
* Kilos waves to the early birds05:48
Kilosyo nuvolari 05:48
Kiloshe has family visiting so kinda busy after work05:50
superflyHi Kilos05:56
Kilosmorning superfly all good with travelling today?05:56
superflySo far so good, 3 stations to got.05:57
Kilosi gotta be off a while so i can put sim in fone and give vodacom gears05:58
Kilos1 bar signal for 3rd day again , but full on fone05:59
superflyOK, later oom Kilos05:59
Kilosty superfly 05:59
Kilosgo safe05:59
superflyKilos: I thought you were leaving06:00
Kilossitting on hands till they warm then will disconnect06:01
superflyah, OK. One last stop before Cape Town06:01
=== SmilyBorg_w is now known as SmilyBorg
superflyMorning SmilyBorg06:05
SmilyBorgMorning :-)06:05
superflyKilos: now I leave. See ya in a few06:06
inetprogood morning06:25
SymmetriaI saw a guy this morning be about as stupid as I have seen in a while06:27
Symmetriahe decided to deice his windscreen by pouring boiling water on it06:27
Symmetriawould love to know how he is gonna explain to his insurance the cracks in it now06:27
inetproSymmetria: eish!06:29
Symmetriainetpro hahahaha he's an idiot :p 06:29
Symmetriaand it was a merc ML63 windscreen06:29
Symmetriathats gonna be expensive06:29
Kilosyo superfly signal back here again06:40
Kiloshi SmilyBorg and other guys06:40
SmilyBorgHey there06:43
Kilosback to poor signal after power cut07:20
Kilosmorning sflr 07:20
superflyhi Kilos07:20
superflyyo sflr07:20
sflrgood morning!07:20
sflrsuperfly: I'm going to delete spam posts on the site. eg: http://ubuntu-za.org/users/opipoi/disks/nargis-girl-born-monday-village-uttar-pradesh07:23
superflysflr: just do it, don't bother telling me :-P07:23
sflrok.lol. nuke time!07:25
superflyohey nlsthzn!07:39
nlsthznmorning superfly :)07:41
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 07:41
nlsthznmorning uncle Kilos 07:41
nlsthznsite is looking good :) 07:46
Kilosnlsthzn, have you met sflr 07:47
Kilossflr, meet nlsthzn 07:48
superflyanyone in here know any German?07:48
Kilosah you missed the last meeting then07:48
sflrhi nlsthzn!07:48
nlsthznKilos, yes I did... sorry07:48
nlsthznhi sflr :)07:48
nlsthznsuperfly, using duolingo to learn german but only started07:49
Kilosnlsthzn, you forgiven07:49
sflrsuperfly: what level of German? I know some07:49
superflyI need to translate something07:49
nlsthzngoogle translate?07:49
Kilosinetpro, ping07:49
Kilossurely he is at work by now07:49
superflynlsthzn: that's an idea07:50
inetproKilos: pong07:51
superflyinetpro: Don't you speak a little German?07:51
Kilosinetpro, morning can you help fly07:52
Kilosmuch nicer when a friend helps07:52
Kiloshe speaks lotsa german07:52
inetprosuperfly: hmm... how long?07:53
superflyinetpro: I just want to say, "Download via BitTorrent"07:53
Kerberothat is difficult to translate07:53
Kerberoi would just leave it as is07:54
superflyGoogle Translave gives me "Download über BitTorrent"07:54
Kerberoi woul rather make it mit07:54
superflyI originally thought of "Download mit BitTorrent"07:54
superflythanks Kerbero07:54
Kerberobut my grammer is crap07:54
inetproDownload über BitTorrent  sounds right07:54
inetproeg. Die auf dem LinuxTag verteilte Knoppix-Version 4.0 steht nun zum Download über BitTorrent zur Verfügung.07:55
inetproor alle bekannteren Linuxdistributionen und FreeBSD über BitTorrent erhältlich07:55
Kilosuber=over right?07:55
inetproKilos: that's right07:55
superflyinetpro: thanks07:56
Kilosty inetpro sorry to wake you so early07:56
inetprosuperfly: np07:56
* Kilos ducks07:56
* inetpro stretches his self07:56
inetproKilos: what was that?07:56
Kilosnlsthzn, you are forgiven08:07
Kilosdont make a habit of it08:07
Kiloshow do we know when you are at work or home08:08
Kilosare you using that bouncer thingie08:09
Kiloshi smile 08:10
smilehi :)08:10
smileKilos: so early awake :o08:10
smileKilos: you have to sleep :)08:10
nlsthznKilos, no real way to know until I say so I guess08:10
nlsthznbut I am off for a bit now...08:10
Kiloslol already foned mobile provider and complained about connection and had a 30 min power cut08:11
Kilosok neil08:11
smileKilos: lol :p08:11
* inetpro just created the G+ page for ubuntu-za08:35
inetproat https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/112877206374340387802/112877206374340387802/posts08:35
inetprosflr, superfly: I've added you guys as managers08:35
