
hazmatbcsaller, any progress resolving that?00:12
bcsallerhazmat: I've been running into other issues on both EC2 and local trying to reproduce it00:13
hazmatbcsaller, ?00:13
hazmatwhat issues?00:13
bcsallerthings like the oneiric instance isn't getting a new enough python-zookeeper so the managed classes were not there00:15
bcsalleron the local provider the UA wasn't coming up when the series was old00:16
bcsallerthe json module seemed fine however which was all thats involved in that test afaics00:18
hazmatbcsaller, juju-origin: ppa should solve the first (txzk version)00:26
hazmatbcsaller, pls file a bug on the latter00:26
hazmatSpamapS, trunk open?00:33
hazmatare we there yet ;-)00:33
imbrandonhazmat: you got openstack to work at all yet ? i dont care if i got to use s3 or not, i just cant seem to get my env.y happy01:21
imbrandonits always something else once i get one fixed01:21
hazmatimbrandon, i haven't had a chance to get rolling with it. though i did just get my invite for the rackspace openstack beta squared away. i'm hoping to get back into it post my velocity talk tomorrow01:22
imbrandonrocking, if you dont mind ping me if i seem to be arond01:24
imbrandoni'll try to play at the same timeish that way we can bounce fixes.problems with less effor both ends01:25
imbrandonleast till successfull bootstrap or i;ll slit wrists what ever seems like it will work hahahah , totally joken before someone calls the loony bin on me01:26
imbrandonok , gonna see if i cant migrate websitedevops.com to jekyll+bootstrap tonight ( havent started yet only been reading up on it ) hehe01:27
imbrandonhazmat: would you be cool if i changed the links on juju.ubuntu.com that point to the docs over to jujucharms only long enought till we get the RT ticket fixed or get the ok to charm it up02:15
imbrandoni know might mean $ so thus asking02:15
imbrandonbefore i did it, and i really just mean those two links in the wiki header nav02:16
imbrandonhrm or actually we already point some pages to jujutools.github.com and multi of us herer on the core team have "owner" on that repo, i could just upload it to /docs there via git02:17
imbrandonand no cost to anyone and be on an semi official , or at least fully contoled via official ppl02:18
* imbrandon preps that, not like it would take 30 sec to switch the link back02:18
cjohnstonI'm a little confused.. I have a charm that's been deployed by someone else.. I added the environments.yaml I was given to my .juju directory, but I'm still not able to run juju status, or anything else..  Any ideas what I may be missing?02:20
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: are you running it locally?02:30
cjohnstonJoseeAntonioR: no, ec202:32
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: verify all the data in the environments.yaml file is correct, then juju bootstrap, juju deploy [charmname]02:33
cjohnstonits already deployed02:33
cjohnstonand now I'm trying to connect to i02:33
JoseeAntonioRjuju status should give you a public IP address for it02:33
JoseeAntonioRunless it hasn't finished downloading the master image and configuring yet02:34
cjohnstonits been up for a few months... I get "juju environment not found: is the environment bootstrapped?"02:34
cjohnstonI can ssh into one of the servers, I can view the site.. I just cant get to all the servers because I dont know all the ip's02:34
JoseeAntonioRhmm, maybe juju destroy-environment and juju boostrap again02:35
cjohnstonnoo... thats bad juju02:35
JoseeAntonioRif there are things you can't lose, then don't run it02:35
cjohnstonya.. not running02:35
JoseeAntonioRyou should try "juju bootstrap", if the environment is not bootstraped it will do it, but if it is already bootstrapped no changes will be applied02:36
JoseeAntonioRyou won't lose anything at the end02:37
cjohnstonshould I have to run bootstrap in order to connect to something that was setup by someone else?02:38
JoseeAntonioRno, you should run bootstrap to bootstrap the environment02:38
JoseeAntonioRafter the bootstrap, status02:39
JoseeAntonioRmay work02:39
cjohnstonI got asked about a fingerprint.. I guess thats a good thing02:43
cjohnstonhrm.. its only showing me one agent and no services tho02:43
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: then no charms were deployed02:43
JoseeAntonioRyou're starting from scratch02:44
cjohnstonthen something is still broken.. I'm ssh'ed into one of the servers... I know it exists02:45
JoseeAntonioRand no juju+charms in that server, then02:47
cjohnstonThere should be 4 servers showing in status, a front end, a db, a memcache, and the server that the code lives on.. I'm only getting 1..02:49
