
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
ebelhmm, we haven't had an irc meeting in a while. we should probably have another one shortly (see email)10:11
tdr112email saw +110:53
tdr112hey czajkowski10:55
czajkowskihows folks10:55
puffisocksy0 czajkowski10:58
automaciejdoes anyone have experience with precise-based netbooks? I've got a eeepc with a 4GB hard drive. I installed lubuntu-desktop, and it left me with 180MB of free space on disk,lol.12:29
automaciejthe needs are: connect to a wifi network, fire up a web browser and play a youtube video (html5 is enough, no flashplayer needed)12:30
automaciejI tried to fiddle with installing fluxbox and network-manager by hand, but it was generally unsuccessful. I didn't know what the right mix of packages is.12:31
automaciejnetworkmanager cli din't want to work, and the sound wouldn't work.12:31
czajkowskiautomaciej: hmm no chance of increasing the hd?12:32
automaciejhm. potentially yes, if that's the easiest option.12:33
automaciejI was kind of hoping for a known minimal set of packages.12:33
automaciejfor example, I started with ubuntu-server which left about 2GB of disk free.12:33
automaciejI was thinking: How much more could a minimal desktop take? X.org is something like 60GB. A browser is another 60GB.12:33
czajkowskiautomaciej: have you askked in lubuntu channel12:34
czajkowskithey may know how to tweak it12:34
automaciejno, this is the first channel I'm trying.12:34
automaciejI might try with passing --no-install-recommends12:34
automaciejI haven't tried that one yet.12:34
* automaciej joins the lubuntu channel12:36
czajkowskithey may know more12:37
czajkowskiautomaciej: sorry I'm not more help12:37
automaciejredirection to #lubuntu is good help, thanks!12:38
ebelautomaciej: odd that the default install takes ~ 3.8ishGB12:52
ebelmaybe start removing packages. Remove openoffice/libreoffice?12:52
puffisocksautomaciej: maybe try debian minimal? should be about 300mb or less12:53
ebelautomaciej: The "dpigs" command line programme shows you what packages are using lots of disk space12:53
ebelGo through that and remove things?12:54
ebelYou could try removing any music/video players?12:54
slashbel'apt-get clean' may help12:55
automaciejebel: libreoffice is not installed; the dpigs utility looks very useful, I'm removing some packages, let me see how much space I can free up.14:19
automaciejwith the packages, it could be more of a long tail thing, it's the many small packages that amount for the most space taken14:20
automaciejok, almost 800MB of free space now14:22
czajkowskimaking progress14:24
automaciej848MB. I declare it good enough for now.14:27
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fivepoundnoteI can't open the Network Panel from the top panel, as advised in Help for connecting to wireless. I've used nm-tools and gone through troubleshooting. All was well on home wireless network, but couldn't select wireless networks in cafes, although nm-tools and diagnostics told me they were being detected. I just couldn't select by opening network panel as suggested. I (foolishly) removed18:38
fivepoundnoteNetwork Manager, and tried to re-install. Now it is telling me it cannot access the internet to install. Surpise! Now no longer working on home wireless network. How will I tackle re-installing without a network connection? Accessing internet now through windows machine. Grrr...18:38
fivepoundnotedownload a .tar.gz and install? Is that a reasonable strategy?18:48
automaciejfivepoundnote: static configuration via /etc/network/interfaces?20:32
automaciejyou'd have to look up how to configure wpa_supplicant.20:34
fivepoundnotethanks automaciej, I'll check that out.21:25

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