gary_poster | :-) | 11:41 |
gary_poster | frankban, approved your MP, with a small typo change. | 11:50 |
gary_poster | frankban, oh, after you make the change let me know and I'll approve again, or you can approve. | 11:50 |
gary_poster | (and after that, change the MP to Approved) | 11:51 |
frankban | gary_poster: thanks | 11:55 |
gary_poster | welcome, looked great | 11:55 |
frankban | gary_poster: typo fixed. | 12:03 |
gary_poster | reapproved frankban | 12:04 |
frankban | cool, approving the MP | 12:04 |
bac | gary_poster: doing another approve vote doesn't tickle tarmac. only changing the top status of the MP does | 12:04 |
bac | nm | 12:04 |
bac | :) | 12:04 |
gary_poster | :-) | 12:04 |
gmb | gary_poster, What's the secret sauce for forcing the buildbot-slave to have a specific number of workers? | 12:04 |
gary_poster | gmb, look at master.cfg on master, at --concurrency option in testr call | 12:05 |
gary_poster | currently forced at 20 | 12:05 |
bac | gary_poster: do note the second vote was not necessary | 12:05 |
gmb | gary_poster, Awesome, ta. | 12:05 |
gary_poster | bac, I thought it was in order to have tarmac not complain that there was a revision that had not been approved? | 12:06 |
bac | i just don't want people thinking they have to revisit the MP | 12:06 |
bac | gary_poster: no, the approved revision gets noted when the top-level status goes to 'Approved' | 12:06 |
bac | your reviews are just votes | 12:06 |
gary_poster | bac, oh! ok cool | 12:06 |
gary_poster | I voted twice. Watch out for the chads. | 12:07 |
bac | tarmac uses the rule 'approves >=1, disapproves == 0' so one bad vote will keep it from landing | 12:07 |
bac | that's why we need picture IDs for voting | 12:07 |
gary_poster | bac benji frankban (gmb) | 12:09 |
gary_poster | gmb, still allhands problems? | 12:22 |
gmb | gary_poster, I signed in this morning but can't get to my goals... I'm going to talk to Sarah about it this afternoon; ISTR that hte last time we had this problem she was happy with an email to you and her with my update goals - it's the record that matters. | 12:24 |
gary_poster | bac, allhands is ready for your final handshake | 12:31 |
bac | gary_poster: will do now | 12:31 |
gary_poster | gmb, ok. the deadline is Friday, so please take some time aside today and get it sorted out for good one way or another. | 12:32 |
gmb | Right. | 12:32 |
gary_poster | gmb, also, replying to your python 2.7/parallel email now | 12:32 |
* bac still hates google authenticator. i wonder if it got hacked along with the RSA fob | 12:32 | |
gmb | Thanks. | 12:32 |
gary_poster | :-) | 12:32 |
gmb | gary_poster, We have a working parallel test instance on Py2.7 / Precise: Limited to 8 workers. | 13:20 |
gmb | gary_poster, Tests are running, which is new :) | 13:20 |
gmb | But we're seeing "unknown worker" tests. | 13:20 |
gmb | Which is sad-panda-making. | 13:20 |
gary_poster | gmb, will review in a sec. I got this error when starting up the charm: | 13:24 |
gary_poster | 2012-06-27 11:53:30,606: hook.output@ERROR: Command '['su', 'buildbot', '-c', "bzr branch '' /var/lib/buildbot/slaves/slave/devel"]' returned non-zero exit status 3 | 13:24 |
gary_poster | seems transient | 13:24 |
gary_poster | Was just going to retry | 13:24 |
gary_poster | Is that what you had before? | 13:24 |
gmb | gary_poster, No, I had problems with adding the buildbot group. | 13:24 |
gary_poster | weird | 13:24 |
gmb | destroy-environment and bootstrappign again worked. | 13:24 |
gary_poster | yeah I think I'll just retry also | 13:24 |
gary_poster | gmb, what size machine is the slave? | 13:27 |
gary_poster | it looks too small for 8 | 13:27 |
gary_poster | you are losing three of eight workers still | 13:28 |
gary_poster | I'd also guess that the first of the two errors you have in the summary so far are because the machine is underpowered | 13:29 |
gmb | gary_poster, Yeah, it's an m1.small. My mistake; I forgot to make it bigger. Yesterdays was a 32-core machine. | 13:29 |
