=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
Micah_ | Hello | 00:30 |
Micah_ | anyone know how to remove/clear a login for a windows shared folder? | 00:31 |
Micah_ | when connecting for the first time i chose to save the login info...now the password has changed and i cannot access the folder. and can't find anywhere to change or remove that saved login | 00:32 |
GridCube | try the gnome-keyring | 00:33 |
Micah_ | it shows 3 commands i can use | 00:35 |
Micah_ | certificate-exception import version | 00:35 |
Micah_ | or are you talking about the gui | 00:36 |
Micah_ | seahorse | 00:36 |
gg | ur bad at cs | 00:36 |
Micah_ | i tried that the passwords are not stored in there | 00:36 |
GridCube | you could try that, i just usually delete the ~/.gnome/keyring files and start over, but i guess there are smarter ways of doing it | 00:37 |
Micah_ | ill try it | 00:37 |
GridCube | press ctrl-h on the file manager and search for the .gnome folder | 00:37 |
GridCube | find the keyring folder and rename it to something else | 00:38 |
GridCube | that should save your old data in case something wron happens (it should not) | 00:38 |
gg | how do i play starcraft 1 on ubuntu or brick breaker? | 00:38 |
Micah_ | the files are gone...still not letting me enter in password | 00:38 |
gg | i tried to play on linux but i couldnt find snake or starcraftdinner | 00:39 |
GridCube | !ops | 00:39 |
ubottu | gnomefreak, TheSheep, crimsun, mrpouit, Myrtti, PriceChild charlie-tca, cody-somerville or knome | 00:39 |
gg | lolol | 00:39 |
gre | hi | 00:51 |
gre | is xubuntu a good alternative for an old computer? | 00:54 |
GridCube | it depends on how old | 00:55 |
GridCube | if its reaaaally old then no | 00:55 |
GridCube | if its relatevely old then probably, if you have 512+ ram you will be fine | 00:55 |
gre | a p4 2.4ghz , 1GB RAM | 00:56 |
gre | only 40GB HD | 00:56 |
GridCube | sure it should work fine there | 00:56 |
gre | with a 82865G intel chipset lol :x | 00:56 |
GridCube | :) generic video drivers work pretty well with intels | 00:57 |
gre | indeed? cool :) | 00:57 |
GridCube | mmhm yes | 00:57 |
gre | well, so i can download and install the latest xubuntu version | 00:58 |
GridCube | my intel classmate works flawlessly with them | 00:58 |
GridCube | gre, do your computer can boot from pendrives? and do you have a pendrive? | 00:58 |
gre | oh and... is openoffice into it? or koffice? abiword? | 00:58 |
GridCube | if you do then you can use unetbootin to install from them | 00:58 |
gre | i don't know what a pendrive is | 00:58 |
gre | ahhh | 00:59 |
SkippersBoss | gre libre office comes as standard :-) | 00:59 |
GridCube | an usb data storage | 00:59 |
gre | an usb key ? | 00:59 |
GridCube | yes | 00:59 |
gre | it can | 00:59 |
GridCube | SkippersBoss, xubuntu comes with abiword and gnumeric | 00:59 |
GridCube | no libreoffice by default | 00:59 |
SkippersBoss | auch | 00:59 |
SkippersBoss | I stand corrected | 00:59 |
GridCube | you can sudo apt-get it in five minutes tho | 00:59 |
SkippersBoss | sorry | 00:59 |
GridCube | :) no problem | 01:00 |
SkippersBoss | miss information in a support channel | 01:00 |
gre | but abiword can't export a .doc file to .pdf if i remember well | 01:00 |
GridCube | :D not if someone corrects you quickly | 01:00 |
gre | :/ | 01:00 |
GridCube | gre, you dont need to export | 01:00 |
GridCube | you can simply print to file and choose pdf | 01:00 |
gre | oh ok | 01:01 |
GridCube | you can do this with every program not just text editors | 01:01 |
SkippersBoss | Hmm, ABI word WILL save to pdf | 01:01 |
GridCube | yes, that too | 01:01 |
GridCube | but you dont *need* to, you can print to pdf from leafpad | 01:01 |
gre | okay | 01:02 |
gre | thanks dudes | 01:02 |
GridCube | :) no problem | 01:02 |
SkippersBoss | yeah but can leafpad open an ms .doc file | 01:02 |
SkippersBoss | lol | 01:02 |
SkippersBoss | have fun gre | 01:02 |
GridCube | :P nope | 01:03 |
