
bkerensanathwill: ping pong06:09
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
jPiroshkyr0csteady: You betcha, it's noon on Fridays until six, but the next time is tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 2pm, so feel free to come if you can07:26
bkerensajPiroshky: distro meeting?07:28
jPiroshkyAw haw;  you'd be interested to know that Ubuntu is a really strong candidate because all of the DEs install side by side and work together well.  I like it personally because you can pick and choose all or any of them in tasksel when you are installing07:30
bkerensajPiroshky: is this for FreeGeek?07:34
bkerensagnight folks07:36
r0csteadybkerensa: It is07:36
r0csteadyI am actually attending OSbridge Tues-Fri.07:47
nathwillmorning all15:06
MarkDudeHey there nathwill16:37
bkerensamorning nathwill17:03
bkerensanathwill: http://i.imgur.com/jJuSP.jpg <-- Swagger17:35
Brian_Hnice thats pretty cool17:37
bkerensaBrian_H: thats only the first part :D I have other boxes in route from Netherlands and California17:40
Brian_Hlol wow, its just like christmas :p17:40
bkerensaoh damn17:41
* bkerensa needs to call a certain business guy and arrange for him to pay for our booth electric17:42
Brian_Hridiculous that they charge fr that17:44
Brian_Hwonder if they will start charging for air next year17:44
bkerensaBrian_H: you guys buy power already?17:45
Brian_Hreluctantly yes17:46
bkerensayeahs it kind of ridiculous its so expensive17:46
Brian_Hcan't really get around it, need to charge the cellphones :p17:46
bkerensayeah we need power for laptops17:46
Brian_Hand the whole union junk is enough to drive you bonkers17:46
nathwillholy swag18:59
bkerensaboom booth power at OSCON paid for ;)19:15
bkerensacourtesy of the folks at Inktank/Ceph19:15
nathwillyay for good businesses willing to support user groups :)19:19
bkerensanathwill: well this year were not being listed as Ubuntu Oregon19:23
* MarkDude wants to put that on social media- 19:25
MarkDudethem sponosoring- thats cool19:25
nathwillwe what?19:34
nathwillwe're not being listed as Ubuntu Oregon?!19:34
nathwillwtf are we?19:34
nathwillbtw... dunno if y'all use yahoo! mail, but this is amazing: http://www.ymailblog.com/blog/2012/06/finding-your-photos-is-now-a-snap%E2%80%94introducing-the-new-photos-app-in-yahoo-mail/19:35
orebuntunathwill's tiny URL is http://tinyurl.com/8xzcw2m19:35
bkerensanathwill: you use ymail? :s19:46
bkerensanathwill: we are this year just listed as Ubuntu19:46
MarkDudeUbuntu OWES Ubuntu Oregon19:48
MarkDudeand should request EXTRA favors19:48
nathwillbkerensa. yes... iirc... i use ymail19:50
bkerensanathwill: im saddened19:50
bkerensado you use Yahoo News? :P19:50
nathwillbkerensa, define use? it is one of many news sites i read...19:51
nathwilli use it as much as i use ars technica...19:51
bkerensanathwill: idk... yahoo news just uses AP and a few other sources19:51
bkerensaGoogle News + Huffpo you get everything19:51
nathwillbah, google news19:51
nathwillno thanks19:51
bkerensayour loyal to the master19:51
nathwillnot hardly19:52
nathwilli read what is worth reading... and i have yet to come across interesting news via google news19:52
nathwillhuffpo for sure19:52
nathwilltoo bad they're owned by AOL...19:53
bkerensanathwill: add sections to Google News19:53
bkerensalike "Linux"19:53
nathwillmy main news source is google reader >_<19:54
bkerensaahh I dont use readers too much19:54
bkerensaI get overwhelmed if I do19:55
bkerensaI tried that once and had like 100+ sites I subscribed to19:55
nathwillwell, you're missing out on some sweet sites then... you just have to be vicious about pruning shite19:55
nathwilland not subscribe to 'planet' blogs19:55
nathwillbut 'planet' feeds are good to find the people posting worthwhile articles19:56
bkerensathats what my reader looks like19:56
bkerensaI have/had folders setup for each type of site19:56
bkerensalike Law19:57
nathwillpaul graham's worth following for sure. so's brandon mathis and mike cardwell, though i don't necessarily agree with everything they say19:57
* bkerensa subscribed to govtrack to see ever law introduced by congress19:57
nathwillbet that worked out well...19:57
bkerensait frustrated me20:00
nathwillyeah, i can imagine20:00
nathwillwow... puppet fundamentals training... cost=2200 smackaroos20:27
bkerensanathwill: oh the one in Portland?20:32
blkperlbkerensa: sponsership obtained, stay tuned20:32
bkerensanathwill: ^ looks like we need rails and shiz20:33
bkerensanathwill: and to get everything pre-baked20:33
bkerensablkperl: indeed :)20:33
meetingologybkerensa: Error: "exit" is not a valid command.20:36
nathwillbkerensa, you refer to the 1u?20:42
bkerensanathwill: yeah20:42
nathwilldo you have a list of what we need?20:43
bkerensanathwill: all we need it a mount kit for a 1950 and the two HDD's20:43
nathwillokey doke.20:44
bkerensanathwill: I mean ultimately that is if the rack were being dropped into is standard ;)20:44
nathwillha, iguana micro is a yahoo! store :D20:45
bkerensaiguana micro?20:45
bkerensaahh I see20:46
nathwilllocal pc supply shop20:46
nathwillmy vendor of choice. small, local, located between work and home :D20:47
bkerensaI mean even if we could find the rails without all the hardware we dont need any screws for instance20:48
bkerensaI will also have to get two power cables from freegeek since we got dual PSU's20:48
bkerensanathwill: do you remember who won the Ubuntu Books at the release party? they never e-mailed me and the books are ready to ship20:55
bkerensatgm4883: ^20:55
nathwilli think that nathan williams guy won20:58
bkerensanathwill: did u?20:59
nathwillbut that nathan williams guy did ;)20:59
nathwilli think travis_g did?20:59
nathwilli can't remember...20:59
bkerensahuh well I remember asking them to e-mail me by june 121:00
nathwillwell... i'd give them another day or so, then they go back into the pool21:01
nathwillspeaking of which... i finished art of community... need to bring that back21:01
bkerensanathwill: Yahoo just entered into a deal with Spotify21:12
bkerensathis will hit the news shortly21:13
bkerensatechcrunch etc/21:13
tgm4883bkerensa, that Thomas Mashos guy won too ;)21:14
bkerensatgm4883: did you honestly win? =/21:21
tgm4883no I won the other thing21:21
tgm4883to the conference dealy21:21
bkerensanathwill: http://benjaminkerensa.com/2012/06/26/spotify-and-yahoo-partner-up21:21
bkerensathere is the scoop ;) I beat techcrunch and all the other tech sites :P21:21
bkerensatgm4883: ahh and then you couldnt make it right?21:27
bkerensaI wonder if c_smith is even at OSBridge today?21:27
bkerensaMore feedback on the flyer is still needed guys :)22:57
bkerensanathwill: you still interested in co-maintaining seamonkey with me?23:06
bkerensaIm bringing the package up to date right now23:07
nathwillbkerensa, sure23:28

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