
uvirtbotNew bug: #1017681 in mysql-5.5 (main) "package mysql-server-5.5 5.5.24-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101768100:26
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smoserawk is awesome.01:42
smoser7566 bytes to get a json parser that i can then utilize in shell.01:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #1005951 in lxc (universe) "lxc-fedora template is broken with fedora 17" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100595103:36
josePhoenixI have a VPS that started life as a much older version of ubuntu, and I've been dutifully dist-upgrading to 12.0404:31
josePhoenixSomewhere along the way, my locale variables seem to have gotten messed up04:32
josePhoenixAnd more recently even dpkg has been acting weird, complaining about version numbers for some package I never installed04:33
josePhoenixhm managed to sort out the locale thing04:39
nocturnal_if i install openbox on ubuntu-server will openbox start when my server starts?05:35
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uvirtbotNew bug: #958312 in juju "Change zk logging configuration" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/95831207:36
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uvirtbotNew bug: #988065 in juju "Support smart formatting for relation-ids command" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98806508:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #993034 in juju "lxc deployed units don't support https APT repositories" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99303408:11
koopa58Hi all, quick question on logwatch. Everyday I get the same 404's in httpd section of the logwatch mail. How can I inspect what IP makes these requests? I just see part of the url.08:24
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Davieyjamespage / smoser: do you know what the deal with https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/ISO%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/quantal-server-ec2-daily/ is?08:38
smoserugh. looking.08:38
smbDaviey, smoser I told yesterday08:46
smbIts likely to be fixed in the next upload08:46
* smoser apparently missed some ircs yesterday.08:46
smoser(missed one with daviey too)08:46
smosersmb, when is next load? as you seem aware, the failures started with 3.5.0-1-generic08:47
smbI believe a patch in 3.5-rc4 addresses this. Think it is supposed to be uploaded today or yesterday08:47
smbLet me check08:48
smoser3.5.0-1.1. is archive per https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux08:49
smbsmoser, Right, so not yesterday at least08:49
smosersmb but you thought the upload was to happen before alpha2 ?08:49
smbsmoser, Yes, I heard talk about Leann planning to do one08:50
smbsmoser, I will talk to her when she comes up to find out...08:52
* smb wonders about smoser being around...08:52
smoseryeah. stupid sleep.08:52
Davieysmb: ah, you told Mr Page08:53
smbDaviey, Yeah, he said something about possibly disabling i386 until the next upload. Not sure this is worth doing if the upload happens soon08:54
Davieysmb: Well.. we don't really want to release A2 with a bad cloud experience08:54
smbDaviey, Sure. Hm, lemme try to test my assumption then... Hopefully one of the amis still has the old kernel to come up08:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #1017862 in lxc (universe) "Migrate to dpkg --add-architecture to track foreign architecture in template lxc-ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101786208:56
th0mzhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server is this the right place to send bug for ubuntu server 12 please ?08:57
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smoserth0mz, if you can, run 'ubuntu-bug <packagename>'09:53
smoserit will either open a browser, or give you a url09:53
smoserthen paste the url into a browser09:53
th0mzthanks smoser09:58
smbDaviey, smoser OK, so at least I can confirm that the next upload will fix the i386 problem on ec210:04
smoserand that upload is due today?10:04
smbsmoser, That one I need to get confirmed10:04
Davieysmb: thanks10:05
smoserutlemming, ^ it would appear that alpha-2 images are dependent upon the next kernel upload.10:11
lynxmanjamespage: bug triaging mysql-server-5.5 bugs on the incoming queue10:29
Davieylynxman: \o/10:36
lynxmanDaviey: most of them are trivial :)10:36
