
MarkDudeMost likley Marketing God Ryan Singer00:30
MarkDudeMaybe on Nixie making it up to it00:30
MarkDudephilipballew, the book are on the Oreilly site- as in we make requests of books- they can give most of what they have00:50
MarkDudea few titles they can  not do it00:51
MarkDudeSo its best to request more00:51
MarkDudeThey would like people to post reviews of thge books.00:52
MarkDudeThey wont hunt us down and beat us if we dont, but I have noticed they will send more of them quickly when they see reviews happen00:52
MarkDudeIts not just this group00:52
MarkDudeThey help many LUGS and othe computer clubs with more than 8 people00:53
MarkDudemight be 6 - im not sure00:53
bkerensagnight folks07:36
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
scientesMarkDude, but you can bitch about Bash ;)17:00
DonkeyHoteibetter than bashing payback for being a bitch17:01
pleia2please watch your language folks, we have a diverse crowd here17:02
DonkeyHoteiне уже ли17:03
MarkDudescientes, my intent was to bash Fedora there :D17:07
MarkDudeGreat concept, sorta falls apart on usuability17:07
MarkDudeBitch is mostly reserved as an *empowering word*17:08
MarkDudeThats a safer usage of it. When used as a putdown- not so good17:08
pleia2please don't use it at all here17:08
DonkeyHoteiyes, please substitute "female dog" like some forum software automatically does :P17:10
* MarkDude does not plan to - but, still knows that it is ok in some uses. Sorta like using gay as a descriptor, or a pejorative. Or discussing the aawesome magazine that uses the name. OR how my Mom used to use it17:10
DonkeyHotei"gay" means "merry"17:10
MarkDudeGay means dudes that date dudes- its cool17:12
MarkDudeThe Castro- is hella gay17:13
akkOr "it must not be offensive if I misspell it", like "ghey" or "phat".17:14
MarkDudeakk, true17:15
* MarkDude used to use the word lame to describe uncool stuff- no longer does that :)17:15
bkerensapleia2: LOL I got ocelot shirts :)17:17
pleia2bkerensa: hah, not surprised, we got meerkat ones pretty late once17:18
pleia2but the ocelot shirts rock!17:18
bkerensapleia2: yeah... I responded to Jas and asked if maybe CD's are coming in a seperate box....17:18
bkerensaIf I remember correctly though the CD's and Swag come from two different countries17:19
pleia2yeah, I think so17:19
* MarkDude will need a few CDs for the next event- if possible :)17:19
pleia2MarkDude: that's fine, just let me know more than a day before the event ;)17:20
MarkDudeCool, ty17:20
pleia2I'm going to be out of town Jul 4-9 and my schedule all around then is crazy busy17:20
pleia2(including now)17:20
MarkDudeWhere ya headed?17:20
pleia2Maine, visiting family17:20
bkerensaMarkDude: yeah if my CD's get here in time you can have a few too to take with yah17:21
bkerensaMarkDude: I confirmed valorie will be at CLS17:21
MarkDuderight on- bkerensa I will have some media for you also17:21
MarkDudebkerensa, you should write a blogpost for TOSW17:22
MarkDudeAbout the way you have grown the Oregon Team17:22
MarkDudeThe Open Source Way17:22
bkerensaoh... is that the redhat book?17:22
MarkDudeit will be made into a book, and all contribs will get a copy17:23
MarkDudeIt started as that. then Karsten decided it needed not only other FOSS examples in it-17:23
bkerensahah :P I might have to17:24
MarkDudeit needs Non-FOSS examples too. From churches, civic groups, etc17:24
* bkerensa is working on a article for Linux Journal atm and I might miss my deadline on it =s17:24
bkerensaEmbedded Linux Article :P17:24
MarkDudeWell, many in Fedora are aware of your actions in Oregon, and know that those that pay attention can learn fromn it17:25
MarkDudeAnd TOSW is a good example of looking for things in common :)17:25
MarkDudeBesides, being in a book would be fun17:25
* MarkDude is sure you are prolly working on like 5 of them now :D17:26
bkerensanah I dont want to ever write a book ;)17:26
bkerensaMarkDude: Did you get a new copy of Firefox which landed for Android today? http://mzl.la/Firefox-Android-US17:28
darthrobot[R: www.mozilla.org] Title: [Error reading title]17:28
* MarkDude will put it on his phone now17:29
scientesbkerensa, do you mean armv6 builds?17:32