sflrthanks inetpro, got the invite! will update the page later.08:35
nlsthznSo much social media... so little time08:36
inetprothought it could be handy with the new events launched on G+ yesterday08:36
Kiloswell done inetpro we are growing08:38
Kilosspreading our wings08:38
* nlsthzn will be going to the next UAE LoCo meeting... seems we are a bit leaderless at the moment and I have been called up to help get the ship sailing in the right direction...08:40
sflrI was actually thinking about last night to have a G+ page when I was fiddling with webmaster tools. there is an option to add +1 widget but requires G+ page08:40
Kilosyeah carry the flag high nlsthzn 08:40
sflrinetpro: anything interesting on the new events?08:41
sflrgood luck nlsthzn! make sure you dont sail around Somalia :)08:41
nlsthznthat would be taking the long way :)08:42
inetprosflr: I'm not sure how useful it is yet, am just trying to check it out now08:43
nlsthznwell... added ubuntu-za G+ and Twitter... events are already annoying me :/08:49
Kilosthe twitter ubuntuza is only for ubuntu-za specific messages nlsthzn so kinda quiet08:51
nlsthznKilos, that is a good thing :)08:51
inetprohmm... I think the proper link is at https://plus.google.com/u/0/112877206374340387802/posts08:53
inetpronlsthzn: I noticed that it could be annoying 08:54
inetprobut I guess it's mainly because everyone is trying it out now08:54
inetproand they'll probably change things again 08:55
nlsthzntrue... but I can imagine peeps with lots of people in circles are going to suffer for it :p08:55
inetprooops, I put the wrong date09:00
sflrnice invite... picnic in the park? haha09:02
inetprosflr: those themes are cool but I'd say they should have an option to just disable it09:07
inetproanyways, back to some work09:08
* inetpro bbl09:08
inetproI must say there's one thing I like about the google events thing10:00
inetproit seems to me you can now easily manage invites even to people without a google account10:01
sflrinetpro: i changed the picnic photo. hehe10:07
smilebye :)10:07
Kiloscheers smile10:07
inetprosflr: I noticed :-)10:10
Kiloshi psydroid 10:18
sflrok, will try to source some Ubuntu kind of design. hack it together from an UH party :)10:25
Kilosyo kodez 10:29
Kilossflr, dont you like the one at twitter?10:29
kodezhi Kilos, how are you?10:29
Kiloswell ty kodez and you?10:30
Kilosor you want a big pic sflr 10:30
kodezi am better than yesterday, thanks for asking. also I am enjoying using Lubuntu for the first time10:31
Kilosthats good10:31
sflrKilos: it needs a banner size big picture. small avatar wont do it.10:34
Kilosaw maia will have that10:37
Kilosand those that helped with release parties and uh's10:37
Kilosmaybe the fly knows where they are online10:37
Kilosinetpro, did you shrink the avatar for me or was it tiny to start with10:40
psydroidhi Kilos10:41
psydroidI have to go now, see you later today or this week10:42
plustwohi all o/10:42
psydroidhi plustwo10:42
Kilosgo well psydroid 10:42
Kilosyo plustwo 10:42
plustwopsydroid Kilos o/10:42
psydroidKilos, I'm going to hitch-hike to Denmark and Poland after that, will not be online much :)10:43
inetproKilos: shrink the avatar?10:43
psydroidsee you10:43
Kilosinetpro, the one you gave me for twitter10:43
Kilosenjoy psydroid 10:43
inetproKilos: ahh, no it was like that10:44
inetproI just quickly hacked a bigger one together on g+ earlier this morning10:44
inetproG+ wants it to be 250x25010:45
inetprobut for the events it needs to be wider10:45
inetprosflr: what are you thinking of using?10:46
Kilosdo you know where maia put them online inetpro i have a faint recolection of something like that10:49
Kilosvoda just foned from capetown and said they will sent local guy out to my tower10:49
inetproKilos: logos?10:49
sflrinetpro: i saw some pictures from a launch party in GP. somewhere in a restaurant with laptops. I try to find it again. then just cut a strip from there and make it look nice. slap the logo on it too.10:49
inetprosounds cool10:50
inetproKilos: "do you know where maia put them online..."10:50
inetprowhat are you talking about?10:51
Kilosoh when the monkey or someone wanted some for uh's im sure the idea was to place them nonline to be used by whoever needed them10:52
Kilosbanner pics etc methinks they were10:52