davepigottHi Everyone. I'm trying to deploy a private cloud using MAAS and JuJu on Precise, but (a) I only have 5 machines and (b) I don't want the MAAS node to control DHCP just yet. The guides say I need at least 10 machines, and the MAAS guide only documents allowing MAAS to be the DHCP controller, although it says it deals with both scenarios. Is there any documentation I can get which will help me out?10:46
Davieydavepigott: What is currently providing dhcp?10:49
davepigottDaviey: A Netgear router10:49
davepigottDaviey: I'm happy to change it if necessary10:49
Davieydavepigott: Hmm.. Does that allow you to set a boot server?10:49
davepigottDaviey: We're getting a leased line soon with a proper Cisco10:49
davepigottDaviey: Let me check...10:49
Davieyis it an el-cheapo home thing, or something decent ?10:49
davepigottDaviey: It's a DGN2200 - i.e. el cheapo10:51
davepigottDaviey: Looks like it probably doesn't - can't find a config entry. Just checking docs10:53
maedoxIf I were to add a line to fstab for an EC2 EBS volume, then detach it and reboot, would the server still boot properly, or would I have to add nofail as an option?10:59
maedoxah, found what I was looking for; nobootwait11:01
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jamespagelynxman, much appreciated!11:18
jamespagerbasak, re bug  1013203 - welcome to the hell that is Java native integration!11:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1013203 in rampart "Shared library path problem" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101320311:26
rbasakjamespage: what's the solution? A dependency on librampart-dev? :)11:27
jamespagerbasak, no11:28
Davieyoh dear, not rampart11:28
jamespagerbasak, the issue is that if you use the loadLibrary calls provided by the Java Runtime Environment they require unversioned .so11:28
jamespagerbasak, there are libraries that help with this - I forget the name but jenkins uses one extensively11:29
rbasakjamespage: LD_LIBRARY_PATH to somewhere custom for java broken stuff, with a symlink to the right place? :)11:29
jamespagerbasak, spot on - so this is really a bug in eucalyptus which should be doing that11:29
jamespagerbasak, I had to implement  a similar hack for the snappy compression in my hadoop packages....11:29
jamespagerbasak, I'm having trouble believing that no-one has hit that issue before tho11:30
Davieyrbasak: I'm not saying it's right, but we did maintain path compatible symlinks and hardcoding version numbers in euca.11:30
Davieyand SONAME versions11:30
rbasakDaviey: that's fine as long as the brokenness is limited to the broken packages, IMHO :)11:32
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Davieyrbasak: traditionally, it was not :)11:38
rbasakDaviey: you mean in Ubuntu as opposed to Debian? Or both?11:44
rbasakDaviey: if we're going to be dirty, surely the cleanest way would be to just depend on librampart-dev?11:44
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Davieyrbasak: in Ubuntu11:54
Davieyrbasak: rampart was only added to Ubuntu, to support eucalyptus.11:55
rbasakIt's in debian now, and in universe in ubuntu now11:57
rbasakLooks like quite a bit of the delta can be dropped next merge11:57
Davieyrbasak: It was added to Debian for the same reason it was added in Ubuntu.11:57
AzjoHi, does anyone have experience with lenovo d20?? it seems to be a bitch to install anything onto when having RAID on.11:57
rbasakDaviey: so you want to fix this in rampart?11:58
Davieyrbasak: No, i'm just saying that is what used to happen.11:58
Davieyrbasak: now, i'm saying i don't care. :)11:58
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1017911 in lm-sensors (main) "package libsensors4 1:3.3.1-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: conffile './etc/sensors.d/.placeholder' is not in sync with other instances of the same package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101791112:21
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koolhead11I want to help with this https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-q-openstack-ha12:27
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smbDaviey, is there a bug report about the ec2 i386 boot failing in q?12:38
jamespagesmb, I'm not aware of one yet....12:39
koolhead11Is this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClusterStack still in? Looks not updated12:41
zulDaviey: can you review swiftclient and swift-plugin-s3 please?12:41
jamespageUrsinha, around? I think that as a team we have generally agreed on the approach to bug triage now12:43
Davieyzul: yes, i have a call start in 15.. After that, i will.12:43
jamespageUrsinha, I'd like to get the triage report updated to support the revised process...12:44