scientescause fireox for android has been around for a while, and i assume it auto-updates17:33
MarkDudeWell there was a big announcement17:34
scientesnative UI?17:34
scienteswhich is actually quite annoying, cause im using firefox mobile on GNU/Linux, and that has now been deprecated17:34
scientesb/c of native ui17:34
scientesif you build aurora you can get gstreamer+h264 support (youtube)17:35
bkerensascientes: its a new version with a improved UI and backend17:35
bkerensaMarkDude: Swagger like this? http://i.imgur.com/jJuSP.jpg17:35
darthrobotContent type: [image/jpeg] Size: [124475]17:35
scientesbkerensa, well, i run firefox nightly....17:36
bkerensascientes: there is no nightly for android17:36
MarkDudebkerensa, you are effin' fancy with all of that17:36
* MarkDude only has stickers and pens at the moment17:36
bkerensaMarkDude: Ikr now I need to hope to get rid of all of it at CLS/OSCON =s17:36
MarkDudeAnd hella *small shirts*17:36
bkerensaYeah I also got funding from Mozilla pending17:37
MarkDudeOf course you do.....17:37
bkerensaso I can do a MozCoffee during OSCON17:37
MarkDudeYou are hella fancy with them also :)17:37
scientesbkerensa, https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mobile/nightly/latest-mozilla-central-android/fennec-16.0a1.multi.android-arm.apk17:37
darthrobotContent type: [application/vnd.android.package-archive] Size: [19273890]17:37
MarkDudedarthrobot, - MarkDude is not impressed with your announce skills17:37
darthrobotMarkDude: Error: "-" is not a valid command.17:37
MarkDude.fight darthrobot Eureka17:38
* MarkDude has money on Eureka 17:38
bkerensascientes: ahh I thought you mean from Play/Android Market17:38
bkerensascientes: I wonder if they actually build that daily from our repos though?17:38
scientesbkerensa, same build system as desktop firefox17:39
scientesandroid isn't self hosting17:39
bkerensathen yeah thats pretty much nightly17:39
bkerensaunless slater didnt have a build made last night17:39
scientes"26-Jun-2012 04:02 18M "17:39
* scientes is a dutiful bug reporter17:40
bkerensagood stuff17:41
bkerensascientes: do you go to any Moz events in California? I'm not sure who the Moz Rep is down there17:41
MarkDudelet me know17:42
scientesand even bug fixer: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/a19f0356c09d17:42
darthrobotTitle: [mozilla-central: changeset 94466:a19f0356c09d]17:42
bkerensaMarkDude: I'm going to see if Ross will pay for our booth power again this year17:42
bkerensain fact I need to e-mail him now17:42
MarkDudeRoss Turk?17:42
MarkDudeYou dont need power there- just get batteries17:43
* MarkDude can file a ticket if you like. Fedora would pay for your power if needed :)17:43
bkerensaMarkDude: I need 15amps17:44
MarkDudeThey offered to pay me back for the media that MarkDude paid out of his own pocket that yokozar got for the Ubuntu booth 2 years ago17:44
bkerensathats $250 or something17:44
bkerensayeah will Canonical is not going to do that... at least I dont think so17:44
* MarkDude can go loook in a RH couch for that17:44
bkerensaIf it was a Mozilla booth then it would be no problem ;)17:45
* bkerensa thinks Mozilla has more coin then Canonical sometimes17:45
MarkDudeIf Ross wont, I can see about asking some others, let me know17:45
bkerensahe will17:45
bkerensahe offered at UDS17:45
* MarkDude thinks Canonical has plenty of coin- they are just really smart with it17:45
scientesMozilla has more coin, Google coin17:50
bkerensaMarkDude: ^17:52
* MarkDude was not saying who has MORE- just that Canonical is doing fine17:54
MarkDudeAnd most likely will have the amount growing by end of year- if not sooner17:55
bkerensaNo doubt :) especially with them making milestones like passing RHEL/CentOS in amount of SMB File Servers ;p18:00
philipballewGood morning CA people!18:02
MarkDudeRH needs a fire under its ass. Ubuntu and Canonical are good for ALL of FOSS18:03
MarkDudehey there philipballew18:03
akkSeems like I'm seeing more anti-ubuntu sentiment from RH people lately.18:04
akk(not you, of course, MarkDude)18:04
MarkDudeakk, not me of course- I am still known *as the Ubuntu guy over there*18:05
scientesakk, well, the unity/gnome-shell and systemd/console-kit stuff is not pretty for anyone18:05