JoseeAntonioRthat seems weird02:50
cjohnstontell me about it02:51
JoseeAntonioRcjohnston: I think it's only showing the server you're connected to02:57
cjohnstonI sshed into the server it shows, and I don't recognize any of the processes running on the server02:58
JoseeAntonioRwhat the...02:59
sidneijml, ah, it does.03:01
m_3dang... cjohnston left03:38
m_3JoseeAntonioR: he's not using the right environment in his commands03:39
imbrandonhe is in some of the same chans i am03:39
JoseeAntonioRm_3: that explains everything, I'll let him know03:39
m_3i.e., 'juju status -esummit'03:39
m_3yeah, his keys were injected as part of the 'authorized-keys:' for the environment03:40
JoseeAntonioRstill online, so catch him if you want to03:40
m_3pm-ing... thanks03:40
m_3hazmat: otw... we leave an another hour or so03:41
m_3I'll be working from utc+10 for a couple of weeks03:42
negronjlm_3:  utc+10 !!! that's a change03:42
imbrandonm_3: nice , you have to put up with more of me then , hahaha03:43
m_3negronjl: yup... actually sitting in SFO atm :)03:44
m_3negronjl: taylor's got a conference in sydney03:44
negronjlm_3: ahh ...  enjoy03:44
m_3negronjl: yup... _crazylong_ flight first tho03:45
cjohnstonhow long m_303:47
imbrandonthats wh........03:47
m_3cjohnston: til the 9th03:48
cjohnstonflight.. how longs the flight03:48
lifelessjcastro: still handing out tshirts like lollies?04:56
imbrandonheya lifeless you ever get to look into that box running the wiki/docs by chance ?05:27
burnbrighterCan nodes be shut down from with juju as to power them down?  Is that juju terminate?  I've found my ssh key is only working on my first bootstrap node.  All others did not get the ssh key and apparently did not bootstrap correctly for juju.  What forces the subsequent nodes to re-bootstrap with juju and get the right ssh key?05:39
burnbrighterTrying to avoid a complete re-do with destroy-environment05:40
lifelessburnbrighter: you should be able to use your cloud providers API to get those additional nodes boot logs05:42
burnbrighterthis is maas05:42
lifelessah, not sure if it provides that05:42
lifelessanyhow, Juju attempts to reprovision nodes that don't come up and register with the master node after a reasonable time05:43
burnbrightercan I simply powerdown nodes without doing damage to the juju environment05:43
lifelessso you should be able to use MAAS to terminate and return to the pool the node.05:43
lifelessI don't know whether the machine agent will run on reboot; if I did I could answer that question :)05:43
burnbrighterI've had bad experiences with removing the node from maas without removing from juju05:43
lifelessimbrandon: the sphinx docs q? I have the ticket to look at now, I haven't had time to look into the complexity and see about poking someone05:44
burnbrighterok, I will try just shutting it down.  thanks05:44
imbrandoncool, yea me and SpamapS both receated and tested the proposed solutino of enabling -backports and upgrading the sphinx workd perfect, but yea i understand thir might be other services on the box to check05:46
* imbrandon hopes not tho05:46
imbrandonlifeless: let me know if there is anything i can do to make it easier on ya when you do get that far :if i'm around etc)05:47
lifelessimbrandon: sure, thanks05:52
burnbrighterAre there any suggestions on how to approach the ssh keyless maas nodes?  Maybe diagnosing a possible problem in the provider code?06:38
burnbrighterI can't get access to the nodes, so I can't see the logs06:38
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SpamapSimbrandon: wtf? Another channel?12:49
SpamapSimbrandon: #juju-dev would have been the place for them to go, IMO12:49
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twobottuxaujuju: Security groups creation in EC2 <http://askubuntu.com/questions/156715/security-groups-creation-in-ec2>13:37
hazmatimbrandon, sure re docs, though do you know who confirmed the rt for the docs update14:28
zirpuother than looking at $HOME/.juju/environments.yaml, is there a way to list your working/available environments?14:52
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SpamapShazmat: ok, at this point, 544 is a failure. I'm releasing 543 as 0.5.1, and trunk is open for dev15:37
SpamapSjimbaker`: ^^ please fix natty/oneiric15:37
SpamapSwhy can't I call "galapagos" milestone "0.5.1" ?15:40
SpamapSah because version was galapagos15:41
SpamapShrm or not15:41
hazmatSpamapS, cool, fsync test stuff merged to trunk16:05
james_wwhere's the codebase that generates the review queue wiki page?16:06
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negronjl'morning all16:21
hazmatjames_w, there's a copy in charm-tools used for the cli version16:24