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zulDaviey: cool thanks12:44
smbjamespage, So I told Leann about the problem and she will try to convince the SRU team to get todays upload accepted. There may be need of speaking in favour (wherever and in whatever form that may be)12:44
zulsmb: whats the number for the xen merge?12:45
smbzul, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen/+bug/1013088 though the title is a bit out of date now12:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1013088 in xen "Please merge xen 4.1.2-7" [Wishlist,In progress]12:46
Davieysmb: It's not SRU, it's Release Team.. And i'm asking for it :)12:46
smbDaviey, Meh, did too much stable work in the past. :)12:46
zulsmb: whats the problem with it again?12:46
smbDaviey, Note it is not yet uploaded. There were some patches promised that arriced today12:46
Davieysmb: Well, i'll respin all flavours when it lands..12:47
smbzul, The questions I have/had are in the report and basically most of the delta I would have introduced is now away with the newer Debian merge12:47
zulsmb: okies so besides the  conflict and replace stuff we should just sync12:48
smbzul, Oh, if you were referring to the things hidden for you to find. Those were referring to two messups in the changelog, the v2 debdiff should be ok12:48
zulsmb: ok cool12:49
smbzul, not completely12:49
smbzul, There is the pxe stuff were we deviate a bit more since debian has a qemu-ipxe with differently named roms to depend on12:49
zulyeah thats fine12:50
smbzul, I think the part I am mostly unsure is the additional replaces and conflicts for xenlib-3 which my feelign is that it was only needed as long as the supported upgrade paths would have it12:51
smbAnd since both precise and precise are xen-4...12:51
zulsmb: ill double check before i upload it but we should be good12:51
smbzul, Cool, yeah it is rather a cleanup issue and should certainly make no difference in usage. The latest Debian version number is a bit of a pain though. ;)12:57
zulyah icky poo12:57
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mattiHi there sonne13:25
sonnewhat is the virtualization technology that best suits ubuntu in your opinions?13:26
sonnethat is, the one that i can expect to be most integrated and supported for ubuntu-based infrastructures13:26
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM13:27
matti+1 for KVM13:30
sonneam i wrong or kvm doesn't support paravirt?13:31
mattiIt does.13:31
mattisonne: http://www.linux-kvm.org/page/FAQ13:32
tashany exim4 users in here? I don't recall ever having such a problem, but, I just installed exim4 and when trying to send mail I get unroutable address errors13:34
tashnot sure what I should change.13:34
sonnematti, your link says the opposite actually13:34
mattisonne: Depends what you are after.13:35
mattisonne: KVM has PV drivers support.13:35
sonnebut that's a full virtualization that "becomes para" after boot using certain drivers13:36
mattisonne: If you want to share CPU / CPU time with PV guest, then KVM cannot do it.13:36
sonneit's not really the same13:36
mattiNo, its not. True.13:36
mattisonne: I personally moved away from Xen and it made me the happiest person ever :)13:37
sonneanyway this isn't a which-one-is-better discussion nor i want it to be13:37
mattisonne: Sure, no worries.13:37
mattisonne: Nobody is having one :)13:37
sonnei know, it's just so easy to degenerate into one when arguing about these things ;)13:37
mattisonne: In Debian / Ubuntu with sanely recent kernel KVM just works.13:37
mattisonne: I use it at home on desktop too, with IO MMU to access my GPU directly, so I can play games :)13:38
mattisonne: Works like a charm :)13:38
sonnematti, i'm coming from a full XCP based infrastructure, so there are things i'm used to that i wouldn't like to loose13:40
sonnesuch as cpu sharing, live migrations, live disk growing/shrinking, live cpu/memory increasing/decreasing13:41
sonnelast time i tried KVM it was on a redhat, and i could hardly do any of those - but maybe things have changed... do you have experience about these matters?13:41
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RoyKsonne: live migration works13:45
RoyKnot the others13:45
sonneRoyK, cheers13:47
FavioEspinozaHow do I tell the version of SASL I have installed?13:53
sonneFavioEspinoza, i'd go for: dpkg -l | grep sasl13:53
glancedpkg -l \*sasl\*13:54
FavioEspinozasonne, glance : Thanks. :)13:55
glancemine was shorter =)13:55
sonneso has anyone tried the xcp toolstack on ubuntu?13:56
sonneis it any good?13:56
