igmu | I am having audio issues. When I cold boot, output sound in sound settings is muted. When I unmuted & adjust sound to 100%, the sound works fine. If my system goes into suspend, I loose sound even when sound settings indicates that it is mot muted. I do not have the sound icon on my gnome control panel. I currently have the sound settings & system monitor windows open to possibly see what... | 02:11 |
igmu | ...audio driver I am using. I see pulseaudio. Can anyone helpme get my audio default setting to unmute upon logon? How would I find the reason I loose audio after suspend? | 02:11 |
holstein | igmu: i would check for, and apply updates | 02:13 |
holstein | i would try a different kernel and/or alsa version | 02:13 |
holstein | i would try these from a live CD if i didnt feel comfortable | 02:13 |
igmu | I am copying this from system monitor if this helps.. Release 12.04 (precise) 32-bit, Kernel Linux 3.2.0-26-generic-pae, GNOME 3.4.1 | 02:14 |
igmu | I started from 10.04 LTS & I had no problems. I started having this issue once I upgrade to 11.04, I think. I think it's when Unity? was installed. | 02:16 |
igmu | running Synaptic now... | 02:28 |
igmu | It may take awhile because my bandwidth is throttled down. Someone is using a game system and is playing a online game. | 02:30 |
igmu | I have marked 46 pages to upgrade... | 02:31 |
holstein | nah, its not unity | 02:35 |
holstein | if you think it is, install XFCE and test | 02:35 |
holstein | i would try applying upgrades, then i would try differnt kernels or alsa versions.. or just install and use 10.04 | 02:35 |
holstein | i still have several 10.04 boxes running | 02:35 |
igmu | I ugraded all packages. The packages that upgraded were mostly libreoffice, cups, python, gnome-session. | 02:43 |
igmu | I also noticed that when I unmuted and set the volume of output sound, the test did not produce sound, but the alert sounds worked until I suspend the system. | 02:46 |
holstein | igmu: that can make alsa crash | 02:51 |
holstein | you can look into trying a differnt kernel version, maybe an earlier one... or a newer or older verion of ALSA | 02:51 |
igmu | I do not know if I'm using GRUB, but I am not given kernel version options from the bootloader. In synaptic, I see linux-headers 3.2.0-24.39, 3.2.0-25.40, 3.2.0-26.41, & installed currently. | 02:54 |
igmu | I have grub version 1.99-21ubuntu3.1 installed. | 02:56 |
holstein | igmu: grum wont effect the sound | 02:56 |
holstein | grub* | 02:56 |
holstein | you can hit shift when booting, and go to previous versions | 02:56 |
holstein | OR, review this | 02:56 |
holstein | !grub | igmu | 02:56 |
ubot2 | igmu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 02:56 |
holstein | and set grub to show manually all the kernels | 02:57 |
holstein | OR, load up a live CD with a different kernel and/or alsa version | 02:57 |
igmu | I am asking how to change kernel versions. | 02:57 |
holstein | igmu: i would hold shift at boot, and select older kernels | 02:57 |
igmu | ok, thank you. | 02:57 |
igmu | I will reboot now to try to change kernel versions... I am crossing my mouse buttons :) | 02:58 |
igmu | ty | 02:59 |
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Igmu | Holding shift works to select kernel versions. I am now using my phone to irc. Most current kernel version displayed in grub is 3.2.0-26-generic-pae. Earliest kernel version is 2.6.32-41-generic. I have 9 kernel versions to choose the are not recovery mode. | 03:08 |
Igmu | Should i start with the earliest kernel & test the sound issue then work my way to the current version until the sound problem arises? | 03:10 |
holstein | Igmu: thats an option... you can try some older kernels and see.. or alsa versions | 03:13 |
Igmu | Trying to run earliest kernel. I'm getting several fails & errors. | 03:28 |
holstein | you might.. try the last one that worked | 03:29 |
holstein | try 10.04 live.. | 03:29 |
holstein | try reloading alsa after the crash | 03:29 |
Igmu | I'm switching between tty1 & lightDM/GNOMEDM | 03:30 |
Igmu | I have no graphics page to login using GUI. Rebooting to next kernel. | 03:32 |
Igmu | How would i switch alsa versions? Is that something i can do in synaptic? | 03:33 |
holstein | thats one way to do it... or just try live CD's with different versions | 03:33 |
