
jthanBoulder County is on fire now.  Maybe this is a sign that I shouldn't be in the state.00:16
JonathanDThe whole county?00:17
jthanWell not the whole county, but.. Previously there were no fires here. Today two sparked up.00:17
jthanAnd it literally lightninged (is that a word?) for like.. maybe twenty minutes.00:20
jthanthen the clouds were gone00:20
MutantTurkeywhat state...?00:33
jthanIt's crazy here.00:36
MutantTurkeypennsylvania - the promise land00:37
=== MutantTurkey is now known as MobileTurkey
=== MobileTurkey_ is now known as MobileTurkey
InHisNamejthan is having a "hot time in the old town tonight"01:12
jthanInHisName: Yeah, something like that. I am just worried about my asthma acting up from all the ash.01:41
InHisNameHmmm, yea, that's a real concern.  Even hiding indoors in Air conditioned building may not be good enough.  I hope you can finish the 6 weeks though if possible.01:43
jthanAir conditioning.. What a joke! I wish we had AC!01:44
jthanI'm not worried about the six week mark. I'm worried about tonight!01:44
jthanYou look outside and it's raining ash.01:44
InHisNameI suggest that you don't go outside01:45
jthanI don't plan on it - but regardless all of the building is opened up.01:47
jthanIt's 100 degrees here in the shade and there is no AC01:47
jthanso the windows just ramain open all the time01:47
jthanI am debating trying to find a classroom in an air conditioned building to spend the night in or something.01:49
jthanEven if it's a bad nights sleep, its better than waking up dying :-p01:49
InHisNamegood point, seek out that building and get there01:50
=== Joe_CoT is now known as Jolan
=== Jolan is now known as Joe_CoT
waltmanJonathanD: it's also on sunday03:25
jedijfJoe_CoT: how was venturef0rth, and what day did you go?04:24
Joe_CoTjedijf, ventureforth was good, it was for the global reddit meetup on Saturday04:32
Joe_CoTone of the redditors is friends with a ventureforth guy so we got the space04:32
jedijfJoe_CoT: where did you park? was there any lots open on saturday?04:32
Joe_CoTthere was paid parking on the street, we were told we could just park in the reserved spots04:33
jedijfdid you notice any lots open? I know the street parking - just gathering info for FOSSCON at venturef0rth04:33
Joe_CoTah, no idea sorry04:49
Joe_CoTvery minimal street parking, and 2 hour limit04:49
Joe_CoTthere is decent parking a couple blocks away04:49
JonathanDwaltman: I have stuff on Sunday too.09:27
JonathanDI'm moving an office sunday.09:27
InHisNameMorning,  hmmm, Randy must be enroute to work..11:27
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all!12:22
SamuraiAlbaEx GF needs her spare room wired for FIOS TV/Ethernet :)12:22
SamuraiAlbaPromised to pay me12:22
SamuraiAlbaTurned down cash :(12:22
SamuraiAlbaI not mean :)12:23
SamuraiAlbaAnyone need servers?12:23
* JonathanD is getting his new one this week.12:24
SamuraiAlbawhatcha gettin?12:24
JonathanDHP DL36012:25
SamuraiAlbaI had a 380 G5 a few months ago12:26
InHisNameSamuraiAlba: over on deals woot.com is a shirt --->BACON, the meat candy12:53
InHisNameSamuraiAlba: you got more servers to get rid of ?12:54
SamuraiAlbaI may have more to get rid of13:11
waltmanJonathanD: bummer13:20
waltman(sleeping in)++13:20
MutantTurkeyvoid main() { int i=0; while(1) { printf("wake up sleepy head! you are %d minutes late"); sleep(60); i++; }13:26
waltmanI woke up 3 hours later than the last 2 days :)13:28
MutantTurkeywaltman: now you're done your PhD and you've spiraled into nothingness13:29
waltmanTrue, but this is mostly because I had jury duty Monday and Tuesday and had to be in the federal court house at 6th and Market by 8:30 am.13:29
MutantTurkeyyeah that stinks13:30
waltmanI was catching the 7:21 train to give myself enough time to hit Starbucks and get through the security line.13:30
MutantTurkeywhen you get to jury duty all you need to do is not get selected13:30
MutantTurkey"yes i am a catholic nazi skin-head confederate"13:31
waltmanWhy does everyone assume that I don't want to get picked for a jury?13:32
