
jbichawow, eclipse on armel took 3 tries to build, the first timed out and the second crashed01:34
gale-michaelI dislike eclipse, so slow ...03:25
alo21hi all06:48
alo21I have a problem on building juju with pbuolder or debuilder06:49
alo21could someone help me, please?06:49
dholbachgood morning06:49
micahgalo21: a pastebin of a log snippet would help06:51
alo21micahg: here is the log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1063822/06:53
micahghrm, I can't be of much help here, maybe someone else can06:54
alo21micahg: thank you anyway06:55
alo21micahg: could success of a building depends by computer?06:57
micahgalo21: maybe, some of those failures might be heisenbugs06:58
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arandFor an SRU (universe), should I be subscribing ubuntu-sponsors at the same time, or after ubuntu-sru? Also, is a debdiff required or is an bzr branch ok, and should it be merge-suggested or just linked to the bug report?12:32
arandc.f. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango-graphite/+bug/54003512:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540035 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "pango-graphite causes several applications to crash" [High,Fix released]12:33
=== Nigel is now known as G
bullgard6Why does  Debian  provide the DEB program package  xulrunner and Ubuntu does not? http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=xulrunner&searchon=names&suite=stable&section=all13:20
LordOfTime!info xulrunner precise13:22
ubottuPackage xulrunner does not exist in precise13:22
LordOfTimehm good question13:22
Zhenechprobably because ubuntu does not split out xulruner from firefox/thunderbird13:24
dholbach... Firefox 3.0 (and xulrunner 1.9) are now unsupported by Mozilla. ...13:24
bullgard6According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XULRunner is the stable release currently 13.0  dated June 1, 2012  (26 days ago).13:28
Zhenechbullgard6, so what is your point?13:29
bullgard6Zhenech: I'd like to know if I can access this package through Ubuntu repositories now or in a near furure.13:31
LordOfTimeas an FYI, don't trust Wikipedia for everything13:31
Zhenechbullgard6, what do you need plain xulruner for?13:32
bullgard6Zhenech: For running Chatzilla with less overhead.13:33
RhondaHuhm.  Strange that I have to renew my MOTU membership always around debconf. :)13:33
* Rhonda peeks at cody-somerville 13:33
LordOfTimewhat Laney said13:34
Zhenechbullgard6, humm… the seamonkey-chatzilla package depends on seamonkey-browser, which might work as "xulrunner" :)13:35
LordOfTimeZhenech: that installs the mozilla program "Seamonkey"13:35
LordOfTimejust as an FYI13:35
ZhenechLordOfTime, which is the browser, which should be able to run arbitary xul stuff if poked long enough :)13:36
Zhenechno idea how big the poking has to be though13:37
bullgard6dholbach, Zhenech, LordOfTime: thank you for commenting.14:43
dholbachare we having a MOTU meeting later on? can anyone chair? I might be a bit late because I'm on a call right now15:23
coolbhavidholbach, yes the motu page says so!  at 16.00 UTC15:37
coolbhavidholbach, ping16:00
dholbachcoolbhavi, pong16:14
dholbachok, so nobody started the meeting :)16:14
vibhavdholbach: Which meeting?16:32
AmberJHow do we specify a Launchpad PPA as build dependency when using Launchpad's "daily builds"?16:35
TheLordOfTimeAmberJ:  specify the dependency within the PPA you're building to?16:36
dholbachvibhav, MOTU meeting16:46
vibhavdholbach: ah16:46
vibhavdholbach: You still busy?16:47
dholbachgot another meeting coming up in 10 and trying to finish something else beforehand16:47
AmberJ_Did anyone answered my question? If yes, can someone copy/paste it? Thanks.16:47
vibhavHow many hands do you have?16:47
dholbachvibhav, do you need help with anything?16:47
AlanBellAmberJ_: not sure you can do that16:47
TheLordOfTimei only think you can do that if you specify the other PPA's dependency within the PPA you're using a daily build recipe in16:48
TheLordOfTime(i.e. a daily builds ppa or something)16:48
vibhavdholbach: Ah fine, caryy on16:49
AmberJ_TheLordOfTime: Right, I should try adding PPA dependency to daily builds PPA16:57
TheLordOfTimeAmberJ_:  yep, try that and see if that helps16:57
TheLordOfTimesince i run into this all the time with my backports ppas16:57
* TheLordOfTime keeps backport builddeps in a separate PPA16:57
* micahg is sorry he missed the meeting16:58
micahgTheLordOfTime: amberJ: the alternative is to set your PPA to build against backports and request backports for what you need (assuming it can be backported)16:59