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1017847 in qemu-linaro (universe) "qemu segfaults when creating an armhf container on an amd64 host" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101784714:01
Davieysmoser: Are you going to do, "Add support for ports.ubuntu.com to cloud-init: TODO"?14:13
smoserDaviey, well, one way or another we have to do that.14:14
Davieysmoser: Yes, but i'm wondering who i need to slap to get it done? :)14:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #1013171 in mythtv (main) "Many package hooks not ported to python3" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101317114:16
smoserDaviey, i think you're probably right. the best solution is to get arm to archive.ubuntu.com14:17
jpdsOh dear.14:18
stgraberhallyn: I'm preparing a quick fix for bug 1017862, so wait for it before pushing a new lxc with the hooks changes14:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1017862 in lxc "Migrate to dpkg --add-architecture to track foreign architecture in template lxc-ubuntu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101786214:25
hallynstgraber: ok14:27
ironhalikHello guys14:28
ironhalikI'm testing Ubuntu server 12.04 in virtualpc as an alternative to my debian server and got a small problem - when I try connecting via ssh to it, it takes a good minute to show me the password prompt14:29
ironhalikin the exact same conditions in virtual pc and bridget network adapter, debian does it instantaneously14:30
Davieyironhalik: probably a dns issue14:31
ironhalikIm doing it on my local network, ssh'ing to IP, not domain14:32
ironhalikalso, it does it on both openssh server and dropbear14:34
FavioEspinoza(in ubuntu 12.04) I've installed mail-stack-delivery; (solely); and test that works fine with local domain. From this, I want to configure it with Postgresql for virtual domains. Could you give me some links, besides Ubuntu Server Guide ?14:40
newz2000Hi, I've got a windows 7 guest in kvm that I use for testing. I've tried to open virsh and run stop win7 but nothing happens14:44
newz2000is there a trick to get it to shutdown?14:44
newz2000I know my ubuntu desktop guests sometimes have the same prob unless I enable apmd14:44
glancestop means: send acpi power button.14:45
glancethe os in the vm needs to understand acpi to be able to do a shutdown14:45
newz2000glance: cool, that's what I suspected. Anyone know if there's a trick to making Windows understand?14:46
stgraberhallyn: lp:~ubuntu-lxc/ubuntu/quantal/lxc/bug-101786214:47
newz2000ah, may have found it thanks to you helping me get the right terminology14:47
stgraberhallyn: I'm rebuilding some containers now to test, but I don't see why it wouldn't work14:47
newz2000hey stgraber, I was doing a lot of juju stuff last week and your blog was an awesome help, thanks!14:48
Davieyironhalik: the fact it's local network doesn't matter.. my bet is still a dns issue14:49
ironhalikDaviey: yeah, google says so too :) Looking into it14:50
stgrabernewz2000: cool! glad it helped14:51
newz2000me too!14:51
Davieyironhalik: your resolvers are probably unreachable.14:51
smoserstgraber, can you tell me without me having to figure it out myself how i make pastebinit work with paste.openstack.org ?14:52
ikoniaDaviey: is the default 12.04 server setup using dnsmasq like the desktop or is a more regular setup ?14:53
Davieysmoser: $ echo test | pastebinit14:55
smoser$ echo test | pastebinit14:55
smosergracias, Daviey14:56
ironhalikDaviey: You're right - adding 'UseDNS no' to sshd is a working quick fix - thanks14:56
Davieyikonia: same as desktop14:57
stgrabersmoser: you can change the target temporarily by doing "echo test | pastebinit -b http://paste.openstack.org"14:57
smoserright. /me is embarrased. that was too easy.  i assumed somehow i had to tell pastebinit "paste.openstack.org" is a lodgeit based pastebin14:58
smoserhow did it know that?14:58
hallynstgraber: running some tests as well against your tree + my hooks.  i may push the combination to q-proposed later today15:26
stgraberhallyn: cool. I guess you'll have a changelog conflict when landing both branches into ubuntu:lxc, but it should be easy to sort out15:28
hallynyou mean just between our two branches, or something more because of your ubuntu:lxc cleanup?15:30
Ursinhajamespage, okay, I'll finish one other task I have today and will look at the report to update it..15:32
stgraberhallyn: nope, just our two branches as we both add the same changelog entry, but that's easy to fix :)15:33
hallynstgraber: yeah i renamed my patch.  btw do you mind if i add your patch name to your changelog blurb?15:43
