
imnicholis there a good area for complaining that none of the developer.ubuntu.com tutorials have any comments in them?02:19
pleia2I'm not sure I'd recommend a place "to complain" but the app developer folks can be found in #ubuntu-app-devel and I'm sure they'd be open to suggestions for improvement on the site :)02:30
pleia2there's also a launchpad project for the site, where you can submit bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntudeveloperportal02:30
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Paul Tagliamonte: desktop-base uploaded to unstable <http://blog.pault.ag/post/25899646325>04:52
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Jono Bacon: Ubuntu App Showdown: Gallery Of Progress <http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/06/26/ubuntu-app-showdown-gallery-of-progress/>06:53
AlanBellsome nice looking applications there, I am quite impressed07:30
bkerensagnight folks07:36
=== TheDrums_ is now known as TheDrums
joris_for a discussion channel it sure is quiet08:45
toddyjoris_: yes, you are right. :D08:45
joris_so toddy, let's discuss something08:46
toddyjoris_: do you sell discussion topics for ubuntu? :)08:52
joris_yes but they are open source so you can modify them if you want08:53
joris_let me just think of a few topics...08:53
toddyoh thats fine08:54
joris_1: what is needed to get businesses interested in open source and ubuntu08:56
toddy1: A good solution for their business.08:58
AlanBelljoris_: my job is implementing open source stuff for businesses08:59
joris_what kind of stuff?08:59
AlanBellmostly server applications running on Ubuntu08:59
AlanBellvtiger and OpenERP are the big ones for us, but also Alfresco and Joomla!09:00
AlanBellwe use Ubuntu on the desktop, customers generally don't yet09:00
joris_products are one thing, is open source meeting enterprise demand for stability and support?09:00
AlanBellbut they do see us using it and they can see it is useable09:01
AlanBellwell yeah, we provide support09:01
AlanBellstability is pretty solid09:01
joris_also functional and implementation support?09:02
joris_in what region?09:03
AlanBellwe are UK based09:03
AlanBellI would like customers to use Ubuntu more, but desktop migrations are kind of expensive and you end up back where you started, with a desktop that works09:04
joris_i think we have a enormous opportunity now09:04
joris_windows 8 is a radical shift from xp and 7, business could be searching for alternatives09:05
AlanBellyeah, could be09:05
joris_so what problems and opportunities do you see for starting businesses if they looking at using open source as their desktop, groupware etc09:08
AlanBellthere is a lack of integration with Ubuntu server I think09:09
AlanBellthough the Zentyal partnership thing is a good move yesterday09:10
joris_in what area? something like groupware or managing domains?09:10
AlanBellwell kind of everything09:10
joris_(looks great btw)09:11
AlanBellwhat I think it should do is you set up your Ubuntu server with all the services you want, like email, calendaring, CRM etc09:11
AlanBellthen you install an Ubuntu desktop and the installer asks for your username and password to the Ubuntu server it just discovered by avahi09:11
ikoniaAlanBell: how is that compatible with other solutions, eg: exchange, thunderbird/sunbird, evolution, lotus09:12
AlanBellthen it sets you all up with email, browser bookmarks the lot09:12
ikonia(specfically calandering)09:12
AlanBellical works09:12
AlanBelltbh we use thunderbird with google calendar as our calendaring server09:12
AlanBellthen it works to android without any fuss09:13
ikoniaAlanBell: one of the strongest gripes I hit on, is the lack of compatability with things like exchange meeting requests and calandering09:13
AlanBellI get meeting requests that I reply to and add to the calendar09:13
AlanBellthey grow special buttons09:13
joris_my first reaction is kind of the same: setting up a mailserver? why not google calendar for businesses? guess the cloud is easier for businesses09:13
ikoniaAlanBell: this is not some of the small businesses I have visited are finding09:13
ikoniajoris_: not everyone wants to depend on public services09:14
AlanBelljoris_: so your Ubuntu server should know that you are using google apps for domains and configure services to point there as appropriate09:14
ikoniajoris_: not everyone wants to use google accounts for core business functionality09:14
joris_ikonia: obviously not, but for a small startup it saves the cost of a dedicated it departement09:15
