=== cyphermox is now known as cyphermox_ | ||
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox | ||
cyphermox | IdleOne: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+question/201090 | 18:10 |
cyphermox | yay... | 18:10 |
IdleOne | cyphermox: ? | 18:23 |
cyphermox | ah, don't mind me. just bitchin' | 18:24 |
IdleOne | oh lol | 18:24 |
cyphermox | just another of those very unhelpful answers | 18:24 |
IdleOne | if you mean from actionparsnip. I agree. he is usually very thorough with his answers in #ubuntu | 18:25 |
cyphermox | ah | 18:25 |
cyphermox | whenever I see that name in LP answers I know it's going to be either not helpful, or not very polite | 18:26 |
cyphermox | actually, that's not true | 18:26 |
cyphermox | it's not politeness it's... | 18:26 |
cyphermox | going the extra mile, not just saying RTM. | 18:26 |
IdleOne | He can be very direct at times but normally he is very knowledgeable and thorough. Honestly I am surprised he gave such a vague answers without providing links | 18:28 |
cyphermox | anyway, I have more pressing and complex matters at hand :) | 18:28 |
cyphermox | seems like somehow udev doesn't want to give me the information I want, I'll have to use coercive methods :) | 18:28 |
IdleOne | just don't break it | 18:29 |
IdleOne | heh | 18:29 |
cyphermox | hehe | 18:29 |
cyphermox | I'm writing what wil replace jockey in 12.10 | 18:30 |
IdleOne | oh, cool. can I test? | 18:31 |
cyphermox | ah it's nowhere near ready to test, can't clikc anything yet | 18:31 |
cyphermox | but I can show you what it looks like | 18:32 |
IdleOne | sure | 18:32 |
IdleOne | how come jockey is being replaced? | 18:32 |
IdleOne | please make sure it is accessible! | 18:32 |
cyphermox | I'll do what I can ;) | 18:32 |
IdleOne | DOET! | 18:33 |
cyphermox | that's a good point my design is probably not very accessible right now | 18:33 |
IdleOne | accessibility is very important might want to talk to Pendulum and the accessibility team from the start and they can maybe help test also | 18:34 |
IdleOne | when it is ready for testing | 18:34 |
cyphermox | http://people.ubuntu.com/~mathieu-tl/Screenshot%20from%202012-06-27%2014:32:33.png | 18:35 |
IdleOne | so it is going to move into the Softwares sources app | 18:37 |
cyphermox | kind of, and everntually all be in the control center | 18:37 |
IdleOne | cool | 18:37 |
Alliance | Salut | 23:19 |
Alliance | Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui connait un bon fournisseur internet au Québec pour héberger ses propres serveurs (http,ftp,etc...) chez soi? | 23:21 |
Ankman | pas moi | 23:24 |
Alliance | merci quand meme | 23:25 |
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