twobottux | auappdev: Error when running quickly share <> | 00:06 |
twobottux | auappdev: Why does GtkCalendar counts months from 0? <> | 01:37 |
Anxi80 | Not the best way to as for help regarding GtkCalendar lol | 01:47 |
will | hey guys. when i do quickly package, it complains that it doesn't recognise both and all my .py files that i created myself | 03:59 |
will | and that continuing is a bad idea (infact it just says "aborting") | 03:59 |
will | what am i doing wrong? | 03:59 |
will | ah, it was picking up the files that gedit had created? | 04:09 |
twobottux | auappdev: Why doesn't my MainWindow get focus? <> | 06:24 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:03 |
twobottux | auappdev: Opening 2 top level windows (quickly/pygtk) <> || PyGTK: Opening Links in Default Web Browser <> | 07:54 |
cedeon | Hi all, Any quickly gurus alive that can help me understand the ubuntu-application template helper classes? | 10:08 |
RobinJ | anyone who can help me with a bit of a logical problem? | 10:12 |
RobinJ | << this causes an infinite loop, as every time i set the active property the event is triggered again | 10:13 |
RobinJ | everyone in coma again? :( | 10:15 |
cedeon | thats a logic problem, yur better off doing something like toggled = ! state so that it always sets the opposite of what ever it is | 10:16 |
RobinJ | cedeon; won't help in my case, will it? i need to make sure only one of the buttons can be active | 10:22 |
RobinJ | at the same time | 10:22 |
twobottux | auappdev: What is mean by application must run out of /opt? <> | 11:06 |
RobinJ | let's see if i have more succes on stack overflow than on ask ubuntu | 11:19 |
RawChid | Already solved your problem RobinJ? | 11:58 |
RawChid | i need to make sure only one of the buttons can be active | 12:00 |
RobinJ | RawChid; nope, but got a bigger problem for now | 12:08 |
RobinJ | | 12:08 |
cedeon | Does anyone know the best container widget to use if i want a scrollable list of composite widgets that can be appended to /removed programmatically? | 12:24 |
cedeon | The only thing i know is the GtkBox but i want items to stay the same height | 12:25 |
RawChid | One problem at a time :P | 12:32 |
=== badfox is now known as raju | ||
twobottux | auappdev: Quickly Glade Button link to external program <> || Quickly message box <> | 14:23 |
twobottux | auappdev: When completing the form at, should i change the Suggested package name? <> | 16:46 |
Aman_ | Hello | 17:49 |
Aman_ | I have a couple of questions about the ubuntu app showdown contest | 17:50 |
Aman_ | Anybody here? | 17:51 |
leo-unglaub | Aman_: you should ask mhall119 | 17:53 |
twobottux | auappdev: Is porting a game to Ubuntu fine for the Ubuntu App Showdown? <> | 18:09 |
vance-turner1 | How do I add autocomplete features to PyDEV for GTK3? I'm new to GTK; so some help from the IDE would be nice | 20:01 |
mhall119 | vance-turner1: PyDEV is an IDE? | 20:02 |
vance-turner1 | No, I'm sorry. PyDev is an addon for Eclipse. PyDev also comes preinstalled with Aptana | 20:02 |
mhall119 | ah, ok | 20:03 |
mhall119 | autocomplete might be difficult with GTK3, since it's all discovered at runtime via GObject introspection | 20:03 |
vance-turner1 | Oh, that would explain why there is no docs on the internet for doing what I want. | 20:04 |
mhall119 | yeah, the only GTK3 docs are for C, every other language uses GIR to call them dynamicaqlly | 20:04 |
vance-turner1 | Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing, I am using Quickly to build an app for the showdown. I want to get autocompletion for gtk3 python content in the python files. | 20:14 |
mhall119 | vance-turner1: right, and GTK3 uses something called GObject Introspection, which allows other languages to directly call the C library code | 20:21 |
mhall119 | so in your app, you have python that does things like "from gi.repository import Gtk" | 20:22 |
vance-turner1 | mhall119: Exactly. | 20:22 |
mhall119 | that's loading the Gtk bindings by looking at the GObject meta-data | 20:22 |
mhall119 | so there isn't any Python code for Gtk, it's built at runtime when you call that | 20:22 |
mhall119 | and if there isn't any Python code, then PyDEV won't be able to auto-complete it using normal inspection methods | 20:23 |
mhall119 | now, you might be able to get PyDEV to look at the GObject meta-data to build it's autocomplete data | 20:23 |
vance-turner1 | Ok, now things make sense. I'll just use the docs then. This is the best GTK3 Python docs right? : | 20:26 |
twobottux | auappdev: Glade Widget Color <> | 20:29 |
vance-turner1 | Thanks for the help. | 20:42 |
penguin | where can i find a list of functions to implement into an webkit based browser... i am trying to make a more advanced browser than is in the get started tutorial | 23:54 |
Hamdon | Hi, would anyone know the easiest way to create a file chooser dialog when a button is clicked using glade and gtk? | 23:57 |
JanC | eh | 23:58 |
JanC | did you actually look at glade? | 23:59 |
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