ikoniayou shouldn't need a dedicated department09:15
ikoniaeven for a small business09:15
ikoniait just needs a solid initial setup09:15
joris_that initial setup is kind of a barrier for startups, be it IT or financial stuff09:16
ikoniait's a cost not many are willing to accept09:16
ikoniaand often end up spending more post setup fixing issues09:16
ikonianot spending the money to get a good initial setup will often end up in a bigger spend in $X months time fixing the sloppy initial setup when business is up and running and depends on those services09:17
joris_(sorry, i did something in xchat, so i'm missing your previous comments)09:18
ikonianot to worry, it's certainly not important09:18
* AlanBell goes back to working on a customer's vtiger system09:19
joris_AlanBell: tnx for your comments09:19
joris_ikonia: if we just take an average office based company of say 10 people, what is needed and how can open source fill those needs?09:21
ikoniadepends on their setup/needs/budget09:21
ikoniathere is no set solution09:21
joris_let's say desktops + email + calendar + word processing + spreadsheet09:22
ikoniathere are many desktop options, email clients, email servers, calander servers/clients, there are a few office suites of various quality/stability/functionality/long term solution09:23
ikoniait's just working with the people to find the software that best suits their needs09:23
joris_so that seems to me the first hurdle: choice09:24
joris_and with that comes compatibility: not everything works nicely together out of the box09:24
ikoniaand that's way you hire experience for the initial setup09:24
joris_do you know if that kind of support is comparible in price and function to a microsoft shop?09:26
ikoniait varies from supplier to supplier and deal to deal09:27
ikoniamost small businesses will use small multi-vendor-style single stop support09:27
ikoniarather than offical vendor support09:27
ikoniabespoke support packages etc, so it will vary09:28
AlanBellwe also resell official vendor support09:29
AlanBellthis kind of stuff http://www.openerp.com/catalog/14609:29
AlanBelland this http://www.canonical.com/enterprise-services/ubuntu-advantage/support09:30
joris_AlanBell: are those prices and support comparible to microsoft shops?09:30
ikoniathat's software, not OS09:30
ikoniait's unfair to say a specialist support package in openerp at 1900 euros against say a 350 euro exchange support deal, they are different scales of software09:31
AlanBelljoris_: yeah, but we are are not competing against Microsoft mostly09:31
AlanBellcompare it to a SAP contract09:31
joris_ikonia: what do you mean different scales?09:31
joris_ah ok09:32
AlanBellgenerally if you get support from a small IT firm that happens to be an MS partner (most are) then getting support from a small IT firm that isn't (like us) will be comparible prices09:32
AlanBellI used to do IBM/Lotus stuff, now I do Free software. I charge clients for my time just the same as I used to. My clients just have more money to spend as it isn't going on bits of paper telling them how many seats they can use09:33
AlanBellI should put my prices up really09:34
joris_you should, you're famous09:34
joris_i work at a qa firm in holland, and i see no implementation or demand for open source, except for technical stuff like servers and sometimes middleware09:37
joris_and i'm trying to know if the reason for this lack of demand is because supply is lacking09:38
ikoniafor a lot of people it's not a viable desktop option for their role09:38
AlanBelljoris_: ISO 9000 kind of QA stuff?09:39
joris_AlanBell: yes kind of, functional testing, requirements, reviews, stuff like that09:40
joris_mostly on custom software for big companies09:43
joris_custom software in big companies means no room for open source, except in servers, libraries, stuff like that09:45
AlanBellok, one of our OpenERP customers is doing an internal audit this week and as a result we need to change a few of the reports to match their procedures09:45
joris_so customization of openerp09:48
joris_btw, i'd like to help out in qa/testing for ubuntu or opensource, but i don't know where to start09:50
AlanBellwe have quite a big testing infrastructure09:50
AlanBell#ubuntu-testing is I think the main IRC channel for it09:51
joris_unit, regression, manual?09:51
joris_i'll check that channel later09:52
AlanBellall sorts09:54
AlanBellballoons is the person to tell you all about it09:54
joris_anyway enough about testing and businesses10:01