inetprothey should be in the monthly reports10:52
inetprobut no banner pics that I know of10:53
Kilosah ty gussie10:53
Kilosi get things crossed at times10:53
sflrKilos: I will make the banners, I just need photos :)10:54
Kilosare you inna hurry sflr ?10:54
Kilosi can mail maia and ask10:55
Kilosshe just kinda busy at the mo methinks10:55
sflrnot in a hurry Kilos, its a nice to have :) I might have time over the weekend to do it10:55
Kiloscool that gives us some time10:55
inetprosflr: team reports are reflected at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports10:57
inetpromaia's blog: http://my-ubuntu-day.blogspot.com/10:58
sflryeah, i was thinking about those cake pix ;)10:59
Kiloshehe always tummy kicks in10:59
Kiloswill let you know when she answers mail11:00
sflrdo we have Ubuntu stickers? my laptop says it needs one ;)11:01
Kiloslol yeah maia did that too11:01
Kiloshi que11:01
Kilosqueery, 11:01
queeryhi oom Kilos11:02
Kilosi didnt crash your pc i see11:03
queeryhi Kerbero[dsp]11:19
Kilossflr, ^^11:39
sflrthanks Kilos 12:00
Kilosyw its from maia12:08
sflrthanks maia12:11
KilosMaaz, ubuntu materials12:13
Maazhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Materials  http://spreadubuntu.org/12:13
Kilosafternoon theblaze 12:22
theblazehi kilos12:23
=== smile is now known as smile4ever
sflrinetpro I added the G+ badge to the site. under the twitter feed. 12:25
HawkiesZAEvening folks12:27
Kiloslo HawkiesZA 12:27
HawkiesZAAnyone here know all sorts of things about Clonezilla?12:28
HawkiesZAlo Kilos12:28
sflrHawkiesZA: I know CZ, but never used it :|12:30
HawkiesZAI'm trying to clone one laptop to another12:31
HawkiesZAGot the source set up, but the target hates me12:31
HawkiesZAApparently it's struggling to create the partition table on the target12:33
sflrdid you format the target?12:34
sflror you doing the Live one?12:35
* tumbleweed likes clonezilla live. esp netbooted12:35
sflrHawkiesZA: http://sourceforge.net/projects/clonezilla/forums/forum/663168/topic/465718712:36
sflrdeleting MRB they say12:37
inetprosflr: very nice!12:37
sflrinetpro: I would put the G+ where the frogfoot logo is, but not sure if that would be politically correct :)12:39
HawkiesZAsflr: Still no luck :/12:43
inetprosflr: that's probably superfly's ISP?12:46
inetprobut I agree it would be nice if we could make that more prominently visible at the top12:46
superflysflr: yeah, I had the logo lower down, and it was "requested" that it be moved up12:46
sflrthats what I thought superfly. logo stays then :)12:49
sflrinetpro: I can move the search box into the side bar and line up the social media icons on top 12:51
inetprojust try it and let's see what it looks like12:52
inetproyou can always change it back12:53
sflrI checked the search feature was not used lately, except 2 XSS tries12:55
inetprowell I guess we don't have that much to search anyway12:56
sflrinetpro: removed search from top and added it to the sidebar. adding the icons might be tricky. superfly will need to modify the site template, unless there is an easier way :)13:09
* Kilos listens13:11
Kilosis the twet rightr inetpro 13:12
Kiloseish tweet13:12
inetproKilos: eh, you're welcome13:13
Kilosdunno if i should thank the guy13:14
Kiloswb confluency Hodgestar 13:47
Kilosgo home safe guys14:44
smile4everbye :)14:47
sflrsuperfly: where can I edit the text on top of this page? http://ubuntu-za.org/get-ubuntu    "Type in a comma separated list of areas ..."14:49
superflysflr: uh, in the vocabulary settings?15:09
superflysflr: I can't remember where15:09
sflrok, looked around. i will dig more. thanks15:11
Kilosgrrr power again15:17
superflyHi Kilos15:19
Kiloshi superfly all good there?15:19
superflyso far so good.15:19
magespawnevening all15:52
Kiloshi magespawn 15:53
Kilosyo sflr you still here?15:53
superflyhi magespawn16:13
=== smile4ever is now known as smile4a
magespawnhey superfly16:45
magespawnyou know superfly, I still can't get you on google +17:01
superflymagespawn: weird17:02
superflymagespawn: on your phone again, or at a PC?17:03
magespawnusing my flyer as a hot spot but linking through my laptop17:03
superflyGot Kopete or Pidgin or something17:04
magespawni can find you no problem but no connection through gtalk17:04
magespawnhave pidgin17:04
superflycan you set up your account in Pidgin?17:05