james_werr, why did I say wiki?16:25
hazmatbzr lp:charm-tools  && less scripts/review-queue16:25
james_whazmat, the web version uses that code too?16:25
hazmatjames_w, pretty much, it just takes the output and dumps it into a mongodb, toss a simple html template on it16:25
hazmatit does the data collection as a cron job to avoid interacting with lp inline to the web request16:26
james_whazmat, so the web page is live backed by mongo?16:26
zirpusort of.16:27
hazmatjames_w, yes nginx w caching, pyramid, and mongodb16:27
james_whazmat, ok, thanks16:27
james_whazmat, OOI why not just write out static html in the cron job?16:27
hazmatjames_w, i've been asking myself that same question recently about the entire jujucharms.com site.. ie render static and push to cloud front16:28
hazmatthe only dynamic bit atm is the search16:28
hazmatwhich according to analytics isn't used that much16:28
james_wjujucharms I can understand more, as there are lots of pages16:28
james_weventually static html becomes a poor tradeoff with that IME16:29
james_whazmat, so the review-queue is done like that because the rest of the site is?16:29
hazmatjames_w, mostly its just ease of changing out styles and templates, and the caching makes it fairly fast regardless, even live (sans cache) its fairly fast16:29
hazmatjames_w, yup16:29
james_wok, thanks16:29
james_wfor example, status.ubuntu.com is static html16:29
zirpuif you can do it statically it's generally better.16:30
james_wand takes >1hr to generate now, which means the original design decision isn't such a good idea any more16:30
zirpuespecially if it doesn't change often.16:30
james_wgiven the likely access pattern16:30
hazmatwell, part of the future goals is to add a bit more dynamicism16:30
hazmathere's the bug list for the site.. fwiw. https://bugs.launchpad.net/charmworld16:31
hazmater.. feature requests16:31
james_wwe're just wanting a review queue for a "distribution" on LP as well, but don't need a browser at this point16:31
james_wso mongo+nginx+pyramid seems a bit overkill16:32
zirpuhm. haproxy charm hooks/stop  stops mysql instead of haproxy.16:40
zirpuwell i guess i need to learn how to make patches and submit bugs now.16:44
SpamapSzirpu: bzr branch lp:charms/haproxy , edit, bzr commit, bzr push lp:~your-lp-username/charms/precise/haproxy/fix-stop-hook, bzr lp-propose16:46
zirpucool. thanks. was digging through the docs.16:46
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
SpamapSzirpu: note that the stop hook isn't actually called anywhere yet, but it should be at some point in the near future.16:56
zirpuok.  this was a good 1st for me.17:00
SpamapSzirpu: ^517:01
zirpui'll be going to the charm school session at velocity at 13:00 today (PDT).17:01
SpamapSzirpu: *awesome*17:18
juju-velocityconhi guys :-)17:21
SpamapS10:21 ... join!#juju -> juju-velocitycon(~subway@
SpamapSsubway :)17:27
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hazmatnegronjl, what's the admin web ui for hadoop?18:41
hazmater. where18:41
negronjlhazmat:  hadoop-master:5003018:41
negronjlhazmat:  or .. http://<hadoop-master>:5003018:41
hazmatnegronjl, thanks18:42
negronjlhazmat: np18:42
lifelessjcastro: ola19:09
SpamapSwth boto.. shipping your own certs and ignoring those in /etc/ssl/certs?!19:40
SpamapShazmat: something wicked in the fsync change me thinks19:42
SpamapS * Duration: 2 hours 50 minutes19:42
SpamapS    test_resolved_stopped ...                                              [OK]19:42
SpamapShung there before the buildd killed it19:42
* SpamapS bootstraps using the proposed openstack provider20:00
SpamapS    agent-state: running20:02
zirpuanyone written a provider that uses vagrant? or virtualbox?20:07
SpamapSzirpu: no, just the local/lxc provider20:10
SpamapSzirpu: its certainly been wondered about a lot20:11
burnbrighterAnyone know what this error is about:20:13
burnbrighterProviderInteractionError: Unexpected Error interacting with provider: 409 CONFLICT20:13
burnbrighter2012-06-27 20:19:07,255 provision:maas: juju.agents.provision INFO: Starting machine id:10 ...20:13
burnbrighter2012-06-27 20:19:07,471 provision:maas: juju.agents.provision ERROR: Cannot process machine 1020:13
burnbrighterI see lots of emails on it, but nothing that definitively says why I'm receiving this error20:13
SpamapSburnbrighter: you may have forgotten to set port in your environment.. or the constraints you have are not resolvable20:14
burnbrighterThanks - which configuration file handles this?20:17
burnbrighter(this is for maas btw)20:17
SpamapSburnbrighter: yeah that only happens with MaaS .. it depends on what the problem is20:18