gre | thank you, same there SkippersBoss :) | 01:03 |
SkippersBoss | Justice at last | 01:03 |
GridCube | gre, if you are interested on extrafast you should look into lubuntu | 01:04 |
davidvj | I am using a boot usb drive to access my system, I need to retrieve my home directory and move it to a backup drive. How do set the permissions? | 02:08 |
holstein | !chown | 02:12 |
ubottu | An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 02:12 |
davidvj | I do have some understanding of permissions but since I am on a boot usb I assume that things are going to be quite different | 02:13 |
davidvj | will a boot usb allow chown?? | 02:14 |
holstein | davidvj: i would just move the files i want | 02:36 |
holstein | i would chown as needed, if needed | 02:36 |
davidvj | I am trying a "sudo dd if=/sda/ ..... of=/sdf/..... " it did not ask for p/w .... not sure if it is running or not | 02:37 |
holstein | i would just click and drag.. maybe gksudo whatever filemanager | 02:37 |
holstein | sudo dd should work fine | 02:37 |
davidvj | It would not let me click and drag ... | 02:37 |
holstein | it?... due to permisssions? did you open "it" with gksudo? | 02:38 |
davidvj | thanks for the re-assurance on the dd .... lets see what happens | 02:38 |
holstein | anyways.. sudo dd should be working fine | 02:38 |
davidvj | OK OK should have tried gksudo | 02:39 |
davidvj | Thanks for the guidance | 02:40 |
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v1adimir | hm software center update available apparently | 05:32 |
v1adimir | to 5.2.3 | 05:33 |
blackgatonegro1 | yup | 05:43 |
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v1adimir | guys what to use for a (light) desktop system monitor pls? | 07:36 |
Sysi | conky | 07:37 |
v1adimir | Sysi: wasn't sure if to install it.. 1.8x and 1.9 in Precise, then something else in the lunchpad PPA.. not sure from where/how to install it? :s | 07:37 |
Sysi | just install "conky" or "conky-all" | 07:39 |
v1adimir | ok, ok, tnx (will do :)) | 07:40 |
astraljava | v1adimir: You should know that we will never (officially) suggest to install anything from PPAs. :) | 07:44 |
v1adimir | right, gotcha | 07:46 |
v1adimir | though i wish there were certified PPAs, would make life a lot easier (than having to compile from source) | 07:50 |
astraljava | v1adimir: If there were enough resources, that could be handy. But as it is, only the official repositories get support. | 07:54 |
skjoedt | How do I simply change the cpu govenor (e.g. from performance to ondemand) in xubuntu? | 12:13 |
ablomen | skjoedt, if your hw is supported you can use xfce4-cpufreq-plugin | 12:16 |
ablomen | (or just cpufreq from the terminal) | 12:16 |
skjoedt | The plugin only seems to display the current policy. Nothing happens when I change it to powersafe | 12:18 |
skjoedt | This works fine in gnome2, so my hardware supports it | 12:18 |
v1adimir | skjoedt: won't change on my i5-2400 from the default either, can't remember what it was that got it working | 12:20 |
v1adimir | im always on 1600MHz lmao | 12:21 |
skjoedt | Is it due to permissions? Properly needs sudo | 12:21 |
v1adimir | no i had to hax0r something to get it to change modes | 12:21 |
v1adimir | it was on another install though :( | 12:22 |
skjoedt | The following command works fine (although it requires root privileges) | 12:24 |
skjoedt | echo powersave | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor | 12:24 |
skjoedt | Is there a way to safely make the above command work without using sudo? | 12:26 |
skjoedt | Perhaps change the privileges of the scaling_governor files somehow? | 12:27 |
epzil0n | what about jupiter? I have used it with several distros.. | 12:32 |
epzil0n | http://www.webupd8.org/2012/04/things-to-tweak-after-installing-ubuntu.html | 12:36 |
v1adimir | ^ http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/jupiter-applet-finally-available-for.html | 12:38 |
