
jcristauRAOF: fwiw http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=67594006:45
ubottuDebian bug 675940 in fglrx-driver "fglrx crashes with X server 1.12 on 64bit architecture" [Serious,Open]06:45
jcristaufrom the "how can fglrx be so full of shit" department06:45
tjaaltonand the legacy ones are always behind06:47
tjaalton-96 doesn't support even 1.1106:48
tjaaltonnot sure if -173 has been uploaded yet06:48
tjaaltonso maybe that's in the same boat06:48
mlankhorstjcristau: It's amazing :)06:50
Sarvattthat fglrx bug in debian was fixed months ago...07:04
Sarvatttalk about annoying07:04
mlankhorstit's revived?07:05
Sarvattno it hasnt been released yet07:07
Sarvattthey fix stuff 3 months before releasing it publicly07:07
mlankhorsthm, something like http://opensource.apple.com/source/X11libs/X11libs-40.2/cairo/cairo-1.8.6/util/backtrace-symbols.c would be nice to have for X, meaningful backtraces if debug symbols are found (license sadly)07:08
tjaaltonweren't they supposed to change the release policy?07:08
Sarvattlooks like its in the 12.6 catalyst though07:08
Sarvattor 12.7 whenever it actually releases now, 8.98x07:09
Sarvattsomeone from debian reported it on their beta mailing lists07:10
mlankhorstSarvatt: Yeah sadly I now believe if they put some more resources into r600 it would work a lot better than fglrx' way of development :(07:13
Sarvattit was reported and fixed when debian first went to xserver 1.12, to put it in perspective07:14
mlankhorstThat was how many months ago now?07:15
mlankhorstso THAT explains why all my crasher bugs overlap rofl07:20
mlankhorstmy biggest issue with ati was that every time it fixes a new issue after 4-5 months it would introduce a new one needing fixes07:20
mlankhorstso it was guaranteed to never work right07:20
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mlankhorstwell succes-ish, I can sync nouveau with itself using the cpu fallback. :)14:32
C-Ottoi'm here regarding clickpad issues, cf. http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2012/02/call-for-testing-clickpad.html14:32
C-Ottois it a bug that while doing a two-finger-dragndrop the button holding the key (lower left) can still move the pointer?14:32
C-Ottoi'd like my index finger (in the main part of the clickpad) to move the item and the thumb on the lower part of the touchpad to just click (ignoring any movement)14:33
C-Ottocurrently I see that movements of both fingers have an effect14:33
tjaaltonmlankhorst: you seem to be involved with wine.. so on precise 64bit install it complains about DRI being disabled, which is bogus, and I can't run trackmania! :)15:10
tjaaltonerr:winediag:X11DRV_WineGL_InitOpenglInfo Direct rendering is disabled, most likely your OpenGL drivers haven't been installed correctly (using GL renderer "Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Desktop ", version "1.4 (2.1 Mesa 8.0.2)").15:10
mlankhorsttjaalton: glxinfo | head or something15:14
mlankhorstwill probably need mesa-utils:i386 for wine15:15
tjaaltonok i'll try that. unity et al run just fine15:15
mlankhorstsince it's a 32-bits process15:15
tjaaltonnow it crashes with "malloc(): memory corruption: 0x7d7c4308 ***"15:20
tjaaltoni give up, just wanted to see if the wine install worked or not15:21
tjaaltonhas been a while since I used it15:21
mlankhorstheh, are you using the ubuntu wine ppa?15:21
tjaaltonno, stock precise15:22
mlankhorstbeen updating that ppa at least15:22
tjaaltonhmm, with 1.5 i get a "GLXBadDrawable"15:29
ricotzmlankhorst, hi16:23
ricotzplease don't copy the kernel to edgers16:24
mlankhorst? I don't usually touch kernels16:24
ricotzmlankhorst, sorry, i see16:24
ricotzwho did this?16:24
mlankhorstlet me check16:24
* ricotz notes: we want a "full" kernel there with a linux-libc package, and if one copies it at least binary copy it16:25
tjaaltonleann? must be a mistake i guess16:25
mlankhorstI can cancel the build if you want?16:26
ricotzmlankhorst,  i can do this too16:26
tjaalton"Copied from ubuntu quantal in Primary Archive for Ubuntu"16:26
tjaaltonoh the lts backport16:27
ricotztjaalton, i mean this one " linux-lts-quantal - 3.5.0-2.2~precise1"16:27
ricotzCopied from ubuntu precise in Q-series LTS Backport16:27