gary_poster | ow | 13:29 |
gmb | Yeah. | 13:30 |
gmb | But, weirdly, this works (ish). | 13:30 |
gmb | Yesterday's didn't. | 13:30 |
gmb | gary_poster, So at this point, I'm going to see what else breaks on our woefully underpowered machine | 13:30 |
gary_poster | gmb, you could try shrinking concurrency down further, but that's smaller than I've ever used | 13:30 |
gmb | Right. | 13:30 |
gary_poster | gmb, as far as unknown worker goes, I have no idea. That's something going wrong within testtools, probably, within the test aggregation code orchestrated by testr --parallel | 13:31 |
gmb | Hmm. | 13:31 |
gmb | gary_poster, So, here's what I'm going to do: | 13:31 |
gary_poster | the stdout doesn't give me any immediate clues beyond that | 13:32 |
gmb | Let this finish (because we've come this far) | 13:32 |
gmb | Kill it | 13:32 |
gmb | Start a new big slave | 13:32 |
gmb | RUn it again | 13:32 |
gmb | Ahaha. | 13:32 |
gmb | Now it's OOMing | 13:32 |
gmb | Time to die. | 13:32 |
gary_poster | yeah. I was going to say :-) | 13:32 |
gary_poster | gmb, is this a known py 2.7 failure? | 13:32 |
gary_poster | raise TypeError("Level not an integer or a valid string: %r" % level) | 13:32 |
gary_poster | TypeError: Level not an integer or a valid string: None | 13:32 |
gmb | gary_poster, Yes. mgz has just submitted a branch to fix that | 13:32 |
gary_poster | cool | 13:32 |
gmb | It's dead. Now, let's try this again :) | 13:33 |
bac | all: tarmac is now running on canonistack. let me know when you have a MP ready to be approved. | 14:37 |
gary_poster | great, bac. | 14:49 |
gary_poster | I'm going for early lunch, because it is so lovely out and will be hot again in next few days. biab | 14:52 |
gmb | gary_poster, For when you get back: jam pointed out something interesting. The unknown worker output looks different from the the worker-N output; it looks like the output from bin/test without --subunit. | 15:11 |
gmb | gary_poster, | 15:11 |
gmb | gary_poster, benji, bac: So, here's an interesting thing: We're running with --concurrency=8 and yet we have 9 workers. The "unknown worker" appears to contain the normal output from bin/test... Are we maybe seeing some crap on stdout from somewhere again? | 15:22 |
bac | benji: with grep, when do you need to dereference the count modifiers? i.e. if i wanted to make the trailing '=' optional would i end it with =* or =\* in | 15:49 |
bac | grep -c "^ssh-[dr]sa [a-zA-Z0-9: .\/=+-]\+= " "$1" | 15:49 |
bac | not dereferencing works. but why is the + escaped? | 15:49 |
bac | s/derefernece/escape | 15:49 |
benji | bac: if you use -P (perl-like regular expressions) you don't have to escape the * | 16:02 |
benji | I don't know about the other types, I always use -P | 16:03 |
gary_poster | gmb, hey. That looks like a subset of the stdout bits. | 16:28 |
gary_poster | In particular, :setUp and :tearDown are patterns the subunit stuf uses for the fake subunit layers, I believe | 16:28 |
gmb | gary_poster, Hum. okay. I've replied to the thread about it all - we're about to take off for dinner. | 16:29 |
gmb | More poking around to be done tomorrow then. | 16:29 |
gmb | We'll try running against 2.7 under lucid. | 16:29 |
gmb | (if that's even possible) | 16:29 |
gmb | Anyway. | 16:30 |
* gmb -> exeunt, in search of victuals | 16:30 | |
gary_poster | bye | 16:31 |
gary_poster | benji, for your lpsetup changes, have you just been running the command every now and then to make sure things work as you expect, given the minimal tests of the subcommands? | 18:00 |
* gary_poster is wondering what to do himself | 18:00 | |
gary_poster | I'm tempted to run the command on an ec2 instance | 18:01 |
benji | gary_poster: yeah; it is quite sub-optimal, especially given how long some of the steps take | 18:01 |
gary_poster | ok, thanks benji | 18:01 |
benji | After I finish this card I hope to work on the testing cards a bit; I suspect testing will be quite hard given the subject matter and that there is so much code already. | 18:02 |
