
wgrantdanilos: Hi, what's happening with https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-1000148/+merge/105962?02:05
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1061930/03:00
wgrantStevenK: :(03:02
wgrantStevenK: the methods take iterables for a reason :)03:03
wgrantPrecisely to avoid loops like that.03:03
StevenKwgrant: I need the artifact anyway, so .ensure() doesn't get out of it03:05
wgrantStevenK: Hm?03:06
wgrantensure() returns all the AAs.03:06
wgrantSo one call can get all the AAs for the batch03:06
StevenKwgrant: Sure, but then I need to match up the AA to the branch03:08
wgrantStevenK: that's roughly one generator expression away03:09
* wgrant disables test_find_missing_ready03:18
StevenKOh, is that the one that keeps failing horribly on buildbot, but passing on ec2?03:22
wgrantNot reproducible locally.03:23
wgrantBut happens fairly often on buildbot.03:23
StevenKwgrant: Does http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1061964/ make you happier?03:34
wgrantStevenK: Still O(chunksize) queries, but only for branch.subscriptions for which there is no batch API, so I no longer hate you.03:36
StevenKYeah, and I'm not writing one just for a garbo job. :-P03:38
StevenKLaney: Please set a description for your MP03:45
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/populate-branch-aag/+merge/11226404:04
wgrantStevenK: Looks mostly OK, but we still don't know what we want to do about owners04:08
StevenKwgrant: What else did I have to sort out?05:25
wgrantStevenK: Well, we need to think about owners.05:26
wgrantBecause they should have access except when they should not.05:26
StevenKOh, I need to fix the job stuff to deal with branches too?05:26
wgrantRight, that's something that only touches on ownership, so it's probably sensible to work on now.05:27
StevenKOh good, it's SharingJob, so I don't have to kill wallyworld.05:31
StevenK"""Job classes related to the sharing feature are in here."""05:31
StevenKOn second thoughts ...05:31
StevenKwgrant: I can recall their being two, is RemoveBugSubscriptionsJob the winner?05:38
* StevenK stabs buildbot more05:40
wgrantStevenK: There's now only one.05:41
wgrantThey were merged into RBSJ05:41
StevenKSo I should write a seperate RBranchSJ?05:42
wgrantStevenK: Possibly. I don't know if it's better to duplicate or extend in this case.05:44
StevenKwgrant: Extending involves a rename :-(05:46
wgrantStevenK: Is that a problem?05:47
wgrantI don't think the name is stored05:47
wgrantJust an integer.05:47
StevenKRight, not really05:48
* StevenK greps for 'are in here' and sighs05:48
StevenKwgrant: RBSJ -> RemoveArtifactSubscriptionsJob ?05:49
wgrantStevenK: Maybe05:50
StevenKwgrant: You seem very unsure these past two days :-P05:52
wgrantIf I was sure of the solutions they'd be done already :)05:53
StevenKwgrant: Oh, what's the plan to keep AAG up to date WRT branch after the garbo job?05:53
StevenKThe job will remove subscriptions, but what adds and removes AAGs?05:54
wgrantStevenK: See Bug.subscribe and Bug.unsubscribe05:55
StevenKAh, _reconcileAccess05:55
StevenKWe need one for branch, no?05:55
wgrant_reconcileAccess is separate05:55
wgrantIt maintains AA and APA05:56
wgrantAnd is already in place for Branch.05:56
StevenKOh, service.ensureAccessGrants()05:57
StevenKBoth Bug and Branch make use of that05:57
wgrantwallyworld must have already done that bit05:58
StevenKI did the branch bit05:58
wgrantIt's not done in unsubscribe, though.05:59
StevenK... Details? :-)05:59
wgrantStevenK: Bug.unsubscribe removes grants, Branch.unsubscribe does not06:01
StevenKwgrant: Yes, I get that, I was making a joke.06:04
StevenKwgrant: In either case: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1062089/06:04
wgrantStevenK: Probably, yeah.06:05
StevenKwgrant: Would you like to review https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/branch-unsubscribe-revokes/+merge/112272 ? Happy enough to leave it for someone else to pick up.06:24
wgrantStevenK: Juggling three other things right now, so I might not get to it today.06:24
StevenKwgrant: Like I said, happy enough to leave it.06:24
jamlifeless: do you have any time to chat about bug #879589 ?06:50
_mup_Bug #879589: adding/removing user/team subscriptions to bug reports edits date_last_updated <bughistory> <escalated> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/879589 >06:50
