
robert_ancellRAOF, this is a MIR bug 101615800:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 1016158 in libgusb "[MIR] libgusb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101615800:02
RAOFYeah, saw that.00:02
brycehRAOF, hey if you have a few minutes could you pump through the xdiagnose SRU?  Both bugs it fixes got validated-none.00:27
brycehRAOF, one of the fixes is to turn off the gpu hang apport hook.  Apparently it's still been firing off, even though apport is disabled.00:27
RAOFbryceh: Hm. xdiagnose hasn't been in there for the standard 7 days; are the changes are low-risk, so pushing it out a little prematurely reasonable.00:39
brycehRAOF, hasn't it?  the date on the changelog is the 15th.  when did I upload it...?00:57
RAOFIt got accepted 6 days ago, according to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html00:58
brycehah, so one day shy00:58
brycehok, yeah seemed like it's been about a week.00:58
brycehbut yes, the changes are low risk.  it only affects the bug filing logic, so even if everything exploded it's just going to affect bug reporting00:59
brycehRAOF, of course, no harm in letting it sit one more day if that's the required process.01:01
RAOFDoesn't xdiagnose also include failsafe-x?01:02
brycehRAOF, it does01:02
RAOFIn unlikely scenarios that could blow up pretty badly. ☺01:02
brycehnone of the changes actually alter any of that code path, but yeah that's there too01:03
jbichahmm, a gnome-menus transition, that'll be fun :/01:34
pittiGood morning03:40
TheMusoMorning pitti.03:56
robert_ancellRAOF, so, what's the chance we can get these pandaboards to composite?05:05
RAOFrobert_ancell: High; they've got GLES drivers, right?05:09
RAOFUnless the question is ‘what's the chance we can run the system compositor on them’ in which case... I *think* there's an open driver in the works.05:09
robert_ancellthat was the question05:09
RAOFFailing anything else, I believe a software-rendered compositor would be possible now. That's not exactly awesome, though.05:11
robert_ancellRAOF, that would actually be fine05:11
RAOFI'll give it a whirl once I've set it up properly.05:14
TheMusoIts probably worth grabbing a USB hard drive, netboot installing using the alternate installer onto the USB drive, and using the board that way. Less thrashing of an SD card, and a little snappier.05:28
TheMusoYou still need an SD card to boot, but once booted, the USB drive does the rest.05:29
TheMusoAnd jockey offers to install the pvr-omap package.05:29
TheMusojbicha: Gnome shell will be depwait atm, at-spi2-atk is still in binary new.05:30
TheMusoMine is currently running precise, only because for some reason the quantal kernel didn't boot, but I might have done things incorrectly with the SD card. WIll try again later.05:36
RAOFOh, it doesn't boot from USB?05:36
pittiRAOF: no, I learned that the hard way last week, too05:37
TheMusoI think you can get it to boot via the USB port on the side, i.e so the board is a USB client, but not with a USB host port no.05:38
pittiI bought an 8 GB SD card on the weekend05:38
RAOFOk, SD card time.05:38
pittiyou can put the main file system on an USB drive, but you still need a small SD card for early uboot stuff05:38
TheMusopitti: Yeah, thats what I did, as above.05:38
TheMusoTHings actually perform acceptabbly from a USB drive, and plain suck from SD card only.05:39
TheMusoNot to mention killing the SD card.05:39
didrocksgood morning06:09
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pittibonjour didrocks06:54
didrocksguten morgen pitti06:55
didrocksgreyback: hey, are you around?07:35
greybackdidrocks: yep07:36
didrocksgreyback: did you get a change to look at the stacktrace I gave to youN?07:36
greybackdidrocks: not really tbh, was at conference last week.07:36
greybackdidrocks: I should be able to give it some time later this evening07:37
didrocksgreyback: excellent, thanks!07:38
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Laneyslomo: look at libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstcoreelements.la libgstcoreindexers.la http://paste.debian.net/176353/07:47
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slomoLaney: ah those, a patch to just remove them would be good ;)07:47
slomoLaney: they're completely unneeded07:47
Laneyyep, that's what I linked you to yesterday07:48
slomoLaney: i mean, remove the files, not just clear dependency_libs07:48
Laneyoh, well if you're sure nothing depends on them07:49
Laneyjust a find -name *.la -delete in rules then :P07:49
RAOFThere should be a dh helper for that :)07:50
didrockssalut seb12808:02
didrocksseb128: meeting reminder day!08:02
seb128lut didrocks, en forme ?08:02
seb128didrocks, oh, right, thanks!08:02
didrocksyw ;)08:02
didrocksça va, et toi?08:02
seb128ca va nickel ;-)08:04
Laneycan someone give-back https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-font-viewer/3.5.3-0ubuntu1/+build/3605498 please? :-)08:04
didrocksLaney: done08:07
Laneythanking you08:08
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:35
RAOFHey chrisccoulson!08:35
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF, how are you?08:35
RAOFI'm pretty good.08:36
seb128hey chrisccoulson, RAOF, how are you?08:37
chrisccoulsonhi seb12808:37