gary_poster | benji, you mean the slack time card? | 18:04 |
benji | no... I thought we had a "real" card for testing; I guess not. I won't be doing that, in that case. :) | 18:05 |
bac | gary_poster: nm | 18:22 |
gary_poster | bac, ? | 18:22 |
bac | gary_poster: i accidentally pinged you in #launchpad | 18:22 |
gary_poster | bac, lucky I'm not over there then :-) | 18:23 |
gary_poster | benji, if you want to explore for a bit, you are welcome. I thought I did what we had agreed to do last Friday | 18:23 |
benji | gary_poster: you probably did; that's why cards are good, they help keep our (my) memory straight | 18:24 |
gary_poster | :-) cool | 18:24 |
gary_poster | you are still welcome to explore for a bit :-) . We don't really love the story we have right now, so I'm hoping someone will explore. We may not have a real reason to go into slack time until gmb returns though | 18:25 |
bac | gary_poster: i've added lpqabot to ~yellow so she can access private branches | 18:53 |
gary_poster | she, like a ship, bac? | 18:53 |
gary_poster | sounds good :-) | 18:53 |
bac | gary_poster: | 18:53 |
gary_poster | lol | 18:54 |
gary_poster | bac, I guess you need to document for us what you did to set up the canonistack instance, including the credentials? | 18:56 |
bac | gary_poster: yes | 18:56 |
gary_poster | cool | 18:56 |
bac | gary_poster: it *would* have been quite straightforward but for a couple of problems with software in lucid | 18:56 |
gary_poster | bac, why/where do we have lucid? | 18:57 |
bac | in lucid ssh-import-lp-id failed for 4/5 of the yellows, rejecting our ssh keys as invalid | 18:57 |
gary_poster | bac, feel free to postpone that answer for whatever time is more appropriate, like writing up your docs | 18:57 |
gary_poster | uh | 18:58 |
gary_poster | huh | 18:58 |
bac | gary_poster: the recipe jamesw gave me uses a lucid instance on canonistack. i tried using a precise ami but the version of puppet there was not compatible with his scripts | 18:58 |
gary_poster | who was lucky 1/5 | 18:58 |
gary_poster | oic | 18:58 |
bac | benji | 18:58 |
gary_poster | :-) | 18:58 |
bac | you had a trailing line feed | 18:58 |
bac | one of my keys had lots of line feeds | 18:58 |
bac | and gmb and frankban had the misfortune of not having any base64 padding. | 18:58 |
* benji polishes his SSH key collection. | 18:59 | |
bac | none of those things make a key invalid,, but the script wrongly thought it did | 18:59 |
gary_poster | heh | 19:02 |
benji | hmm, the frameworky bits in lpsetup seem to be getting in my way; I /guess/ I should add more framework | 19:20 |
benji | This is how Zope started. ;P | 19:21 |
gary_poster | benji please record reminders of pain points for Friday | 19:26 |
benji | gary_poster: ooh, good point | 19:27 |
benji | (this isn't /entirely/ a "pain" point but more like something that needs to be handled that isn't handled by the structure there now) | 19:28 |
bac | gary_poster: did you see G+ has events now? i just created one for our hangout tomorrow as an experiment | 19:28 |
bac | looks like they are only one-offs right now | 19:28 |
gary_poster | bac, what does that mean? Where should I look? | 19:28 |
bac | G+ | 19:29 |
benji | (which in my ever-so-slightly humble opinion is why frameworks (things that call your code) are often inferior to libraries (things that you call)) | 19:29 |
bac | gary_poster: 'events' on left vertical bar | 19:29 |
bac | i guess you can't have a left horizontal bar | 19:29 |
benji | what's with the dripping pancakes? :) | 19:30 |
gary_poster | bac, cool thanks | 19:30 |
bac | i see benji found it | 19:30 |
benji | I love those HD-quality, looped animated GIFs. | 19:31 |
bac | benji: you don't like pancakes? | 19:31 |
benji | I love pancakes. Especially non sequitur pancakes. | 19:31 |
bac | gary_poster: see if you can ssh tarmac@ | 19:32 |
gary_poster | bac worked | 19:34 |
gary_poster | (on call) | 19:34 |
bac | cool | 19:34 |