lifelessjam: not tonight really07:05
lifelessjam: perhaps tomorrow?07:05
jamlifeless: k, prob means we won't be working on it this week, then.07:05
jamlifeless: If not today, then any time works07:05
jamwe'll just get to it on rotation.07:05
lifelessIf I have time later tonight I'll ping you07:06
mgzso, my ec2 land from yesterday finished without sending me email07:06
mgzjml: you had an issue like this at the start of the month, do you remember if you changed something to get it working?07:07
jamlifeless: np07:08
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
mgzokay, it seems that not having my password in bazaar.conf makes it break07:14
mgzusing the canonical smtp server (which has a global password) is what works of most people07:14
wgrantmgz: Right, the ec2 instance isn't going to have a huge amount of luck authenticating without knowing the password.07:15
mgzchecking that before setting up might be... nice07:15
daniloswgrant, on https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/bug-1000148/+merge/105962, I am waiting for skaet (Kate Stewart) from Ubuntu to give me a go-ahead to land it (as if they are having second thoughts for Ubuntu)07:36
wgrantdanilos: You've not heard anything?07:42
adeuringgood morning07:43
daniloswgrant, I have a call on Friday to settle that once and for all07:53
daniloswgrant, will likely land then07:53
=== frankban changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: rick_h, frankban* (rvba) | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
wgrantdanilos: Great, thanks.08:00
LaneyStevenK: ack, done, thanks08:00
jamstub: Is there a good way to stop a psql script based on a query?08:16
jamI'm looking here: If your query requires result count verification, write that into your script.08:16
jamhere: https://wiki.canonical.com/InformationInfrastructure/OSA/RequestLogging/LP/SQL08:16
jamand it says the above line.08:16
jamIn this particular case, there is a count which should be 008:16
stubCan anyone in soyuz land come up with a better name for https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/launchpad/db-proposed-not-automatic-pre-release/+merge/112134 ?08:17
stubjam: If you start needing anything advanced, switch to a Python script.08:17
jamstub: well, I want a while loop, and a stop-if-not-zero. It seems a bit much to go to a python script for that08:18
jambut certainly I could.08:18
stubjam: The facilities you are looking for are there in pl/pgsql but then you are running in a single transaction08:18
wgrantstub: My suggestion would be to just make it proposed_not_automatic08:19
wgrantstub: The pre-release bit can be handled by unsetting the flag on release :)08:19
LaneyThere is a separate suggestion from mpt to have this behaviour post-release too. It's not clear if we want it, but if we do then the two wouldn't necessarily be conflated.08:19
stubjam: It doesn't have to be a pretty python script. Import psycopg2, connect, cur.executes() & cur.commits()...08:20
stubcon.commit I mean08:20
jamstub: sure08:20
jamI think that is fair enough08:20
stubjam: You can also cheat. Assuming your statement is a noop if you repeat it a few hundred times with no data to change, just cut and paste it a few hundred times... but there are no constructs apart from basic variable substitution in psql scripts - it is designed as an interactive interpreter.08:23
jamstub: np, thanks08:24
jamit just seems so close08:24
stubyes. I think future versions of PG are looking at solving this by allowing stored procedures and anonymous code blocks access to the transaction machinery - at the moment, they are always invoked inside a transaction.08:25
stubjam: cursor.rowcount lets you know the number of rows affected by the last execute btw. It is the most convenient way of terminating a loop like I suspect you are writing.08:29
jamstub: thanks. The first thing is actually to check that there is nothing 'pending', but the second thing is to loop until empty08:29
mgzis this normal looking for an ec2 land in progress?09:24
cjwatsonmgz: Doesn't load for me; it might be firewalled.09:24
cjwatsonmgz: The summary.log for my run currently in progress looks like this: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/summary.log09:26
cjwatsonIs there any plan for an NDT deployment today?09:27
