=== cyphermox is now known as cyphermox_ | ||
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox | ||
aj_quantal | Yay. | 04:47 |
astraljava | Hey guys, I've updated the long test case at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Long | 05:42 |
pleia2 | astraljava: re: CPU "governer applet" - something where you can make adjustments to CPU, or just a monitor? | 05:43 |
astraljava | Please have a go at it, either edit it directly, or send feedback in here or the mailing list (I'll announce it on -devel in a minute). | 05:43 |
astraljava | pleia2: CPU, don't think it has to do with monitors at all. | 05:44 |
pleia2 | I mean monitoring CPU | 05:44 |
pleia2 | but you're saying there may have been an applet that didn't monitor, but instead allowed changes? | 05:45 |
* pleia2 writes envelopes to send out stickers | 05:46 | |
astraljava | Did I say monitoring? | 05:47 |
astraljava | I meant governing. | 05:47 |
astraljava | Throttling. | 05:47 |
astraljava | Whatever there are for that. | 05:47 |
pleia2 | gotcha | 05:48 |
astraljava | The CPU monitoring applet is there for sure. | 05:48 |
astraljava | Sorry for being vague. | 05:48 |
* astraljava needs to get ready to go to work, at least the office... ; | 05:48 | |
astraljava | ;) | 05:48 |
pleia2 | see you :) | 05:48 |
astraljava | I'll be back online in about 40 minutes or so. | 05:49 |
astraljava | o/ | 06:28 |
astraljava | pleia2: You mentioned a draft for the release notes, can I find them somewhere? | 06:32 |
pleia2 | astraljava: in xubuntu.org wordpress, have a login? | 06:32 |
pleia2 | it's a draft post | 06:33 |
astraljava | Hrm... I don't think so, and I'm not seeing where I could sign up. :) | 06:36 |
pleia2 | it's handled through launchpad, I'll check | 06:37 |
pleia2 | ok, well the only thing it has is "Xfce 4.10" :) | 06:37 |
pleia2 | so we can probably collaborate elsewhere | 06:37 |
pleia2 | astraljava: mind a PM? | 06:39 |
pleia2 | (see if we can get you set up) | 06:39 |
* pleia2 should go to bed soon | 06:40 | |
astraljava | Heh... you really don't have to ask. :) | 06:40 |
pleia2 | :) | 06:40 |
pleia2 | 21:06:43 -queuebot:#ubuntu-testing- Builds: Upgrade Xubuntu amd64 [Quantal Alpha 2] (20120627) has been added | 06:53 |
pleia2 | in #ubuntu-testing! | 06:53 |
pleia2 | muy useful :) | 06:53 |
astraljava | Well, it is. It's also on -release. | 07:01 |
hobgoblin | astraljava: of course what I meant to add to my - perhaps this for the testing long thing was - pidgin !!! I hate pidgin - I'd rather test xchat :p | 07:34 |
Unit193 | Pidgin is good for IM, but not IRC. | 07:34 |
hobgoblin | :) | 07:35 |
hobgoblin | I'm old ... | 07:35 |
astraljava | Yeah, come to think of it, is pidgin even the default app for IRC in the first place? | 07:41 |
astraljava | Can I test this somehow? | 07:42 |
Unit193 | irc://irc.freenode.net/xubuntu ? | 07:42 |
astraljava | Right, I'll try that, thanks. | 07:43 |
hobgoblin | well tbird fails to let me setup my accounts :) | 07:46 |
astraljava | hobgoblin: Is this on 26th images? Please check if there's an existing bug, if not, please also file it. | 07:48 |
hobgoblin | ok | 07:49 |
astraljava | Ahh... it isn't associated with any app by default. | 07:51 |
astraljava | I actually think people would use xchat more than pidgin for IRC. | 07:52 |
astraljava | knome: Opinion? | 07:52 |
Unit193 | astraljava: I don't care if they want to, they need to use xchat rather than pidgin. | 07:53 |
astraljava | *rolls eyes* | 07:54 |
astraljava | ;) | 07:54 |
hobgoblin | ok - so how do you change localisation - added some but then what? | 07:58 |
astraljava | Good question, lemme check. | 07:59 |
astraljava | ...and that case is very poorly worded, too. | 08:00 |
astraljava | hobgoblin: I didn't find any other way than logging out and choosing another language while at the greeter. | 08:04 |
hobgoblin | oh - ok :) | 08:04 |
astraljava | The list in Language Support kept having it as disabled even after the installation. | 08:05 |
astraljava | I don't know what _is_ the expected way. | 08:05 |
astraljava | I always use just the English that I install. | 08:05 |
hobgoblin | funnily enough - that's what I use too :) | 08:06 |
hobgoblin | astraljava, ok that worked - had no idea at all what the menu's said - but they were there :) | 08:16 |