RAOFHey seb128!08:37
chrisccoulsoni'm good thanks, how are you?08:37
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seb128chrisccoulson, I'm good thanks08:37
seb128RAOF, I've a graph for you, tell me what you think about it :p08:37
seb128RAOF, http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-quantal/u/raof.html ;-)08:37
seb128RAOF, (don't worry you are not the only one in that case, but the result is that the team trend is similar to yours, which we need to fix ;-)08:38
seb128RAOF, though to be fair you seem to have collected all those lcms items that shouldn't be there08:39
RAOFAgain?!  Bah :)08:39
seb128I will try to make them go away08:39
seb128RAOF, I unset the assigned of the color management spec, let's see how that goes08:40
seb128RAOF, is the work on libxrandr-utils still going on? bryceh and you have a fair share of items for that on the list08:40
RAOFIt's kindof burning slowly.08:41
RAOFI need to rush off; I'll be back on later if you want to keep talking :)08:41
seb128RAOF, no, that's fine, I guess I just wanted to say "please make sure you update you work items when some are done" ;-)08:42
seb128RAOF, have a nice evening08:42
seb128chrisccoulson, ** No longer affects: firefox (Ubuntu)08:42
seb128chrisccoulson, you got annoyed by the spamming as well ;-)08:42
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah :(08:42
seb128I will do the same08:43
chrisccoulsoni hate bugs with a bazillion tasks, when you get bug mail for months after fixing your own bits08:43
seb128I tried to argue with pitti and others before without success08:43
seb128chrisccoulson, yeah, same here08:43
pittihey seb12808:43
seb128pitti, hey ;-) wie gehts?08:43
pittiseb128: gut, danke!08:43
pittiseb128: I'm currently working on dropping the "|| true" on the glib and GTK "make check" calls; they make me weep through the night :)08:44
pittiany objection? Seems we mostly inherited them from Debian08:44
pittiglib works perfectly for us, on Debian there are just two failures08:44
seb128pitti, no objection, I think they were mostly added for non common archs in debian08:45
pittichrisccoulson: you could just have muted yourself from the bug instead of removing the affected packages..08:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - ooh, i'd totally forgotten about that feature08:46
seb128chrisccoulson, pitti, though that's only moving the issue to the next subscriber to the source08:46
seb128I've dropped the desktopish lines from done items as well08:46
seb128pitti, did you check the logs to see if any of the gtk,glib testsuit got any failure in the recent cycles?08:47
pittiseb128: I checked the logs of the current upload08:47
seb128pitti, I didn't realize we were still doing || true, I got so used to the glib one failing the builds because it was locking until the build was getting killed :p08:47
pittiseb128: right, but || true doesn't help with the locking anyway :)08:48
seb128indeed ;-)08:48
pittiand now that we have newer buildds it should not happen in the first place08:48
seb128that and chrisccoulson and desrt fixed the buggy glib test in precise08:48
seb128we need new buggy tests08:49
seb128chrisccoulson, you like debugging those right? ;-)08:49
Laneyslomo: do you have packaging repos for gstreamer? or do you want a debdiff?08:57
slomoLaney: git.debian.org but a debdiff is fine too09:05
Laneymaybe I'll add you some Vcs headers while I'm there :P09:06
seb128Laney, speaking about gstreamer, do you have a CD drive? ;-)09:52
didrocksalf_: ogra_: so, building unity on armel with the compiz opengl is still an issue10:00
* didrocks looks10:00
didrocksnuxgraphics still try to use the opengles path10:01
didrocksah, got the guilty instruction10:02
ogra_well, feel free to disable *all* plugins if you like :)10:05
ogra_all we need is a dummy package that fulfills the deps to build images10:05
alf_didrocks: ogra_: I am not sure how well this will work. I think they are going to be API mismatches between unity-gl (i.e. unpatched) and compiz-gles2 (patched)10:05
ogra_alf_, we dont have any GLES drivers atm ...10:05
ogra_it doesnt need to work10:05
didrocksogra_: right, but still, upstream not meeting their commitment is making distro loosing days of work :/10:06
ogra_but we cant build alpha2 images if the dependencies cant be fulfilled10:06
ogra_didrocks, yes10:06
* ogra_ cant do much here ... neither can you i suppose10:06
alf_didrocks: ogra_: I am referring to build-time problems, unfortunately10:07
ogra_oh, you mean unity would ftbfs on top of an empty compiz build ?10:07
didrocksogra_: yep ;)10:08
ogra_(or s/empty/old/10:08
didrockslet's see10:08
didrocksit's currently building10:08
* ogra_ crosses fingers10:08
Laneyseb128: yeah, but not any cds atm10:11
seb128Laney, not even music ones?10:12
ogra_didrocks, did you plan to have that version in the A2 images btw ?10:12
didrocksogra_: well, at least in -proposed10:13
didrocksogra_: if it's in, great, otherwise, will be post A210:13
ogra_well, if the image builds break for a few days right after A2 i'm not muchly worried i must say10:13
ogra_but we only had one arm image for A1 so i need to make sure to get the ducks in a row here ... read: A2 is essential for arm10:14
