nhandler | imbrandon: I think I have a google notebook of some sort (both paper and cr48) sitting around from last year's GSoC. You planning on coming by Chicago any time soon? | 00:18 |
imbrandon | nhandler: actually | 01:16 |
imbrandon | i'm not too far from chi and make it that way about once every 6ish months ( have family just outside of STL on the IL side ) | 01:17 |
imbrandon | at first i was like damn :( but then you said chi and not CA :) | 01:17 |
imbrandon | or I'd be more than happy to foot a ups/fedex package prepaid as well ( would be the same in extra gas heh ) , just drop me a line sometime at me@brandonholtsclaw.com if i'm afk :) | 01:19 |
mhall119 | imbrandon: the countdown looks fantastic! | 01:20 |
mhall119 | imbrandon: I have only one request, can you make the main title at the top point to http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/ ? | 01:21 |
imbrandon | mhall119: thanks and sure thing | 01:21 |
mhall119 | thanks man | 01:21 |
imbrandon | thats one nice thing about hosted is anyone useing it will get that update too | 01:22 |
imbrandon | right now the non-js image is manual but before tomarrow afternnon i'll have it on like 10 min cronjobs from wkhtmltoimg screenshots | 01:22 |
imbrandon | ( man i love that cli app ) | 01:23 |
imbrandon | so even without js it will be semi active | 01:23 |
imbrandon | :) | 01:23 |
imbrandon | and work on planet ubuntu :) | 01:23 |
imbrandon | also one without the wording in the middle is on its way up here in a moment | 01:23 |
imbrandon | just the ticker and title | 01:24 |
imbrandon | and then soonish a purple one if i can find colors i like | 01:24 |
imbrandon | hehe | 01:24 |
bkerensa | . | 01:30 |
imbrandon | mhall119: link is live on the header, and I also added a query string of ?from=widget | 01:38 |
imbrandon | just ince case you want/can track it from like google analytics | 01:38 |
imbrandon | or such | 01:38 |
imbrandon | i'll make that a real feature and more robust in the next itteration or two of them but its easy manually for now :) | 01:39 |
imbrandon | about to shortlink all the JS urls as well so the copy and past is smaller using http://git.io shortner | 01:39 |
imbrandon | unless ubuntu/canonical has one ? | 01:39 |
cjohnston | imbrandon: is https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/faq.html your theam? | 01:57 |
cjohnston | theme | 01:57 |
imbrandon | umm lemme see | 01:58 |
imbrandon | one sec | 01:58 |
imbrandon | does it match jujucharms.com/docs | 01:58 |
imbrandon | yet ? | 01:58 |
imbrandon | e.g it should be my theme but the server is broken and rthere is an rt ticken in to fix it | 01:58 |
cjohnston | i dont think so.. the sub-nav is bad | 01:59 |
cjohnston | gotcha | 01:59 |
imbrandon | yea | 01:59 |
imbrandon | thats half my thme | 01:59 |
imbrandon | theme | 01:59 |
imbrandon | its not building right , right now | 01:59 |
cjohnston | ic | 01:59 |
imbrandon | but http://www.jujucharms.com/docs is, and it builds from the same source etc, just lives on another server so works | 01:59 |
imbrandon | and that one is up to date and yes my theme | 02:00 |
cjohnston | gotcha | 02:00 |
imbrandon | ( still got more to do but its acceptable ) hehe | 02:00 |
imbrandon | and if you pull the docs branch and build local it will be whats on charms.com | 02:00 |
imbrandon | fyi | 02:00 |
imbrandon | anyhow, just curious or need something ? | 02:01 |
cjohnston | just cause it was broken, I wasnt sure | 02:01 |
imbrandon | ( yea the secondary nave and front page are side effects of the broken build not competing , clint put an rt ticket in for me like 3 days ago | 02:02 |
cjohnston | jcastro: juju.ubuntu.com seems to have issues on a couple pages, Testing and CodeandBugs | 02:02 |
imbrandon | we'll seee when it get fixed or is i just redirect the wiki toj ujucharms.com heh | 02:02 |
imbrandon | cjohnston: give me a list in PM i've been toiching those up as i find em too | 02:03 |
imbrandon | or email | 02:03 |
imbrandon | and i'll get em if no one else does first | 02:03 |
imbrandon | next time i;m on it | 02:03 |
=== cyphermox is now known as cyphermox_ | ||