joris_discussionpoint nr 2: should we try to get all users interested in the community and teach them about the freedoms of free software, or should we focus on getting people to use free software10:03
ikoniait's their choice to be as involved as they want10:05
ikonialet people choose what they want to use based on their own reasons10:05
joris_so you don't want to teach people the unvisible benefits of using foss?10:07
ikoniaif they are intested you can show how it may / may not benifit them10:10
ikoniabut finding random people to push it on them doesn't appeal to me10:11
joris_i'm thinking more about the 'this is open source' introduction when first using firefox10:12
joris_afk: lunch10:12
ikoniapeople don't want that in my view10:16
ikoniathey want a web browser10:16
ikonianot a lecuture because they use a web browser10:16
ikoniapeople want a solution, not knowledge10:17
chuHow pragmatic of you ikonia.10:17
chu(I agree by the way)10:17
toddyI agree, too10:18
zykotick9ikonia: "people want a solution, not knowledge" so that's what's wrong with people in irc ;)13:58
ikoniazykotick9: as good as a blame as any14:52
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Ubuntu Kernel Team: Kernel Team Meeting Minutes – June 26, 2012 <http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam/2012/06/26/kernel-team-meeting-minutes-june-26-2012/>17:55
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Rohan Garg: A update! <http://kshadeslayer.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/a-update/>18:25
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Bodhi.Zazen: command line spell checking <http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/command-line-spell-checking/> || Rohan Garg: Looking for a job <http://kshadeslayer.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/looking-for-a-job/> || Ubuntu Kernel Team: [Quantal] linux kernel 3.5.0-2.2 uploaded (ABI Bump) <http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam/2012/06/26/quantal-linux-kernel-3-5-0-2-2-uploaded-abi-bump/>18:55
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Nicholas Skaggs: Call for Testing: 12.10 kernel on 12.04 <http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/06/call-for-testing-1210-kernel-on-1204.html>19:56
AlanBellthat sounds fun20:20
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Robbie Williamson: PSA: Is your Ubuntu Server IaaS Guest Image Authentic? <http://undacuvabrutha.wordpress.com/2012/06/26/psa-is-your-ubuntu-server-iaas-guest-image-authentic/>20:26
MrChrisDruifWhat sounds fun AlanBell ?20:27
MrChrisDruifAloha TheLordOfTime20:27
AlanBellbackported kernels20:30
ubot5New news from planetubuntu: Nathan Haines: Final Ubuntu Hour Lake Forest, June 28 <http://nhaines.livejournal.com/66820.html>21:56
bbartekI would like to report a bug about Software Centre but I would like to know who to contact first to discuss this problem22:12
bbartekI made a payment for software ´Journey Down´22:13
bbartekThe payment was succesfull22:13
bbartekThe software wasn´t installed on my computer ...22:14
bbartekWhen I try to install the software it trys to make me pay again for the software ...22:14
bbartekSorry for my bad english :-)22:15
AlanBellhi bbartek that sounds a bit annoying22:15
bbartekHi AlanBell :-)22:16
* AlanBell goes to look up where that kind of query goes22:16
bbartekThx for listening22:16
bbartekThx i´ll look at this22:18
AlanBellbbartek: I expect support is during UK working hours22:19
AlanBellyou can file a bug any time though22:20
bbartek https://pay.ubuntu.com/payment/  this site tells me the purchase is ´pending´. For Braid it is ´completed´22:22
bbartekBraid was succesfully installed. Journey Down isn´t22:22
bbartekBizar, Braid installed itself directly after the payment was succesfull. Why is it ´Pending´? The info told me the payment was succesfull ...22:24
AlanBellsorry, I have absolutely no clue, never looked at that stuff myself22:25
bbartekDo you know who i can contact to discuss this problem?22:25
bbartekThere is no contact info on the pay.ubuntu.com website :-(22:28
bbartekThx for helping me AlanBell. Your link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pay/FAQs was helpfull.22:37
bbartekThe software is still pending so maybe there is a problem with the payment (not Canonical related) If the money goes of my account I´l find someone to help me at Canonical. If the money is not transfered I´ll try to buy the software again.22:37

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