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  i try to run my PPAs as close to the main builders as I can (on main builders for the standard repos, ERR: Backports cannot build-dep on other backports)17:00
TheLordOfTimebut you're right17:00
TheLordOfTimesetting the PPA to build against backports would fix the issue of having to have the build-deps in another PPA17:01
TheLordOfTime(unless those build-deps were rejected for normal backporting)17:01
AmberJ_I have added PPA dependency to daily build and requested to build again. Let's see if this works..17:05
AmberJ_In the meantime, I'll start with backports development process..17:05
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AmberJ_The build completed successfully. But it did a source only build (it seems so). How can I do 'binary' "daily builds"?17:20
micahghrm?  the recipe is a source build and should produce binaries17:21
AmberJ_micahg: You are right. Binary builds are pending but it shbows success for something... Does it shows success for source build (or what)? http://i.imgur.com/nw44T.png17:24
micahgAmberJ_: I think the recipe just shows that it successfully uploaded a source build17:25
AmberJ_Ok, thanks micahg! :)17:26
bkerensamicahg: your making the headlines on reddit :)17:28
bkerensamicahg: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/vp4r3/chromium_ppas_unmaintained/17:29
micahgwell, anyone who's interested in helping to maintain chromium can let me know :)17:30
bkerensashould do a call for help :)17:30
bkerensamaybe ill blog about it and ask if anyone wants to contribute17:31
arandFor an SRU (universe), should I be subscribing ubuntu-sponsors at the same time, or after ubuntu-sru? Also, is a debdiff required or is an bzr branch ok, and should it be merge-suggested or just linked to the bug report?17:50
micahgarand: ubuntu-sru doesn't need to be subscribed until it's uploaded unless you think it's so risky that you want pre-approval17:52
micahgmerges to lp:ubuntu/foo show up in the sponsorship queue automatically17:53
micahgwhether you use a debdiff or not is your preference17:53
arandAh, -sru approves the -pending -> -updates, hmm, was a long time since I did this...17:53
arandAh, right, so if I merge-propose to lp:ubuntu/lucid/pango-graphite I don't need to subscribe sponsors to the bug?17:56
micahgright, but just keep in mind that the bzr branch can't actually be merged if there hasn't been an SRU before, so if that's why you're doing it, don't, if you prefer the workflow, that's fine17:58
arandmicahg: Hmm, odd that that doesn't work... This is a new upstream (micro)release, and the orig.tar.gz uses a tarball-in-tarball format, so should I be linking a .dsc (e.g. from a PPA) here?18:09
micahgarand: which package is this?18:10
micahgoh, right, you said pango-graphite18:10
arandRiddell: Nowadays you'll need a bug supervisor https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/14050918:11
micahgso, for a microrelease, you need a microrelease exception18:11
arandc.f. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pango-graphite/+bug/54003518:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 540035 in pango-graphite (Ubuntu) "pango-graphite causes several applications to crash" [High,Fix released]18:11
micahgarand: you should cherry pick the fix vs a new upstream release for an SRU18:13
arandmicahg: I read the wiki page as that only being neccessary in case of larger ones or if it was expected to do several microreleases.18:13
micahgarand: well, I don't the SRU team will accept a micro release at this point without an exception or pre-exception trial approval18:14
Laneyyeah, if all of the changes in the new release are SRUable then you can upload that18:14
LaneyMREs are about getting a pass on some parts of the normal process18:15
arandWell, sound like I should mail the techincal board to discuss it, anyways :)18:17
Laneylook at the diff and decide18:17
arandThere's a 15 line diff, plus minor documentation and autotools regen.18:19
arandHmm, the reason I'm claiming the changes to be SRUable are that 1.) This new version is in Debian stable, 2.) It fixes a very critical bug (making login not work, plus several other applications crash), 3.) It's very hard to see how anything done to the package could make it worse than it is currently 4.) It looks like a reasonably small change.18:32
arandThe problem is that 1.) I do not understand the fixes, 2.) I don't know if 3 of those 15 lines would suffice to fix the bug...18:33