ogra_if it can stay in proposed and we get a new reliable commitment from upstream thats not to far in the future, i wouldnt mind the breakage10:15
ogra_did anyone tell you when thy plan to be done ?10:15
didrocksogra_: I'm trying to get the plan for weeks already10:17
didrockswas supposed alpha110:17
didrocksthen alpha2 at the latest10:17
ogra_yeah, i remember that part :)10:17
ogra_well, the A1 part10:17
didrocksso, can't really trust the schedule anymore :)10:17
seb128Laney, context is that I'm trying to find somebody to look at finishing bug #945987 (ronoc did most of the work, there is just to put the pieces together, test and get them uploaded)10:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 945987 in rhythmbox "No Settings are available in "Preferred format", only preset defaults are used" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94598710:21
seb128 10:21
seb128ogra_, you should ask asac to get Linaro to help on getting the compiz gles work finished ;-) the #ps guys are short on resources10:22
ronocseb128, yup that is still an issue10:22
ronocit's hardcoded to what i think is an acceptable profile but the user cannot change this10:22
seb128ronoc, yeah, I'm trying to make sure it ges addressed for precise and quantal10:22
ronocseb128, good stuff10:23
ogra_seb128, well, we had a long discussion at UDS (didrocks was there too) and upstream said they would get along fine and have everything ready by the agreed data ... and its not like we havent aked twice if thats doable10:23
seb128ogra_, well, we are all on the same side, it's one of those things which is hard to estimate before you really started to work on it10:24
seb128ogra_, it seemed it turned out that the linaro patch is creating a number of regression and bugs and it's taking them time to sort those out10:25
ogra_right, and linaro is doing their duty already, not sure there is much they can help with10:25
seb128ogra_, well, they could help fixing the bugs in their patch ;-)10:25
seb128ogra_, that's where most of the delay is coming from10:25
ogra_oh, there is definitely commitment from jesse (linaro graphics manager) to help with upcoming bugs10:25
ogra_alf_, ^^^ are you aware of the bugs ?10:26
ogra_(did anyone from upstream talk to you ? )10:26
seb128ogra_, well, my understanding from what duflu said is that they still didn't roll it out because of the number of regressions the linaro changes created and they have nobody helping them to get those sorted10:26
seb128ogra_, alf_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bugs?field.tag=gles10:26
ogra_i'll talk to jesse10:27
seb128ogra_, thanks10:27
ogra_"and they have nobody helping them to get those sorted" ... i still wonder if they have asked at all :P10:27
didrockswell, most of the delay is on plugins we don't support unfortunatly10:28
didrocksI would rather they drop them10:28
seb128ogra_, I don't know, there might be some management to engineers mixed with cross team interactions issues10:28
didrocksbut it seems as an upstream, they don't want to10:28
ogra_well, the have the choice between no support for arm at all or *some* support on arm ... i know what *i* would chose there10:29
ogra_(though i also know that GLES isnt arm only anymore ... poulsbo uses it too ...)10:30
seb128didrocks, it seems they are sort of agreeing on dropping those now though?10:30
seb128ogra_, didrocks: well bottom line is that it would help if linaro (or anyone else) could give an hand sorting the remaining bugs and do testing of the current vcs10:31
didrocksseb128: no, see the bug list10:31
didrocksseb128: and they are readding even more exotic plugins to trunk10:32
alf_seb128: The remaining problems require more compiz internals expertise than GLES2 expertise, so linaro (which is essentially just me in this case) can't really offer any substantial assistance. In any case, I am keeping track of the issues and I have asked upstream to assign bugs to me if they think I am a better match for it.10:39
Laneyseb128: I mean not *here*, in the office at uni. I have some at home.10:45
Laneyronoc: So all is left to do is to add that preset = rhythmbox-custom-settings to /usr/share/rhythmbox/rhythmbox.gep?10:52
Laneyif I do that here I get a button that asks me to install additional software, but is greyed out10:52
ronocseb128, did that get distro patched for p10:56
ronocLaney, do you have the lame preset that the gep is referring to11:02
ronocsorry i haven't looked at this since april, at which point i thought it was sorted11:02
Laneyyou mean rhythmbox-custom-settings?11:02
ronoc(until we port gnome-media-profiles to gtk3)11:02
* Laney is a bit clueless atm11:02
ronocLaney, yep11:02
Laneyit's created by rb11:03
ronoci solved this by created my gstreamer preset11:03
Laneyin ~/.gstreamer-0.10/presets/GstLameMP3Enc.prs11:03
ronocand then in the gep it should refer to that prs for it's encoding11:03
LaneyI think he's saying that the missing part is to tell rhythmbox to use this created preset by adding those lines to the .gep file, correct?11:03
Laneydoes it fall back to the default if they don't exist?11:04
ronocit should11:04
LaneyI don't know what this install additional software thing is about, though. (but I am on unstable, which may make a difference)11:04
Laneythere should be an upstream bug for this too then11:05