astraljava | Yep, it works for me as well. I'm gonna edit the case and suggest doing that. | 08:17 |
hobgoblin | k | 08:18 |
hobgoblin | so the only oddity I got was with thunderbird | 08:19 |
hobgoblin | trying the resize one now | 08:20 |
astraljava | Great, thanks! | 08:25 |
astraljava | I'm a little unsure what to type into that case. I suppose it's enough to check the desktop that the things in the UI are translated, we're really not wanting to check all applications here. | 08:25 |
hobgoblin | astraljava, thinking about the pidgin thing - the images that show during the install are of pidgin - so perhaps I would leave it - those of us that use irc clients - do so | 08:26 |
hobgoblin | yea I'd agree with that - unless someone is bi/tri/loads-lingual all they can do is see if things look foreign to them :) | 08:26 |
astraljava | That's right. And a good point re: pidgin. I'll leave it, then. | 08:27 |
hobgoblin | should installs testing check encryption - not seen that written anywhere? | 08:27 |
astraljava | Hmm... let's add that as a topic for tonight's meeting. | 08:36 |
hobgoblin | astraljava: so - the 64bit livecd is not asking to remove before reboot - old bug I've seen before - should I ry and find the number | 09:12 |
astraljava | hobgoblin: Yep, sure. Thanks! | 09:42 |
hobgoblin | sigh :( you were supposed to say that's ok no need to spend hours trying to search launchpad for a bug :p | 09:43 |
* hobgoblin will let triage sort it out - already spent 30 minutes looking | 09:44 | |
knome | astraljava, while the irc-part of pidgin is not so good, pidgin is a good all-round IM client | 09:50 |
knome | astraljava, xchat doesn't do other IM | 09:50 |
ochosi | knome, astraljava, pleia2: sorry guys, i won't be able to attend today's meeting. (my gf has her state exam at the same time, i hope that's a good-enough excuse :) ) | 09:51 |
ochosi | s/guys/gals'n'guys/ | 09:51 |
hobgoblin | I'd let you off if I counted :) | 09:51 |
knome | heh.. | 09:52 |
ochosi | hobgoblin: thanks, much appreciated :) | 09:52 |
knome | i'm not sure if i can either... but i'll try to. | 09:52 |
ochosi | quick artwork roundup: i've continued to improve greybird's gtk2 performance, new notebook-style etc. | 09:52 |
ochosi | testing and feedback would be appreciated | 09:52 |
astraljava | hobgoblin: You're actually expecting me to let you off easy? *pfft* This is no summer vacation camp. This is hard labour. | 09:55 |
ochosi | knome: what do you think of getting more high-quality themes into xubuntu? | 09:55 |
knome | ochosi, sounds good, but are there? | 09:55 |
knome | especially those which suppport both 2/3 | 09:56 |
ochosi | knome: i recently started contacting people on deviantart to see whether they'd be willing to accept a few xfce-specific patches | 09:56 |
knome | aha | 09:56 |
astraljava | knome: Yeah, and like hob just mentioned, it's in the slideshow. | 09:56 |
knome | astraljava, that too. but changing the slideshow isn't too hard, really | 09:56 |
knome | astraljava, we should do that anyway. | 09:57 |
ochosi | knome: this one is a bit too close to greybird visually, but there are more "complete" themes like this: http://satya164.deviantart.com/#/d4nk24s | 09:57 |
knome | ochosi, in that case, just make a list of them and let's go through them someday | 09:58 |
ochosi | knome: yeah, i'll try | 09:58 |
knome | k, good | 09:58 |
astraljava | ochosi: Btw. if you'd like to see some UI-related tests (or just a description for appearance inspection), have at it on the /Long, it's not quite there yet, but it'll do for now. | 09:59 |
ochosi | knome: but personally, a pre-requisite for getting a theme in would be that the author continues to maintain it. i'm definitely not taking on more themes for maintenance :] | 09:59 |
hobgoblin | astraljava: nope - I expect hard labour - I did do 3 installs one after the other - but searching launchpad is for the foolhardy :p | 09:59 |
astraljava | Hehehe. :) | 09:59 |
knome | ochosi, yes, sounds sensible | 09:59 |
astraljava | Yeah I agree, it's sometimes frustrating. | 09:59 |
hobgoblin | and I gave up after almost an hour :( | 10:00 |
ochosi | knome: another thing i'd like to bring up in the next meeting/s: now that crt monitors are vanishing from the face of the earth, do we really need a screensaver by default? wouldn't a screen-locker suffice? | 10:00 |