MarkDudeAs well as Fedora's Jono (which I choose to take as a complimnet )18:05
akkOh, sure, there are lots of people mad about unity etc., but I meant more general stuff against the distro, not against specific software.18:06
* MarkDude was accused of being under Mark S's charms18:06
scientesbkerensa, except that ubuntu was pretty slow with the SMB remote root exploit18:06
scientes(granted the patch was massive, and a PITA)18:06
MarkDudeHating Unity might make sense- if there were not other awesome choices for Ubuntu18:06
MarkDudeThere ARE.18:06
MarkDudeFor what its worth- plenty of folks dont like Gnome3- just as much18:07
scientesMarkDude, unity is actually gnome 3, but with unity18:07
scientesthe differentiator is gnome-shell18:07
MarkDudescientes, details, details18:07
DonkeyHoteiif you had to choose between unity and unity, which would you pick?18:07
MarkDudeThats sorta my point18:08
akkMaybe the biggest advantage of using a different windowmanager is that you're immune to the "what crazy thing will ubuntu do next with the default desktop" hassles. :)18:08
MarkDudeDonkeyHotei, MarkDude would use Windows18:08
MarkDude<Poes LAw>18:08
scientesakk, how about the "what will they break next in the non-default path, that i will have to bitch about to get fixed" ;P18:08
MarkDudeWindows 3.1.1- (the .1 for networking)18:09
MarkDudescientes, words18:09
akkscientes: Well, yeah, I do definitely have to deal with those hassles, it's true.18:09
MarkDudeavoid the B one18:09
scientesoh, yeah, my bad18:09
scientesand that wasn't even for poetry's sake18:09
scientesi meant, whine18:09
MarkDudeUnless its a relevant link from bitchmagazine18:09
* MarkDude doubts there are any18:10
akkscientes: And that can get pretty annoying sometimes ... but I think it might be less annoying than "my whole desktop has changed out from under me".18:10
philipballewUnity is pretty nice...18:19
* philipballew runs and hides18:19
scientessystemd is getting some significant uptake18:20
* scientes still has a suspicion that canonical is just waiting for the rough spots of systemd to get worked out before switching18:20
MarkDudeUnity will be perfect fro Ubuntu TVs, as well as some tablets18:20
scientesMarkDude, i have a bug with unity+on-screen keyboard18:21
philipballewreport it18:21
scientesi did18:21
scientesbut until that is fixed, no go for touchscreen-only w/ unity-3d (fine with unity-2d)18:22
MarkDudeIts all duct tape for now- by early next year- Unity will be looked at as genius18:23
MarkDudeThey have a few critical bugs to address18:23
philipballewYou could switch to a Windows8 surface tablet.18:23
scientesOH U18:25
philipballewI dont think you should really bash any distro myself. or bash a distro by a company supporting it if you do not like the company, or its leader.18:25
philipballewI cant't say Fedora sucks because I think Red Hat sucks imho18:26
MarkDudephilipballew, I see it this way- Its like me being Italian- its cool if I make dago jokes- since I OWN the term.18:26
philipballewor Ubuntu sucks because Mark Shuttleworth is not my kind of person. Saying that is not a valid argument imho.18:26
MarkDudeCool for me to insult Fedora18:26
* MarkDude is big Mark S supporter- his vision is awesome18:27
philipballewI can make redneck jokes since he has a car packed in his lawn with 6 foot high grass.18:27
philipballew*i have a car parked in my18:27
* MarkDude also makes white people jokes too18:28
philipballewI try to not get upset at any joke someone makes as long as it's a joke and not a statement is disguise.18:29
MarkDudeSometimes comments are fact based- like saying Fedora is harder to use- due to its stance on free stuff. Installfests are sometimes needed. With Ubuntu- that would almost be silly- since it *truly does just work* :)18:29
* MarkDude will still continue to joke that Mark S has his own island, like a James Bond villian. People with jumpsuits with Ubuntu logos and wearing jetpacks18:30
MarkDudeInterviews held over a sharktank with a button he can push to drop them :D18:30
philipballewYou should ask him that on the ask mark day each six months18:31
MarkDudeWell. Maybe not.18:32
* MarkDude already asked one question - it turned into a *a thing*18:33
* MarkDude changes subject18:33