mgzcjwatson: ah, sorry, hadn't realised the secgroup was set to allow only from ip block09:28
mgzthanks for the example to compare against09:28
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
wgrantcjwatson: There were a few buildbot failures.11:02
wgrantcjwatson: Hopefully tomorrow11:02
cjwatsonwgrant: Oh, blast.  I'll have to reschedule with security11:04
cjwatsonAh well11:05
wgrantcjwatson: Well, let's see11:05
wgrantcjwatson: buildbot will be done in 10 minutes.11:05
wgrantLet's see where QA is...11:06
cjwatsonMm, there's a bunch of bzr stuff to QA11:06
wgrantAh yeah11:06
wgrantAnd that's the stuff that's broken production once already11:06
cjwatsonYou always want a completely clear report, rather than just a clear head?11:06
wgrantcjwatson: You don't need the custom upload stuff?11:07
cjwatsonNot with any particular urgency11:07
wgrantThen let's deploy now.11:07
* wgrant deploys now11:07
cjwatsonIn fact if that lands tomorrow it can get the copy-only-copyable-custom-uploads branch as well so it will OOPS less (harmlessly, but still).11:07
wgrantbuildbot failed again11:10
wgrantFor a different reason, though11:10
wgrantSince I disabled the usual intermittent test11:10
cjwatsonThat freaked me out for a moment since I have a branch sitting around locally (but not pushed anywhere) that goes near that test.11:11
* wgrant forces, will convince ops to pull it manually tomorrow.11:11
wgrantYeah, I was going to blame you but then realised all your recent changes there were well past buildbot.11:11
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
bachi diogo11:43
matsubarabac, hi11:43
=== rick_h_ changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: frankban* (rvba) | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
rick_h_frankban: rvba if you get a chance to peek at https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/listingnav_yui35/+merge/112334 please12:09
rick_h_frankban: rvba sorry for the line count, but only the top of the files were changed, the main body is indenting/moving each test suite to tests.12:09
rick_h_so it looks scarier than it is12:09
rick_h_only actual tests change is the addition in the tearDown() noted in the MP comments12:10
frankbanrick_h_: on a call now, will look ASAP12:11
rick_h_frankban: no rush, ty much12:11
Laneydoes launchpad-dev discard or silently moderate mail from non-subscribers?12:31
wgrantLaney: Launchpad mailing lists in general silently drop emails from addresses that aren't registered in Launchpad12:35
wgrantI don't see anything in the moderation queue12:35
Laneywgrant: I sent it from laney@u.c.12:35
wgrantLaney: ./vette:Jun 27 10:36:22 2012 (14313) Discarding forged message-id: <20120627103638.GB1489@raleigh>12:39
wgrantLaney: Huh12:40
wgrantLaney: That seems to trigger only if the sender address is the list address.12:40
wgranthttps://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-reviewers/msg01120.html has the relevant diff.12:40
wgrantThat's the first time that message has shown up in a long time.12:41
LaneyHuh, indeed.12:41
LaneyDate: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 11:36:38 +010012:41
LaneyFrom: Iain Lane <laney@ubuntu.com>12:41
LaneyTo: launchpad-dev@lists.launchpad.net12:41
wgrantLaney: Can you try again, maybe Bccing me so I can see what's actually happening?12:41
LaneyJun 27 11:36:10 cripps postfix/cleanup[2751]: 14CCB20424: message-id=<20120627103638.GB1489@raleigh>12:42
LaneyJun 27 11:36:11 cripps postfix/qmgr[13900]: 14CCB20424: from=<laney@ubuntu.com>, size=4401, nrcpt=1 (queue active)12:42
Laneywgrant: Sure, doing now.12:42
Laneywgrant: Done. (Bcc: …@c.c)12:44
wgrantLaney: Oh12:44
wgrantLaney: launchpad-dev is in the Reply-To that you sent. That might be relevant12:44
Laneycould be12:45
LaneyIt's fairly standard practice to do that though.12:45
wgrantEvidently not LP mailing lists :/12:46
wgrantMailman/Defaults.py.in:SENDER_HEADERS = ('from', None, 'reply-to', 'sender')12:46
wgrantThat is a little odd.12:46
mgzsaid test kipple: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1062517/13:06
Laneywgrant: I'll just send it without reply-to.13:09
czajkowskiLaney: join the list, just modered your mail13:12
Laneyczajkowski: I'd rather not get any more email :P13:12
LaneyYou could whitelist me if you like13:13
mgzgmb: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/launchpad/py27_test_scriptmonitor_logging_1017981/+merge/11216013:15
