bkerensa | yeah | 00:00 |
bkerensa | that was weird | 00:00 |
bkerensa | >.< | 00:00 |
bazhang | I tried to /remove Like late yesterday, and just +o -o and no action at all | 00:01 |
elky | the guy was participating before saying that, you should at least have tried to educate him on the rules first. | 00:02 |
elky | is it even porn, or is it "nix porn" like "earth porn" | 00:03 |
bkerensa | elky: it was a screenshot of a desktop | 00:04 |
ubottu | usr13 called the ops in #ubuntu () | 00:35 |
ubottu | GridCube called the ops in #xubuntu () | 00:39 |
bkerensa | . | 01:27 |
cprofitt | hey bkerensa | 01:53 |
bkerensa | hi cprofitt | 01:53 |
cprofitt | replied to the wrong message of yours earlier | 01:53 |
cprofitt | :-) | 01:53 |
bkerensa | ah? | 01:53 |
bkerensa | cprofitt: which was it intended for then? | 01:53 |
cprofitt | I corrected it; it was intended for the leadership discussion | 01:53 |
bkerensa | cprofitt: ahh | 01:54 |
IdleOne | mneptok: I am not sure why the temp comes into play when eating poutine | 02:24 |
chu | May I ask why he was banned? (I'm not defending him at all, his incredibly random musings annoy me greatly, but I didn't realise he was banned) | 02:58 |
elky | for repeatedly responding to requests to make sense with more nonsense | 03:00 |
elky | It's basically like having a resident Chef Brian | 03:00 |
chu | Excellent. Doesn't surprise me at all. | 03:00 |
elky | the guidelines do state "don't be annoying" ;) | 03:01 |
elky | chu, also, it's been building up to a ban for... a long time | 03:05 |
chu | I'm just happy someone did it :p | 03:08 |
IdleOne | at some point in time you will have to get your hands dirty | 03:08 |
IdleOne | better later... | 03:08 |
chu | Yeah, I know, I'm putting it off as long as possible >.> | 03:11 |
chu | Fortunately, e lky (I didn't want to highlight) is normally on when I am, so I don't need to worry just yet. | 03:11 |
sistematico | It has a user using bad word on #ubuntu-br | 04:06 |
sistematico | His nickname is JavaNunes | 04:07 |
sistematico | Anyone can help? | 04:07 |
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Mamarok | Sorry, folks, my bouncer went mad | 07:23 |
Unit193 | Network thing, my session went weird as well. | 07:24 |
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw | ||
elky | Mamarok, i don't see sign of it, it might have just been your side | 07:51 |
elky | there was a netsplit | 07:51 |
Mamarok | well, apparently I must have been flooding some channels, got banned in 2 | 07:51 |
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=== yano is now known as Staffhedgehog | ||
=== nhandler is now known as StaffUnicorn | ||
=== Myrtti is now known as StaffRingedSeal | ||
=== Staffpony is now known as Fuchs | ||
=== StaffUnicorn is now known as nhandler | ||
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
bazhang | bee and pbot were the same user | 21:28 |
IdleOne | yup | 21:28 |
bazhang | looks like that Jamie is the long time issue one from that IP range | 21:31 |
StaffRingedSeal | !msgthebot > bee | 21:33 |
bazhang | seems like jr. high just got out | 21:33 |
=== Staffhedgehog is now known as yano | ||
bazhang | is avis just being totally random there? | 22:44 |
bazhang | * [avis] (~identd@pdpc/supporter/student/avis): blackened voodoo | 22:46 |
bazhang | he's doing that in multiple channels | 22:46 |
bazhang | <avis> your gufw has security holes all through it | 22:58 |
Jordan_U | I'd have already at least quieted them if I weren't busy. | 23:01 |
bazhang | martinphone insists on being way past the guidelines in -ot | 23:01 |
knome | bazhang, he's pushing it on #x-ot too | 23:05 |
bazhang | knome, thats all he does, from what I have seen | 23:06 |
knome | yes, i just thought that's his last piece of rope | 23:06 |
bazhang | always asking very hot button topical questions re: race, etc | 23:06 |
knome | aha. haven't had that kind of problems with him on #x-ot | 23:07 |
knome | just some bad language and some really unnecessary comments, mostly somehow relating to thing below the belt | 23:07 |
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