
Anxi80Is canonical using OpenPGP or GnuPGP for the Ubuntu-Launcpad signing?01:13
wgrantAnxi80: GnuPG (http://gnupg.org/) is an open source project that implements the OpenPGP standard.01:15
wgrantSo, both.01:15
Anxi80wgrant, thanks. I didn't understand the OpenPGP wikipedia page properly01:17
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=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: czajkowski | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
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Sweetsharkis launchpad little mind too small to copy libreoffice from ppa to ppa? I try to copy 3.5.5~rc2-0ubuntu1~ppa1 from https://launchpad.net/~bjoern-michaelsen/+archive/libreoffice-precisetest-20120327/+copy-packages? to https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa and only get timeouts...11:37
Sweetshark(copy with binaries)11:37
Sweetsharkhmm, now it worked, but only without the binaries.11:45
jrgiffordis the mail server being slow or something? I'm getting extrememly delayed PPA upload emails.12:09
wgrantjrgifford: There's a whole lot of Ubuntu language packs tying up the upload processor.12:10
jrgiffordwgrant: ah, ok. that'd do it. :P12:11
wgrantjrgifford: It's just finished, so it should get to yours soon.12:11
jrgiffordis there a status page where I can find that stuff out on my own?12:11
wgrantNo :(12:11
czajkowskiI'm sure wgrant wishes there was12:12
jrgiffordoh well, thanks!12:12
wgrantYou can see recent public uploads at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas12:12
wgrant5 minutes ago they would have been all langpacks12:13
wgrantLots and lots and lots of langpacks.12:13
wgrantjrgifford: Do you have an email yet?12:13
czajkowskiSweetshark: do you get any error when the upload doesnt happen ?12:14
jrgiffordwgrant: i do, yes.12:14
czajkowskiam wondering if you bug is the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/19455812:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 194558 in Launchpad itself "Project file upload timeout (and often do not OOPS)" [Critical,Triaged]12:14
wgrantczajkowski: No12:14
wgrantczajkowski: It's the normal package copy timeout12:14
wgrantlibreoffice has a not insignificant number of binaries, and a lot of them are very large12:15
czajkowskinods I know just I thought I saw a similar bug already so was trying to find the possible duplicate12:15
wgrantSweetshark: In future, it's essential that you give an OOPS ID when filing a bug about an OOPS or timeout12:17
wgrantSweetshark: It's very difficult to diagnose without that information.12:17
qenghoHi hi.  I think I see a bug.  You need a build recipe.  Go to your personal page and click on "View source package recipes" under PPAs.  Get sent to +recipes, and then redirected to a recipe.  I think it should show a list, even if I have only one item, and I think I should be able to start a new recipe there.12:25
qenghoPerhaps last part is related to  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/61037912:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 610379 in Launchpad itself "+recipes does not have a 'Add' button" [Low,Triaged]12:25
Sweetsharkczajkowski, wgrant: i copied without binaries for now (hugging two buildd for 6 hours along the way)12:30
Sweetsharkcjwatson provided me with a syncronous launchpadlib script on ubuntu-devel12:31
Sweetsharkstill: evading to lplib for everything nontrivial is not a solution. so filed bug 1018349  ...12:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 1018349 in Launchpad itself "launchpad times out when trying to copy large package between PPAs with binaires" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101834912:33
Sweetsharkczajkowski: and no, I dont have the OOPS anymore and just copied the source, so I wont retry now.12:38
Sweetsharkczajkowski, wgrant: thanks for the support anyway ;)12:39
wgrantOOPS IDs aren't just for looks; they're needed so we can actually see what went wrong.12:42
_The_FredNow that i have my code on Launchpad, will it appear on the Ubuntu Software Center?12:46
czajkowski_The_Fred: eh ?12:47
_The_FredNow that i have my code on Launchpad, how do i get it into the Ubuntu Software Center?12:48
davmor2_The_Fred: is this for the app contest?12:49
davmor2_The_Fred: No it won't appear in Software Center you would need to submit it to myapps.developer.ubuntu.com where it will be reviewed by the ARB if it is a free app or the Commercial Apps team if it isn't12:51
_The_Freddavmor2, thank you.... i was just as myapps reading when you replied...12:52
_The_Fredoh noes... i think the packaging tutorial i was working from is out of date... in the rules file the install dir is /usr/share ... but the upload page at myapps says to use /opt/...  do i *have* to change it or will it be ok?13:50
davmor2_The_Fred: it would need to be /opt/ the guide for packaging is only a general one and most apps you create would be /usr/share but these need to be separated out so if there are issue they can be quickly contained13:54
_The_Freddavmor2, I see, so its i best i change it beforehand...13:55
davmor2_The_Fred: Yeap or you are likely to be asked to change it and it be sent back to you anyway, sorry13:56