* DonkeyHotei changes verb18:33
MarkDudeActually he has a great sense of humor, and would find it amusing18:33
philipballewI like people with a scene of humor. Your not walking on egg shells as much18:34
DonkeyHoteiain't it great to be a part of the humor scene?18:35
MarkDudeWell there is a fine line there18:37
* DonkeyHotei erases it18:37
* MarkDude likes outrageaous humor, and needs to remind himself of community standards18:37
philipballewBlack humor18:40
* MarkDude prefers term blue humor18:40
philipballewalright, but black humor is the correct term though :)18:41
DonkeyHoteii use the term dark humor18:45
pleia2philipballew: thanks for handling the meeting stuff :)18:47
philipballewno problem!18:47
philipballewthe new forms layout messed me up!18:47
philipballewI was disappointed when the forms person was desgining the icons for the site during uds18:50
philipballewwith cs518:50
philipballewin osx18:50
philipballewTopic for #ubuntu-us-ca is:  Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, July 1st, 7:00pm PDT | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com  |  We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic18:55
darthrobotTitle: [Ubuntu California Team | California Team]18:55
=== philipballew changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Topic for #ubuntu-us-ca is: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, July 1st, 7:00pm PDT | This channel is publicly logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic
pleia2MarkDude: you need to give me more warning for events ;) I'm speaking at ITT Tech on Thursday18:57
philipballewTheres an event this Thursday?18:58
MarkDudepleia2, I know- it was a short notice one18:59
MarkDudephilipballew, a bbq in Danville if you can make it to my place18:59
MarkDudescientes, if you want also19:00
MarkDudegrantbow, you should come too19:01
scientesyes i;d like to be there19:01
philipballewIll be there19:02
MarkDudeThe only thing is- you need to have a fake name to tell the gaurd shack. We use animal and pet names, as well as stripper names19:08
MarkDudePeaches, bubbles, Mr Whiskers, etc19:08
MarkDude95%+  of visitors play the game19:09
* MarkDude is on golf course19:09
* scientes will think about a stripper name19:09
philipballewI was told at school my stripper name would be fell-er-up.19:09
* MarkDude would use Mr Whiskers19:10
MarkDudeOr maybe Jonny Nicewonger19:10
scientesahh i've got it19:10
scientesnow i just have to remember it ;)19:11
philipballewSounds good to me19:11
MarkDudegrantbow, for example has to say his name is Dangerous G- or they wont let him in19:11
MarkDudeCandy is no longer taken, as well as peaches or Old Yeller19:13
pleia2you guys are making me really uncomfortable, can you please stop or take this elsewhere?19:14
DonkeyHoteiMarkDude: ^19:15
DonkeyHoteinot cool19:15
DonkeyHoteiand i should know; i make people uncomfortable just by existing19:16
MarkDudeAnd no DonkeyHotei you dont19:16
DonkeyHoteisome people i do19:16
bkerensaHuh only $545.00 for internet at OSCON19:17
MarkDudeall joking aside- you are good about taking others into account19:17
pleia2bkerensa: at a booth/table?19:17
bkerensapleia2: yep just got our powered pay for by a sponsor now I need to figure out internet again19:17
pleia2bkerensa: yowch :) how much is power?19:18
bkerensaPower was only $10019:18
bkerensa$98 to be specific19:18
* pleia2 nods19:18
pleia2that's not so bad19:18
bkerensalast year it was like $300 though because we had to pay the floor rate19:18
* bkerensa blames MarkDude 19:18
MarkDudeThe messenger?19:19
MarkDudeRumor has it Distros will be there due to some Twitter account....19:19
bkerensapleia2: he kids ^.... last year he was like hey we have a booth at oscon who wants to run it because im gonna be busy (he gave us like one day notice)19:19
* pleia2 facepalm19:19
MarkDudelast 2 years Ubuntu had a table due to me19:20
bkerensabetter yet nobody even knew Ubuntu had a booth19:20
pleia2ah, fun19:20
MarkDude2 years ago- while in Fedora19:20
* MarkDude hlped run the Ubuntu table19:20
* bkerensa remembers asking Mark... so who did you talk to to arrange all this... he was like i have no idea but marsee will help us19:20
MarkDudenot actually true Ben19:20