sinzuiczajkowski, Laney, you are white listed a day after your message is approved from the moderation queue13:21
Laneyack, cheers13:21
ivoryfrankban: could you take a look at this? https://code.launchpad.net/~ivo-kracht/launchpad/bug-824292/+merge/11235213:22
frankbanivory: I am doing another review, I will be happy to review your branch if you can wait a couple of minutes13:22
sinzuiczajkowski, look at this page: https://launchpad.net/~laney/+review13:23
ivoryfrankban: no problem,take your time13:23
* Laney wonders what's on that page …13:24
czajkowskisinzui: oh yes13:24
czajkowskisinzui: not seen that been used before good to know13:24
sinzuiczajkowski, standing is an incomplete feature. it was to permit non-subscribers to lurk and posts to lists.13:25
czajkowskisinzui: ah interesting13:25
sinzuiczajkowski, Lp will notice laney's approved moderation later today and change something so that laney can always post to our list...13:26
czajkowskiph I just changed it manually :/13:26
sinzui...but changing his standing to good will permit him to post to any Lp list I believe13:26
sinzuistanding is probably a candidate to remove since no one has commitment to finish it13:27
czajkowskigrand changed it to that13:27
gmbjam: lp:~yellow/charms/oneiric/buildbot-master/trunk and lp:~yellow/charms/oneiric/buildbot-slave/trunk14:18
czajkowskisinzui: what should I do about https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20136214:25
sinzuiyou saw it too14:26
sinzuiI just fixed it. https://code.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/amanda/trunk14:26
sinzuiI types the URL wrong14:26
sinzuiI typed "typed" wrong too14:26
czajkowskisinzui: I do tend to read all your mails :)14:27
czajkowskinot that I don't read the tohers14:27
sinzuiczajkowski, We can always ask a webops to make a new series called trunk and link the new branch to it.14:28
sinzuimaybe we should ask the webops to make ~registry the maintainer so that we can fix the project up14:29
* sinzui think ~ registry should own it until someone with time can maintain it14:29
deryckadeuring, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ec0208c347513d03aa007b4b4114ae823e80b7a8?authuser=0&hl=en14:32
cr3hi folks, how should I go about making a private PPA become public?14:38
Laneyczajkowski: Did it post? I don't see it on https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/14:39
czajkowskiLaney: I moderated it no sign yet.14:43
Laneyoh woe14:43
czajkowskiI did noticed a massive delay on mails yesterday 50 mins in some cases14:44
LaneyDate: Wed, 27 Jun 2012 14:11:52 +010014:44
Laney1.5 hours14:44
mrevelljamestunnicliffe, danilos, flacoste, czajkowski, matsubara: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/181ae1d3328f2435b903d2a6cdc3395f400ac837?15:00
mrevelljamestunnicliffe, danilos, flacoste, czajkowski, matsubara: Actually, would Skype work for all of you?15:00
danilosmrevell, heh, I got this just as I was creating another one, let me kill mine15:00
matsubaramrevell, yep15:00
matsubaramrevell, dude!15:01
flacostemrevell: i prefer skype15:02
danilosmrevell, I am on skype now, ready to go15:02
mrevelljamestunnicliffe, What's your Skype id? Feel free to PM it15:02
jamestunnicliffemrevell: Erm, I would have to install it first...15:03
mrevelljamestunnicliffe, I can dial you in on a landline15:03
jamestunnicliffemrevell: Actually, if we are doing voice, I have skype on my phone.15:03
jamestunnicliffemrevell: user=dooferlad15:04
mrevelljamestunnicliffe, Great, yeah voice only15:04
mrevelljamestunnicliffe, Can you please allow me to see your availability? I'm matthewrevell15:05
rick_h_abentley: you have a sec?15:05
abentleyrick_h_: Sure.15:05
jamestunnicliffemrevell: Done.15:06
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: frankban* (rvba), abentley | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
jamabentley: so are you benchmarking the branch scanner?15:08
abentleyjam: No, I'm making some changes to the way branch paths are resolved.15:10
abentleyjam: So I'm benching how long it takes to open a branch.15:10
rick_h_abentley: sorry, network issues, hangout went boom15:11
abentleyrick_h_: ack15:12
abentleyjam: Actually ran into an odd SSH connection management bug that I'll file.15:13
rick_h_abentley: yea, so now the test fails and the ATTR isn't read only so going to patch that up.15:21