SpamapSburnbrighter: if its the port problem, its ~/.juju/environments.yaml20:18
burnbrightertrying to run openstack and none of the nodes will start20:18
SpamapSburnbrighter: if it is a constraints problem, you can resolve it with juju set-constraints20:18
burnbrighteryou are right, I have no port set20:19
burnbrighterI am using the example from the documentation20:19
burnbrighterah, no wait20:19
SpamapSburnbrighter: there's a fixed version of juju in precise-proposed I think20:19
SpamapSburnbrighter: it assumes 80 now ;)20:19
burnbrighteryeah, that's there:20:19
burnbrighter  maas:20:20
burnbrighter    type: maas20:20
burnbrighter    maas-server: ''20:20
burnbrighter    maas-oauth: 'XXXXXXX'20:20
burnbrighter    admin-secret: 'nothing'20:20
burnbrighter    default-series: precise20:20
burnbrighterdoes that look right? or should I be using the latest version of juju?20:20
SpamapSburnbrighter: 0.5+bzr531 should be fine20:22
SpamapSburnbrighter: dpkg -l juju to figure out the version20:24
burnbrighterso the environments.yaml looks ok?20:27
burnbrighterthe nodes did their bootstrapping and cloud-inits fine. i could ssh to them and everything20:27
SpamapSburnbrighter: right, so when do you get that 409 ?20:31
burnbrighterjust after I finished deploying all of the openstack stuff20:31
burnbrighterand exposing it20:31
SpamapSyou may want to run 'juju -v whatever-causes-it' and possibly read /var/log/juju/provisioning-agent.log on machine 0 to figure out why20:32
SpamapSburnbrighter: my guess is not all of your services were able to deploy because of constraint problems20:32
SpamapSbut I am not a MaaS expert :p20:33
* SpamapS heads to lunch20:33
SpamapSburnbrighter: try #maas too20:33
juju-velocity-dehi guys from velocity live20:36
* zirpu .20:37
zirpusvg status graph done via graphviz?20:39
zirpucs == charm store?20:47
juju-velocity-dezirpu:yes and yes20:47
burnbrighterProblem above identified - mass/juju REQUIRES 10 reachable nodes, I only had 621:48
SpamapSburnbrighter: there is a hack you can do to consolidate a few onto node 021:50
SpamapSburnbrighter: basically you can force mysql+rabbitmq+nova-cloud-controller+something-else onto node 022:08
SpamapSimbrandon: hey did you get the openstack provider to work w/ hpcloud?22:19
SpamapSsigned up today.. want to see how it goes22:19
SpamapShah doh22:31
SpamapSssh fail22:31
* SpamapS goes on a mission to fix the mediawiki charm22:37
imbrandonSpamapS: no23:02
imbrandonSpamapS: you get it working on hp ?23:17
SpamapSimbrandon: have not tried yet23:17
SpamapSimbrandon: just using the internal canonistack so far23:17
imbrandonhrm, sneek some hp time in i;d love to have someoen else fail too so i can get mine going23:18
imbrandonbut beating my head on it alone , i just gave up23:18
lifelessjcastro: around ?23:23
lifelessjcastro: hey23:23
lifelessjcastro: so, are you still handing out tshirts for charms ?23:23
lifelesscool, I can has?23:23
jcastroYeah, mail me your shipping info23:24
jcastroYou get a handy dandy ubuntu mug as well23:24
lifelesshttps://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/charms/precise/opentsdb/trunk btw23:24
jcastrok, just be responsive when a review comes in23:25
imbrandonthose mugs are nice, i use mine daily :)23:25
jcastrothe shirt is for when your charm is in the store itself23:25
jcastrobut it's ok, I have this amazing feeling that SpamapS will drive that queue to zero today23:25
* jcastro snickers23:25
imbrandoni was gonna do some reviews tonight for doc's merges so i may get some charms done too23:26
imbrandonjcastro: hows velocity23:26
jcastropretty high end23:26
jcastrowatching how they built Pinterest23:27
imbrandonjcastro: i got yout email too, but for what i do i would have to move to ireland, no thanks23:27
sidneiduct tape and paper clips?23:27
imbrandonyea pintrest and instragram are both kick ass on the infra23:27
* sidnei j/k 23:27
SpamapSjcastro: tomorrow is my day isn't it?23:33
SpamapSjcastro: damn, I was planning on doing it tomorrow, silly me23:33
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zirpui've decided i need to upgrade from my old lenovo t61 laptop to something new and better.  anyone have suggestions?  or laptops that you're using and like?23:53
zirpui've only got a measly 4gb memory. :-(23:53
* zirpu really want's 1Tb just to feel snug.23:53
thomizirpu: The system76 laptops are nice, especially the new ones, you no longer need to carry around a massive power brick23:54
zirpui have one on my desk at work. i stopped carrying it around. it's just a friking desktop. huge.  it has 8g memory. :-)23:56
SpamapShmm.. I wonder if charmers should have an official backports PPA23:59

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