judgen | I can not install KDE or kubuntu onto my ubuntu system. It claims that sip-8.1 is not available in the repos. | 00:00 |
judgen | How do i proceed? | 00:00 |
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L3top | sip-8? Is this an asterisk thing judgen? | 03:25 |
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pehden | can one change the color to the kubuntu theme. | 04:59 |
komodo69 | System Settings --> Application Appearance | 05:01 |
pehden | sweet | 05:01 |
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FloodBotK1 | !netsplit | 07:06 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 07:06 |
Smurphy | Morning ... | 07:10 |
anastasios | hello to all | 08:33 |
anastasios | having a bit of trouble making my external monitor to work | 08:33 |
anastasios | I have an Asus laptop with NVidia GeForce GT520m Cuda | 08:34 |
anastasios | external monitor is not detected at all | 08:34 |
anastasios | anyone who can give some pointers? | 08:34 |
StarryNight | what kind of monitor if i may ask? | 08:35 |
anastasios | LG Flatron IPS231 | 08:35 |
anastasios | google hasnt worked so far | 08:36 |
anastasios | its been 2 days and I am starting to lose it | 08:36 |
anastasios | :) | 08:36 |
StarryNight | yea i google it atm and it does not show up | 08:37 |
StarryNight | i been using a samsung | 08:37 |
StarryNight | and i had no problem even with my laptop | 08:37 |
=== sem__ is now known as Peace- | ||
anastasios | google brought stuff such as Bumblebee, NVidia drivers, etc up but I am afraid I have failed miserably with all I've tried so far | 08:38 |
anastasios | btw, is this even the right channel to be asking questions like this? | 08:39 |
hateball | anastasios: Are you using the restricted driver or nouveau? | 08:39 |
anastasios | hateball: no idea, how can I check this? | 08:40 |
hateball | anastasios: well, one easy way is to try and run nvidia-settings, which is what comes with the restricted driver, and is also where you configure stuff like external monitors | 08:41 |
hateball | anastasios: or run "jockey-kde" which is the restricted driver installer | 08:42 |
anastasios | do you mean the NVidia X Server Settings? | 08:42 |
qbit | one can also look through /var/log/Xorg.0.log for more info | 08:42 |
anastasios | hateball: if you mean that, it came preinstalled and never worked properly | 08:42 |
anastasios | hateball: right, right, I know that one. It is the Additional Drivers app | 08:43 |
hateball | anastasios: for some settings to stick, you need to run "sudo nvidia-settings" | 08:43 |
anastasios | hateball: let me try that | 08:44 |
hateball | maybe it asks for sudo stuff within the gui these days... not sure | 08:44 |
anastasios | hateball: "You do not appear to be using the NVidia X Driver. Please edit your X Configuration file (just run 'nvidia-sconfig' as root), and restart the X server" | 08:49 |
anastasios | always get this one when I open the settings | 08:49 |
anastasios | now | 08:49 |
anastasios | each time I have tried to run sudo nvidia-xconfix, things get badly screwed up | 08:50 |
hateball | well you should probably use jockey to install it properly | 08:50 |
anastasios | hateball: yes, the problem is that jockey shows up empty with a "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system" | 08:52 |
anastasios | that was actually the very first thing I tried after my installation was compete | 08:53 |
anastasios | *complete | 08:53 |
anastasios | terminal says "ERROR: Could not fid any typelib for AppIndicator3" before "Additional Drivers" launches | 08:54 |
anastasios | or actually it shows that at the same time "Additional Drivers" launches | 08:55 |
anastasios | urgh... | 08:55 |
hateball | anastasios: is your system fully up to date? | 08:58 |
hateball | Also I have no experience with a CUDA chipset, so I dunno about the driver situation there | 08:59 |
anastasios | looks like it and I am runnig 12.04 | 08:59 |
anastasios | I opted-in for updates while installing | 08:59 |
anastasios | and I was connected to the internet | 08:59 |
anastasios | urgh, this is my work computer and if I dont find a solution for this soon, I will have to take it back to IT and they will put Windows back in it | 09:00 |
anastasios | yack | 09:00 |
anastasios | if it was my personal laptop, wouldnt even think it as a big deal but at work I have to daily connect to external monitors | 09:01 |
anastasios | shit | 09:01 |
anastasios | I really thought this would be easy | 09:02 |
hateball | What interface does it connect over? | 09:02 |
hateball | VGA, DVI, HDMI? | 09:02 |
anastasios | dvi | 09:02 |