v1adimir | skjoedt: if you have sandy (or ivy), it looks like turbo boost is acting right (no actual evidence to back that up, lol) | 12:41 |
Os_Maleus | hi together! | 12:41 |
skjoedt | v1adimir, Im on a core duo system at the moment | 12:41 |
skjoedt | epzil0n, I'll try it out - thanks | 12:41 |
Os_Maleus | does anybody know how dicomscope would be possible to make run? | 12:41 |
v1adimir | do you have EFI bios, perhaps it reads it from there and that's why the change isn't available by default (i still can't find what i did) | 12:42 |
epzil0n | it works in Xubuntu 12.04 i get 1000.00 MHz in power saving mode and 1667.00 MHz in maximum performance :P | 12:43 |
v1adimir | that max is my power-saving :$ | 12:43 |
v1adimir | man i remember i changed it and i didn't sudo anything.. it was some config file, setting, something | 12:44 |
skjoedt | epzil0n, works perfect thanks! Hopefully the video capabilities in Jupiter wont screw up my catalyst settings | 12:45 |
epzil0n | skjoedt: nice, well don't use that feature ;) | 12:45 |
v1adimir | whatever you do, don't press the red button | 12:45 |
epzil0n | lol | 12:45 |
v1adimir | :) | 12:46 |
skjoedt | thanks guys this is awesome | 12:47 |
skjoedt | back to 30 celcius laptop again :) | 12:47 |
skjoedt | and btw I got 800 mhz in powersave :) | 12:47 |
v1adimir | yea i get your point now | 12:48 |
epzil0n | you are welcome :) | 12:48 |
epzil0n | sweet | 12:48 |
epzil0n | anyone that knows when xfce 4.10 will be in the official repos? | 12:54 |
Sysi | for 12.04, never, 12.10 will have it by default | 12:54 |
epzil0n | ok, so have to use a PPA then | 12:55 |
Sysi | yeah | 12:55 |
donmatas | Hi | 13:47 |
donmatas | Small questions: | 13:48 |
donmatas | The pictures saved in my desktop has only a black sqare as icon and not a minipreview as I us to it. Is anything that I can do to fix this? | 13:50 |
donmatas | he pictures saved in my desktop has only a black sqare as icon and not a minipreview as I use to it. Is anything that I can do to fix this? | 13:50 |
ochosi | donmatas: what version of xubuntu? | 13:54 |
ochosi | donmatas: if it's 12.04, go to desktop-settings > icons > show thumbnails | 13:55 |
ochosi | donmatas: if it's <12.04 there's not much you can do... | 13:55 |
epzil0n | 9 | 13:59 |
=== penreturns is now known as mrpen | ||
=== mrpen is now known as penreturns | ||
judgen | Is the there a nightly ppa or something for xubuntu that i can use on precise? I would like to try out the tiling in xfwm4.10 | 14:08 |
judgen | and i think i only have 4.8 in precise | 14:08 |
epzil0n | you can install xfce 4.10 through a ppa, i'm running it now in 12.04 ;) | 14:13 |
epzil0n | http://www.webupd8.org/2012/05/install-xfce-410-in-xubuntu-1204.html | 14:14 |
epzil0n | works like a charm :) | 14:14 |
donmatas | Me again | 14:21 |
epzil0n | hi there | 14:23 |
donmatas | sorry, I lost my connection | 14:25 |
epzil0n | ok | 14:27 |
donmatas | I was wondering if is possible to have minipreviews at the desktop | 14:28 |
donmatas | do I make myself clear? | 14:29 |
=== selinuxa is now known as Transfusion | ||
donmatas | an other tiny question: | 14:35 |
donmatas | How I can customize the icon of a launcher. I only can find the default icons. Where I should put a new image to find it from the "edit launcher section" | 14:37 |
Marzata | right click property edit | 14:42 |
genii-around | donmatas: If you have something in /home/yourusername/.icons/ it usually looks there | 14:47 |
donmatas | Mrzata: I done that buy I only find the default icons and I want to use my own icon... | 14:49 |
donmatas | genii-around: thanks I will check if it works | 14:49 |
Marzata | donmatas: what? | 14:51 |
Marzata | right click the icon | 14:51 |
Marzata | Properties, Edit ... | 14:52 |
Marzata | then you have an icon to choose | 14:52 |
donmatas | GEnii & Mazarta: I find it here: file:///usr/share/pixmaps/whatsapp1.png | 14:52 |
donmatas | I mean, I put the image here: file:///usr/share/pixmaps/ and it works | 14:53 |
