: thank you for the link and information.12:03
angsI am new to embedded boards. Do I Texas Instruments OMAP3 (Hard-Float) preinstalled desktop image or OMAP4 image for beagleboard-xM rev C?12:12
ogra_the beagleboard has an omap3 chip12:13
angsOn the system manual it says DM3730 processor for beagleboard-xM.12:14
ogra_yes, thats an omap3 variant12:14
angsok good, I was doubting if it is different12:15
angsthank you :)12:15
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angsI followed the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapDesktopInstall to install the http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap.img.gz to beagleboard-xM, here is the command and its output http://paste.ubuntu.com/1060786/ , I can not find the beagleboard on the net (I tried all IPs ssh root@.../ nmap). Also, I can not connect to the board by screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200 and USB0/2/3/4/..14:06
angswhen I power the beagleboard, no user led is blinking. did I miss something on the installation command?14:06
angsthe sumcheck of the image that I downloaded is correct14:08
ogra_you dont have a monitor attached ?14:09
ogra_ah, then use the server image14:09
ogra_the desktop image runs all of the installer on the display14:09
ogra_server runs it on serial14:09
angsah ok, thank you14:09
ogra_server only installs a minimal filesystem, but also offers you to install the ubuntu-desktop if you want14:10
angsis there any difference between them in terms of reliability and performance?14:11
ogra_nope, they use the same packages and the same installer14:11
ogra_just different installer setups14:12
angsI ordered the video cable and will have it couple days. how can I upgrade the server version to the desktop environment?14:12
angsis there any instruction for it, or should I just load the new image for the ubuntu-desktop?14:15
tedgHey ogra_, I'd like to be able to run a ARM VM on my system.  Is there a way to do that?  If so, which image should I download to do it?14:42
janimoogra_, do the new ac100 images work with the 3.1 kernel and tegra armhf drivers?14:47
satellitFYI  I have a TrimSlicePRO running KDE Desktop from a SDXC Card...15:01
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RoyKus armel == armv7l?15:37
GrueMasterRoyK: Yes.  It is armv7 w/o hard float.15:38
RoyK'soft float' being software fpu emulation in kernel?15:40
GrueMasterIn all apps.  The kernel is actually fairly benign in this.15:50
RoyKso it's just a lib?15:51
GrueMasterNo, it is a compiler setting.  Granted, some apps won't take advantage of the hard float, but apps that do use floating point are built to either use soft float, or hard float at build time.15:53
GrueMasterSo, libraries, and apps are all affected by this.15:53
angs TFTP Server link on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Server/Install?action=show&redirect=ARM%2FOMAPHeadlessInstall is broken15:56
angsthe link address https://wiki.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot, should it be https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot ?16:00
GrueMasterWouldn't be a first time someone broke the wiki links for arm.16:13
angsI am trying to install omap3 server image to beagleboard-xM. what am I doing wrong with that command "sudo sh -c 'zcat ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-server-armhf+omap.img.gz > /dev/mmcblk0' "?16:18
GrueMasterNothing.  Looks fine to me.  What are you seeing?16:19
angsit does not show any output16:19
GrueMastermahmoh: You need to fix the links on the above wiki.16:19
angswhen I power the beagleboard, no user led is blinking and it is not on the network.16:20
GrueMasterangs: are you looking at the serial console or a monitor?  The headless server images are only going to give output through the serial console.16:20
angsMoreover, screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200 does not work16:20
GrueMasterFirst, is ttyUSB1 the correct usb serial port?  ttyUSB0 is the default (unless you have more than one usb serial cable).16:21
angsI inserted the SD card then loaded on my main computer. Then I inserted the SD card into the beagleboard16:21
jhobbscheck stty -f /dev/ttyUSB116:21
jhobbs-F too16:22
angsstty: /dev/ttyUSB4: No such file or directory > shows the same output for USB0/1/2/3/416:23
jhobbsdid you do -F16:23
angsam I loading the wrong image? I use http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-server-armhf+omap.img.gz16:23
angsyes, I did -F16:24
GrueMasterangs: Unplug your usb serial cable, run "sudo dmesg -c", then plug it in and type dmesg to see what it gets assigned to.16:24
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GrueMasterThe image should be ok.  Let's get your serial port working first.16:24
mahmohGrueMaster: which link and where's it linked from?16:24
