JontheEchidna | neat, langpack support | 00:02 |
JontheEchidna | ew: | 00:40 |
JontheEchidna | wonder how I managed that... | 00:40 |
JontheEchidna | oh, bug 1015567 | 00:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1015567 in dpkg (Ubuntu Quantal) "upgrade failed: mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present" [High,Triaged] | 00:41 |
JontheEchidna | it's what I get for running quantal :P | 00:42 |
JontheEchidna | well it was a nice 15 minute diversion | 00:57 |
JontheEchidna | ...except for the part where I screw up my /var/lib/dpkg/status :D | 01:00 |
littlegirl | Hey there, can someone help me to branch the kubuntu system documentation for Quantal? | 01:43 |
jjesse | yes | 01:45 |
jjesse | bra branch lp:kubuntu-docs should do it for you | 01:45 |
jjesse | ah silly autocorrect | 01:45 |
jjesse | bzr | 01:46 |
littlegirl | Ah, that's the command I've been using, and that gives the Precise documentation. How do I get the Quantal documentation> | 01:47 |
littlegirl | heh | 01:47 |
jjesse | hrmm i thought quantal was branched already | 01:47 |
littlegirl | Thanks for adding me to ubuntu-core-doc, by the way. (: | 01:47 |
littlegirl | I downloaded it and the About page still says Quantal. I know how to change it, but I wasn't sure whether I should, since that's till supported and can still be updated, right? | 01:48 |
jjesse | yes it can be still be updataed | 01:48 |
jjesse | hrmm it looks like no one branched it | 01:48 |
littlegirl | That's what I figured. How hard is that to branch on the server? | 01:48 |
jjesse | i've never done it | 01:49 |
jjesse | sorry | 01:49 |
littlegirl | Ah, that's okay - neither have I. Someone will know how it's done. (: | 01:49 |
jjesse | hrmm i'll look into it | 01:50 |
littlegirl | I think I pick a bad time of day to get on here. It would probably be better to get on in the morning Eastern Standard Time. (: | 01:50 |
jjesse | yeah it might | 01:51 |
jjesse | i did add you to the core-doc group | 01:51 |
jjesse | so you have commit privileges | 01:51 |
littlegirl | Yeah, thanks for that! | 01:51 |
jjesse | welcome | 01:51 |
littlegirl | Does that also give me Kubuntu privileges, because that's what I really wanted. (: | 01:51 |
* littlegirl is a Kubuntu girl all the way | 01:51 | |
jjesse | yes you have rights to both ubuntu-docs and kubuntu-docs | 01:51 |
littlegirl | My son uses Ubuntu, but I prefer Kubuntu. (: | 01:51 |
littlegirl | What I could do, since I've got a copy of the Precise documents, is go ahead and start changing those over locally, and once they're branched I can grab them again, merge my changes into them here and then push to the server if you like. | 01:52 |
jjesse | yes you can | 01:52 |
littlegirl | Once the branch is done, will it be a different bzr command to get to the Quantal docs, or will that stay the same? | 01:53 |
jjesse | bzr merge | 01:53 |
littlegirl | No, I mean the bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs command, which currently leads to Precise documents. Will it be a new command to get to the Quantal docs, or will that one go to Quantal, and a different command take us to the Precise ones? | 01:54 |
jjesse | you will do a bzr merge lp:kubuntu-docs when it is quantal | 01:55 |
jjesse | the system will know that you are pushing to a new branch | 01:55 |
littlegirl | Yeah, I guess what I'm trying to figure out is how you get to each separate branch, since I don't know the structure of the branches. (: | 01:56 |
jjesse | once the quantal branch is up you will do a bzr merge or bzr push lp:kubuntu-docs and for precise you would do bzr merge lp:kubuntu-docs/precise | 01:57 |
littlegirl | Oh, that's perfect - thanks! | 01:58 |
littlegirl | Well, thank you for all your hel, jjesse! I'll be on earlier tomorrow to see about getting this thing branched. (: | 02:02 |