mlankhorstricotz: Yeah probably done by mistake :)16:27
mlankhorstI can't imagine why you want that as part of the edgers ppa16:28
tjaaltonricotz: best ask on #ubuntu-kernel16:28
ricotzmlankhorst, it was the same with  3.5.0-1.1~precise1 though16:28
ricotztjaalton, i dont think one of the kernel guys put it there16:28
mlankhorstricotz: could ask just in case, not sure who manages kernel-ppa16:29
tjaalton'kernel-ppa' is some script16:29
tjaaltonand a person wrote it16:29
ricotztjaalton, and a person copied it from there16:29
tjaaltonor created the automation16:29
mlankhorstI would guess automation since 1 time could be done by accident :)16:29
ricotzi dont think kernel-ppa has the rights to upload to edgers?16:30
mlankhorsttjaalton: who maintains kernel-ppa script?16:33
tjaaltonmlankhorst: i don't know, guessing it might be timg or leann16:34
ricotzmlankhorst, fyi, it is in here too https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/q-lts-backport/+packages16:35
tjaaltonthat's the correct place16:35
mlankhorstricotz: yeah that's the place it ought to be in :)16:35
ricotzmlankhorst, did you copied it?16:35
mlankhorstno :s16:35
ricotzah, i though this one was copied from somewhere too16:36
ricotzbut this one was actually uploaded16:36
tjaaltoni'd think 'uploader' shows whoever signed the package and uploaded it, not who touched the changelog last16:36
ricotztjaalton, actually any member of edgers can copy a package from somewhere to edgers ppa, but you cant see who16:37
tjaaltonwell, then you have a short list of suspects16:38
tjaaltonSarvatt, bjsnider ^16:39
Sarvattricotz: that was me16:40
ricotzSarvatt, uh, i knew! ;)16:40
ricotzSarvatt, we want a full kernel in there16:40
Sarvattso put it in there too? :P16:41
ricotzSarvatt, but if you copy a package, wait for it this be built and binary copy it ;)16:41
ricotzSarvatt, i did16:41
ricotzSarvatt, the packages arent compatible though16:41
Sarvattyeah I use the backports ones16:42
ricotzmeaning the have the same binary package names16:42
Sarvatterr what?16:42
ricotzwhich leads to upload fails16:42
ricotzi guess that happens last time irc16:42
Sarvattno they dont?16:42
ricotzSarvatt, mhh, some upload failed, let me see16:43
ricotzspam ahead16:44
ricotz* Source Package: linux-lts-quantal16:44
ricotz * Version: 3.5.0-1.1~precise116:44
ricotz * Architecture: amd6416:44
ricotz * Archive: xorg-edgers PPA16:44
ricotz * Component: main16:44
ricotz * State: Failed to upload16:44
ricotz * Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes16:44
ricotz * Build Log: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+build/3591883/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.linux-lts-quantal_3.5.0-1.1%7Eprecise1_BUILDING.txt.gz16:44
ricotz * Builder: https://launchpad.net/builders/americium16:44
ricotz * Source: not available16:44
ricotzwhile  "linux - 3.5.0-1.1" was already there16:44
tjaaltonit builds the metapackage too?16:45
ricotztjaalton, no16:46
ricotzthat is the source name16:46
Sarvattahh ok my mistake, i thought the packages were namespaced with lts-foo, guess it does conflict16:46
ricotzthe source packages are, but not the binaries16:46
Sarvattricotz: so want to start doing a metapackage then?16:46
ricotzSarvatt, no, i thought we dont want this16:47
* Sarvatt is sick of all the emails about linux-image-extra not being installed16:47
ricotzbut copying the meta-package from quantal can be done16:47
ricotzSarvatt, sorry, that always you are getting the bad mails :(16:48
Sarvattyou should have gotten some of them :)16:48
Sarvattall the ones about usb and video not working after installing linux-image because they're in -extras now16:49
ricotzSarvatt, ah, i guess there is a bug about that since quantal is hit by it16:50
ricotzSarvatt, are the metapackages changed in some way for that already?16:50
Sarvattyeah in quantal16:51
ricotzah right16:51
ricotzso adding a metapackage will "force" people to upgrade16:52
mlankhorstSarvatt: hm was right in my guess then :)16:52
mlankhorstjust don't like to accuse unnecesarily16:52
ricotzSarvatt, i will start to copy the metapackages then too16:53
Sarvattthe lts backport meta might actually work16:54