GrueMastermahmoh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Server/Install?action=show&redirect=ARM%2FOMAPHeadlessInstall16:25
GrueMasterTHe tftp boot links are broken.16:25
angsdmesg -c: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061019/16:25
GrueMaster(read backscroll)16:25
angssome usb errors :S16:25
GrueMasterYes, I see that.  what do you get when you plug in the usb-serial cable?16:27
angsit is very weird that it does not show anything now16:28
angsit does not give any output16:28
angsI am using ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop, I installed it recently16:28
GrueMasterDid you unplug and plug in the serial cable?16:28
GrueMasterYou may have a bad/unsupported (rare) usb serial cable.16:29
angsthis is what I get now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061024/16:29
angsmaybe something wrong with my pc, dmesg has been just working, now it does not output16:30
GrueMaster"dmesg -c" just clears the dmesg log.16:30
angsah ok:)16:30
GrueMasterBut it should show the usb device if you unplug it and then plug it back in to the pc.  It doesn't need to be connected to the beagle for this.16:31
mahmohGrueMaster: angs: fixed the ftp server links, thx16:31
angsmahmoh: thank you16:32
angsI plugged the usb cable, dmesg does not show anything http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061027/16:32
angsthe beagleboard is powered, no user led blinks16:33
GrueMasterIgnore the beagle for the moment.  When you plug the usb-serial cable into your laptop, it should show up.  Try a different usb port.16:34
angsafter I unplug the cable to try different usb port, it showed [17940.266066] usb 2-1.5: USB disconnect, device number 1616:35
angsI am plugging the cable into other usb ports, but it does not show any another output16:36
GrueMasterVery strainge.  Try rebooting your laptop.  Something may have corrupted the usb stack.  Unplug the usb-serial cable first.16:37
angsI plugged my other board ( beaglebone) dmesg shows output [18107.156334] hub 2-1:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 516:37
angs[18107.511649] hub 2-1:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 516:37
angsbut it does not output for beagleboard16:37
angsI will reboot the laptop16:39
angsthank you16:39
angsI guess it is obvious that I did something wrong in the process of loading the ubuntu image16:44
angsdmesg did not show anything for the board that I loaded ubuntu image. However, when I plug a new beagleboard that has the default OS and settings, it shows http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061044/16:45
angsI don't know why I have error for my usb port16:46
GrueMasterWait, what?  Are you using a usb to mini-usb to plug into your beagle?  Not sure if that will work for serial console.16:50
angsYes, I am using usb to mini usb cable.  sorry that I am new to embedded boards.16:52
angscan't I load the ubuntu image without need of serial console? I do not have serial cable for it16:53
angsI only have have usb-to-mini usb and ethernet cable16:53
GrueMasterSigh.  Yes, you need a usb->serial cable.16:54
GrueMasterThe omap image is set to output to ttyO2, which is the external serial port on the beagleboard.  Using the mini-usb port is untested/unsupported.16:57
angsI will try to find the cable. Is there any image file that I can just load it to the SD card then I can immediately use as I power the beagleboard?16:59
GrueMasterThe desktop image, but it will require a keyboard, mouse and monitor on the beagleboard.17:01
GrueMasterIt should give you a nearly identical image as you are using on your laptop.17:02
angsI ordered the video cable for the beagleboard. Then I will try to install the ubuntu when I have the cable. Thank you very much GrueMaster for your help17:04
GrueMasterNo problem.  Good luck.17:06
angsthank you17:09
RoyKangs: guess it'll work just as my pandaboard17:12
angsdo you mean the image file?17:14
RoyKI just dd'ed the image to the ssd and the installer did the rest17:17
RoyKthe 11.10 installation restarted after it was finished, and there was a package I had to remove to finish it off (can't remember the name atm)17:18
marvin24_DTogra_: some guy from nv seems to think the plymouth problem could be related to wrong permissions18:09
marvin24_DTI'm not sure what he means with "rootfs is not owned by root"18:10
infinitymarvin24_DT: Our installer kinda runs as root, and it also reformats the target partition, so I'm not sure how that could relate for us.18:18
infinitymarvin24_DT: (It's also a weird failure mode for the guy running from SD, mind you)18:18
marvin24_DTwell, I installed it on a SD ...18:23
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marvin24_DTinfinity: but you are right, installer runs a root18:23
marvin24_DTso it cannot be such a problem18:23

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