anastasios | well, laptop has HDMI and I am using a HDMI to DVI converter | 09:03 |
anastasios | cause my monitor doesnt have HDMI input | 09:04 |
anastasios | well, I need to run but I will be back in 20min | 09:04 |
hateball | anastasios: Is this one of these machines with nVidia Optimus? | 09:05 |
* hateball googles more | 09:05 | |
anastasios | well, some stuff I found on google kinda point to that direction | 09:06 |
anastasios | but this is the very first time I hear about Optimus and though that Cuda and Optimus are different | 09:07 |
anastasios | but could be the case | 09:07 |
anastasios | just not sure about this | 09:07 |
hateball | anastasios: I'm not sure if this could be of any help to you http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11911939&postcount=2 | 09:08 |
hateball | that is, add a ppa to grab the latest nvidia-driver | 09:09 |
hateball | use at your own peril and all that | 09:09 |
anastasios | of course, no worries | 09:09 |
anastasios | well, that is something I can try | 09:10 |
anastasios | will let you know | 09:10 |
anastasios | of for 20min now | 09:10 |
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openos | Helllo everybody | 11:52 |
openos | I Dont Know Why I Cant install deb Packages In My Kubuntu | 11:53 |
hateball | openos: Have you downloaded stuff manually instead of using Muon? | 11:58 |
openos | Yes I have download google chrome manually | 12:02 |
kroonrs | openos: how are you trying to install the .deb file you downloaded? | 12:05 |
openos | Yes I Already Try To install it via gdebi But he tell me finished but nothing installed | 12:06 |
openos | via gdebi | 12:07 |
kroonrs | openos: can you use the command line (I don't know gdebi) | 12:08 |
anastasios | hateball: for the record, the solution for the external monitor didnt work | 12:09 |
hateball | anastasios: :/ | 12:10 |
anastasios | thanks for the support though | 12:10 |
anastasios | :) | 12:10 |
hateball | anastasios: I guess asking on the forum may be something to try then | 12:10 |
anastasios | yep, I will try that | 12:10 |
anastasios | I discovered in the meanwhile that there is a bug report open about this | 12:11 |
anastasios | and that it is related to certain nvidia cards | 12:11 |
anastasios | will be trying bumblebee next which feels like the next best thing to do | 12:12 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 12:16 |
kroonrs | Hi | 12:16 |
BluesKaj | hey kroonrs | 12:20 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel_: are you there? | 13:15 |
anastasios | right | 13:32 |
anastasios | I found this which looks promising now but I need someone to break it down for me a bit | 13:33 |
anastasios | Okay so I finally got it working, so I'm posting my solution for others. | 13:33 |
anastasios | The problem was indeed the nVidia Optimus card. So I went into the BIOS, set this to Discrete mode, and disable OS detection feature. | 13:33 |
anastasios | After rebooting, I installed the nVidia driver in additional drivers, rebooted again, and I was (finally) able to access this nvidia-settings panel and get my second monitor workign ! | 13:33 |
anastasios | Cheers | 13:33 |
FloodBotK1 | anastasios: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:33 |
anastasios | shit | 13:33 |
anastasios | sorry about that | 13:33 |
hateball | anastasios: Cool :) | 13:33 |
anastasios | well, thing is I have not tried it yet since I can figure out the BIOS part but the rest I am not really sure how to do | 13:34 |
yofel_ | phoenix_firebrd: now I am | 14:08 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: hi | 14:08 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: have some time? | 14:08 |
yofel | "some" yes, what's the problem? | 14:09 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: need the crash log for kde 4.9-microblog app-twitter crash | 14:09 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=302267 | 14:10 |
ubottu | KDE bug 302267 in widget-microblogging "Plasma applet Microblogger doesn't work, crashes the plasma-desktop sometimes" [Normal,Needsinfo: waitingforinfo] | 14:10 |
yofel | when it crashes drkonqi should give you the backtrace | 14:10 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: not happening here | 14:11 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: trying once more | 14:12 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: no use. Previously it showed up one, some debugging symbols were missing, so i installed it and retried , it is not working | 14:14 |