astraljava | hobgoblin: That's alright, thanks for trying. :) | 10:00 |
knome | ochosi, will you just throw that in the meeting agenda? | 10:00 |
ochosi | astraljava: just read through the long test, where is the appearance part exactly? | 10:00 |
hobgoblin | astraljava: I know there's a bug out there as I've seen it on dev version release notes ... I'll let someone mark the dupe as such ... | 10:00 |
astraljava | knome: Can you help me with getting to the wp of our website? princess tried to get my ubuntu SSO working on it, but we failed. | 10:00 |
astraljava | ochosi: No, you misunderstood. We're counting on _you_ to add it. :D | 10:01 |
knome | astraljava, will do. what do you need to do there? | 10:01 |
ochosi | astraljava: ah ok :) | 10:01 |
astraljava | ...if you'd like to have it, that is. :) | 10:01 |
astraljava | knome: Release notes, she said she added a draft there. | 10:02 |
astraljava | ochosi: Naturally you don't need to type it alone, but I'm at least very poorly suited for that line of work. | 10:03 |
ochosi | astraljava: ok, i added a few lines | 10:11 |
ochosi | astraljava: let me know what you think | 10:11 |
astraljava | ochosi: Yeah, I'm ok with that, as it's much more difficult to pin-point any better than you have already done. Thanks! | 10:27 |
ochosi | astraljava: ok, if you - in the course of testing - get to better formulations don't hesitate to replace/improve :) | 10:28 |
ochosi | bbl | 10:31 |
astraljava | Thanks, will do. Same goes for everyone, on every test as well. | 10:38 |
knome | i'm off now. will be back later today, and i'll try to make the meeting this time | 10:54 |
hobgoblin | 32 bit refuses to boot from usb for me | 11:06 |
hobgoblin | not sure if it is a bug or just me - redid the thing 3 times | 11:08 |
astraljava | hobgoblin: How does it refuse? Blank screen? Error messages? | 11:13 |
hobgoblin | blinking cursor in the top corner - nothing at all happens other than that | 11:13 |
astraljava | Meh. Ok, file a bug, I'll verify in the evening when I get home. | 11:14 |
astraljava | Or... check if there's one already first. :) | 11:15 |
hobgoblin | :) | 11:15 |
hobgoblin | astraljava: I posted on the forum - see if anyone else has it before I start with bugs - but I just tried again after reburning the iso - still nothing for me | 11:39 |
astraljava | Alright, well, I'll verify during th evening. Make sure to paste the number here if you end up filing it, so I can mark 'affects me too' if it happens on my system as well. | 13:09 |
astraljava | knome: I'm afraid I'll have to pass on tonight's meeting, surprising engagements I cannot ignore. Rest of the team: If none of the leads (ochosi, knome, pleia2 nor mr_pouit) is available, make sure to post the minutes to the mailing list after the discussion. You can follow the agenda as best as you can. | 13:11 |
* micahg will have to miss another meeting, but will hopefully be back in sync for the following one | 13:21 | |
hobgoblin | astraljava, you can forget all about our earlier conversation - seems bios was playing games with me here | 13:28 |
ochosi | gotta go now, have a good meeting everyone! | 14:00 |
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* hobgoblin is not doing 5 installs in one day again | 15:30 | |
pleia2 | sorry I'm late | 15:34 |
pleia2 | but it seems like no one was really around today :) | 15:35 |
hobgoblin | pleia2: it's still quiet :) | 16:10 |
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy | ||
pleia2 | astraljava: put a link to your email on g+ and twitter | 17:17 |
knome | pleia2, hullo :) | 18:06 |
pleia2 | hi knome! | 18:07 |
knome | what's up? | 18:23 |
pleia2 | work work, the usual | 18:30 |
pleia2 | knome: oh, how do we add someone to xubuntu.org blog? I tried to add astraljava last night, failed :) | 18:40 |
knome | pleia2, that wasn't xubuntu.org fail, that's LP openid fail (most probably) | 18:40 |
knome | pleia2, but the instructions: | 18:40 |
knome | pleia2, everybody in LP ~xubuntu-team has access to everything non-published | 18:40 |
knome | pleia2, everybody in LP ~xubuntu-website has access to everything | 18:41 |
knome | pleia2, you don't need to touch WP | 18:41 |