rick_h_gotta love it15:22
abentleyrick_h_: I think it was only testing to see that the BugListingConfigUtil version was read-only.15:23
rick_h_abentley: ah ok, and with the refactor the test itself is just not valid?15:24
rick_h_since buglistingconfigutil doesn't have that attribute any longer, only the model does15:25
abentleyrick_h_: Yes, I think so.15:25
rick_h_that makes sense15:25
rick_h_ok, thanks, a delet'ing I will go15:25
abentleysinzui: The video in your latest post is small, making it hard to see what's happening, and there's no full-screen option.15:28
sinzuiI was thinking of remaking it. That was ian's example15:30
* Laney gives in and joins ~launchpad-dev :P15:30
czajkowskiLaney: hah15:31
czajkowskisinzui: Am a bit unsure as to if this is something I am to do or web ops are to do https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20154215:32
sinzuium that is confusing15:33
czajkowskiah good15:33
sinzuiczajkowski, https://launchpad.net/python-virtkey/+admin15:33
czajkowskiI like you're confused also15:33
sinzuithis is tricky15:34
sinzuiIt is impossible to change the Lp Id (name) and alias at the same time15:34
sinzuiczajkowski, remove the alias, save15:34
sinzuiadmin again and change the name to the alias and save15:34
sinzuiadmin again and change the alias to the old name15:35
czajkowskiand change the name to what though15:35
sinzuiczajkowski, virtkey15:36
sinzuiwe want to switch the text in the two field, but Lp is going to make us submit the for 3 times to do it15:36
czajkowskiit;s not letting me15:36
czajkowskialias python-virtkey  Name virtkey15:37
sinzuiright, three steps, not one15:37
sinzuiremove the alias15:37
sinzuithen change the name15:37
sinzuithen add the alias15:37
sinzuiThere is contention in the db tabled when we make the change, so the site needs to make the change is small steps15:39
czajkowskisinzui: nods15:39
czajkowskijust complicated and not straight forward, used to doing one simple change15:39
czajkowskithanks for the help15:39
sinzuijcsackett, This is the bug that the feature flag works with. We want to fix enough of the problem so that we can say it is fixed and the flag is gone https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/88567215:42
_mup_Bug #885672: Users make bugs private because they cannot hide comments <answers> <bugs> <comments> <disclosure> <information-type> <privacy> <qa-ok> <ui> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by wallyworld> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/885672 >15:42
jcsackettsinzui: right, that's the one i was mentioning wallyworld was on.15:42
jcsackettsinzui: so, cleanup, the two regressions, and then simplifying the flagged code and removing the flag.15:45
sinzuiyes, in that order15:48
sinzuijcsackett, I think you reported a bug that the comment hiding ui is intrusive. maybe you can find a way to make only appear when it is needed15:49
czajkowskiLaney: got the mail :)15:52
Laneyczajkowski: Good! So, seems like mail from non-subscribers doesn't work so well15:53
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=== nhandler is now known as StaffUnicorn
=== frankban changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: http://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: abentley | Firefighting: - | Critical bugs: 3.47*10^2
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
cjwatsonHmm, buildbot failed again on the same test17:13
rick_h_cjwatson: oh? is that failure a repeat?17:14
cjwatsonIf it's a regression, it's somewhere in -r15495..1550217:19
cjwatsonWhich is staging replication stuff, bzr API modernisation, my copy_packages DB security fix, your "Add new address" form, my removal of the "single custom upload" hack, and another buildbot fix17:21
cjwatsonOK, it's not quite the same, the previous failure was 13 tests later in the same class17:25
cjwatsonNo, make that one test earlier17:26
cjwatsonAll the previous google hits I can find for this seem to be related to bzrlib17:29
cjwatsonBut those weren't leaking storm postgres connections17:29
rick_h_abentley: if you get a chance can you peek at the JS branches I've got in the queue?17:52
abentleyrick_h_: sure.17:52
rick_h_abentley: ty much17:52
jcsackettczajkowski: for some reason these pics made me think of you. desktop material? :-P http://kottke.org/12/06/birds-with-arms17:58