jjesse | ok i'll reach out to Matthew East on the Ubuntu-Doc team and I'm sure he can figure it out :) | 02:02 |
littlegirl | Cool. I've got Bazaar installed here locally, and I'm using it for all my version control, but my structure is a bit different from the Ubuntu structure, I'm sure. (: | 02:03 |
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JontheEchidna | jonathan@jonathan-laptop:/tmp$ sudo apt-get install -f | 02:23 |
JontheEchidna | bash: /usr/bin/sudo: No such file or directory | 02:23 |
JontheEchidna | :D | 02:23 |
JontheEchidna | brb, reinstalling | 02:23 |
JontheEchidna | Oh well, I hadn't reinstalled since the beginning of the oneiric cycle anyways :P | 02:38 |
littlegirl | That was fast. (: | 02:39 |
JontheEchidna | I'm downloading the ISO in windows :P | 02:43 |
littlegirl | Oh, ew! | 02:43 |
JontheEchidna | as long as I stay in Chrome the whole time I shouldn't know the difference! | 02:43 |
littlegirl | LOL | 02:44 |
littlegirl | Is this a laptop with Windows on it that will be getting Kubuntu on it? | 02:44 |
JontheEchidna | yeah | 02:45 |
JontheEchidna | It's dual-booted w/ a tiny partition for the windows side, and ext4 partitions for / and /home | 02:46 |
littlegirl | Oh, that's cool. I did something similar with my HP laptop many years ago and it worked out great. (: | 02:47 |
JontheEchidna | all I'll have to do is re-install over root, and reinstall a bunch of packages and I'll be back in business | 02:47 |
littlegirl | Good. (: | 02:47 |
JontheEchidna | yeah, I hose the system once every 2 or 3 cycles or so | 02:48 |
JontheEchidna | not on purpose, of course, but it happens | 02:49 |
littlegirl | Same. I keep the LTS releases on my system and wipe it and start over with a fresh one each time. (: | 02:49 |
claydoh | is the iso image size going to be larger now, officially? | 05:24 |
debfx | claydoh: yes, but hopefully not as large as they currently are | 06:08 |
claydoh | debfx: thanks, could see where that was noted. WHat will be the official size once we get everything buttoned down? | 06:09 |
* claydoh is just editing a wiki page, wondering if he should remove references to "CD" disks :) | 06:09 | |
debfx | the hard limit is 1GB | 06:10 |
debfx | yeah, they are no CDs anymore | 06:10 |
Riddell | kubotu: newversion soprano 2.8 | 09:04 |
kubotu | | 09:04 |
Riddell | wibble, polkit isn't working on usb-creator-kde | 09:47 |
Riddell | and usb-creator-gtk is just plain broken | 09:47 |
Riddell | polkit isn't working in muon either :( | 09:47 |
JontheEchidna | So the Windows default power policy is such that you can't even leave it unattended *plugged in* for the amount of time it takes to download an ISO before it suspends, ruining your download. :/ | 10:15 |
Riddell | fail | 10:20 |
Riddell | yay polkit fixed itself in alpha 2 | 10:29 |
Riddell | !testers | 10:33 |
ubottu | Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, em | 10:33 |
Riddell | alpha 2 candidate ISO images need testing | 10:33 |
soee | ok | 10:36 |
apachelogger | Riddell: it fails utterly for most non-ascii and is still vastly changing, so I think a package in the experimental ppa is of more use to us and upstream | 10:57 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: yeah, tell tdfischer to release 461 already | 10:57 |
Riddell | apachelogger: what's this? | 10:57 |
Riddell | oxygen font? | 10:57 |
apachelogger | Riddell: oxygen font | 10:57 |
Riddell | right | 10:57 |
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz | ||
apachelogger | is it just me or is the usb disk creator not working? | 11:30 |
apachelogger | that is: erasing never finishes | 11:30 |
Riddell | apachelogger: right that's a bug I have | 11:52 |
apachelogger | works with gtk ui -.- | 11:52 |
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Status: | Packaging TODO: | apachelogger: make KTP testing happening & fix usb-creator | ||