pleia2 | oh | 18:41 |
pleia2 | so I thought we had to add a user and then associate it with openid (it's what we do with fridge) | 18:42 |
pleia2 | so astraljava should just be able to click "login" and it works | 18:43 |
knome | nope! | 18:43 |
knome | yes. | 18:43 |
pleia2 | if not, maybe rt ticket? | 18:43 |
knome | he should, i tried to go through it with him today but it didn't work | 18:43 |
knome | yes, that's filed... :) | 18:43 |
pleia2 | \o/ | 18:43 |
knome | but yeah, no need to touch the WP users table | 18:44 |
pleia2 | ok, so, release notes for tomorrow | 18:44 |
pleia2 | anything aside from Xfce 4.10? | 18:44 |
knome | i looked at the notes and that looks good. | 18:44 |
pleia2 | gimp 2.8 is kind of a big deal, maybe mention that too | 18:46 |
knome | if you want... | 18:47 |
knome | :) | 18:47 |
knome | maybe add generally "new/updated versions of applications, such as..." | 18:47 |
pleia2 | ok | 18:47 |
knome | because it's not just gimp that's updated ;) | 18:48 |
pleia2 | ok, "Updated applications, including GIMP 4.8 and gThumb 3.0.1" | 19:04 |
pleia2 | really not much else ;) | 19:04 |
astraljava | o/ | 19:04 |
astraljava | Good day my fellow citizens, I don't mean to intrude... | 19:05 |
astraljava | knome: Am I to 1) file a ticket at rt.ubuntu.com, 2) ask about it on #canonical-sysadmin, AND 3) email about it to rt@ubuntu.com? | 19:11 |
astraljava | This is the most exhaustive issue resolution process I've ever heard thus far. | 19:12 |
pleia2 | rt@ubuntu.com adds a ticket to rt.ubuntu.com, if they don't respond in 2 days, nag them in #canonical-sysadmin with the ticket number | 19:17 |
pleia2 | but they've been better about responding lately, I don't usually need to go to #canonical-sysadmin anymore | 19:18 |
astraljava | Ahh, well then as I've already filed it on the website, the email is redundant, then? | 19:18 |
pleia2 | yep | 19:18 |
pleia2 | just make sure you know the ticket number :) | 19:18 |
knome | astraljava, yes, just file a ticket and start nagging at #canonical-sysadmin right away | 19:19 |
astraljava | Well as I've already mentioned it on the channel, there's a record about it. | 19:19 |
knome | ^ the knome procedure | 19:19 |
* pleia2 sysadmin by day, no likely instant nagging | 19:20 | |
pleia2 | I'll get to the ticket! leave me alone! :) | 19:21 |
knome | well as you know, i won't... | 19:23 |
astraljava | I do support 20% of my time, so yeah, I don't feel like doing that either. :) | 19:25 |
astraljava | Anyone else done tests? | 19:36 |
* astraljava is likely to wake up early tomorrow morning and run the remaining ones. | 19:36 | |
knome | good, then i don't have to do any :P | 19:37 |
Unit193 | I'm all synced up, just have to see if that computer gets free so astraljava can yell at me. | 19:39 |
* pleia2 works on her Espanol while running /Long | 19:39 | |
pleia2 | "Confirm that the main menus and outputs in the desktop are translated." | 19:40 |
pleia2 | the calendar is not :( what to report against? | 19:40 |
astraljava | orage? | 19:41 |
pleia2 | k | 19:41 |
astraljava | I'm not sure, that's why the question mark. | 19:42 |
pleia2 | I'll put it there and add it to the iso tracker, someone can reassign if needed | 19:42 |
astraljava | True. | 19:42 |
knome | i'd imagine it's orage | 19:42 |
pleia2 | so is this a fail? | 19:42 |
astraljava | Yes. Localisation is a big thing. | 19:42 |
pleia2 | ok | 19:44 |
pleia2 | I am a bug reporting machine today! (sorry) | 19:45 |
Unit193 | Good! I hate reporting them. | 19:45 |
Unit193 | Maybe I can just pull up your reports. | 19:45 |
pleia2 | I'll link them all in the tracker, so they'll be easy to find | 19:46 |
* elfy didn't notice the calendar - never use the thing | 19:46 | |
pleia2 | will take a few hours though, since I'm doing /Long throughout breaks in my work day ;) | 19:46 |
pleia2 | oh, and doing this all on the Alt installer test | 19:46 |
knome | idi^Wweird^Wawesome! | 19:46 |
pleia2 | I don't mind reporting bugs I know are bugs through a simple interface to friendly developers :) | 19:47 |
* pleia2 frowns at Debian | 19:47 | |
knome | heh | 19:48 |
* Unit193 hates anything except apport pulling them up for me and doing all the work, then it's clear what package and what title as well as dupe. | 19:48 | |