yofel | does plasma actually still crash, or does it just not work? | 14:15 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: plasma crashes, but not always | 14:15 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: the thing is the app is not able to show twitter twits, the crash is not relevent | 14:16 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: how did you authorize your app for twitter | 14:17 |
BluesKaj | eeeuuw ...can't live without twits :) | 14:17 |
yofel | wait, from my POV, the crash, and the fact that it doesn't work a 2 seperate issues | 14:18 |
yofel | (it doesn't work for me either) | 14:18 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: i think know why it doesnt fetch the twits | 14:18 |
yofel | file a bug about that and explain it there | 14:19 |
yofel | (for the crash maybe quit plasma, and restart it from krunner to make sure it's not called with --nocrashhandler) | 14:19 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: i got drkonq | 14:20 |
yofel | good, backtrace usable? | 14:21 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: 3 stars , sufficient? i will paste it here now | 14:22 |
yofel | 3 stars is as good as it gets | 14:23 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: http://paste.kde.org/508892/ | 14:23 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: ok shall i attach it to the bug report? | 14:24 |
yofel | yes please | 14:25 |
yofel | looks fine | 14:25 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: on my way | 14:25 |
als-it-net-pc | thank you all.....okay.....good by | 14:29 |
phoenix_firebrd | yofel: done | 14:32 |
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simplew | i have started KDE but the gnomeand gtk apps appear with fonts too BIG, but i did set then in gnome with size 8, so why now in KDE they appear as if the fonts were as size 16 ? | 17:34 |
BluesKaj | simplew, open system settings>application appearance>GTK+Appearnce | 17:38 |
simplew | BluesKaj: i did doesnt make any difference, but im running linuxmint | 17:39 |
BluesKaj | simplew, ask in linuxmint , their settings may be different | 17:40 |
simplew | BluesKaj: seams they are lost | 17:40 |
BluesKaj | #linuxmint chat | 17:40 |
=== Margo88 is now known as iCopter | ||
ebisky | Hi, I am looking to switch to Kubuntu from fedora. Does Kubuntu have an updated livecd version with all the security patches and updates after the release - somewhat like Fedora's updated livecds here: http://jbwillia.fedorapeople.org/ | 17:42 |
Peace- | ebisky: well there is a daily build | 17:43 |
Peace- | ebisky: i am using 12.10 that is alpha | 17:43 |
Peace- | with kde 4.9 and kernel 3.5 | 17:44 |
ebisky | Peace-, isnt the daily build likely to have some instability | 17:44 |
Peace- | ebisky: updated system = instable system | 17:44 |
Peace- | ebisky: for normal user i reccomend 12.04 | 17:45 |
Peace- | after you have installed | 17:45 |
Peace- | sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 17:45 |
Peace- | and you are done | 17:45 |
Peace- | 12.04 it's rock solid | 17:45 |
Peace- | ebisky: btw i have 12.10 without issue , of course this could be my own case | 17:46 |
* Peace- if you use alpha you could lost data | 17:46 | |
ebisky | Peace-, thanks, the updating process takes forever after install. I am not on a particularly fast or high bandwidth network so I usually prefer that I download some "final version" and don't have to worry about running updates for a couple months at least. I really prefer not starting a couple hour updates immediately after installing. | 17:47 |
Peace- | ebisky: you can use 12.04 without upgrade | 17:47 |
Peace- | it's 5 years that i use kubuntu | 17:47 |
ebisky | you think its fine? | 17:47 |
Peace- | and i have never had securety issue | 17:47 |
Peace- | yes | 17:47 |
ebisky | Well -that is really good to hear. | 17:47 |
Peace- | i have 2 root | 17:48 |
simplew | Peace-: where do i get 12.10? | 17:48 |
BluesKaj | ebisky, I run 12.04 and have had very few update/upgrades since the officiual releas , and most have been small | 17:48 |
Peace- | with /home shared | 17:48 |
ebisky | Peace-, BluesKaj, thanks very much for your opinions. :) | 17:49 |
ebisky | Can't wait to switch. | 17:49 |
Peace- | simplew: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ | 17:49 |
Peace- | simplew: dailyt | 17:49 |
ebisky | fedora sucks the life out of everything | 17:49 |
simplew | ebisky: what? | 17:49 |
Peace- | simplew: sorry daily live | 17:49 |
BluesKaj | ebisky, it's not an opinion , that's been my experience | 17:49 |
Peace- | => 12.10 alpha simplew http://wstaw.org/m/2012/06/27/plasma-desktopji1697.png | 17:53 |
ronrom | where is the package kde-gtk-config | 18:16 |