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jono | mhall119, around? | 03:17 |
imbrandon | looks like he caved early :) | 03:48 |
cjohnston | it is almost midnight | 03:49 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:03 |
czajkowski | morning | 08:02 |
cjohnston | mornin | 10:59 |
=== ejat is now known as e-jat | ||
dholbach | mhall119, hey | 12:53 |
dholbach | would you have some time for a call in a bit? | 12:53 |
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mhall119 | dholbach: sure, give me a few minutes | 13:32 |
dholbach | sure sure | 13:33 |
mhall119 | dholbach: invite sent | 13:38 |
=== popey_ is now known as popey | ||
mhall119 | paultag: ping | 14:34 |
paultag | mhall119: pong | 14:34 |
mhall119 | paultag: is it possible to add custom checks to lintian without patching lintian itself? | 14:34 |
paultag | mhall119: yep | 14:34 |
paultag | well | 14:35 |
paultag | kinda, but mostly yep | 14:35 |
paultag | what's up | 14:35 |
mhall119 | where might I find info on doing that? | 14:35 |
paultag | that's a bit more of a task :) | 14:35 |
paultag | mhall119: to neckbeard questions | 14:35 |
mhall119 | paultag: we have some special requirements for packages going into extras.ubuntu.com that I want to automate checks for | 14:35 |
paultag | mhall119: 1) what is it you're trying to do, and 2) can it get into lintian it's self | 14:35 |
paultag | ahhh, I see. | 14:35 |
paultag | mhall119: yep, no problem! | 14:35 |
mhall119 | so, it's really specific only to Ubuntu, and even then only to a subset of Ubuntu packages | 14:36 |
paultag | mhall119: well, ubuntu stuff is upstream too | 14:36 |
mhall119 | even something this specific? | 14:36 |
paultag | yeah, because there are lintian profiles -- e.g. the changelog check is disabled for ubuntu | 14:37 |
paultag | but what is it doing? | 14:37 |
paultag | mhall119: but anyway, you have two options | 14:37 |
mhall119 | I don't know everything, but the big requirement is that it installs (almost) everything into /opt/ | 14:37 |
paultag | Ahhhh, yeah, ok, cool | 14:37 |
paultag | mhall119: so you have two options | 14:37 |
paultag | mhall119: first is two create lintian4extras, which sets LINTIAN_ROOT and runs lintian | 14:37 |
paultag | mhall119: the second is to make a package that drops some new tests into /usr/share/lintian | 14:38 |
paultag | I believe it's that easy | 14:38 |
paultag | but I've never tried | 14:38 |
paultag | mhall119: you could email nthykier@d.o | 14:38 |
mhall119 | thanks, I'll look into the /usr/share/lintian/ scripts | 14:38 |
mhall119 | thanks man | 14:40 |
mhall119 | you're my token Debian guy now :) | 14:40 |
paultag | :) | 14:40 |
paultag | I'm happy to better Ubuntu / Debian relations :) | 14:40 |
mhall119 | though cjohnston might become that from what I hear | 14:40 |
cjohnston | nah | 14:41 |
cjohnston | :-P | 14:41 |
paultag | he's been doing some work in the DPMT | 14:41 |
paultag | I'm happy to see it :) | 14:41 |
mhall119 | me too | 14:41 |
mhall119 | that means I can trade summit work for debian work | 14:42 |
paultag | I've sponsored two ubuntu developers in the last 3 days :) | 14:42 |
paultag | I'd be fine with helping you too | 14:42 |
paultag | if you needed it, of course | 14:42 |
mhall119 | I know, but you do it out of kindness | 14:42 |
paultag | true, I'm just so selfless | 14:43 |
paultag | charity will be my downfall | 14:43 |
paultag | I'm just too generous | 14:43 |
mhall119 | charity signs your paycheck doesn't it? | 14:43 |
paultag | actually true | 14:44 |
paultag | blah, actual code I just wrote - print "%s: %s" % ( thing, row[guy][thing] ) | 14:46 |
jono_ | dholbach, jcastro, mhall119, balloons invite sent for our hangout | 14:57 |
* balloons goes to look | 14:59 | |
balloons | "There was an error contacting the server. Please try again." | 14:59 |
jono_ | mhall119, all set? | 15:03 |
mhall119 | joining now | 15:03 |
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dholbach | alright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! :) | 16:21 |
cjohnston | I/O keynote broadcasting live for anyone interested | 16:36 |