magespawnwill do, just a sec17:06
Kilossuperfly, can one use pidgin for g+17:07
superflyKilos: no, just for Google Talk17:08
Kiloslol oh ty. 17:09
magespawnthis is on windows though17:09
magespawncan see how to add an account17:09
Kilospidgin is pidgin17:09
Kilosmage maybe it has minimised your buddy list17:10
magespawnyup that was it 17:10
Kilosstupid OS17:13
magespawnthere we go superfly17:13
magespawnstupid user in this case17:13
superflymagespawn: I get an uber long and weird link that just takes me to a "help" page17:14
magespawnmaybe i am not setting it up right17:15
magespawnwhat protocol should I use?17:15
Kilosfor gtalk magespawn 17:16
magespawnthats what I thought17:16
superfly$%^#$%^#$^ Google17:18
superflyYour message could not be delivered: "ah, there we go!", Reason: ""17:18
superflyyeah, awesome. no reason17:18
magespawni can message you, does not even come back with an error17:19
magespawnit does say that you are not online and that it is not authorised17:21
superflymagespawn: I get yours, but none of mine are going through17:22
superflymagespawn: right-click on my name in your list, and see if you can "re-request authorization"17:23
magespawndone that twice now17:23
Kilosreboot pc17:24
Kilosits windows17:24
magespawnhave tried switching it off and on again?17:24
superflymagespawn: I've tried the same from here, do you notice anything different?17:24
magespawnsomething not working right somewhere.17:25
Kilosmagespawn, try getting gtalk itself17:26
Kiloswe battled with tara as well but i think it woke up after a reboot of the pc17:27
magespawnsuperfly you just left the group chat17:27
superflymagespawn: yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to get this all to work17:27
magespawni did see you there but not as any sign on, just a random string of numbers17:28
Kilosyo cryptichorizon 17:32
superflymagespawn: are you using something in particular to chat?17:32
superflymagespawn: I can see you online, and with video capabilities, apparently17:33
magespawnthat might be my tablet, or my laptop. I am using tha laptop tethered through the wireless hotspot of the tablet17:34
superflyI do17:35
superflymagespawn: my name and my surname as one word17:35
Kiloshi dLimit 17:58
Kilosqueery, whats with the crazy nick?17:59
queerywhat crazy nick17:59
Kilosisnt that you cryptichorizon 18:00
Kilosqueery, ^^18:00
queeryoh haha no cryptichorizon is my boyfriend, he forgot to change the username field in xchat after I used it18:03
Kiloslol though xchat was letting me down18:03
Kilosoh my chanserv left18:05
queerywhat the18:05
magespawnwell hello then18:05
Kiloslo magespawn 18:05
magespawnupgrades maybe18:05
KilosChanServ, wb18:05
Kiloshaha cant reply18:06
queerythat was wierd18:07
Kilosyeah must been a netsplit18:07
Kilosor someone ddosing irc again18:07
queeryno that's not what a netsplit looks like18:08
queeryno they are concentrating the DDoSing on uganda for now18:09
queerycryptichorizon, it was uganda right18:09
smile4abye :)18:11
Kiloscheers smile18:11
Kilossleep tight18:11
smile4aKilos: you too :D18:12
cryptichorizonyes it was Uganda18:15
queeryhehe did steeds so bok18:17
Kilosmagespawn, maybe you need pidgin-openpgp installed18:37
Kilosdunno if that will work on windows18:37
magespawnmaybe, will have look, when I get a break18:38
Kilosdont break anything you might still need hey18:38
magespawnnah everything can be fixed18:42
magespawnjust do back ups18:42
Kiloshmmm cant copete do mxit?19:00
nlsthzndoubt ir19:04
nlsthznonly pidgin I ever saw that could19:04
Kilosty nlsthzn you missed lots19:04
Kilosi have quassel and konversation andchoqok19:05
Kilosnow kopete too19:05
nlsthzngoing KDE uncle Kilos ?19:06
Kilostrying to see what the kde peeps find better 19:06
nlsthznKDE is best when used as a whole19:06
Kilosall in maverick19:06
nlsthznand choqok is the best twitter app out there IMO19:06
Kilosyeah when i get a cd i will give it a go19:06
nlsthznget KDE 4.6 or later...19:06
nlsthznreally worth it19:06
Kilosdo you use kde19:07
nlsthzntry it every now and again19:08
nlsthznalways back to Unity19:08
nlsthznJust a few things that I don't like about KDE... but it is very good19:09
magespawni like it and some of the programs i use only work on it.19:14
magespawnor work bettere on it19:14
magespawngc coffee on19:15
* gc flips the salt-timer19:15