stgraberhallyn: no problem with that15:43
hallyn(thanks, will help at next merge)15:44
hallynok, everyone, i'm looking at merging the new libcgroup from debian15:44
hallynit will drop the automatic running of deamons and setup of mounts at boot15:44
hallynhow badly will that mess people up?15:45
hallynmaybe i should send an email to ubuntu-server about it15:45
jamespageUrsinha, great - I updated the triage process in the wiki with the experimental server-notriage tag information15:46
stgraberhallyn: I see that as a good thing really ;) it's causing to fix a lot of weird bugs (most of which we haven't even tied to libcgroup yet)15:47
Ursinhajamespage, do you have that page url so I can bookmark it? :)15:48
hallynstgraber: yeah, but i'm worried since even kees was apparently using the libcgroup classification stuff :)15:49
jamespageUrsinha, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase/BugTriage15:49
hallynanyway, all its tools are broken now without manual setup of cgroups, i need to email jbernard and talk more15:49
jamespagehallyn, pre-empting my non-action from last weeks team meeting15:53
jamespagethe check from the servercloud-q-server-iso-tests-review blueprint was related to checking the functionality of a VM post host upgrade15:53
jamespageI think15:53
jamespagei.e. if we upgrade precise->quantal do VM's keep functioning15:53
keyword1hi guys I have a question I have installed ubuntu server I installed X so when i run export display=:0 && xterm15:55
keyword1xterm Xt error: Can't open display:15:55
keyword1xterm:  DISPLAY is not set15:55
hallynjamespage: sorry i'm in the middle of an email and can't seem to process your sentence15:58
hallynjamespage: oh i see waht your'e talking about (not what you're saying)15:59
hallynjamespage: can you just send me an email after the meeting?15:59
jamespagehallyn, sure15:59
jamespageI might have actually figures out what I'm trying to say then...15:59
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1018001 in rabbitmq-server (main) "Please sync rabbitmq-server 2.8.4 from Debian" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101800116:11
imanccan anyone recommend a decent and easier to use IPtables interface?16:21
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hallynimanc: ufw?16:30
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.16:30
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tashI'm mounting a Windows share and I need my apache2 user, www-data, to be able to mkdir on the share. Any idea how to accomplish this? My mount is currently using the Administrator usernamed on the windows server.16:34
imancthanks guys16:34
uvirtbotNew bug: #1018024 in apache2 (main) "Apache Common and Combined definition Vs. documentation disparity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101802417:01
hallynstgraber: all my tests pass...  so what, i just target the changelog at quantal-proposed and dput?17:04
hallynoh wait, i wanted to play ab it more with cgroup premounts first anyway17:05
stgraberhallyn: yep, just change the target to quantal-proposed and dput17:11
hallynjust making sure :) thx17:13
hallyni'm considering putting the mount script for doing cgroup premounting into /usr/share/doc/lxc/...17:13
gary_posterhallyn, hi.  two quick questions, hopefully.  is there a way to identify that you are running inside an lxc container?  Relatedly, is there a way to get information about your host, such as the IP address?  These are low-priority questions, fwiw.17:17
hallyngary_poster: lxc-ps -n $container -- ef17:17
mattigary_poster: LXC-wise, there is.17:18
mattigary_poster: Have a look at https://github.com/kwilczynski/facter-facts/blob/master/lxc.rb -- some detection vectors there.17:18
hallyngary_poster: what do you mean by 'get information about your host' ?17:18
hallynyou mean for the container to find out the host's ip address?17:18
hallynif so, i think the best bet is to use cloud-init.  whatever ways might exist now, we'd want to patch them up eventually :)17:19
gary_posterhallyn, yes17:19
hallyngary_poster: is the ubuntu-cloud template something you coudl use?17:19
hallyn(you can pass it user-data files, thanks to utlemming )17:19
gary_postermatti, interesting reading, thanks; will look more later17:20
hallyngary_poster: d'oh, i misread yoru first q17:21
hallyngary_poster: see 'running-in-container'17:21
gary_posterhallyn, ah, nice!17:21
gary_posternot in lucid :-P :-)17:22
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hallyngary_poster: hm, i thought i had that in the ubuntu-virt ppa as part of lxcguest17:22