judgen | epzil0n, thank you, but after long inner deliberation i have decided to leave the LTS route for the more unstable route of alphas. I do not mind reinstalling, and do regular backups so it will probably be fine | 14:55 |
judgen | as long as they do not do another grub>grub2 | 14:55 |
Marzata | donmatas: you can put at any path | 14:56 |
donmatas | Mazarta: now I get how... ;) | 15:00 |
donmatas | Mazarta: and what about the minipreviews of pictures saved at the desktop. I only see a black sqare... | 15:01 |
Marzata | donmatas: you use xubuntu 12.04? | 15:05 |
donmatas | YES | 15:11 |
donmatas | MARZATA: yes | 15:11 |
Marzata | go to Settings / Settings Manager / Desktop / Icons / Show thumbnails | 15:13 |
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stimoceiver | greetings | 17:47 |
stimoceiver | is there a fix for the issue of xfce's "terminal" not recording user entries in utmp ? | 17:49 |
blackgatonegro | looking for chromiun web bronswer, I found an insane hard and cool shooter game | 17:51 |
holstein | blackgatonegro: its in the repos | 17:52 |
blackgatonegro | yup | 17:52 |
blackgatonegro | Chromium B.S.U. | 17:52 |
holstein | OIC.. you found that game instead.. yeah, i did that the first time as well :) | 17:54 |
blackgatonegro | I must say is a great strategy to get your game promoted | 17:55 |
blackgatonegro | even at lower speed and difficulty, the game is hard | 17:56 |
elfy | stimoceiver: not sure if there's a fix - it's due to be backported apparently - I know it's working in 12.10 now - I checked it yesterday | 17:59 |
blackgatonegro | well 12.04 is a LTS, they should eventually fix it | 18:00 |
stimoceiver | elfy: actually someone just pointed me to a workaround, comment 3 of bug 864609 | 18:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 864609 in vte (Ubuntu) "libvte9 fails to record utmp/login entries" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/864609 | 18:00 |
elfy | ok - cool - I've not bothered to look at workrounds personally | 18:00 |
stimoceiver | its a super simple workaround. apparlty the path is wrong in libvte, solution is to create a symbolic link | 18:01 |
stimoceiver | the path to gnome-pty-helper | 18:01 |
elfy | :) | 18:03 |
elfy | wish I'd seen that when I first noticed the issue in 11.10 - but heyho | 18:03 |
blackgatonegro | by the way, how come even ubuntu has its own terminal emulator? Wont be simpler to have the same terminal emulator to all ubuntu distros? | 18:04 |
blackgatonegro | just asking | 18:05 |
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Voverius | DinuX, gyvas? | 21:29 |
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xubuntu522 | hi friends | 22:09 |
xubuntu522 | soyaaaaaaaaaa | 22:10 |
ShamanBrahman | Hello I'm unable to vew my flash drive within the filesystem browser | 23:16 |
ShamanBrahman | view* | 23:16 |
holstein | USB flash drive? | 23:16 |
bazhang | !crosspost | ShamanBrahman | 23:16 |
ubottu | ShamanBrahman: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support. | 23:16 |
ShamanBrahman | Before this issue began I was changing the format on it and creating a bootable Windows 7 flash drive | 23:16 |
ShamanBrahman | Sorry I moved here because I realized I was in the way | 23:16 |
ShamanBrahman | I'm running xubuntu and they are using ubuntu | 23:17 |
ShamanBrahman | So I decided my question would be better resolved in this channel | 23:17 |
holstein | xubuntu *is* ubuntu | 23:17 |
ShamanBrahman | Yes but I belong here | 23:17 |
holstein | you can open something like gparted, and see if you see the USB stick.. you can open a terminal and type "sudo fdisk -l" | 23:18 |
ShamanBrahman | Yes it's visible in gparted | 23:18 |
holstein | ShamanBrahman: you can get help for you question in #ubuntu if you like | 23:18 |
ShamanBrahman | but I'm unable to make any changes on it because I can't mount it | 23:18 |
holstein | !mount | 23:18 |