balloons | cjohnston, does empathy work for you in quantal? | 16:36 |
cjohnston | dunno | 16:36 |
cjohnston | I don't normally use it | 16:37 |
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy | ||
balloons | cjohnston, so what did you think of i/o keynote? | 18:45 |
cjohnston | balloons: I'm not done with it unfortunatly.. Mark has his work cutout for him tho at the UDS keynote. Maybe he will jump out of the plane | 18:46 |
balloons | lol | 18:46 |
balloons | notice sergi didn't jump | 18:46 |
cjohnston | lol | 18:46 |
balloons | he really has trouble speaking in public | 18:46 |
cjohnston | then you can jump.. I mean.. you will float right? | 18:46 |
balloons | heck yea | 18:47 |
balloons | controlled movements | 18:47 |
paultag | it was a nuts showing | 18:48 |
paultag | it's crazy they jumped from a hang out, biked, repeled down a building, almost hit some people biking in and jumped onstage with little jerk in the video stream | 18:48 |
* balloons will be getting a nexus 7 ( I think ) | 18:52 | |
paultag | meh | 18:53 |
paultag | I want one of those orbs | 18:53 |
paultag | I might make one out of my raspberry pi | 18:53 |
balloons | AlanBell, can you retest your screen reader install on the new iso? | 19:49 |
balloons | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1016969 | 19:49 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1016969 in ubiquity "daily live cd boots silent in virtualbox" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:49 |
balloons | I'm having no sound issues as well, but not in the same way you are | 19:49 |
AlanBell | zsync http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/quantal-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync | 19:50 |
AlanBell | will do it shortly | 19:50 |
balloons | AlanBell, excellent, thank you | 19:51 |
mhall119 | balloons: is that "(no sound) issues" or "no (sound issues)"? | 20:00 |
balloons | mhall119, tricky tricky | 20:01 |
mhall119 | English is just too imprecise | 20:01 |
balloons | The issue am am experiencing is the lack of sound present during the installation whereby I may utilize accessibility options such as a screen reader | 20:01 |
balloons | s/am/I/ | 20:01 |
=== StaffUnicorn is now known as nhandler | ||
* AlanBell relaxes from the drama on G+ by testing quantal | 20:19 | |
czajkowski | lol | 20:21 |
czajkowski | poor AlanBell | 20:21 |
czajkowski | trying to do something nice and getting chewed | 20:21 |
AlanBell | balloons: I get no sound still | 20:23 |
AlanBell | and I can't get any as the devices that did work are not there any more | 20:23 |
AlanBell | then again, maybe they are | 20:24 |
mhall119 | what'd poor AlanBell do? | 20:24 |
cjohnston | invited all of google plus to a bbq | 20:24 |
AlanBell | balloons: on the ubiquity screen if you go to the sound indicator and sound settings there is a connector dropdown, if you select an LFE option you should have sound | 20:24 |
balloons | AlanBell, right.. I've got no LFE option | 20:25 |
balloons | but does it work for you assuming you select it? | 20:25 |
mhall119 | everybody on the internet is going to AlanBell's house for free food? | 20:25 |
AlanBell | balloons: yeah, works for me, the connector is below the balance slider | 20:25 |
AlanBell | mhall119: yup, the whole internet | 20:25 |
AlanBell | actually waiting for replies from 364 people still, but the rest of the internet is coming | 20:26 |
balloons | FUNNY! https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/Lwz4yjasX6d | 20:26 |
AlanBell | balloons: yeah, I think I invited him too | 20:27 |
czajkowski | AlanBell: being polite | 20:28 |
czajkowski | meh think some people just over react | 20:28 |
czajkowski | :s | 20:28 |
balloons | AlanBell, so yes.. on the sound thing, I can't seem to get sound at all in my vm. So I'm assuming it's a just me thing | 20:28 |
balloons | but it stops me from being able to test orca :-( | 20:28 |
AlanBell | balloons: what version of virtualbox?> | 20:28 |
balloons | 4.1.18 | 20:28 |
AlanBell | I am using 4.1.18 too | 20:29 |
AlanBell | how are we seeing different things? | 20:29 |