hallyngary_poster: 'lxc-is-container' ?17:23
gary_posterhallyn, I've got lxcguest 0.7.5-0ubuntu4.10.04.4 in lucid .  lxc-is-container exists in the lucid container, and exit code is 0.  Does not exist in Precise host.  Doing a google search to try and find expected usage...17:26
gary_posterhallyn, so it looks like the intent is that if the command exists, lxcguest is installed, which means you are presumably in an lxc container?17:27
ironhalikwow, installing ubuntu server on 128 megs of ram is painful :>17:28
hallyngary_poster: not quite,17:28
hallyngary_poster: it doesn't always return 0 just bclxcguest is installed17:29
hallynit looks to see if init has the 'container=lxc' env variable17:29
hallynunfortunately it got renamed for precise, when it moved from lxcguest into upstart17:29
hallynbut, the logic would basically be:17:29
hallyn1. if /bin/running-in-container is present (precise and above, always), run it and check for 0 return value17:30
hallyn2. else, if lxc-is-container is not present, assume lxcguest is not installed and you're not in a container (or are in trimmed container)17:30
hallyn3. else, run lxc-is-container, if 0, you're in a container, if 1 you're not17:30
gary_postergot it, thanks very much hallyn!17:31
hallyngary_poster: in particular, the point of lxcguest was that you can boot a system with lxcguest installed as bare metal17:31
hallynnp, hope it suffices!17:31
pdtpatrickQuestion - i've installed syslinux - however pxelinux.0 is  0KB - is that normal? if not can someone share theirs ?17:49
ironhalikis it possible to set up a landscape server of my own?17:50
ironhalikor is it 100% proprietary?17:50
koolhead17ironhalik, i think its 100% enterprise17:51
patdk-wkyep, it's all closed source17:52
ironhalikshame - it looks like a really nice tool, just not worth the price for my small server17:53
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travisneidsI'm connecting to a VPN with "pon vpnname nodetach" and it looks like its connected fine however I can not ping the shared drive i'm trying to get access to.  I can VPN with my Mac OS and ping the IP.  Am I missing something?  Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS18:32
hallynstgraber: do you think /usr/share/doc/lxc/examples/cgroups-mounthook would be a good place to ship a mount hook for pre-mounting cgroups?18:34
dreamer__Hello, i'm looking to setup a home network with Ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, I want clients, webserver and a fileserver connected to my main server wich will host routing dhcp and dns. Is this doable18:35
stgraberhallyn: yep, sounds good18:35
stgraberhallyn: just wondering, what's your plan for cases where you want to call more than one of these? does the syntax allow duplicate lines or should the user write a script?18:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #1018052 in quagga (main) "quagga security issue CVE-2012-1820" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101805218:36
hallynstgraber: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1061263/ looks good18:36
hallynstgraber: yeah, you can have as many as you want18:36
hallynuh, in theory18:36
stgraberhallyn: (thinking of a case wher you want an ephemeral container with cgroups for example (once we move ephemeral to using the hooks))18:36
hallynperhaps i oughta check :)18:36
stgrabercool, supporting multiple lxc.hook entries will work fine18:37
TheLordOfTimehallyn:  wouldnt hurt ;P18:37
travisneidsHow about setting the PPTP gateway client side?19:01
K4kBy installing with a ks.cfg file and specifying "url --url http://www.server.com/ubuntu" would the installer be using that url only for the additional packages in %packages or for all files during install?19:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #1018094 in bind9 (main) "failed with nslookup for www.google.com, others domain names are fine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101809420:16
Piciodd bug.20:18
Sahuai have an odd issue - i can ssh into my ubuntu server just fine, but i can't connect to anything from there. ping google.com shows unknown host. running 12.04 LTS - any thoughts?20:26
pretecSahua: look at your /etc/resolv.conf maybe the nameserver configuration is wrong20:27
ironhalikhave you tried pinging an IP address? are googles DNS servers20:27
Sahuaoh hey, works just fine20:27
Sahuaso a DNS issue? that'd makes a bit more sense20:28
ironhalikyeah, youll need to add DNS entries - Googles ( and as backup) or some of your own choosing20:29