Sweetsharksoftware archaelogy continues -- not for the faint at heart: http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/where-are-extras-source-templates-wizard-bitmap-used-td3992151.html11:05
Sweetsharkcue Indiana Jones soundtrack11:05
ronocLaney, the install additional software usually points to some issue with the gep, it doesn't recognize the preset or doesn't have the encoder for that preset11:06
Laney(12:07:14) [0x875c640] [impl_get_missing_plugins] rb-encoder-gst.c:778: didn't get request pad, profile oggvorbis doesn't work11:07
Laneyronoc: maybe you could make the patch here, as you know more about this than me :P11:08
LaneyI'll take care of getting it into Q and filed upstream11:08
ronocI'm unsure of what we are doing here. This was just a quick fix for P, the ideal fix is for gnome-media-profiles to be resurrected by porting it to gtk311:09
ronocthe patch for rb is a one liner in the gep11:09
ronoci don't think it belongs upstream11:09
Laneybut they implemented the custom settings stuff upstream11:09
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ronocLaney, in gstreamer ?11:10
Laneyin rb11:10
ronocso where is this new preset located on the file system ?11:10
Laneyis is created by rhythmbox when you fiddle with the settings in the ui11:10
Laneyso in your home dir11:10
ronoci don't know  why  with this patch you are seeing the greyed out button11:12
LaneyI probably Did It Wrong™11:13
ronocit seems like it should work11:13
ronocalso what patch do you need me todo11:13
ronocif rb is already patched11:13
Laneyit seems like the .gep needs patching11:13
Laneyat least that's what the guy on the bug says11:13
ronocLaney, just to clarify, do you have the patched rb installed ?11:16
Laneyyes, I see the new custom settings UI11:16
ronocif so simply add that one liner to the gep11:17
ronocif it doesn't work then there is aproblem with either your install or that patch11:17
ronoci can patch rb11:17
ronoc's gep11:17
ronocor a problem with the encoder and our preset name11:17
Laneythe install additional software button works on my home (Ubuntu) machine11:18
seb128Laney, ronoc: I was out for lunch11:18
Laneymaybe it's a problem here11:18
Laneyronoc: I think all that's missing is adding the preset lines to the gep file indeed11:18
seb128Laney, you shouldn't have to install things if the gep is correct, the first version in the bug report had extra "" breaking the parsing but the bottom version should be fine11:19
seb128Laney, basically I think we need gstreamer to install the profile and rb to use it IIRC11:19
LaneyI think RB now creates profiles that gstreamer can use, but doesn't tell gstreamer to use them because of a missing entry in the gep file11:20
* Laney → lunch11:21
seb128Laney, enjoy11:21
Laneyslomo: here are your patches for gstreamer0.10/debian http://paste.debian.net/176377/11:22
slomoLaney: thanks11:23
ronocseb128, do  you know if xingmux is used in the encoding pipelines11:23
seb128ronoc, no idea11:23
didrocksogra_: alf_: my amrhf build passed FYI :)11:24
ogra_thanks so much for that work !!!!!11:24
didrocksogra_: yw ;)11:25
didrockspushing to -proposed onw11:26
didrocksand unblocking the compiz SRU11:26
didrocksphew ;)11:26
slomoLaney: looks good11:26
Sweetsharkseb128: nothing blocking the 3.5.4 SRU which I need to action currently, right?11:27
seb128Sweetshark, not that I know about no11:28
seb128Sweetshark, it still has 2 days to wait in proposed and it still needs somebody to confirm that the SRU works fine and flag the bug verification-done11:29
alf_didrocks: great!11:42
seb128mvo_, hey, is there any way you could get somebody from the s-c team to check the aptdaemon precise SRU and see if the bugs can be marked verified?11:47
xclaesseseb128, please remember to SRU telepathy-gabble. should I open a lp bug for that?11:58
seb128xclaesse, I was sort of waiting for Debian to update it so I could sync to quantal which is supposed to happen before a SRU (i.e update unstable first, then backport)11:58
seb128xclaesse, do you have anyone in debian you can ping to get it updated there?11:59
xclaessebigon, ^11:59
seb128xclaesse, if not I guess I will just update quantal directly...11:59
seb128xclaesse, thanks for the ping though ;-)11:59
xclaesseseb128, pinged our usual debian guys on #telepathy, surely someone will pick it :)12:00
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larsudid empathy in quantal stop working for anyone else today?12:20
larsuit's connecting to gtalk, showing me my contacts and everything, but refuses to start a chat12:21
seb128larsu, try chekcing with kenvandine when he gets online or with xclaesse12:21
larsuseb128, will do, thanks12:22
xclaesselarsu, AFAIK empathy-chat segfault, should be fixed in latest empathy release12:22
seb128larsu, do you get any error if you run empathy from a command line? what happens if you try to chat? is empathy-chat segfaulting?12:24
larsuxclaesse, I'm on 3.5.1-0ubuntu3, is there a newer one upstream?12:24
larsuseb128, no messages except something about it not being able to write avatar pictures to the cache because of long filenames12:24
larsuno crashes either12:24
seb128larsu, well in any case I didn't see the issue mentioned before and I'm still on precise so I can't tell from here12:25