_The_Fredno, thats fine, its no major effort, just part of my learning curve :)13:56
davmor2_The_Fred: if this was an app going into the distro via a repo then /usr/share is correct because it isn't there needs to be better control is effectively the difference13:57
_The_Fredthat makes sense... an easy way of separating any potential problem packages13:59
czajkowski_The_Fred: you might find it useful to join #ubuntu-packaging if you have packaging queries14:01
_The_Fredczajkowski, thanks for that, i must admit that im far below par today, and had not even thought of looking for that channel..14:01
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hyperairhi. how do i make launchpad spam me when there are build failures?15:24
hyperairi recall it did that in the past, but i don't seem to be seeing them any more15:25
czajkowskido you mean notify you?15:25
Lasallhi, sry I accidentally linked apt-fast as source package in oneiric: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/apt-fast . please unlink it15:27
hyperairczajkowski: yea15:29
czajkowskiLasall: done15:29
czajkowskiI dont think it does15:29
Lasallthx czajkowski :)15:29
sil2100Is there a way to tell my LP PPA to build packages using the quantal-proposed archive during building?15:54
czajkowskijelmer: gmb any idea ? ^^15:58
jelmerhi sil210016:00
jelmersil2100: In the Edit Dependencies page, you should be able to enable proposed.16:00
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #launchpad to: Help contact: | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | User Guide: https://help.launchpad.net/ | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | For packaging help: join #ubuntu-packaging
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sil2100jelmer: thanks!16:10
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kirklandbac: ping18:12
bachi kirkland18:13
kirklandbac: howdy!18:13
kirklandbac: looking at lp:~bac/ssh-import/bug-101845918:13
bachow's it going?  having fun at the new place?18:13
kirklandbac: I am :-)18:13
kirklandbac: looking forward to the SEC?18:14
kirklandbac: should get the Aggies playing a few games closer to your neck of the woods18:14
bacyeah, that's true18:14
kirklandbac: okay, your fix, thanks, btw.18:14
bacit dates me, but i still miss the SWC18:14
kirklandbac: heh :-)18:14
kirklandbac: do you miss playing LSU?18:14
* kirkland grew up in Baton Rouge...can't wait to play LSU every year again18:15
bacnope.  i don't think i ever saw them beat lsu18:15
bacanyway, trivial fix.  hope it is ok18:15
kirklandbac: A&M beat LSU 5 times in a row in the 90s18:15
kirklandbac: http://www.tigerdroppings.com/history/Results.aspx?Opponent=Texas%20A%26M18:16
kirklandbac: yeah, fix is okay18:16
backirkland: i've got five guys on my team, and ssh-import-lp-id rejected four of them!  :(18:16
kirklandbac: however18:16
kirklandbac: doh18:17
kirklandbac: okay, so the ssh-import project should really be "ssh-import-id"18:17
kirklandbac: can you help shut down that project in LP and point it to the other one?18:17
kirklandbac: i'm manually cherrypicking your patch18:17
kirklandbac: but to keep it from happening again18:17
backirkland: have you spun up a new one?18:17
kirklandbac: well, the new one has been around for a few years18:18
bacyou could have just renamed it and created an alias18:18
kirklandbac: not sure what happened with the other one18:18
kirklandbac: yeah, sorry, i have no recollection18:18
* bac looks18:18
kirklandbac: actually, this may be fixed in trunk18:20
kirklandbac: http://www.tigerdroppings.com/history/Results.aspx?Opponent=Texas%20A%26M18:20
kirklandbac: keys=$(grep -c "^ssh-[dr]s[sa] [a-zA-Z0-9: .\/=+-]\+ " "$1")18:20
backirkland: perhaps, i was getting the trunk from the old project18:21
kirklandbac: ah18:21
kirklandbac: let me try on your teammate18:21
backirkland: i have deactivated the old one.  if you get a webops to delete it then we can set up a forward...if that is important to you18:21
kirklandbac: lp id?18:21
kirklandbac: k18:21
bacoops, sorry guys18:21
kirklandbac: ./ssh-import-id -o - frankban18:22
kirklandbac: yeah, trunk works against all of those guys18:22
kirklandbac: there's a ppa build of trunk for all supported ubuntu releases, ppa:ssh-import-id/ppa18:23
kirklandbac: if this is important to you, propose an SRU, and I'll get it uploaded to proposed18:23
backirkland: my next question!  thanks.18:23
backirkland: i can work with the ppa.18:23
kirklandbac: great!18:27
kirklandbac: what version of Ubuntu are you seeing this in?18:27
backirkland: verify launchpad.net/ssh-import is dead for you18:28
backirkland: lucid...18:28
kirklandbac: ack!18:28
bacimage on canonistack...18:28
kirklandbac: aha!  that's why you were seeing ssh-import as the source then18:28
kirklandbac: the package was ssh-import in lucid timeframe18:29
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dupondjehttp://redmine.audacious-media-player.org/issues/138 => we don't seem to support those upstream bugtrackers, but maby it would be cool if we can link to it22:32
dupondjewithout fetching it status or so22:32
dupondjejust to know it has been reported upstream22:32

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