=== md_5|away is now known as md_5 | ||
sagaci | jaddi27: you're around for the membership meeting, yeah? | 10:42 |
jaddi27 | sagaci, that is tomorrow, isn't it? | 10:42 |
sagaci | ah, confusing you with an ebay item ending soon | 10:42 |
sagaci | yeah, tomorrow night | 10:43 |
jaddi27 | ok. you had me worried for a minute | 10:43 |
jaddi27 | I should go and work on the last few precise translations | 10:43 |
jaddi27 | I finally have time to do it now that Uni is finished | 10:43 |
sagaci | two weeks off? | 10:54 |
jaddi27 | a bit more - 3 + 1 for orientation | 10:57 |
=== md_5 is now known as md_5|away | ||
head_victim | sagaci & jaddi27 it's tonight | 11:41 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, really? | 11:41 |
jaddi27 | I must have got my days mixed up | 11:42 |
head_victim | Yeah, we're the 1200 UTC baord | 11:42 |
head_victim | Despite it being at 2200 our time | 11:42 |
head_victim | That might have been the confusion | 11:42 |
jaddi27 | Is the 2200 one on Thursdays? | 11:42 |
jaddi27 | Yep, that is what it must have been | 11:44 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, is there anything I need to get ready? | 11:44 |
head_victim | As long as your wiki is up to date I don't think so | 11:45 |
head_victim | Bonus points if you can get evolution to talk exchange to my uni email :D | 11:45 |
jaddi27 | Ha, that could be fun | 11:45 |
head_victim | Nah, I can't figure out what the domain should be | 11:45 |
head_victim | Evolution needs a server, username and domain for exchange mapi to work :/ | 11:46 |
jaddi27 | Are you using MS hosted email, or an exchange server? | 11:46 |
head_victim | qut student email is all hosted on outlook.com | 11:46 |
head_victim | I got android to talk to it, just can't get evo to do it. | 11:46 |
jaddi27 | ok. try pod51000.outlook.com | 11:46 |
jaddi27 | I use that for imap | 11:46 |
head_victim | Yeah, I wanted to calendaring :/ Hence the hope for exchange. | 11:47 |
jaddi27 | Right. If you log in to outlook.com, and then go to the '?' image on the right side, and select about | 11:48 |
jaddi27 | it has some details of servers | 11:48 |
head_victim | Yep | 11:48 |
head_victim | Android worked straight up with the right settings, server was pod51000.outlook.com and user was \email.account@connect.qut.edu.au | 11:49 |
head_victim | It didn't ask for a domain but for some reason evolution needs one for it to work? | 11:49 |
jaddi27 | I would think you could leave the domain blank - i always have done | 11:50 |
head_victim | Error box - Server, username and domain name cannot be empty. Please fill them with correct values. | 11:50 |
jaddi27 | damn, my translation graph has stopped working after a module update | 11:50 |
jaddi27 | I am not sure why it would need all of that. I just use thunderbird for the email - haven't tried calendar sync | 11:53 |
head_victim | Yeah, I'm just being a bit special I think. | 11:53 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, good sign - enough members | 12:06 |
head_victim | jaddi27: HEAPS :) | 12:07 |
sagaci | enough to not postpone | 12:07 |
sagaci | felt like we had one a/o membership meeting last cylce | 12:07 |
sagaci | cycle***** | 12:08 |
sagaci | looks professional | 12:11 |
head_victim | sagaci: yeah, fingers crossed it's improved this cycle | 12:20 |
=== ejat is now known as e-jat | ||
head_victim | Well done jaddi27 :) | 12:24 |
head_victim | Our newest Ubuntu Member | 12:24 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, I hope you will guide me through anything I need to do now | 12:25 |
jaddi27 | Thanks very much for supporting me with it | 12:25 |
head_victim | jaddi27: it's all explained on the membership wiki page | 12:25 |
head_victim | But after the meeting I'll run you through it | 12:26 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, ok. I will have a better read through it | 12:26 |
=== jea is now known as jaddi27_ | ||
=== e-jat is now known as ejat | ||
head_victim | jaddi27: you'll have mail real soon :) | 13:19 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, just got it | 13:20 |
head_victim | And https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership is the place for the benefits | 13:20 |
jaddi27 | I think they have added more information to that since I last looked | 13:20 |
head_victim | you need to request most of it yourself but there are instructions | 13:20 |
jaddi27 | Who does the IRC cloaks? | 13:21 |
head_victim | The generally just pop into -irc and ask who's about, it needs a freenode staffer to do it and an IRCCC member to approve it | 13:21 |
jaddi27 | ok. I will look at doing that sometime soon | 13:22 |
jaddi27 | head_victim, just got another email | 13:40 |
head_victim | Yeah, slowly getting it all done :) | 13:41 |
jaddi27 | How much do you have to do? | 13:41 |
jaddi27 | Are you now the main person for the 1200 board? | 13:41 |
head_victim | Not heaps, just it's late and my hands aren't working :) | 13:41 |
head_victim | There is no official "main person", it just comes down to who has the time at any given point in time. | 13:41 |
jaddi27 | My hands were not working well during the meeting | 13:41 |
head_victim | Tonight, that's me :) | 13:41 |
jaddi27 | ok. As usual, you did an excellent job | 13:42 |
head_victim | Thanks, we do have a hideout where we coordinate so everyone did have a say :) | 13:42 |
head_victim | Feel free to ping me with any questions but for now, I think I need sleep. | 13:43 |
jaddi27 | Ok. I think I should sleep too. Goodnight | 13:43 |
head_victim | Cheerio and well done | 13:43 |
jaddi27 | Thanks again for your help | 13:44 |
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