
dholbachgood morning07:03
dholbachhey ajmitch07:03
ajmitchhi dholbach07:10
dholbachajmitch, so the cooking lens will be a little bit more hassle08:12
dholbachit's not quite easy to get all the translations stuff moved out and working - I'll add it to my TODO08:12
ajmitchthough you shouldn't have to do all the fixing08:12
ajmitchI'll try & bring a couple of other packages up to shape08:13
dholbachin the beginning it looked like a low-hanging fruit ;-)08:13
ajmitchmany do :)08:13
dholbachagreed - let's hope that the new quickly templates will help us with that08:14
ajmitchas long as we can sort out these little issues with paths in quickly08:17
dholbachhey coolbhavi :)13:18
dholbachI still need to follow up on one of the vote emails13:19
coolbhavidholbach, hey :) I'll get the branch today n test out on my system13:20
dholbachso cooking lens does not work - ajmitch showed me a problem earlier13:21
dholbachbut there's a few other ones which are up for vote as well13:21
dholbachthanks james_w :)16:11
dholbachthanks stgraber and highvoltage too16:11

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