ubottu | mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount | 23:18 |
ShamanBrahman | Alright | 23:18 |
ShamanBrahman | The flash drive was working fine until I reformated it and used Unetbootin to create it as a bootable Win7 installer | 23:19 |
ShamanBrahman | but it's obvious that something went wrong because it can't be booted or recognized on my xubuntu | 23:20 |
holstein | i would just reformat it in gparted, or take it back to win7, and format it if you are more comfortable there | 23:20 |
ShamanBrahman | My Win7 machine is currently un-useable | 23:21 |
ShamanBrahman | If I had access to a windows machine I probably would have already resolved my issue | 23:21 |
holstein | interesting.. you think its corrupted? you think it could have corrupted your USB stick? | 23:21 |
ShamanBrahman | I don't mind doing it in xubuntu though because it's a bit of a learning experience | 23:21 |
ShamanBrahman | I don't think it's corrupted to be honest | 23:22 |
ShamanBrahman | I guess what I'm looking for is "magical" terminal command that will change the USB into a state where it can be recognized | 23:22 |
holstein | have you mounted via the command line from the link above? | 23:22 |
ShamanBrahman | I'll see how that goes now and let you know | 23:23 |
ShamanBrahman | alright so I did mount and it requested that I specify the filesystem | 23:27 |
ShamanBrahman | The issue with that is that gparted claims the filesystem is "unallocated" | 23:28 |
holstein | yup... the mount command will want that.. the link above will tell you how to mount different filesystems | 23:28 |
ShamanBrahman | Yeah | 23:29 |
ShamanBrahman | But I have no idea what file system is on here | 23:29 |
holstein | if theres nothing but a live CD on there, i would just try reformatting in gparted.. i could imagine a scenario where something happened on the windows side | 23:29 |
ShamanBrahman | I'm thinking it's ntfs but then why would gparted say unallocated | 23:29 |
ShamanBrahman | I installed a thing that was supposed to make gparted recognize ntfs | 23:29 |
holstein | i think its "unallocated" because it is... i think there was an issue formatting the device last time | 23:30 |
holstein | you could elaborate about the "thing", but it should be fat formatted from unet | 23:30 |
ShamanBrahman | I don't remember I was following a guide sorry that doesn't help | 23:30 |
ShamanBrahman | I don't even care about the image on here | 23:31 |
ShamanBrahman | I just want it to be switched into whatever format will allow me to use it | 23:31 |
ShamanBrahman | and gparted doesn't allow me any actions with the USB device they are greyed out | 23:31 |
holstein | ShamanBrahman: i would use gparted to format it | 23:31 |
holstein | ShamanBrahman: you can unmount it | 23:31 |
ShamanBrahman | I'm almost certain it isn't mounted right now | 23:32 |
ShamanBrahman | because I can't browse the folders and the filesystem won't recognize that it's plugged in | 23:32 |
holstein | maybe relaunch gparted... make sure its launch as root | 23:32 |
holstein | launched | 23:32 |
holstein | then, just for giggles.. right click and unmount the "partitions" or whatever you find in gparted | 23:32 |
ShamanBrahman | gparted recognizes that it's plugged into the computer but I don't have options to do things like that with the drive | 23:34 |
ShamanBrahman | If I could right click and format it I would have already done that | 23:34 |
holstein | ShamanBrahman: feel free to take some screenshots... or try loading a live CD and looking at the device | 23:34 |
holstein | theres nothing preventing gparted from formatting as long as its running as root, and the device isnt mounted | 23:35 |
ShamanBrahman | I feel as if the device has basically "gone retard" | 23:35 |
ShamanBrahman | but I can't fathom it being corrupted | 23:35 |
ShamanBrahman | What kind of formatting utility would brick a flash drive | 23:35 |