xclaessehm, actually could be wrong... but I have that issue here on ubuntu precise, empathy
xclaesseclicking on a contact in emapthy's contact list and nothing appear12:26
larsuxclaesse, same for me12:26
xclaesseactually the chat is visible in gnome-shell's notification12:26
xclaesseif I start empathy-chat process manually, then it works12:26
xclaesselarsu, start /usr/lib/empathy/empathy-chat manually, then click on a contact12:27
larsuxclaesse, ha! your're right12:27
seb128did that start recently?!12:27
larsuseb128, it worked this morning, I updated before going to lunch, after lunch it didn't work anymore12:28
larsuso... yeah :)12:28
seb128larsu, can you check in /var/log/dpkg.log what you updated?12:28
larsuseb128, sure12:28
xclaesseseb128, any idea how I can get a backtrace of empathy-chat when it crash at startup when it's dbus-activated12:30
xclaessestarting it manually does not crash12:30
xclaesseseb128, can apport do that?12:30
seb128xclaesse, yeah, it should, otherwise just mv empathy-chat empathy-chat.real and create a wrapper12:31
seb128xclaesse, is the issue logged in /var/log/apport.log?12:31
larsuseb128, weird, empathy was not updated today..12:31
larsubut it updated *a lot*, don't know where to start looking12:32
seb128larsu, check if there is any gnomish lib that empathy could be using?12:32
seb128larsu, do you run your own glib for the indicators hacking you do?12:32
larsuseb128, no, I run jhbuild12:32
larsu(to develop)12:32
xclaesseseb128, ah! ERROR: apport (pid 20394) Tue Jun 26 14:32:53 2012: wrote report /var/crash/_usr_lib_empathy_empathy-chat.1000.crash12:33
larsuthe broken empathy uses all quantal libs12:33
seb128xclaesse, good, you can apport-unpack that file, there is a coredump in it you can use gdb on12:33
seb128larsu, is there anything in empathy>help>debug?12:33
larsuseb128, a lot. I have the same crash report as xclaesse, though, apport-unpacking it now12:35
xclaessegood, got the backtrace into gdb12:36
xclaesseand it makes sense, tp-glib bug12:36
xclaessethat one: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67880712:36
seb128why is it happening today?12:36
ubot2Gnome bug 678807 in Chat "empathy-chat crashed with SIGSEGV in _tp_base_client_handle_channels()" [Critical,Needinfo]12:36
xclaesseseb128, it has been like that for me since ages12:37
seb128like, what changing if it started today for you guys?12:37
seb128xclaesse, oh ok12:37
seb128let's see if larsu has the same issue12:37
xclaesseseb128, given that we don't have millions of crash reports, my guess is it's tp-glib 0.19.1 regression12:38
xclaessequantal just upgraded to that version, which explains why we are starting to get users angry :)12:38
larsuseb128, exactly the same.12:38
xclaesseI'm running precise's empathy but tp-glib master here12:39
larsuxclaesse, seb128, thanks for your help12:39
seb128larsu, telepathy-glib got updated on friday so it's likely you just got it12:39
seb128xclaesse, will you follow up upstream about it?12:39
xclaesseseb128, I'm digging tp-glib code as we speak ;)12:40
seb128xclaesse, great, thanks12:40
seb128larsu, xclaesse said it doesn't happen if you run empathy-chat manually so I guess you can do that as a workaround12:40
seb128larsu, i.e run it by hand and then try to talk to somebody on empathy12:41
larsuseb128, it must have been held back then for me on the weekend - I only got it this morning12:41
larsuthat's what I'm doing and it works great12:41
larsuthanks again!12:41
seb128larsu, xclaesse: thanks12:42
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mvo_seb128: yes, I will check that later today12:54
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seb128mvo_, danke12:59
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jbichacyphermox_: do you know how this should be handled? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1060801/ from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/108687682/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.gnome-shell_3.5.3-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz14:12
cyphermox_you're missing libnm-glib-vpn-dev14:13
jbichaok, I did that and it didn't create a depend on libnm-glib-vpn1, does it need that?14:13
cyphermox_I don't think so, let me check14:14
cyphermox_err, maybe it should, actually14:15
cyphermox_seems to me like the pacakge is properly configured for it14:15
cyphermox_jbicha: otherwise it could be that gnome-shell is missing some configure switch to build and link against libnm-glib-vpn1/-dev; but it still checks for the package14:16
jbichacyphermox_: it looks like that library is a dependency of nm-gnome so I don't think there's a need to explicitly depend on it14:18
cyphermox_jbicha: well, probably but I do think it should show up anyway, if it doesn't there may be something funky going on14:24
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
didrockssil2100: is the dee override working?15:10
didrocksand how is the unity release going? :)15:10
sil2100didrocks: I'm building a testing new-trunk-unity package for myself right now, so far so good!15:18
sil2100didrocks: the dee package was building fine, but then I noticed it's not installing the python3 directory gir things, so I'm looking into that in the meantime15:19