BluesKaj | ronrom, it should be installed by default, look in kcmshell4 | 18:29 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: you are wrong | 18:30 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: i even neeeded to add another repo, see https://launchpad.net/~tehnick/+archive/kde-gtk-config | 18:31 |
BluesKaj | ronrom, odd because I have it installed , it's in the repos | 18:31 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: what you have its another | 18:32 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: and that one at least doesnt do any in linuxmint | 18:32 |
ronrom | i nedeed to install this one | 18:32 |
lordievader | Good evening | 18:34 |
lompocus | Good Morning | 18:35 |
ronrom | how can i configure synaptic to search only by name by default ? | 18:35 |
lordievader | Hey lompocus, how are you? | 18:35 |
lompocus | glorious, how did you get orange text :P | 18:35 |
BluesKaj | ronrom, this what I have installed kde-config-gtk , onfiguration module for GTK+ appearance in KDE, 2:0.5.3-1ubuntu3 | 18:36 |
BluesKaj | ronrom, just paste kde-config-gtk in the search in synaptic | 18:37 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: i asked how can i do to have only the search for name by default instead having to search by name-description | 18:38 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: add the repo and install package kde-config-gtk-style to see what i mean | 18:39 |
BluesKaj | kde-config-gtk is an actual name | 18:39 |
ronrom | its a far better interface to confugyre gtk and gnome apps | 18:39 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: thats another man | 18:39 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: listen what other say | 18:39 |
BluesKaj | ronrom, you do what you want , if you already know the answer whay do you ask ? | 18:40 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: ;) | 18:41 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: but now i need how to change synaotic to search only by name by default | 18:42 |
BluesKaj | I tried to answer your question in an honest manner , if you don't like my answers then too bad , as for synaptic it's a gtk /gnome app , go ask in #ubuntu | 18:43 |
BluesKaj | ronrom,^\ | 18:43 |
ronrom | BluesKaj: sorry i didnt mean to offend | 18:46 |
xenoph | Greetings. I have just installed Kubuntu. On my first attempt, I had no GRUB upon reboot - it would boot straight into Kubuntu. After attempting to use Boot Repair, I received a 'error: invalid arch independent ELF magic'. I then proceeded to re-install on my sda hdd (previous was on sdb). This time I have a GRUB, but I have no option for Windows 7. Any ideas please? | 18:46 |
BluesKaj | xenoph, run sudo update-grub | 18:47 |
lordievader | xenoph: You didn't accidentily wipe your drive, I hope? | 18:48 |
xenoph | Ah, I have. Sorry, should've mentioned. Upon running that, it tells me that it finds linux image, initrd image and memtest86+ image. | 18:48 |
xenoph | I still have a 'Basic data partition' when checking my file systems - which contains all my Windows folders&files. | 18:48 |
BluesKaj | xenoph, try sudo os-prober, then sudo update-grub again | 18:49 |
xenoph | Same result as previously. | 18:49 |
BluesKaj | xenoph, if there's no windows OS grub won't pick it up | 18:50 |
xenoph | There is. Or should be. I've had one up to the point where I started installing Kubuntu, at least. | 18:50 |
xenoph | And since my first install was on the sdb hdd (which does not contain my Windows), I would've thought that the sda hdd had been left working. | 18:51 |
andreas_ | hallo | 18:51 |
andreas_ | ist jemand online ? | 18:51 |
lordievader | andreas_: Hey, do you happen to be german? | 18:52 |
BluesKaj | xenoph, does the other hdd show up in dolphin places as an entry | 18:52 |
lordievader | !german | andreas_ | 18:53 |
ubottu | andreas_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 18:53 |
andreas_ | moment muss übersetzen | 18:53 |
xenoph | Sorry, 'as an entry'? As in showing on the right hand side? | 18:53 |
xenoph | Er, left hand side. | 18:53 |
BluesKaj | yes | 18:53 |
xenoph | Yes, it's showing as 'Basic data partition'. | 18:53 |
jarle | I keep seeing "NetworkManager[1782]: <info> Unmanaged Device found; state CONNECTED forced." in /var/log/messages (Kubuntu 12.04) all google results are several years old... | 18:54 |
BluesKaj | I have 2 hdds and all show up as entries on dolphin places | 18:54 |
jarle | any help? | 18:54 |
xenoph | All my hdd partitions are currently showing up. sdb is divided into two partitions, both showing up by names. My c: as 'Basic data partition' as said. | 18:55 |