holstein | at some point, you need to determine if the hardware is funcitoning properly.. you can do that with a 10.04 live CD | 03:34 |
holstein | then, you can dertermine if its the alsa version, or try and see what is making the sound crash | 03:34 |
holstein | i would try and get the sound to crash, and just reload alsa | 03:35 |
holstein | i would spend about 3 minutes on each of these troubleshooting steps | 03:35 |
Igmu | Once i find a workable kernel version, should i start with lssound (i think that is the command) to establish hardware to accurately troubleshoot between hardware & software? | 03:38 |
holstein | whatever it takes... i would literally just load the other kernel back up.. get it to crash... and reload alsa | 03:39 |
holstein | i would maybe look at some logs.. i would search google for some bugs relating to that hardware | 03:39 |
holstein | i would try running in a terminal "aplay -l" for that information before and after the crash | 03:40 |
Igmu | I am logging this session for my notes... Kernel version 3.2.0-24-generic is the earliest version to fully load GUI without major errors. Audio is still muted by default, unmuting & volume adjusting produces alert sounds but the test sound still does not produce sound. | 03:57 |
holstein | Igmu: i would run in a terminal "aplay -l" | 03:58 |
Igmu | Aplay command is not installed. Checking aptitude for aplay | 04:00 |
holstein | Igmu: what are you running? | 04:00 |
holstein | aplay should be there... aplay and arecord | 04:01 |
Igmu | Ubuntu 12.04? Is answering what I'm running. | 04:02 |
Igmu | ? | 04:02 |
holstein | should have been installed by default | 04:02 |
Igmu | Dammit. Forgot sodu... | 04:02 |
holstein | how did you install it? | 04:02 |
Igmu | I started this system from Ubuntu 10.04 LTS cd. | 04:03 |
holstein | maybe the upgrade has failed? | 04:04 |
holstein | i would try a live CD... a 12.04 live CD.. i would let it sleep... i would see if the sound crashes | 04:04 |
Igmu | The only unique package that is getting my finger print reader to work for GUI & terminal password entry. | 04:06 |
holstein | sure.. but aplay should be there, and you are having issues... | 04:06 |
Igmu | Ok. I have to download a 12.04 iso to burn. | 04:07 |
holstein | gotta sleep... goodluck! | 04:07 |
holstein | check the sum, and try it live | 04:07 |
holstein | !md5 | 04:07 |
ubot2 | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 04:07 |
holstein | GN | 04:07 |
Igmu | Tyvm, sir. | 04:08 |
Igmu | Update to my sound issue... | 05:19 |
Igmu | I updated using synaptic. I went through different kernels. I finally entered the latest kernel, updated using aptitude in terminal, rebooted... | 05:21 |
Igmu | Now I have an audio icon in my gnome control panel. It still defaulted muted & audio icon in gnome control panel did not respond to left or right clicks of the mouse. | 05:23 |
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Tzem | Hello to all.How to get the accomplichment Ubuntu Beginners Team Member .I've done all he need. | 13:03 |
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pandamensch | hey guys. question for you. I have this rss feed window that I want to stick to the tool bar that I set up on top of the screen, so that when I fullscreen windows, the window doesn't go over the rss feed. Anyone has a clue how I could do this? | 14:14 |
pandamensch | my rss feed is tickr. | 14:14 |
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Bentheplantguy | i just did the 12.04 upgrade. i'm running Firefox 13.0. why doesn't Youtube "play all" continuously, and why are all other video sites disabled/videos wont play? | 17:33 |
holstein | Bentheplantguy: i would try the official chrome browser, and see about the flash version bundled with it | 17:48 |
holstein | you could also try adding the stable firefox ppa | 17:50 |
geirha | some old firefox settings may be causing issues, I'd try with a fresh profile. To try a fresh profile, close firefox, then hit Alt+F2 to run firefox -ProfileManager | 17:56 |
geirha | or log in as guest user and try firefox there | 17:56 |
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naskopalov | hello | 22:07 |
Unit193 | Howdy. | 22:16 |
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