balloons | hw is not the same | 20:29 |
balloons | :-) | 20:29 |
AlanBell | but it is! | 20:30 |
balloons | not sure.. the other thing is how you setup the audio passthru | 20:30 |
balloons | using pulse, oss, or alsa | 20:30 |
balloons | and passing thru which audio chipset | 20:30 |
balloons | so many options | 20:30 |
balloons | using kvm or not | 20:30 |
* balloons not liking events at all. Then I discovered I can add a G+ hangout | 20:31 | |
balloons | finally we can schedule g+ hangouts again | 20:31 |
daker-cloud | hi | 20:32 |
mhall119 | AlanBell: if it makes you feel any better, I'd come if I could | 20:35 |
cjohnston | I offered to go | 20:37 |
AlanBell | mhall119: well I would have invited you even if it wasn't an accident :) | 20:37 |
czajkowski | mhall119: does amazing fall off the bone bbq meat | 20:38 |
czajkowski | mhall119: hows the beast | 20:38 |
paultag | AlanBell: just got your invite, thanks for that :) | 20:39 |
paultag | AlanBell: it's a bit of a swim at the moment, but thank you :) | 20:39 |
nhandler | Same here | 20:39 |
AlanBell | :) | 20:39 |
nhandler | But the trampoline sounds fun | 20:39 |
paultag | mmmm! | 20:40 |
AlanBell | so extended circles is people who follow people who follow you, right? | 20:40 |
akgraner | balloons, does it work with "on Air" as well | 20:40 |
balloons | akgraner, hmm | 20:40 |
AlanBell | and Amanda Blain follows me and she has over a million followers | 20:40 |
mhall119 | czajkowski: I assume you're referring to Blake | 20:41 |
balloons | akgraner, yep! | 20:41 |
AlanBell | she is like even more popular than akgraner | 20:41 |
mhall119 | in which case he's as lazy and noisy as ever | 20:41 |
balloons | akgraner, so cool.. hit event options, advanced :-) | 20:41 |
AlanBell | oh hi Amber, how are things? | 20:41 |
akgraner | looks my IT person has to enable that feature | 20:41 |
akgraner | balloons, I don't have an even option - which is the same thing Pete just told me | 20:41 |
akgraner | grrrr | 20:42 |
akgraner | AlanBell, great and you? | 20:42 |
balloons | surely you can't be poking pgraner again? | 20:42 |
* paultag holks back a joke | 20:42 | |
akgraner | balloons, ALWAYS!!! | 20:42 |
paultag | s/holks/holds/g | 20:42 |
mhall119 | akgraner: it was there until AlanBell invited everybody on G+ to his BBQ | 20:42 |
greg-g | paultag: is that kind of like a hulk joke? | 20:42 |
paultag | greg-g: 16:42 < balloons> surely you can't be poking pgraner again? | 20:42 |
czajkowski | mhall119: yes who else! | 20:43 |
AlanBell | #blameAlanBell | 20:43 |
mhall119 | czajkowski: well given that Quinn just got himself into trouble again.... | 20:43 |
greg-g | paultag: ????? | 20:43 |
paultag | greg-g: srsly?! you can't think of one joke? | 20:43 |
mhall119 | paultag: family-friendly channel | 20:43 |
greg-g | :) | 20:43 |
paultag | mhall119: 16:42 * paultag holks back a joke | 20:44 |
czajkowski | mhall119: be nice you | 20:44 |
paultag | holds * :) | 20:44 |
* AlanBell tickles everyone until they behave | 20:44 | |
mhall119 | heh | 20:44 |
mhall119 | oh RTD, why can't you be simpler? | 20:45 |
akgraner | Now I have the event option | 20:47 |
akgraner | sweet | 20:47 |
AlanBell | careful! | 20:47 |
* balloons watches akgraner fill her schedule with non-stop on-air interviews | 20:50 | |
akgraner | balloons, yep | 20:55 |
akgraner | :-) | 20:55 |
mhall119 | akgraner: you're going to end up making your own big-brother like reality show | 20:56 |
akgraner | mhall119, :-) | 20:56 |
akgraner | I keep trying to get Pete to do a joint interview about Being involved in Open Source with me | 20:56 |
* mhall119 trademarks "Keeping up with the Graners" | 20:57 | |
akgraner | it would not be family friendly I don't think and lots of bleeps I think | 20:57 |
balloons | mhall119, hehe | 20:57 |
mhall119 | akgraner: with Pete? never | 20:57 |
akgraner | mhall119, it would be funny though | 20:57 |
mhall119 | heck yeah it would | 20:58 |
mhall119 | I bet we could talk your kids into just following you around with a video camera | 20:58 |
akgraner | mhall119, they do sometimes | 20:59 |
cjohnston | I bet they already do | 20:59 |