xenoph | Everything seems to be there, and I've not done anything to it. Apart from resizing the disk for the install, of course. But I had the same issue of no GRUB/Windows before I did my second install as well. | 18:56 |
lordievader | xenoph: In the bios from what drive are you booting, in other words on what drive is grub installed. | 18:57 |
xenoph | It is installed on sda. | 18:58 |
xenoph | Or it should, at least, as that's what I chose during the installation. | 18:58 |
BluesKaj | xenoph, you may be able to get the windows mbr to show if you boot with a kubuntu live cd and restore grub with it ..but usually the mbr isn't hidden after a kubuntu install | 18:59 |
lordievader | xenoph: As a last resort you could try to reinstall the windows bootloader, with that wiping grub, and then restoring grub again. | 18:59 |
xenoph | I was considering reinstalling the mbr. Should I after doing that (if successful, of course) just run the live cd and restore grub? | 19:02 |
lordievader | xenoph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 19:03 |
xenoph | Thanks. | 19:06 |
lordievader | xenoph: No problem, but consider it a last resort. | 19:06 |
xenoph | Well, with update-grub not recognising Windows, I'm unsure what else to do. | 19:07 |
BluesKaj | jarle, so are you connected to the 'net eevn tho you're getting that message ? | 19:08 |
jarle | BluesKaj: yes, (I have manually configured /etc/network/interfaces) | 19:10 |
BluesKaj | jarle, ok , then you may want to remove network manager because it will overwrite your network/interface settings , unless you plan on using wifi | 19:11 |
jarle | BluesKaj: I won't be using wifi, I'm just using a static IP, however I would like to have a nice GUI to enable/disable VPN... | 19:12 |
xenoph | exit | 19:13 |
xenoph | .... | 19:13 |
xenoph | Such a fail way of leaving. :) Thanks for the help, off to attempt to fix. | 19:13 |
BluesKaj | jarle, kvpn | 19:14 |
BluesKaj | err kvpnc | 19:16 |
jarle | BluesKaj: thnks. | 19:17 |
xenoph | Greetings again. I've attempted to re-install the mbr by using a Windows 7 disk, and following different directions - mostly to use bootrec.exe and its options. So far, no luck. However, whenever I press F12 to see my boot options, I can chose between Ubuntu and Windows Boot Loader (may or may not be just when I have the Windows 7 restore disc in, I can't remember). | 19:44 |
rosiu_ | Why so quiet here? | 19:50 |
lordievader | rosiu_: Is it? | 19:51 |
lordievader | xenoph: The windows 7 cd can automatically detect other bootloaders and remove them, Microsoft only likes their own bootloaders. | 19:51 |
xenoph | lordievader: Yeah. I've not had issues reinstalling the mbr before though - but I'm not sure I'm doing what I normally have done. I've used bootrec.exe with /FixMbr and... /FixBoot (I think) options. | 19:53 |
lordievader | xenoph: Those usually did the trick, not sure if they did in Win7, can't remember, did you try booting to windows after resoring the mbr? | 19:54 |
xenoph | lordievader: After using those, I attempted to reboot (twice), and every time I got into grub, which still only had Ubuntu as an option. | 19:55 |
lordievader | xenoph: So the restore of the Win7 bootloader failed, you should probably fix that first. | 19:56 |
xenoph | lordievader: Is anything related to sda1 being a fat32 partition with /boot/efi? When I attempted to use the Boot Repair earlier, I faintly remember either a warning about 'efi'. Or just a notification, I'm unsure. | 19:59 |
lordievader | xenoph: I'm not sure either. | 20:00 |
=== StaffUnicorn is now known as nhandler | ||
BluesKaj | !hud | 20:16 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS includes the first step in a major new approach to application interfaces, the Head-Up Display, or HUD, which will ultimately replace menus in Unity applications. See http://ubottu.com/y/hud for the background on this and discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic | 20:16 |
xenoph | According to bootrec.exe /ScanOs I have no Windows installation on my hdds. By pressing F12 in the startup to select my boot, I have a choice between Ubuntu and Windows Boot Loader (I believe that was the name). If I don't press F12, it'll go straight to grub with just Ubuntu as an option. Windows Boot Loader, however... loads Windows. Which I don't have on my system. | 20:49 |
xenoph | Fantastic. | 20:50 |
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wellington | Olá ? | 23:28 |
wellington | Olá? | 23:28 |
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