didrockssil2100: ok :)15:20
seb128didrocks, kenvandine, chrisccoulson, Ursinha, Laney, mlankhorst, cyphermox, mterry, Sweetshark, tkamppeter: it's meeting time in 5 minutes if anyone has a topic (none on the wiki so far), also please update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2012-06-26 with things you worked on this week for those who didn't write anything yet15:26
* kenvandine waves15:28
mlankhorstnothing here, been working on prime stuff but it's a challenge not to make it deadlock :-)15:28
cyphermoxseb128: added my work on porting software-properties to python3 last week15:29
seb128cyphermox, thanks15:30
cyphermoxnothing really to discuss in the meeting, though I'm wondering if anyone is working on gweather 3.515:30
LaneySome people might be interested a little script I wrote to help me be alerted of self-introduced breakage. It's in bzr branch lp:~laney/+junk/lp-subscribe uploads — it subscribes you to bug reports of packages you recently uploaded for a defined period (default 7 days)15:31
cyphermoxgweather 3.5 has some API changes that evolution doesn't support, just fyi :)15:31
seb128cyphermox, check http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html15:31
seb128cyphermox, seems not15:31
cyphermoxright :)15:31
seb128cyphermox, if there is any reason to not work on it please open a bug, tag it desktop-upgrade15:32
seb128cyphermox, then note your comments in it15:32
seb128cyphermox, so it's listed on the page15:32
seb128cyphermox, thanks15:32
seb128cyphermox, robert_ancell started doing that, opening bugs and putting status in them when they are blocked or anything like that, it helps visibility15:32
cyphermoxI think I'll probably look at gweather myself and fix evo at the same time, if it makes sense to do so without spending too many hours15:32
seb128cyphermox, sounds good15:33
seb128Laney, could, that's something that was mentioned several times at UDSes as "it would be good if launchpad could do that" ;-)15:33
Laneyit would indeed, but in the absence of that here's a script you can run from cron :P15:33
pittiseb128, Laney: FYI, I'm currently touching glib for the test suite stuff; want me to update to 2.33.3 as well while I'm at it?15:34
seb128pitti, that would be great ;-)15:35
Laneypitti: sure, I'm not attached and I guess you want to do it anyway to see if you can make the testsuite failure fatal15:35
pittiLaney: I already did that now15:35
Laneyoh, neat15:35
pittinow let's see how much 2.33.3 fails :)15:35
Laneystill, I'll let your CPU have fun building it15:36
pittiyeah, it takes quite a while15:36
pittihttps://launchpad.net/~pitti/+archive/ppa/+packages now has a glib-2.0 2.33.2 with ftbfs-on-test-fails15:36
pittiI grepped all Debian exp and Ubuntu build logs for current failures15:37
sil2100didrocks: so, about the dee thing15:43
sil2100didrocks: maybe one moment...15:44
sil2100didrocks: since hm, even though David added the python3 bindings to the makefile, the respective python3 directory in lib/ during package build is not created15:45
sil2100I only see things for python2.715:45
didrockssil2100: it's not installed? maybe you can patch the makefile.am to get it installed then,15:47
sil2100didrocks: I think they're not installed since when it finds python both 2.7 and 3, it only creates paths for 2.715:50
sil2100didrocks: not sure how to force configure and makefiles to consider both at once15:52
didrockssil2100: I'm sure you can figure that out ;)15:57
didrocksotherwise hardcode15:57
didrockssil2100: I made some tests15:57
didrockssil2100: it needs to be installed in python315:57
didrocksnot python3.2 (like it was python2.7)15:58
sil2100(hardcoding sounds sooo nice... ;) )15:58
mterrydidrocks, thanks for the reviews!  sorry about the left-in print statements16:17
didrocksmterry: you're really welcome. The print leftover is nothing seeing how much good work those branches are :)16:17
mlankhorsthow long does it take for mirrors to pick up from -proposed?16:18
mterrydidrocks, there's also the split-release-upgrader branch if you're feeling ambitious16:18
didrocksmterry: well, I saw Gary looked at the pre-requisite branch, so I thought he will get to it, he won't? :)16:20
mterrydidrocks, for https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/update-manager/split-release-upgrader/+merge/109211 the pre-req got merged16:39
didrocksmterry: ok, good :)16:39
didrocksI'll have a look16:39
mterrydidrocks, there's a sister branch linked in that merge for the other side of things (the reverse split)16:40
mterrydidrocks, these merges were trickier and I likely missed something in the packaging16:41
didrocksmterry: hum, interestood, I'll try to decipher what I can :)16:44
xclaessefrom apport's .crash file, is it possible to get stderr output of the process?16:57
xclaessedidrocks, ^16:58
didrocksxclaesse: stderr should be printed on ~/.xsession-errors if it's not captured elsewhere16:59
didrocksxclaesse: so ship it with the apport hook for the package16:59
xclaessedidrocks, ok, it's not by default :)17:04
didrocksxclaesse: nope ;)17:04
* didrocks waves good evening!17:06
brycehseb128, it's still on my agenda, just that various bugwork and other projects have been occupying me17:12