apachelogger | actually | 11:52 |
apachelogger | zsh: segmentation fault /usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk | 11:52 |
apachelogger | ^^ | 11:52 |
* apachelogger suspects oxygengtk | 11:53 | |
Riddell | apachelogger: usb-creator-kde can be worked around by quitting and restarting | 11:54 |
Riddell | but it's a priority issue that | 11:54 |
apachelogger | Riddell: it's in the backend it seems | 12:12 |
apachelogger | it never calls the callback on success | 12:12 |
apachelogger | also the code there is a bit fishy to begin with | 12:13 |
apachelogger | def format_done(self, dev=None): | 12:13 |
apachelogger | then it actually overloads dev with an iter | 12:13 |
apachelogger | (i.e. completely ignores the arg) | 12:13 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:16 |
debfx | why does every distro have its own usb iso writing tool anyway? | 12:18 |
apachelogger | Riddell: and then it gets duplicated entries in the device view -.- | 12:20 |
apachelogger | debfx: do they? | 12:20 |
shadeslayer | what's the problem in ktp? | 12:21 |
apachelogger | and then the backend falls over if you try to format the wrong entry | 12:22 |
apachelogger | good lawd | 12:22 |
debfx | at least fedora, opensuse and ubuntu have their own | 12:23 |
=== ejat is now known as e-jat | ||
apachelogger | cuz opensuse likes sane languages, cuz ubuntu likes silly languages, cuz fedora likes beautiful languages | 12:24 |
debfx | I hope usb-creator has some safeguards so it doesn't wipe random partitions when it triggers one of its many bugs ;) | 12:24 |
apachelogger | debfx: is your friend | 12:24 |
apachelogger | debfx: terribly unlikely | 12:24 |
apachelogger | given that not even all sources of exceptions are handled | 12:25 |
* apachelogger is sure that stuff will be left inconsistent when that happens | 12:25 | |
apachelogger | Riddell: how does the educated developer us kdebug in python? | 12:26 |
Riddell | apachelogger: I don't think I've ever used it | 12:35 |
Riddell | print statements work fine | 12:35 |
apachelogger | hum | 12:35 |
apachelogger | print is inferior to kdebug :P | 12:36 |
Riddell | yes | 12:36 |
Riddell | debfx: I don't think suse or fedora have usb writing tools, they just tell users to use dd | 12:37 |
debfx | Riddell: no, they have GUI tools | 12:38 |
Riddell | i know the ubuntu images weren't hybrid images until recently so you couldn't do dd and that stopped sharing tools between distros | 12:39 |
debfx | fedora's is written with pyqt4 but unfortunately it needs to be run as root | 12:40 |
Riddell | interesting, didn't know they were into pyqt | 12:41 |
Riddell | I just tried the netrunner image with usb-creator-kde and it just gives me a syslinux prompt that doesn't do anything | 12:42 |
* shadeslayer looks at release schedule | 12:42 | |
Riddell | starbuck: but I did try encrypted folder and it worked fine in 12.04 and 12.10 alpha | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | no time for testing :| | 12:42 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: what's releasing? | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: alpha 2 | 12:42 |
shadeslayer | I have to leave for a wedding and tomorrow I have to go shopping for jussi and pack everything | 12:43 |
shadeslayer | hence, no time for alpha 2 testing | 12:43 |
Riddell | claydoh: how did you get on with alpha 2 notes? | 12:56 |
apachelogger | oh boy oh boy | 12:58 |
Riddell | oh? | 12:58 |
apachelogger | Riddell: seems to me is kaput | 12:58 |
apachelogger | doesn't actually remove the item, though it does something (i.e. if I call clear() first which will delete all items it will except) | 12:59 |
apachelogger | which leads to the duplicated entries from what I understand | 12:59 |
Riddell | "Removes the widget set in the given item in the given column." that sounds like it removes a widget (e.g. a button) in the QWidgetListItem | 13:00 |