MarkDudeThe goto person was changed19:20
bkerensaMarkDude: was it Jon?19:20
pleia2we've had issues with coordinating scale, but it always works out in the end19:21
MarkDudethey added formalities over the last two years19:21
bkerensayeah idk... I guess that sounds about right19:21
philipballewCan you just teather from someones cell phone?19:21
bkerensaI have been handed off to like 5 people so far19:21
bkerensa1 person to sign contracts... another to send logos to.... another for booth... etc etc19:21
pleia2this year I ended up being the booth leader, not quite sure how that happened19:21
pleia2it was too much though, I also gave two talks that weekend19:22
bkerensaphilipballew: Generally O'Reilly offers wifi but it is PITA19:22
* pleia2 slept4week after19:22
bkerensaphilipballew: I think Im going to get a Sprint mobile hotspot19:22
pleia2(not really, but I did get sick)19:22
bkerensaphilipballew: you talk to Mark about a ride yet? :)19:22
MarkDudeMeeting for funding is tonight19:23
bkerensaMarkDude: :P19:23
MarkDude6pm- you are welcome to attend19:23
MarkDudeThey like you there19:24
* bkerensa is not a Fedoroan19:24
* philipballew runs fedora 17 19:24
* MarkDude runs Win &19:24
scientesoh, are all you guys in Portland now?19:24
MarkDudeand photoshop19:24
* MarkDude is EVIL19:24
bkerensascientes: just me19:24
scientesPublic Service anouncement: this is the #ubuntu-us-CA channel, so GTFO :P19:24
* bkerensa should go down to Voodoo Donuts19:24
bkerensascientes: peh my family has been in California since the 1899 ;)19:25
scientesbkerensa, arn't those horizontal escalators fun?19:25
scientesin the airport19:26
bkerensascientes: idk I have never used one19:29
scientesdidn't you come through the PDX airport? or did you drive?19:31
scientes / train19:31
bkerensascientes: come through what? I live in Portland19:47
philipballewThe dream of the 90' is alive in Portland19:51
MarkDudeYou need to ride a freakbike while there19:53
MarkDudeAnd eat food from a bike foodcart19:53
philipballewI am currently in the process myself of welding two bike frames together to make a double decker bike MarkDude19:59
bkerensaphilipballew:  just let me know when you got solid plans and I can add you to the roster20:01
philipballewokay. sounds good.20:04
philipballewat scale, the convention started friday.20:04
philipballewGot solid plans Thursday morning20:04
philipballewbut dont worry, I'll be there.20:07
bkerensaphilipballew: OSCON starts Monday and CLS Saturday20:07
bkerensaSo Sa, Su and M-F20:07
bkerensai just wonder if MarkDude will have a penguin suit20:08
philipballewI could wear a orange ubuntu colored suit. That would be funny20:09
* MarkDude should put a rush order for suit today20:10
bkerensapleia2: If California does any packaging and such our server should be colo'ed soon and we will likely have a instance available for you guys to use for bug jams.20:38
* bkerensa is stoked about this :) were going to have our own xen box :d20:38
pleia2bkerensa: nope, we've done testing jams before though20:38
pleia2but those just use the qa tracker and launchpad, no server space needed :)20:39
pleia2thanks though, if there is something folks want to work on that needs a server and ours isn't a good option, we'll keep you in mind20:39
MarkDudeYay, Phillip can make it21:47
MarkDudeThe other phillip (tribble)21:47
philipballewSo MarkDude danville's by livermore right?21:58
MarkDudeWell it sorta is22:00
MarkDudein the same tri-valley22:00
MarkDudeSan Ramon is next to it22:00
MarkDudeAKA San Remote22:00
MarkDudesent FB invite philipballew22:07
philipballewso probably hit the 680 and just go down...22:07
MarkDudePhillip- meet phillip22:07
philipballewIt is a nice name22:07
MarkDudephil... phil22:08
* MarkDude is sure he agrees22:08
bkerensaMarkDude: this year I think Im going to stay till the end of each party except puppetlabs23:00
bkerensamy place is only a handful of blocks from OCC23:00
MarkDudeparty at bkerensa 's house23:09
* MarkDude will make the FB event now23:10
philipballewAin't no party like a bkerensa party cause a bkerensa party don't stop!23:21
bkerensaphilipballew: you can bring the juice ;)23:23
philipballewI do enjoy apple juice23:33

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