arandBut I think that the package should be either SRUd or ripped from lucid, on account of the seriousness of the bug.18:34
arandShould I bring this up on a mailing list (ubuntu-devel?) or simply carry on with the SRU? Or something else?18:35
micahgarand: I'd suggest asking for a pre-ACK, having a filtered diff for review might be helpful as well18:39
arandYeah, full and filtered are already attached to the bug report.18:40
arandOk, so the pre-ack is requested from technical-board@lists.ubuntu.com ?18:41
micahgarand: if you just take the filtered diff and add a changelog entry, that should be fine as an SRU18:41
micahgerr, well, that filtered diff as a patch18:42
micahgassuming it builds that is18:42
arandOk, I figured since the SRU page said "Note that some noise introduced by autoreconf is okay"18:43
Laneyyou could do it either way imho18:43
arandAnd that since the version is in Debian, it would decrease the diff to (both) upstream, and hence be nicer.18:44
micahgthat only applies in the devel release18:44
ajmitchmicahg: what, you're looking for suckers for chromium? ;)20:49
micahgajmitch: yeah :)20:49
ajmitchjust looking at your old answer on askubuntu, how much space were the builds taking up?20:51
micahgajmitch: the space isn't the problem anymore, it's getting it to build20:52
ajmitchit chokes a bit on quantal?20:52
micahgno, I can't build a source package ATM, (well, and the choke on quantal)20:53
ajmitchoh dear20:54
micahgif someone really wants to dig in, I think it just needs a translations update20:55
* ajmitch could add it to his ever-growing todo list :)20:55
ajmitchthough I think it should be added near the bottom of my list20:55
micahgone needs about ~5GB of disk space as it requires checkouts of some hefty branches20:55
ajmitchthat's not too bad20:56
ajmitchwhat are you using to generate a new source package at the moment?20:57
micahgthe get-orig-source rule20:58
* ajmitch should probably upgrade a system to quantal20:59
micahgajmitch: not needed, chroots work beautifully21:00
ajmitchyeah but I should upgrade for the breakage anyway21:00
ajmitchmy desktop at home doesn't get used much except for gnome-terminal, firefox & chromium21:01
* Laney wonders if kvm broke in Q21:01
Laneysid VM is suddently dead21:02
ajmitchthat's :(21:02
AmberJ_If I run 'pbuilder create' and then run it again, does it updates existing pbuilder chroot?21:04
AmberJ_I know there's 'pbuilder update' for this but then what does RE-running 'pbuilder create' do?21:05
jtayloruse update to update it21:05
jtayloreither fail or replace the old one21:05
TheLordOfTimefrom what i've seen it nukes the old one and recreates it21:06
* TheLordOfTime did that by accident once21:06
AmberJ_Ah right, 'pbuilder update' is wht way to go... Thanks!21:06
ScottKajmitch: How many months would it take you to do the checkout though?  Assuming it's not from a NZ server, that is.21:07
ajmitchScottK: probably about 6 months21:07
ScottKProbably doesn't fix micahg's timeline very well.21:07
ajmitchScottK: checked out about 1GB so far21:13
ajmitchusually my problem is data caps rather than speed :)21:13
ajmitchexcept when fetching from LP, that's just painful21:14
ScottKIs .nz upstream of .au in the big data pipes to the rest of the world?21:14
ScottKMaybe you got all StevenK's bandwidth.21:14
ajmitchNZ is closer to the US on the main cable we use21:14
ajmitchI'd better watch out, he'll probably fly over & hurt me21:14
ajmitchthough he's probably not awake yet to notice21:16
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micahgbkerensa: thanks for the blog post, one of these days I need to get my own blog22:02
iulianBlogs are boring. :)22:05
TheLordOfTimearguing is worse22:06
ScottKTheLordOfTime: arguing is fun.  You just have to do it carefully around here or someone whacks you with the CoC.22:13
ajmitchyes, you have to respectfully tell people that they suck22:14
ajmitchmicahg: so I'd try & build it all if I could only connect to svn.webkit.org from home, seems to be some routing breakage causing me pain :)22:48
micahgajmitch: hrm?  you shouldn't need that22:50
ajmitchget-orig-source seems to be trying to check out specific revisions of things from there22:50
micahgorly?  hrm, weird22:51
micahghrm, that must be upstream chromium doing something funny22:52
ajmitchwouldn't surprise me22:52
ajmitchthis is from branching lp:chromium-browser, I presume that's the best place to start?22:53
micahgthat should work (although it might be a bit behind)22:53
micahgScottK: Laney: I forget, backports doesn't respect components, right?23:28

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