abentleyrick_h_: "That's the bulk of the LoC diff as it moves the tests under the tests. object."?18:10
rick_h_abentley: ah, because it's tests.suite vs just suite.18:16
rick_h_abentley: so it made sense when I wrote it :)18:17
abentleyrick_h_: I get ya.18:17
abentleyrick_h_: I assume the rest of the changes are mechanical, so r=me.  Oh, and the copyright statement doesn't need a comma after the year.18:22
rick_h_abentley: ok cool18:23
abentleyrick_h_: Both of your LoC rationales require a waiver from flacoste or lifeless.  Do you have one?18:28
abentleyrick_h_: I mean, for https://code.launchpad.net/~rharding/launchpad/bug_yui35_one/+merge/11239918:28
rick_h_abentley: no, I can bring it up. Or work on the other branches that should remove lines and get me the 15 I need18:29
rick_h_actually, hold off abentley. Once the branch working through buildbot lands I'll be able to use this new module to reduce lines and get this down to neutral.18:30
abentleyrick_h_: landing lp:~rharding/launchpad/lpnames_yui35 would give you sufficient LoC credit.18:30
rick_h_I'll just make the update onto that18:30
rick_h_abentley: ah ok cool yea. Actually I should write these out. I've got a series of small ups and downs as I move through these files18:31
abentleyrick_h_: The copyright date on test_buglisting_utils.js should be 2011-2012.18:33
rick_h_abentley: ah ok, thuught I'd seen them just get replaced18:34
abentleyrick_h_: No, the copyright date for unmodified code need to be retained.18:34
rick_h_abentley: makes sense, will udpate18:35
rick_h_err update18:35
abentleyrick_h_: r=me with those changes18:37
rick_h_abentley: ty much18:37
sinzuilifeless, registry.upcoming_work_view.enabledteam:linaro19:50
sinzui^ that is the UI for the feature19:51
lifelessflacoste: ^ that too (thanks for catching that sinzui !)19:59
czajkowskijcsackett: love the pics!20:06
jcsackettczajkowski: thought you might. :-P20:06
czajkowskijcsackett: have you see this weeks dekstop :)20:07
jcsacketti have not. must have missed the tweet.20:07
czajkowskijcsackett: https://plus.google.com/photos/102921374554385564572/albums/5730819334465556225/575787864953266067420:09
jcsackettthat is an unhappy bird.20:09
czajkowskijcsackett: it's a monday desktop :)20:10
jcsackettmondays do tend to provoke that reaction.20:11
czajkowskijcsackett: it's been a fun thing to do on a monday though, leads to some very odd reactions20:12
jcsackettreally? i wouldn't think people would respond too oddly.20:13
=== StaffUnicorn is now known as nhandler
czajkowskiyeah G+ people get rather vocal, twitter folks have fun and interact back20:14
jamabentley: about bug #1018477, it may be the forking-service interfering with things.20:17
_mup_Bug #1018477: repeatedly opening bzr+ssh connections to LP instances hangs <Bazaar:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1018477 >20:17
jamwhich would be really useful in debugging why it wasn't successful deploying it to production, as I haven't seen that failure before.20:18
jcsackettczajkowski: huh. g+ seems to largely be filled with passive observers from my side.20:18
jcsackettof course, as a passive observer, my viewpoint might be slightly skewed.20:18
abentleyjam: Oh, we're not using forking-service in production, but are using it on qa-staging?20:18
jamabentley: everywhere but production, AIUI20:19
czajkowskijcsackett: ah I do try and interact a bit on there, very useful for photography which I'm trying to learn more about20:19
abentleyjam: It seems plausible.  Do I recall correctly there's a way of running codehosting locally without the forking service?20:20
jamabentley: you could try just flipping the config switch20:20
jamuse_forking_server IIRC20:20
* sinzui bangs head on desk20:23
jamabentley: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel/view/head:/configs/development/launchpad-lazr.conf#L5020:24
jamuse_forking_daemon: False there20:24
* czajkowski passes the bottle of wine to sinzui 20:24
abentleyjam: Yes, I found it, and setting it False fixes the bug.20:24
sinzuiAs much as I want to add bug tag completion to advanced bug search, this is hard to do because of the very old bug that that hand craft page is invalid because of duplicate ids20:24
rick_h_sinzui: ugh, dupe ids ftl20:25
jamabentley: sorry to have caused the problem, but thank you for giving some insight into why it was failing in production.20:25