akgraner | it would be funny if they weren't my kids | 20:59 |
mhall119 | forget year of the linux desktop | 20:59 |
mhall119 | this'll be the "Year or the Linux Sitcom" | 20:59 |
akgraner | hahaha | 20:59 |
akgraner | they ratted me out the other day - b/c the first time I ever say an ARM board like 6 years or so ago I asked who cut up a motherboard and made a paper weight out of it | 21:00 |
mhall119 | seriously though, the ad revenue would probably be pretty good | 21:00 |
cjohnston | lol | 21:00 |
akgraner | I'll tell you what - if you can get Pete to agree - I'll film a day in our life and post it unedited | 21:01 |
mhall119 | I'm not sure the Internet is ready for that | 21:01 |
akgraner | see you're scared too | 21:02 |
akgraner | :-P | 21:02 |
akgraner | yeah Pete scares me too - so I understand :-) | 21:02 |
akgraner | j/k | 21:02 |
mhall119 | who said it was because of Pete? | 21:02 |
akgraner | haha | 21:03 |
akgraner | I <3 all y'all! I am counting the days until UDS | 21:04 |
akgraner | Oh 7th Edition of the Official Ubuntu Book is now available for Pre-order comes out July 9th | 21:04 |
akgraner | And I interviewed Pete for issue 13 of Ubuntu User Magazine which is available now :-) | 21:05 |
jono | mhall119, have you written tests in Quickly | 21:06 |
mhall119 | jono: no, but I've written pyunit tests for Django before | 21:09 |
jono | mhall119, let me pastebin something | 21:10 |
cjohnston | No, but i stayed at a Holiday Inn last night. | 21:10 |
balloons | cjohnston, bah.. I'm staying at a holiday inn express tonight! | 21:10 |
mhall119 | balloons: traveling? | 21:11 |
mhall119 | or was that another joke | 21:11 |
jono | mhall119, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1063255/ | 21:11 |
jono | mhall119, the test file is at the bottom | 21:12 |
jono | when I run quickly test I get: | 21:12 |
jono | AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'my_function' | 21:12 |
jono | I am sure I am making a newbie error here | 21:12 |
balloons | mhall119, both :-) | 21:12 |
mhall119 | jono: you'll have to do: | 21:12 |
balloons | mhall119, cjohnston I'm actually coming to Orlando Friday | 21:13 |
mhall119 | window = FoobarWindow() | 21:13 |
cjohnston | cool.. when where | 21:13 |
mhall119 | res = window.my_function(20) | 21:13 |
balloons | cjohnston, not sure exactly, my wife has some surprise for me | 21:13 |
cjohnston | uh oh | 21:13 |
mhall119 | jono: let's hack in here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/g1Y0nJW8E7 | 21:14 |
jono | mhall119, cheers | 21:14 |
jono | mhall119, ok, so when I add that now I get: | 21:16 |
jono | (nosetests:16347): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'net.launchpad.foobar' is not installed | 21:16 |
czajkowski | simon has the right plan https://plus.google.com/104284466618076664967/posts/EWCQq3CCFaK | 21:17 |
mhall119 | net.launchpad? where's that coming from? | 21:17 |
jono | mhall119, no idea | 21:18 |
jono | this is a new test Quickly project | 21:18 |
AlanBell | mhall119: java stuff puts domains backwards | 21:18 |
AlanBell | and other stuff, it is foobar.launchpad.net | 21:18 |
mhall119 | AlanBell: java isn't involved here either | 21:18 |
AlanBell | yeah, I see that now | 21:19 |
jono | mhall119, it looks like it is in foobar_lib/Window.py: | 21:19 |
mhall119 | jono: and you're running this with "quickly test"? | 21:19 |
jono | mhall119, I commented it out | 21:19 |
jono | yay! it runs now :-) | 21:20 |
mhall119 | hmmm, interesting tht Quickly does that | 21:20 |
mhall119 | should probably be changed to something not launchpad related | 21:20 |
jono | yup | 21:20 |
jono | it is a GSettings thing | 21:20 |
mhall119 | I wonder why it doesn't give an error in "quickly run", but does on "quickly test"... | 21:21 |
ajmitch | AlanBell: you're sorting flights to your place for the bbq? :) | 21:22 |
AlanBell | yup, by hot air balloon | 21:23 |
ajmitch | excellent, I'd better leave soon for it then | 21:23 |
czajkowski | jono: curse you mines is addictive | 21:52 |
jono | czajkowski, :-) | 21:52 |
jono | AlanBell, hey | 21:54 |