Kilosmagespawn, put kopete on your windows and try jabber then19:15
magespawnthey do not say anything on their website about windows19:16
magespawnif i can get the source maybe we can compile a windows version19:18
Kilosno man pidgin must work19:19
gcCoffee's ready for magespawn!19:19
Kilosian and debs use it on xp19:19
magespawnworks for everybody except me and superfly19:19
magespawni am on windows 7 so maybe thats the problem19:20
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:23
Kilossee youall morrow19:23
magespawnnight kilos19:23
magespawnhah thats a good quit message19:26
Symmetriawhos awake, I have a question19:44
Symmetriaif you receive an email, from hostmaster@organization that clearly states a position and even ahs a ticket number in the subject line, would you consider that official communication19:44
Kerberoemail is never official19:48
Kerberobut i guess i would19:48
sflruhm maybe. but i would also look at the mail header 19:49
Symmetriasflr oh, the email was very real19:49
Symmetriaits just that the organization says "zomg, we hadnt made a decision yet, and that wasnt an official email"19:50
Symmetriathey admit sending it, they just now say its not official communication19:50
magespawnthats odd19:50
Kerberothats not nice of them19:50
sflrok, that is weird. what is an official email then? hand delivered?19:50
Symmetriamagespawn LOL its because they tried to call my bluff on something, and when it didnt go the way they wanted19:51
Symmetriathey suddenly needed to back peddle19:51
Symmetriainfront of the community 19:51
magespawni know for legal perposes as soon as you opened the email you are deemed to have read it19:51
sflrit has a reference number to. so it did happen, nobody can deny it. wasnt a newsletter.19:51
sflrmagespawn: does email preview count? :)19:52
magespawnI think it does if it changes the status of the email to read19:53
Kerberoso one should mark all email as unread after you have read it?19:53
sflrok. so it depends on the status of the email19:53
magespawnonce the email has been read i understood there is a record of that even if you change the status back again19:54
magespawnand the email server would have a record of it being delivered19:55
Symmetriahehe 19:56
Symmetriawell, here is a funny story right19:56
Symmetriaso a university requests IP space19:56
sflryes, delivery can be proved, but reading not really19:56
Symmetriaafrinic comes back and says, zomg, a university is a local internet registry and must pay local internet registry fees19:56
magespawni think the law is trying to play catch up with electronic communication19:56
Symmetriawe say, can someone please explain to us why a university is a local registry19:56
sflrsuperfly: can you please remove planet subdomain? http://planet.ubuntu-za.org/ thanks19:57
Symmetriaafrinic say, because they have faculties and departments, so they are assigning space, the space isnt being used by themselves19:57
Symmetriawe're like, bullshit, afrinic is like, no you're an lir, Im like, no we arent but if you wanna try make us one, Im gonna go to the community and implement policy that makes ALL universities end users 19:57
superflysflr: I can't do that, I don't have access to DNS19:57
Symmetriathey are like, errr, no you wont, you're an LIR19:57
Symmetriaso I write the policy and send it out to the community19:57
Symmetriathe community goes, andrew is right19:57
superflysflr: is it doing the same thing as the wiki?19:57
superflyohi kbmonkey19:57
Symmetriaafrinic goes, oh shit, all our renuve is about to disappear19:57
Symmetriaand tries to withdraw19:58
sflryes superfly, same thing19:58
superflymkay, I'll add redirection19:58
sflrthats a serious issue Symmetria. no going back on that.19:58
Symmetriasflr it a serious issue when they try screw a university outta 6500 dollars a year19:58
sflrSymmetria: is it a new expense or university was paying for it already?19:59
magespawnsflr thats why delivery counts as being read, same as with registered post20:00
superflysflr: how's that?20:00
sflrperfect superfly. thanks. i saw canonical managing dns.20:01
Symmetriaits a new expense20:02
sflrmagespawn: true. it can get tricky though with international webmail20:02
magespawnwell like the fact that I do not have to RICA my gmail accounts either.20:03