rick_h_sinzui: and can't add in a spare css class to hook into easy enough?20:25
sinzuirick_h_, I think I can make a tighter selector based on several attrs20:26
rick_h_ugh, hate attrs even more but whatever works I guess20:26
abentley jam: I suspect this should be treated as two bugs: 1. bzr fails to terminate ssh, 2. launchpad does something wrong when using forking daemon.20:26
jamI know back in the day I was doing load testing, and wasn't seeing this, but if you can reproduce it reliably, I must have been doing something different.20:26
abentleyjam: yes, it's been consistent.20:27
abentleyjam: I'll bet you were using possible_transports.20:27
jamit is possible that the 1-process thing is important. I think I was load testing with N workers20:27
jamabentley: no, I think I just was doing 1 connection per process20:27
abentleyjam: That would do it too.  I was able to work around the problem by forking before branching.20:28
jamfor n in `seq 100`; do bzr info $branch &; done20:28
abentleyjam: s/branching/opening the branch/20:28
jamabentley: how do you create a real branch to test this? or are you just using a non-existant branch?20:41
jam(name16 doesn't  seem to have a password, and I can't create a user via the test-openid provider)20:42
abentleyjam: I'm using a non-existant branch.20:42
abentleyjam: I typically push branches up as ~mark, which is specifically configured in my .ssh/config.20:42
abentleyjam: I believe there's a script to create new users.20:43
abentleyjam: I don't think password authentication is supported.  It should be possible to add an ssh key for name16.20:43
jamabentley: right, I should poke at that. In the mean-time, your script passes for me... :(20:43
jameven bumping it up to 1020:44
jamthough it pauses for a bit at 320:44
abentleyjam: What platform?20:45
jamabentley: Precise running in a VM20:45
cody-somervilleWhen did bug titles get a max length of 66 characters?20:45
abentleyjam: I'm on Precise on bare metal (BM?)20:46
jamI can see if I can reproduce on bare metal, but yeah so far no love.20:46
cody-somervilleweird. nvm. refreshing fixed it20:46
jamabentley: more than one cpu?20:46
jam(may or may not matter)20:46
abentleyjam: 4 cores, pretending to be 8.20:46
abentleyjam: I saw the same behaviour on devpad with qastaging.20:47
jamabentley: bzr version?20:47
abentleyjam: bzr.dev and 2.6.0dev2 locally20:50
jamabentley: interestingly, on devpad going to qastaging, the loop itself doesn't hang, but when I go to exit the python process, it hangs (waiting for ssh, I assume)20:51
jamI do see 3 ssh processes just sitting around20:52
jamabentley: killing one of the SSH processes with -SIGTERM was enough to get everything to clean up. weird20:53
jamanyway, way past my day, but something for me to poke at20:53
abentleyjam: I've also seen SSH processes hanging around.20:53
czajkowskisinzui: is cr3 suggestion possible on this, it;s a long way of doing it but the only way I can see  https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/20163021:15
sinzuiczajkowski, you are correct. cr3 can create a new ppa, copy the packages over, then delete the ppa21:16
czajkowskisinzui: grand long winded but a way to do it21:17
cr3czajkowski: thanks for looking into this, can you let me know the recommended way to either copy and/or move packages from one ppa to another?21:25
cjwatsoncody-somerville: Launchpad, sponsored by Twitter21:37
czajkowskicr3: dont know if there is a recommended way of doing it.21:41
cr3czajkowski: I could settle for any way :)21:44
czajkowskicr3: I suspect ask in here and one of the LP folks will answer21:45
czajkowskiabentley: you about21:45
cr3czajkowski: will do, I need to jet but I'll ask tomorrow. thanks!21:45
czajkowskicr3: ok21:46
sinzuijcsackett, database/schema/security.py -d launchpad_ftest_template22:10
wgrantbuildbot passed22:16
wgrantQA party time22:57
* cjwatson upgrades mawson again for the cause22:58
* wgrant defers the bzr stuff until after breakfast.22:59
wgrantStill 17 minutes from buildbot completion to qa-tagging :(22:59
cjwatsonwgrant: Don't suppose you ever got any further with queue-api, BTW?23:14
cjwatsonI know it's a bit of a bear of a branch23:14
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk

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