apachelogger | except it does not | 13:00 |
Riddell | in the QTreeWidgetItem rather | 13:00 |
Riddell | apachelogger: do we have any widgets in QTreeWidgetItem ? | 13:01 |
apachelogger | yeah, all the entries are treewidgetitems | 13:01 |
Riddell | but not QTreeWidgetItem with widgets inside them | 13:02 |
Riddell | should it not be using QTreeWidget.takeTopLevelItem ? | 13:02 |
apachelogger | well, we already have the item | 13:02 |
apachelogger | so it should work | 13:02 |
apachelogger | but yeah, that function might be more appropriate | 13:03 |
Riddell | or just delete the QTreeWidgetItem I think | 13:04 |
apachelogger | taketoplevel works | 13:04 |
apachelogger | so either QTW refuses to remove toplevels via the remove function or it is defunct with pyqt | 13:05 |
Riddell | you misunderstand what removeItemWidget() does | 13:05 |
Riddell | if a QTreeWidgetItem has a widget (a button or drop down box or whatever) in it then it'll remove that | 13:06 |
Riddell | it doesn't remove the QTreeWidgetItem itself | 13:06 |
apachelogger | crash | 13:06 |
apachelogger | ah | 13:07 |
apachelogger | uh | 13:07 |
apachelogger | Riddell: yeah, now I get it | 13:07 |
apachelogger | cheers :) | 13:07 |
Riddell | confusingly I can't find how you actually add a widget in an item in a widget | 13:07 |
apachelogger | Riddell: you'd probably simply parent it | 13:08 |
apachelogger | Riddell: QTreeWidgetItem ( QTreeWidget * parent, int type = Type ) | 13:09 |
apachelogger | as always your's truely is in favor of rewriting the thing | 13:15 |
apachelogger | at least so that it uses a proper model | 13:15 |
apachelogger | it apparently now crashes because adding and removing the same udi multiple times screws with the items somehow | 13:16 |
apachelogger | anyhow | 13:16 |
apachelogger | lunch | 13:16 |
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littlegirl | Hey there, is there anyone on who can branch the Kubuntu system documentation so there's a branch for Precise and another for Quantal? | 15:08 |
Riddell | hi littlegirl | 15:14 |
Riddell | littlegirl: You just need to push it to the right place | 15:15 |
Riddell | bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs | 15:15 |
Riddell | cd kubuntu-docs | 15:15 |
Riddell | bzr push lp:~ubuntu-core-doc/kubuntu-docs/quantal | 15:15 |
littlegirl | Oh, thanks - sorry about that - I had gone off into another window and forgot to check back here. So once I push it to a new place will the new branch command be bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs/quantal ? | 15:31 |
jjesse | Riddell, will that change the lp:kubuntu-docs to being ready for quantal or will some other magic have to be done? | 15:32 |
littlegirl | Is there a way we can browse the tree? | 15:33 |
Riddell | littlegirl, jjesse: I think there are more settings that will need to be played with | 15:33 |
jjesse | thats what i thought | 15:33 |
jjesse | reached out to a couple of people on the ubuntu-core-doc team via eail | 15:33 |
Riddell | yep | 15:33 |
littlegirl | Thanks. Now how do I go backward through that branch? If I do I get NOT FOUND. | 15:34 |
Riddell | littlegirl: that is the top of the branch | 15:35 |
littlegirl | I'm figuring if we can see the structure of the tree, maybe we can get an idea of how the branch command knows which revision to give us. (: | 15:35 |
Riddell | oh that's set in launchpad | 15:35 |
littlegirl | Ah, okay, then we need whoever does that. (: | 15:35 |
Riddell | you'll need to register a new series, see -> Register a series | 15:36 |
Riddell | you! :) | 15:36 |
littlegirl | LOL! | 15:36 |
littlegirl | How? I'm all for learning as long as you don't mind me possibly blundering it up on occasion. (: | 15:36 |
jjesse | i can do that | 15:36 |
Riddell | littlegirl: have you pushed a new branch? | 15:37 |
