ricotz | mlankhorst, hi | 06:10 |
ricotz | sorry again for accusing you yesterday ;) | 06:10 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, are your wine-pulse patches related/based on http://source.winehq.org/patches/data/87234 ? | 06:11 |
ricotz | specifically v18 | 06:11 |
mlankhorst | ricotz: no that guy doesn't know how to winepulse | 06:34 |
mlankhorst | he tried to rewrite my version but he's lacking the knowhow to make it work right :) | 06:35 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, ok, so proposing this patch seems not good then | 06:36 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, dont you want to propose your original ones? | 06:36 |
mlankhorst | ricotz: my patches are in ubuntu-wine ppa | 06:37 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, due the lack of updates a while ago, i was uploading some wine git snapshots to one of my ppas | 06:37 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, i know | 06:37 |
mlankhorst | it's just stock wine + some patches from repo.or.cz/w/wine/multimedia.git | 06:37 |
mlankhorst | not all of them, some were disabled :) | 06:38 |
ricotz | nice, i rebased my snapshot on your updates | 06:39 |
mlankhorst | but was trying for fun to see how low I could make latency with my patches there | 06:40 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, with some small packaging changes which are probably good for wine ppa too -- http://paste.debian.net/plain/176553 | 06:41 |
mlankhorst | dsound was underrunning once every few seconds on a 3.3ms queue (as opposed to continuously) | 06:41 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, so wine ppa users are your guinea-pigs now ;P | 06:42 |
mlankhorst | ricotz: no I keep the more stable version upstream, I just wanted to know how low I could make latency | 06:43 |
ricotz | ok | 06:43 |
mlankhorst | But wine refused my submission of winepulse on non-technical grounds, preferring to rewrite it instead. I resigned from wine development as a result. :) | 06:44 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, hmm too bad :\, yeah pulseaudio support for wine is a long story afair | 06:45 |
mlankhorst | that repo still has the original date for winepulse patch | 06:45 |
mlankhorst | http://repo.or.cz/w/wine/multimedia.git/commit/6c162fb88c40b5fd916129202065bbf672b4dc8f Thu, 28 Apr 2011 07:45:18 +0000 (09:45 +0200) | 06:46 |
mlankhorst | I just never submitted it upstream until they finally accepted they needed it. | 06:46 |
ricotz | i see, i hope they will reconsider it then | 06:47 |
mlankhorst | nah sadly not | 06:47 |
ricotz | but having this "other" patch in the review-queue doesnt seem good then | 06:47 |
mlankhorst | oh it's no problem, I can keep patching winepulse. :p | 06:48 |
ricotz | right, and if it gets accepted the door is open for improvements | 06:49 |
mlankhorst | it's a rewrite of my version but the guy rewriting it didn't understand what I did and why I did it, so I'll just keep my version in instead.. | 06:49 |
tjaalton | bjsnider: yeah, it was Sarvatt :) | 06:51 |
mlankhorst | in the ball room, with a knife | 06:52 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, i see, but it is probably better to join forces | 06:52 |
ricotz | ;) | 06:52 |
mlankhorst | ricotz: I resigned from developing wine upstream until current dictator is stepping down or overthrown. At this point I believe I know sound just as well as anyone else involved in wine. | 06:53 |
mlankhorst | so it's really not hard for me to maintain | 06:54 |
ricotz | mlankhorst, alright, thanks for that! | 06:55 |
mlankhorst | used to be sound maintainer for wine so I reserve the right to shake heads at the direction they take. :p | 06:56 |
ricotz | heh :P | 06:56 |
mlankhorst | and hard realtime is still fun | 06:58 |
mlankhorst | I love how much the kernel has improved there :) | 07:01 |
mlankhorst | RAOF: How come xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is still in the unapproved sru queue? :) | 07:21 |
RAOF | 'cause I didn't get to it yesterday :) | 07:31 |
mlankhorst | ah k :) | 07:32 |
mlankhorst | syncing was keeping me busy yesterday, but I think using a dma-buf to sync dma-bufs with will work | 07:33 |
RAOF | How's that going? Found the magical intel fences? | 07:54 |
mlankhorst | well because it's dma-buf it's brilliant, even if I don't find it I can use it with intel | 07:58 |
mlankhorst | dma-buf can share with cpu too :) | 08:02 |
RAOF | Handy :) | 08:02 |
mlankhorst | that's why I love it, but I'm hoping for more feedback so I have more confidence it will work with radeon too in hardware | 08:03 |
RAOF | Have I mentioned before that Mesa's habit of including calls to pkg-config in their makefiles is infuriating? :X | 08:04 |
mlankhorst | direct calls? | 08:09 |
RAOF | Yes; their configure is a lie. | 08:09 |
mlankhorst | I pity the person who wants to cross compile mesa :) | 08:10 |
mlankhorst | well looks like radeon has a WAIT_REG_MEM and a MEM_WRITE, perfect | 08:17 |
mlankhorst | it has a 16-byte alignment which is fine, nvidia has the same requirement | 08:22 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
bjsnider | tjaalton, how's the fix for 999910 coming along? | 21:06 |
tjaalton | bjsnider: it's in pre-proposed | 21:06 |
tjaalton | and upstream 3.2-queue | 21:06 |
bjsnider | is it possible to grab it early? | 21:07 |
tjaalton | yes, check kernel-ppa-pre-proposed | 21:07 |
bjsnider | cool | 21:08 |
tjaalton | it seems to have daily builds, if there have been changes to git | 21:10 |
tjaalton | it also has wacom intuos5-support backported :) | 21:10 |
bryceh | mlankhorst, heh now you're famous on phoronix ;-) | 21:57 |
mlankhorst | weeee | 22:43 |
mlankhorst | bryceh: I've given up a long time ago on getting it into wine, now branched off my sound work entirely :) | 22:53 |
* bryceh nods | 22:58 | |
bjsnider | mlankhorst, perhaps you could employ violence to get your pulseaudio driver accepted | 22:59 |
mlankhorst | ah of course, the git push --violent option | 23:00 |
mlankhorst | bjsnider: it costs less energy to keep developing out of tree :) | 23:00 |
bjsnider | git push --violent dispatches nameless, faceless goons to play street bsaeball on your enemies though | 23:01 |
mlankhorst | seems to not be implemented here :( | 23:04 |
bjsnider | i'm using an experimental branch invented in chicago in the 1920s | 23:07 |
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