mlankhorstSarvatt: well I had to get a whole renamed stack in a ppa as proof of concept :)16:55
Sarvattnope it doesn't pull in -extra16:55
Sarvatti would argue its the main kernel we don't want, linux-libc-dev stopped being important in edgers once everything started using libdrm headers :P16:56
mlankhorstpretty much16:57
ricotzSarvatt, ok, so if we want to rely on the lts backport kernel there is no need to copy it since it will land in precise automatically16:57
mlankhorstricotz: except it's not there yet until :)16:58
ricotzoh, really? i am not speaking of the x-stack16:59
ricotzthe kernels landed pretty fast in lucid irc16:59
Sarvattyeah lets just copy the meta, it's pretty much required now with the linux-image-extra junk17:00
mlankhorstSarvatt: hm not sure, will 12.04.1 ship with new kernel or is that 12.04.2 too?17:00
Sarvattdidn't realize the backport one wasn't namespaced and was screwing up the other builds17:01
Sarvattmlankhorst: nah 12.04.217:01
mlankhorstyeah thought so :)17:01
Sarvatti have no clue what the plans are for quantal backports going into precise17:01
mlankhorstrenamed like that I think17:01
mlankhorstthey're following X since we have more complex requirements17:01
Sarvattyeah what ricotz is saying is lts-maverick kernels went into lucid pretty fast but they haven't this time for quantal ones17:02
mlankhorstfinal kernel is not even available yet, might need 3.617:02
ricotzSarvatt, alighty then17:03
mlankhorstin fact the code needed for syncing dma isn't even done yet *sighs*17:03
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tjaaltonbryceh: btw, we should wait until the vdpau support lands in debian mesa, since it appears to be not quite finished yet18:02
mlankhorsttjaalton: at the moment all that vdpau is is a stub :)18:03
brycehtjaalton, you mean before doing 1.12?18:03
tjaaltonwell i don't mean the upstream code, but packaging18:04
tjaaltonbryceh: no I mean the committed patch was incomplete :)18:05
brycehtjaalton, which patch?18:09
tjaaltonbryceh: the one you applied on mesa18:10
tjaaltonbug 100222418:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1002224 in Mesa "Please include gallium vdpau and xvmc driver support" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100222418:10
brycehtjaalton, then can you comment on the bug? 18:11
cndmlankhorst: I haven't looked at synaptics yet, still waiting for your confirmation that it is ready18:15
tjaaltonbryceh: done18:17
mlankhorstcnd: Well 1.6.2 works here :)18:20
cndmlankhorst: ok, so do you want me to upload it?18:20
mlankhorstcnd: It's in the sru queue afaict18:20
cndmlankhorst: oh, did someone else upload it for you?18:20
mlankhorstyeah :)18:21
cndI don't see anything here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics18:21
cndit should be in quantal first18:22
mlankhorsthm it should be in quantal18:22
mlankhorstbryceh: did you upload 1.6.2 to quantal?18:35
tjaaltongit shows it unreleased18:39
brycehmlankhorst, nope, not me18:39
brycehlooks like 1.6.1 was the last I uploaded18:39
mlankhorstok I don't think it happened yet then, so could you upload it?18:39
brycehmlankhorst, certainly18:39
mlankhorstthanks :)18:39
brycehmlankhorst, upload sponsored18:44
brycehmlankhorst, hey do you get the Accepted emails from launchpad on uploads?  Or do those go only to the sponsor...18:49
mlankhorstthink only to you18:50
stgraberbryceh: speaking of upload, you're aware that the archive is frozen right? :)19:06
brycehstgraber, oh yeah19:07
stgraberbryceh: because that upload just went to the release pocket even though it was seeded, this might cause alpha-2 images build skew. It should have been going to -proposed instead19:07
brycehstgraber, feel free to kick it out then19:08
stgraberbryceh: we can't, it's a soft freeze19:08
brycehwell it's a fast build at least19:09
stgrabergood, and I believe we haven't started building the next batch of images, so I'll just mention it in #ubuntu-release so that they wait for it before respinning19:09
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bjsnidertjaalton, i definitely did not copy a kernel into edgers22:36

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