littlegirl | Riddell: No, not yet. Should I just push a duplicate of the Precise documentation? | 15:37 |
jjesse | yes you can littlegirl or i can whatever you feel comfortable w/ | 15:38 |
Riddell | littlegirl: yep | 15:38 |
littlegirl | Okay, hang on, I'll do it. | 15:38 |
littlegirl | Done: | 15:40 |
littlegirl | Using default stacking branch /+branch-id/518370 at chroot-96673232:///~ubuntu-core-doc/kubuntu-docs/ | 15:40 |
littlegirl | Created new stacked branch referring to /+branch-id/518370. | 15:40 |
Riddell | groovy, we have quantal docs | 15:41 |
Riddell | littlegirl: now add a quantal series | 15:41 |
jjesse | so lp:kubuntu-docs needs to be marked megreged? | 15:41 |
Riddell | littlegirl: you can copy the values from | 15:42 |
Riddell | jjesse: not merged, mature I think | 15:42 |
littlegirl | Riddell: Okay. (: | 15:42 |
jjesse | ok | 15:42 |
littlegirl | Done. | 15:44 |
littlegirl | | 15:45 |
Riddell | littlegirl: now in set the development focus to quantal | 15:46 |
littlegirl | Done. | 15:47 |
Riddell | yay, now if you do bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs you'll get quantal | 15:48 |
littlegirl | Testing... (: | 15:48 |
Riddell | or bzr checkout lp:kubuntu-docs (which means you can just do a bzr commit rather than having to do bzr commit; bzr push | 15:49 |
littlegirl | Okay, now if someone wants to branch the precise documentation do they do bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs/precise ? | 15:50 |
jjesse | yes | 15:50 |
Riddell | yep | 15:50 |
littlegirl | Excellent. Perfect. (: | 15:50 |
Riddell | you are now a launchpad master! | 15:50 |
jjesse | littlegirl, glad to have you along, ping me if you have more questions about how to fix things etc | 15:51 |
Riddell | littlegirl: so if you've any documentation written that needs added, go ahead and add it | 15:52 |
littlegirl | Thanks, I appreciate the welcome. (: | 15:52 |
littlegirl | Will do, although I'll need to look it over and make sure it still applies since it's a bit old. | 15:52 |
littlegirl | Riddell: Will any of these steps change for me because I now have direct commit privileges? | 15:53 |
littlegirl | In those instructions I was proposing merges rather than directly making them. | 15:54 |
jjesse | you just make them now | 15:54 |
jjesse | because you have commit rights | 15:54 |
jjesse | you don't have to wait for someone to approve your changes | 15:54 |
littlegirl | So I basically stop at step number 8 because my push goes directly to the branch? | 15:55 |
Riddell | yep, just "bzr push" needed, doesn't even need a branch name | 15:55 |
littlegirl | Awesome, although I'll probably do the branch name just to keep things sorted in my Bash history. (: | 15:55 |
littlegirl | I guess I should grab a copy of Quantal and slap it into VirtualBox and see what needs to be written up. (: | 15:56 |
littlegirl | Oh, we had work orders of some sort on Launchpad for Precise. Has that been automatically created for Quantal or do I need to set those up? | 15:56 |
littlegirl | Blueprints. | 15:57 |
Riddell | you mean ? | 15:57 |
Riddell | that's the only docs plans for quantal and it's just what some of us came up with in a room at UDS, the only thing it says that needs written is about kubuntu active | 15:58 |
littlegirl | Yep, that looks like it. | 15:59 |
jjesse | littlegirl, a lot of doc work is hard in the alpha stage of thngs | 15:59 |
littlegirl | I'll probably add work items like on | 15:59 |
jjesse | its more dealing w/ the in the beta or feature frezze | 15:59 |
littlegirl | jjesse: Not a problem, as long as you'all are willing to overlook the occasional mess-up from someone new. (: | 15:59 |
Riddell | littlegirl: yep, do take the initiative and add what you think needs | 16:00 |
littlegirl | Riddell: Okay, I'm going to get started on it so that the instructions on the wiki page will make sense for Quantal. | 16:01 |