guntbertironhalik: Sahua: I recommend not to use - we know they keep everything :-)20:32
ironhalikJust because you're paranoid does not mean they're not out there to get you.20:32
Sahuahaha :p i'll at least give it a shot20:34
ironhalikSahua: btw, man resolvconf20:36
ironhalikto change the nameservers20:36
Sahuayeah, took me a bit20:36
uvirtbotNew bug: #1014657 in python-glanceclient (main) "[MIR] python-glanceclient" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101465720:36
Sahuathanks - is working20:36
Sahuaappreciate the help!20:37
DavieySpamapS: Saw this, thought it might interest you. http://dom.as/2012/06/26/memsql-rage/20:52
glancehmm... ec2 roles and a modern boto to be able to do #include straight off s3 in cloud-init scripts... that would be nice21:09
=== James__ is now known as JPP
Davieyhallyn: traditionally LVM was significantly faster image storage for VM's than raw or qcow.. I understand that virtio helped close this gap, but do you have feelings on the current state?21:35
ikoniaDaviey: I can't see how either could be close to lvm's performance at this time from my usage standpoint21:35
Davieyikonia: have any metrics ?21:36
ikoniaDaviey: nothing to hand that's recent (at home at the moment) but using lvm devices or file systems on lvm, always produced visable performance improvment, so never bothered actually getting beyond that as it was always visible21:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #1006547 in vlan (main) "vlan doesn't work properly on 12.04 server " [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100654721:37
ikoniaon database the IO access to qcow devices (non-root disk) was always much much lower, I may have some high level stats in the office21:37
Davieyikonia: Yeah, i just wanted to check that it was still accurate, that there is a significant gap.21:45
ikoniaDaviey: well I can't go as far as 12.04 sadly as it's not being used as a host, but I'd be happy to bench it against a 10.04 box on identical hardware21:46
Davieyikonia: If it's not too much of a pain, i would be interested in 10.04 stats aswell.. thanks21:46
ikoniaDaviey: I can set aside a few hours tomorrow I think, I've got some spare HP hardware.21:47
rbasakWhat's with uvirtbot announcing "new" bugs that are days old?21:47
Davieyrbasak: I noticed that aswell.. uvirtbot uses email as a notifier.. I'm betting that the header parser needs updating or something21:49
rbasakDaviey: or perhaps there's a massive backlog?21:49
rbasakDaviey: oh I see. It's seeing bug traffic as new bugs even though the bugs already existed21:50
Davieyrbasak: My hunch is the X-Launchpad headers have changed or something, and it thinks it is seeing new bugs, yes.21:51
DavieyJust a hunch.21:51
* rbasak would like to file a new bug against uvirtbot21:52
Davieyrbasak: bugs should be raised via the irc interface, /msg soren Please fix it.21:54
Davieyit also has an email interface, soren@ubuntu.com21:54
rbasakPerhaps LP should allow the filing of bugs against users? :-P21:55
Davieyrbasak: did you just sign up to take ovr maintainership?21:55
rbasakDaviey: actually I'm fine with that. I already run another private IRC bot anyway21:55
rbasak(also based on supybot)21:55
rbasakAssuming soren doesn't want to run it any more of course21:57
DavieyHe hasn't commented either way, but i'm sure he wouldn't turn down help.22:01
methodshow does the mysql upstart job know to run as the mysql user ? i don't see a setuid or setgid in the upstart config..22:02
Davieyutlemming: is the cron job for cloud image building still active ?22:11
Davieyie, will there be a new cloud image when i get out of bed?22:11
utlemmingDaviey: yes sir22:12
utlemmingDaviey: there is also a job waiting on the appearance of the new kernel too22:12
utlemmingso you'll likely get two shiny and new images22:12
Davieyutlemming: ah, that is the one i want..22:12
Davieyutlemming: new kernel will be published in ~2 hours.22:13
Davieyutlemming: probably not worth building one, then building another 6 hours later.. might want to flip to manual, if you have a task waiting on that22:13
utlemmingDaviey: right, especially so soon after22:14
* utlemming switches automatic off22:14
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SpamapSDaviey: indeed, thats a great post, and domas is basically "the man" :)22:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #1018171 in apache2 (main) "apache2 init script report start success too early" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101817122:46
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