ShamanBrahman | I'll show you a screenshot of it being recognized in gparted with no options | 23:36 |
holstein | not sure what you used in win7 | 23:36 |
ShamanBrahman | Alright if you're willing I think we should pursue the root of this issue differently | 23:37 |
ShamanBrahman | I'll explain what I'm doing | 23:37 |
holstein | when you see the list.. /dev/sda or whatever, right click there, and unmount | 23:37 |
ShamanBrahman | and why the flash drive is even relevant | 23:37 |
holstein | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=267869 expains a bit about doing it from the command line | 23:38 |
ShamanBrahman | I'll look into the link | 23:41 |
ShamanBrahman | but here is a screenshot of gparted and the device | 23:41 |
ShamanBrahman | http://i.imgur.com/68d7m.png | 23:41 |
ShamanBrahman | as you can see all options are greyed out | 23:42 |
ShamanBrahman | I can't just format it and be on my way | 23:42 |
holstein | right click on "unallocated" and take a screenie if you cant unmount it | 23:42 |
ShamanBrahman | I'll need to pull some gypsy shit | 23:42 |
holstein | there are no partitions | 23:42 |
bazhang | ShamanBrahman, no cursing here | 23:42 |
ShamanBrahman | sorry | 23:43 |
holstein | i would right-click.. choose "unmount" | 23:43 |
holstein | i would then right-click, and make a partition.. a fat32 or ext one.. i would hit "apply" and "format" it | 23:43 |
ShamanBrahman | I would give you a screenshot of me right clicking on that big "unallocated bar" and all the options being greyed out | 23:44 |
ShamanBrahman | but I'm unable to take a screenshot while right clicked | 23:44 |
holstein | theres a red exclamation mark.. whats that about? | 23:44 |
ShamanBrahman | a problem | 23:44 |
holstein | i would literally start from scratch.. i would just wipe the table and everything.. start over | 23:45 |
ShamanBrahman | warning: unrecognised disk label" | 23:45 |
ShamanBrahman | it's just a flash drive and I don't care about what's on it | 23:45 |
holstein | right... i would nuke that and everything else.. and start over and reformat it | 23:45 |
ShamanBrahman | How would I go about doing that if gparted doesn't give me the option | 23:46 |
ShamanBrahman | Is there a command that wills how me all plugged in storage devices | 23:46 |
holstein | its under the "device" menu... | 23:46 |
holstein | "create partition table" | 23:46 |
ShamanBrahman | oh lawdy | 23:47 |
ShamanBrahman | I think this might actually do it | 23:47 |
holstein | right.. blow that out.. make a partition, hit apply, and that will "reformat" it | 23:47 |
ShamanBrahman | Nice that worked | 23:48 |
ShamanBrahman | Alrigh well now that I have a working flash drive again I'll resume putting a windows installer on it | 23:49 |
ShamanBrahman | and if xubuntu gives me more issues I'll let you know | 23:49 |
holstein | a windows installer? | 23:49 |
ShamanBrahman | Yeah I'm working on my xubuntu laptop | 23:49 |
ShamanBrahman | fixing my desktop | 23:50 |
holstein | you want a xubuntu live CD? | 23:50 |
holstein | live USB? | 23:50 |
ShamanBrahman | I would put xubuntu on that computer but it's a gaming rig | 23:50 |
ShamanBrahman | so I need my Windows for dem vidya games | 23:50 |
holstein | sure... its your machine... put what you like on it | 23:50 |
ShamanBrahman | I need a software that does a good job mounting a bootable image | 23:50 |
holstein | mounting a bootable image? | 23:51 |
ShamanBrahman | I used brasero to burn a DVD when the flash drive messed up and that disk won't make it through the installation | 23:51 |
holstein | it should just show up | 23:51 |
holstein | you should be able to explore or extract iso's or whatever | 23:51 |
ShamanBrahman | Unetbootin should do it | 23:52 |
ShamanBrahman | or corrupt my flash drive again | 23:52 |
ShamanBrahman | I'll find out in a second | 23:52 |
holstein | enjoy! | 23:52 |
ShamanBrahman | Yes thanks for all the help | 23:52 |
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