Riddell | some new things are listed at but not filled out and they might well change as we decide they're not ready or new things come along | 16:01 |
littlegirl | Since I'm new, I may well do something not quite right, so any/all of you please feel free to contact me either in here or via email (my email is listed on my Launchpad page). I check my mail more than once a day, so I'm likely to catch any message pretty quickly. (: | 16:05 |
littlegirl | Work items are now up for the system documentation here: | 16:09 |
Riddell | littlegirl: ooh organised :) | 16:10 |
littlegirl | Riddell: Heh, it makes the wiki page make sense. (: | 16:11 |
littlegirl | I am the queen of organization. It's what I do. (: | 16:11 |
=== nhandler is now known as StaffUnicorn | ||
starbuck | any way to install oxygen-font with apt-get? | 16:18 |
Riddell | starbuck: it's not packaged yet, apachelogger says it's not ready for anything other than a PPA | 16:19 |
Riddell | too much change and too limited coverage | 16:19 |
starbuck | any ppa with latest for testing? | 16:20 |
Riddell | starbuck: not currently, but it's pretty easy to get yourself | 16:21 |
starbuck | okay, so where is the latest oxygen font for testing? | 16:21 |
Riddell | git clone git:// I think | 16:22 |
starbuck | okay thanks | 16:23 |
Riddell | starbuck: then put what it gets into ~/.fonts | 16:23 |
Riddell | mkdir ~/.fonts; cp -r oxygen-fonts/version-0.2/ ~/.fonts | 16:25 |
Riddell | apachelogger: the kubotu newversion, could it be adapted to make the bug for the current distro series? | 16:50 |
Riddell | is for quantal now | 16:51 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1018071 in calligra (Ubuntu Quantal) "Please update calligra to 2.4.3" [Undecided,New] | 16:51 |
Riddell | that's a nicer way of keeping track of what bugs we want compared to milestones which need to be moved | 16:51 |
Riddell | and should make them appear in | 16:52 |
yofel | Riddell: rewriting the script to do that is simple, but you will need to give the bot user on launchpad nomination accepting permissions | 17:02 |
yofel | currently it can't even set the importance | 17:03 |
Riddell | yofel: mm right | 17:09 |
Riddell | I wonder how to do that | 17:09 |
claydoh | Riddell: I have added headlines to the main tech preview page | 17:24 |
claydoh | and | 17:24 |
claydoh | is in good progress, I have to leave soon for an unexpected job interview :) and will fork on polish later before I go in to work late tonight | 17:25 |
claydoh | s/fork/work | 17:25 |
Riddell | claydoh: good luck! | 17:26 |
kubotu | ::workspace-bugs:: [1009602] krunner crashed with SIGABRT in __gnu_cxx::__verbose_terminate_handler() @ (by Francesco Ruvolo) | 17:44 |
littlegirl | Hey there, is there an example of from Precise so I know what to put in the boxes to register the Blueprint page? | 18:05 |
littlegirl | Hey there, do you know what to put into the boxes in for Quantal, Jjesse? | 18:18 |
jjesse | umm busy on a phone call w/ work can i get back to you? | 18:19 |
littlegirl | Sure. (: | 18:19 |
=== StaffUnicorn is now known as nhandler | ||
Riddell | claydoh: flattering picture of kamoso :) | 22:57 |
claydoh | Riddell: I can change it if it scares kittens and puppies | 22:57 |
Riddell | no no, it's lovely | 22:57 |
claydoh | Im working on being more wordy in there but have to get off to work soon :( | 22:58 |
Riddell | claydoh: kde-config-tablet for wacom pads is also new although untested and I don't have the hardware to test | 23:00 |
claydoh | ditto here :( | 23:00 |
* Riddell snoozes, those alternates needing testing if anyone is up for it | 23:01 | |
* claydoh notes that he cheated and used kamoso in Precise as at least uvc webcams (logitech) are not working atm | 23:04 |
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