JonathanDI wouldn't mind being on a Jury.13:34
JonathanDBack when I was hourly, etc, I dreaded the idea.13:34
JonathanDJury duty was food off our table.13:34
waltmanhttp://articles.philly.com/2012-06-26/business/32425564_1_philadelphia-man-health-care-fraud-medical-provider-number # This is the case I almost ended up on yesterday. He decided to plead guilty during an extended lunch break.13:35
JonathanDThey bribed him with food.13:35
waltmanJonathanD: Understandable, but since I'm currently in between jobs, this was food *on* my table!13:35
JonathanDRight :p13:36
JonathanD$9 a day, right? :p13:36
MutantTurkeyhow do they even rationalize that?13:36
MutantTurkeymight as well not pay13:36
waltmanAnd the federal courts pay a lot better than the state courts. It's $40/day + 55.5 cents/mile in transportation costs.13:36
JonathanDthats less horrible13:36
MutantTurkeythey should have to pay you equivilent to what your income is13:36
JonathanDBut shouldn't it at least meet minimum wage?13:36
MutantTurkeyor minimum wage13:36
waltmanIt goes up to $50/day if it goes more than 10 days.13:37
MutantTurkeystill slave labor13:37
JonathanDMutantTurkey: at the very least. My logic would be people at minimum wage NEED it.13:37
MutantTurkeyyou can just call out or skip13:37
JonathanDPeople above it are more likely to be reimbursed.13:37
waltmanthey also cover hotels for people who need to travel a long distance.13:37
JonathanDand less-harmed by the loss of wage if not.13:37
waltmanI guess maybe low pay encourages juries to come to decisions quickly?13:38
MutantTurkeywhich is also bs13:38
JonathanDwaltman: it also encourages low-income folks to beg off being on Jury.13:38
JonathanDAt which point, it's no longer a jury of peers, but a jury of peers who can afford to not go to work.13:38
waltmanI've always had jobs where I was reimbursed, and I've always found jury duty to be a welcome break from the work routine.13:39
waltmanmy judge yesterday offered to personally call up any boss who was giving one of his jurors a hard time about missing work.13:40
JonathanDThis is good.13:40
JonathanDwaltman: the $9 a day though, is a complete joke :)13:40
waltmanAnyhow, I figure my being there yesterday helped encourage this Mr. Ali to settle and save the court a lot of time and money.13:40
waltmanJonathanD: Indeed. It barely covers lunch in Media, let alone a post-trial beer at the Iron Hill down the street from the courthouse.13:41
JonathanDwaltman: and good on you for being there. I would be there.13:41
JonathanDwaltman: iirc, when the wages were set they were based on a workers day-wage.13:41
waltmanThe timing was perfect this time for me -- no missed work, and a little extra cash.13:42
JonathanDthey are not revisted frequently.13:42
JonathanDSo if they're supposed to be a days wage, they should track to that.13:42
waltmanminimum wage * 8 seems reasonable13:43
JonathanDI think most min-wage workers would welcome the break.13:43
JonathanDwaltman: apparently the "you can't fire for jury duty" only applies to perm employees.13:43
waltmanIf you don't end up on a jury, it's a really easy day. You spend most of it reading, and court officials tell you everything you need to do.13:44
SamuraiAlbaNacho nacho enchurrito burrito15:10
ChinnoDogWho here is using an email provider other than gmail that wants to let me send a test email to them?19:12
InHisNameyou can send to me if you want19:13
InHisNameihn  @ sias.us19:14
ChinnoDogInHisName: did you receive it?19:19
InHisNameI went to garbage collection and found it there.   I don't have three letter account, its spelled out.19:21
ChinnoDogoh. :-p19:22
ChinnoDogok. So you received it. I think I know why it never arrived in my work inbox. Thanks for being a guinea pig19:23
InHisNameI made a reply from my real addr to your test19:30
ChinnoDogInHisName: That was a customer email. You weren't supposed to reply to it. :-p19:52
InHisNameCustomer ?   I'm receiving customers.   If so, maybe I can declare I'm finished job hunting .....20:15
ChinnoDogIt isn't a job. :-p21:16

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