dupondjesomething broken with GtkScales (Think that are the ones)17:29
dupondjecan't click on them anymore to change position17:30
dupondjereally need to drag them17:30
seb128dupondje, distro version? in what ui?17:33
seb128bryceh, hey, ok, I'm mostly checking what we can start crossing or postponing, you trend line is mostly flat so far, we need to readjust17:34
seb128bryceh, btw so after today I think we should drop or adjust the fr space bar fix17:34
dupondjeQuantal :)17:35
dupondjeseb128: take for example the sound options17:35
dupondjethere you have "output volume" gtkscale17:35
dupondjetry clicking :)17:35
seb128dupondje, that's a bad example17:35
dupondjewhy? :)17:35
seb128dupondje, that slider had hacks to jump at the click position which became default in the new gtk but broke the hacks17:36
seb128dupondje, try one which was not hacked to behave differently17:36
dupondjeRythmbox volume slider => broken17:36
dupondjeAudacious song position slider => broken :)17:36
seb128typically the sound control were hacked this way17:36
seb128try a non sound related one17:36
seb128those will need to drop their hacks17:37
seb128like in gtk3-demo17:37
seb128dupondje, or try the mouse panel in system settings17:37
seb128dupondje, do they work in that one?17:37
dupondjethose do indeed :)17:38
seb128dupondje, ok, so that's what I said, http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/commit/?id=9859ffbc27aca0a4f1a58412233498cdf846da7017:38
seb128dupondje, basically gtk before was doing "click on a slider moves on step and not where you clicked", which works not so well for play bar or sound controls17:39
seb128dupondje, so apps hacked around the behaviour17:39
seb128dupondje, gtk does the proper thing in 3.5 but that seems to break the hacks17:39
seb128dupondje, thanks for pointing it, we will look at those :-)17:40
dupondjeso those hacks will need to be removed from the 'broken' software ?17:40
seb128dupondje, yes, similar to the url I just pointed17:41
seb128dupondje, those hack do "if left clicked then change the left event for a middle click one"17:41
seb128dupondje, or middle click stopped to do what they want with gtk 3.5 :-)17:41
dupondjehmz, can't find it directly in audacious code17:46
dupondjeseb128: seems like audacious uses mpris18:05
dupondjecould it be that is bugged ?18:05
seb128dupondje, hum, mpris is a norm to control players18:07
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dupondjecan't find it directly :(18:28
seb128bryceh, still around?19:09
brycehseb128, yeah19:09
seb128bryceh, did you catch up on the xkeyboard-config activity from the day?19:10
brycehseb128, nope, been tending to some other bugs, what's up?19:10
seb128bryceh, basically no SRU moved to updates yet, so the french space change is still only in proposed19:11
brycehoh right, yeah I saw that19:11
seb128bryceh, I tried lucid in a vm today and rctrl and space in rhythmbox were both working19:11
seb128bryceh, seems like the patch we had by then was half of the precise one19:11
seb128bryceh, i.e we didn't add the level5 line19:11
brycehseb128, seems the SRU acceptance is all out of order and messed up19:12
seb128bryceh, I think at this point we should drop the rb space patch (or use the lucid version) and do another upload which -v the uploads we got since precise ... what do you think?19:12
brycehseb128, I thought slangasek said that the ubuntu2 got accepted into updates, ahead of ubuntu1, or is that wrong?19:12
seb128bryceh, that's wrong indeed19:13
seb128bryceh, he said that ubuntu2 got accepted in proposed before ubuntu1 moved to updates19:13
brycehseb128, so you're saying none of the SRUs have gotten through to -updates?19:13
seb128bryceh, which means ubuntu1 couldn't move to update since it was deprecated19:13
seb128bryceh, correct19:14
seb128bryceh, cf https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xkeyboard-config19:14
seb128bryceh, no precise-updates line19:14
brycehheh I thought sru's were supposed to be getting *easier* this time19:15
seb128bryceh, they are, you got unlucky, usually if there is an update in -proposed the next one should be put on hold until the first one move to -updates19:15
seb128bryceh, somebody in the SRU team screwed and accepted the second one before that happened19:16
brycehseb128, yeah I thought that's how it's supposed to work19:16
seb128yeah, somebody did a mistake19:16
seb128well, anyway at this point I think we shouldn't break rctrl for french users19:16
brycehseb128, well compounding things is that hardly anyone bothers to confirm the fixes, so they sit there a long time19:16
seb128bryceh, that's not really true this cycle, the .1 team does efforts to verify things19:17
seb128well anyway that was screwed up, nothing we can change at this point19:17
seb128bryceh, so, we are back to "no SRU made it to -updates yet" and "we don't want to break rctrl for french users"19:17
brycehseb128, that's good, will they be able to do that for the xkeyboard-config changes?  I put time into making the test cases especially well spelled out hoping they could.19:17
seb128bryceh, so I think we have 2 options19:18
seb128- use the patch we had in lucid which doesn't include the level5 change line19:18
seb128- drop the patch for that SRU round until it's sorted19:18