bac | better than not working | 19:34 |
gary_poster | :-) | 19:34 |
bac | gary_poster: i've added tarmac landing for zope.testing/3.9.4-fork too. it's easy peasy now: | 19:41 |
gary_poster | bac, you rock | 19:47 |
bac | gary_poster: other requests? | 19:47 |
bac | of course, none of these are tested as no branches have landed | 19:48 |
gary_poster | bac, whirled peas. | 19:48 |
gary_poster | IOW, no, not right now. Docs on what to do will be fabulous. | 19:48 |
bac | i do wonder how to communicate the IP address of the instance when it spins up. does canonistack have any dns abilities? | 19:48 |
bac | gary_poster: most of it is in a branch, so it is self documenting. i'll write up what i've got | 19:49 |
gary_poster | canonistack dns abilities: Not last I tried, unfortunately. You could use a frozen ip, whatever those are called | 19:49 |
gary_poster | bac ^^ | 20:13 |
gary_poster | bac, we are allocated three of those IPs per person in theory | 20:14 |
gary_poster | in reality you have to beg for them, IME | 20:14 |
bac | oh, really? i saw they have public addresses but we don't need that...just a fixed one in our internal numberspace would be fine | 20:15 |
bac | it's just a PITA when it hops around | 20:15 |
bac | gary_poster: | 20:35 |
gary_poster | bac, yeah meant public address. Why not? | 20:35 |
gary_poster | bac, great! "You'll also need to install fabric" -> locally? or on canonistack? I'd guess the latter but the text reads as if it is the former | 20:38 |
bac | gary_poster: public is not necessary as long as our team can access it via chinstrap | 20:38 |
bac | fabric is installed on your local machine | 20:38 |
bac | i'll make that clear | 20:38 |
gary_poster | bac, not necessary, but it gives us the "non hopping" characteristic...if it's not that big of a cost, I think it is worth it | 20:38 |
gary_poster | bzc, oh, fabric drives juju locally? | 20:39 |
gary_poster | bac, I mean | 20:39 |
gary_poster | so it is kind of like your runparallel script? | 20:39 |
bac | gary_poster: no juju | 20:39 |
gary_poster | ih | 20:40 |
gary_poster | oh | 20:40 |
bac | fabric launches a canonistack instance and deploys tarmac using puppet | 20:40 |
gary_poster | got it | 20:40 |
gary_poster | mildly embarrassing to company that this is not juju, IMO | 20:40 |
gary_poster | in terms of being a public resource | 20:41 |
bac | gary_poster: from the wiki page: Public IP addresses are a limited resource. Please be considerate when reserving and using public IP addresses for you instances and release them when you're not needing them | 20:41 |
gary_poster | yeah saw that before | 20:41 |
bac | so, from that i figured we don't really need them. ssh tunneling via chinstrap is easy and not noticeable. since none of the services are public facing it doesn't make sense to me | 20:42 |
bac | if we were running a django site then i'd grab one | 20:42 |
gary_poster | so what's the annoyance of the IP jumping then? | 20:42 |
bac | there is no annoyance | 20:42 |
gary_poster | tarmac used to have an idea of a web site | 20:42 |
bac | you just have to set up your .ssh/config properly and then it is transparent | 20:42 |
gary_poster | so you have to do that every time, and that is the annoyance | 20:43 |
gary_poster | "there is no annoyance" bah humbug! :-) | 20:43 |
bac | gary_poster: james said he was working on a juju charm but it isn't ready. i chose to go with what he had as the quickest way to deploy. | 20:44 |
gary_poster | ah excellent | 20:44 |
bac | i spent about half the time on the dumb ssh-import problem | 20:44 |
gary_poster | +1 | 20:44 |
bac | +1 on dumb problems? :) | 20:44 |
gary_poster | :-P +1 on the quickest way to deploy | 20:52 |
gary_poster | bac, can you move your card to Done now? Would be nice for frakban tomorrow | 21:17 |
gary_poster | frankban | 21:17 |
gary_poster | bac or benji, if you want a quick review, is for you | 21:23 |
gary_poster | talk to you all tomorrow | 21:23 |
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