jono | any chance we can get a meeting bot in #ubuntu-accomplishments ? | 21:54 |
czajkowski | AlanBell: you getting any 404s on the gb mirror on updates? | 22:10 |
AlanBell | no czajkowski, it is fine for me | 22:11 |
czajkowski | hmmm | 22:11 |
czajkowski | AlanBell: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-team/lenses-testing/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources 404 Not Found | 22:12 |
czajkowski | W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-team/lenses-testing/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-amd64/Packages 404 Not Found | 22:12 |
czajkowski | W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/unity-team/lenses-testing/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages 404 Not Found | 22:12 |
czajkowski | E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 22:13 |
czajkowski | bah | 22:13 |
AlanBell | czajkowski: that is a ppa | 22:13 |
czajkowski | aye | 22:13 |
AlanBell | and a precise one on quantal | 22:13 |
czajkowski | not what I meant to copy | 22:13 |
AlanBell | probably | 22:13 |
czajkowski | I also have this red triangle as well | 22:13 |
czajkowski | which is new | 22:13 |
Daviey | AlanBell: did you invite the world to your house? | 22:26 |
cjohnston | hehehe | 22:27 |
Daviey | AlanBell: I can see you getting 10000's turning up | 22:27 |
AlanBell | I seem to have invited about 400 people, | 22:28 |
Daviey | AlanBell: Jorge Castro, James Westby, Steve Langasek and 380 more are invited ... I assume they are all +Guests? | 22:33 |
AlanBell | sure, why not! | 22:33 |
Daviey | AlanBell: I'm going to forward the invite to a local radio station for good measure. | 22:33 |
cjohnston | Maybe we can just have UDS at AlanBell's house so we can all get sponsored | 22:35 |
Pendulum | Daviey: only a local one? | 22:35 |
AlanBell | UDS at my house would be rather convenient | 22:35 |
* AlanBell works out how to do breakfast for 500 | 22:38 | |
Daviey | bagsy the sofa | 22:40 |
Daviey | cjohnston: you can have the bathtub | 22:41 |
AlanBell | I think a few people might be in with the chickens | 22:41 |
Daviey | Pendulum: you are stuck with the chickens | 22:41 |
AlanBell | aww, I couldn't stick Pendulum in with the chickens! | 22:42 |
Pendulum | wouldn't it be better to put the Kubuntu folks in with the chickens since the chickens are already familiar with kubuntu? | 22:42 |
AlanBell | she can go on the trampoline | 22:42 |
AlanBell | actually they now use Ubuntu server, so Daviey could be at home with the chickens | 22:42 |
Daviey | Eeeeeek | 22:42 |
Daviey | Last time i was in that close proximity to chickens, i got into trouble | 22:43 |
Daviey | I think i ave a restraining order still. | 22:43 |
AlanBell | gosh, that sounds like an interesting Daviey story | 22:43 |
Daviey | One for another day | 22:43 |
Pendulum | I guess I know what story is being told at the BBQ | 22:44 |
Daviey | Pendulum: will you come? | 22:44 |
* Daviey heads to bed | 22:46 | |
Pendulum | Daviey: Only if someone else pays :( | 22:46 |
AlanBell | Pendulum: you can come via skype or a hangout or something | 22:47 |
Daviey | Pendulum: You charge for your attendance ?! | 22:47 |
AlanBell | I will rig up a projector and camera or something | 22:47 |
Pendulum | Daviey: I have no money for travel :( | 22:47 |
Daviey | ah | 22:48 |
Daviey | :( | 22:48 |
Pendulum | AlanBell: so the we can break something with all the remote attendees? | 22:48 |
Pendulum | *then | 22:48 |
* AlanBell likes this plan | 22:48 | |
AlanBell | I think a big screen somehow | 22:49 |
Daviey | A,AlanBell ]\ | 22:49 |
Daviey | AlanBell: well, for me it will be work... I need to do a product analysis of how your chicken server deployment is doing | 22:49 |
Daviey | and on that note, bed | 22:50 |
Daviey | nn all | 22:50 |
AlanBell | night all o/ | 22:50 |
Pendulum | g'night Daviey | 22:50 |
balloons | alright, I am off for the evening as well.. g-night all | 23:05 |
JanC | if anybody is in Belgium on Saturday July 14th and wants to attend an Ubuntu-be "braai" (Afrikaans for BBQ), please ping me ;) | 23:51 |
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