seb128bryceh, which one do you prefer?19:18
brycehwell, I'd still most prefer to get upstream's feedback first19:19
seb128bryceh, it's basically "reupload what you uploaded yesterday with a -v in the changelog to list previous upload and with one of those changes"19:19
bryceher, dput -v just prints the dput version19:19
seb128bryceh, ok, can you reupload the version you uploaded yesterday with the french change from ubuntu1 dropped and using -v?19:19
seb128bryceh, that's a debuild argument, basically debuild -S -v2.5-1ubuntu119:20
seb128it means "include in the changelog all the entries since the -v version"19:20
seb128that will make the bugs from both ubuntu1.1 and ubuntu1.2 listed on the -changes and SRU page19:20
seb128bryceh, thanks, I'm rejecting your upload from yesterday19:21
seb128bryceh, confirming the fixes from the testcases will not be an issue, all the bugs got confirmed, the current version would have moved to -updates without the rctrl issue19:22
brycehseb128, done19:27
seb128bryceh, thanks19:27
dupondjeseb128: I need to report a bug on the audacious/and others gtkscales issue ?19:33
dupondjeor you'll check it out ?19:33
Sweetsharkweather is cold and cloudy for summer in hamburg. "21:37:52 up  9:58,  0 users,  load average: 15.69, 17.29, 18.26" helps to keep a warm lap.19:38
seb128dupondje, better to open bugs19:40
dupondjeon what package ?19:40
seb128dupondje, those which have the issue19:42
seb128e.g audacity19:42
seb128no need to report the gnome-control-center one, that's already fixed in git19:42
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1018087 in rhythmbox "Seek bar not working with left click" [Undecided,New]19:49
seb128dupondje, thanks19:58
dupondjeif some more affected, I will add them :) just noticed those 2 now19:58
Laneydupondje: rhythmbox seems to be widgets/rb-header.c:883 and 952 if you want to fix that19:59
dupondjeI can ... :) but maby better to report upstream?20:00
Laneyyes, with a patch :-)20:00
Laneylooks like totem is affected too20:18
seb128Laney, like anything with a sound or play slider20:20
LaneyI guess it's a common hack20:21
seb128Laney, like I said before it's mostly multimedia players, other apps didn't bother so much20:25
Laneydupondje: I'll file these two upstream with patches unless you are doing it already20:26
dupondjedidn't do it yet :) so feel free20:28
dupondjecouldn't find it in audacious :s20:28
Laneyif only I could jhbuild totem successfully20:56
dupondjeLaney: you add totem to the bug ?21:09
Laneynah, you can if you want21:10
dupondjei'll do, so the issue gets grouped21:10
Sweetsharkkubuntu kicking libreoffice out of the seed? ah, great.21:41
micahgSweetshark: it's a trial21:43
robert_ancellseb128, hey, did you get the syntax right for the versions cron job?22:18
robert_ancellIt looks like every 6 minutes to me22:18
robert_ancellor is that 6 minutes past the hour22:18
seb128robert_ancell, hey, are you insulting me there? ;-)22:19
robert_ancellseb128, no, just trying to work out why it's not working22:20
seb128robert_ancell, it was "06,36", I deleted the ",36", so I think it's every :0622:20
seb128# m h  dom mon dow   command22:20
seb128says the comment22:20
seb128so it should22:20
robert_ancellseb128, is there a log anywhere as to why the script failed?22:20
seb12806m of every hour22:20
seb128robert_ancell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061672/22:21
seb128robert_ancell, log -> type "mail" on the server22:22
seb128robert_ancell, it's sending email but locally, you can put your email in the cron if you want to get directly emailed22:22
robert_ancellseb128, crappy old technology22:23
seb128robert_ancell, I never enabled that because it emails any output and at some point the script was printing stuff at every run so you would get an email every half an hour22:24
seb128robert_ancell, theother option is to just always print infos in a log...22:24
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, we should just update the cron job to > versions.log22:25
seb128robert_ancell, that's the easy way right22:25
robert_ancellseb128, did you have an opinion on the libgee package?22:35
=== bjsnider_ is now known as bjsnider
robert_ancellmeeting in 10 mins, anyone have anything to say?22:50
seb128robert_ancell, no strong opinion on gee, what you commited to debian works for me22:52
RAOFQuite a lot of my apps seem to be semi-regularly segfaulting in cairo_region_is_empty(); disabling the overlay-scrollbars appears to avoid these crashes. Has anyone else noticed this?23:45
seb128RAOF, qt applications?23:50
RAOFseb128: GTK applications; both GTK2 and GTK3 - evolution just crashed with that for me, and Tomboy and Monodevelop have crashed in the past with that trace.23:51
seb128RAOF, not know afaik, maybe kenvandine knows about it though23:52
RAOFSadly apport crashed while trying to upload the crash report, so I don't know if it's hit launchpad :)23:53
seb128RAOF, report it again, worth case you will increase the score of your first report :-)23:53
RAOF‘slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method’??23:55
RAOFPlease be not passing raw python exception messages through to user visible dialogs without any context :)23:56

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