astraljava | pleia2: What, I was so glad when I heard LP has an email API for reporting bugs! :) | 19:51 |
pleia2 | astraljava: I don't love having to consult a documentation page to remember how to submit or update a bug ;) | 19:55 |
astraljava | You're just not filing enough of them, then. :D | 19:58 |
knome | yes. please do more tests. | 19:58 |
pleia2 | do we put the bugs that make the test fail in the "Critical" field? | 20:00 |
pleia2 | yes, yes we do | 20:01 |
knome | hmm. | 20:01 |
knome | in that case, what isn't critical? | 20:01 |
knome | astraljava, again, please correct me | 20:01 |
knome | but i thought critical is "i can't finish the test" | 20:01 |
knome | because if there is even one bug that fails the test, and all those should be critical, why even have the "pass/fail" boxes | 20:02 |
astraljava | knome: Yes, I asked about this in the QA meeting last week, and balloons said they're probably going to remove the critical marking altogether. | 20:02 |
knome | because every test with a critical bug is fail | 20:02 |
knome | okay | 20:02 |
knome | makes sense | 20:02 |
astraljava | It does, yeah. | 20:02 |
knome | thanks for clarification | 20:02 |
astraljava | Sorry for forgetting to do that earlier. | 20:03 |
knome | np | 20:03 |
elfy | I'm still all at sea with this critical and not stuff - all I am sure of is that a failure to install grub so it boots should be | 20:07 |
astraljava | elfy: Critical is pretty much everything that denies you from completing a testcase. It doesn't have to mean you couldn't do _other_ things, but if one case fails, then the test fails. | 20:13 |
pleia2x | I'm thinking for this Pidgin testing we want to tell people to use #xubuntu-devel rather than #xubuntu (long test) | 20:13 |
pleia2x | I am testing xubuntu! | 20:13 |
knome | pleia2, or -testing. i wouldn't want people come here and tell they're testing | 20:14 |
pleia2 | I'm reserved about creating new channels, don't want it to become a dev-less echo chamber | 20:15 |
knome | me too. | 20:15 |
knome | or -offtopic? | 20:15 |
knome | i don't know. | 20:15 |
pleia2 | yeah, maybe tell them to join -offtopic | 20:16 |
astraljava | Well, both current on-topic channels have problems for this particular case. | 20:17 |
astraljava | I don't have a good solution for this right now. | 20:17 |
Unit193 | Just like the ubiquity slideshow, they normally don't need help, they just want to comment that it's cool they can talk as well as install, which isn't a bad thing, just isn't support. | 20:19 |
knome | testers should know about ontopic and offtopic though | 20:20 |
knome | they are already familiar with the community | 20:20 |
pleia2 | the test specifically tells them to join #xubuntu | 20:20 |
knome | but if we then say to join #xubuntu, that isn't good either | 20:20 |
knome | pleia2, i know | 20:20 |
genii-around | Hm | 20:20 |
elfy | astraljava: thanks - think I've got it :) | 20:21 |
elfy | I only actually failed one of those I did | 20:21 |
Unit193 | http://people.ubuntu.com/~dylanmccall/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/preview/xubuntu/slides/index.html#?controls no this. | 20:22 |
Unit193 | http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=xubuntu&nick=xubuntu...&prompt=1 | 20:22 |
astraljava | elfy: Cool. :) | 20:22 |
elfy | was a pretty big fail in my opinion | 20:24 |
knome | what's the ops list for #x anyway? | 20:24 |
pleia2 | /msg chanserv access #xubuntu list | 20:25 |
knome | yeah but | 20:25 |
knome | that's not current, is it? | 20:25 |
knome | the IRCC channel cleanup isn't done yet? | 20:25 |
pleia2 | I don't know | 20:25 |
knome | or if it is, we need to continue doing stuff | 20:26 |
pleia2 | https://launchpad.net/~irc-xubuntu-ops is the lp team | 20:26 |
knome | the factoid is now updated per the channel access list. | 20:28 |
pleia2 | ok, done long with alt 64-bit, I don't think I'll really have time for more tests though :( | 20:30 |
knome | pleia2, thanks for doing that | 20:30 |
knome | brb | 20:30 |
astraljava | pleia2: Thanks very much for that! I'll wake up early to do a few of them before heading off to work. | 20:36 |
elfy | I can do a couple of 32bit alternates tomorrow - both the entire disk ones if it helps | 20:48 |
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