sflrsuperfly: i moved the search from top to sidebar. if I want to add social media icons on top right, does it require an template change?20:03
sflrhaha @ magespawn. you can imagine.20:03
superflyuh, ja20:03
magespawnsflr is this all for the ubuntu-za site?20:04
sflrSymmetria: what you gonna do about it then? $65k a year is serious investment20:04
sflrmagespawn: yes, made some cosmetic changes last few days20:04
magespawncool will check it out20:05
Symmetriaheh sflr we are forcing afrinic to classify the university as an end user20:05
Symmetriawhich cuts the cost down to a coupla hundred dollars a year 20:05
Symmetriawe can do that through policy which is what we were doing20:05
Symmetriaand afrinic suddenly shat itself when they realized we would actually be able to do it through policy20:05
Symmetriaand there wasnt a damn thing they could do to stop it20:05
magespawna friends husband works for afrinic20:06
sflrI wonder if they do the same with other universities20:06
Symmetria(afrinic works like this, anyone in the community can propose a policy, the policy then is tabled before the community, the community then votes on it, if there is consensus, the policy is passed and afrinic is bound by it)20:06
Symmetriawhich means that if you propose a policy, and then stack the meeting room at the next meeting full of your own people20:06
superflysflr: done, you now have a block at the top called "Header"20:06
Symmetriayou can pretty much pass anything20:06
Symmetriaso, when they screw with academia like this, its simple, we pitch up at the next meeting with 100 people from all the different universities20:07
Symmetriaand pass our own policy which changes the rules to how we want them20:07
SymmetriaLOL and there isnt a damn thing they can do to stop us doing that20:07
magespawnokay then nothing like a well balanced management then20:07
sflrsuperfly: thanks! I was just about to say I will make another plan. wow. you quick20:07
Symmetriamagespawn those are the rules :) Im just using them 20:07
magespawnindeed, always play by the rules20:08
sflrhaha Symmetria, be the change :) I hope they dont change those rules regarding the policies20:08
superflysflr: *shrug* it's Drupal, those sorts of things are fairly quick and easy20:08
Symmetriasflr oh, afrinic has run up against me before and lost 20:08
magespawnwhen you know how20:08
Symmetriasflr lol, I never told you guys what happened at the last afrinic board elections?20:08
* sflr is all ears20:08
Kerberoi'm listenign too20:09
Symmetrialol, the rules say that any member organization can either be at the meeting and vote for candidates, or they can appoint an official proxy20:09
Symmetriawell? I know everyone....20:09
magespawnthats fairly normal20:09
Symmetriathere were 97 votes cast int hat election...20:09
SymmetriaI was holding 19 proxies :p20:09
Symmetriamagespawn whats not normal is that I was holding a 5th of the total vote :p20:09
Symmetriaand if I'd actually tried I coulda doubled that number 20:09
sflrI think you are going in afrinic black books soon ;)20:10
Symmetriasflr nah, afrinic keeps trying to get me to run for the board 20:10
sflryeah, but you follow the rules20:10
Symmetriathey think having me on the board will shut me up20:10
Symmetriaand let them control me20:10
magespawndid something similar for our school SGB20:10
Symmetria:P they obviously dont know me very well20:10
sflryeah Symmetria you must stay on this side of the fence. hehe20:11
Symmetriasflr lol, even if I was on the board20:11
sflrsuperfly: when you pro is easy20:11
SymmetriaI'd still kick and scream when they were being full of crap20:11
sflrSymmetria: if you get on the board, afrinic would change20:11
Symmetriasflr hell, I also stood up in tanzania at another afrinic meeting and told them their corporate governance was up to crap infront of 300 people20:11
Symmetriaand demanded that they propose an annual report, budget and financials for the meeting, since the meeting constituted an AGM20:12
Symmetrialol, so this last meeting, they made DAMN sure in gambia they had the documents 20:12
Symmetriabecause they got REAMED over that20:12
superflysflr: I'm gonna make some slight tweaks to the theme quickly20:12
SymmetriaI just cant believe they would try and back peddle on an official email20:13
sflr_something happened20:15
sflr_I was saying Symmetria that I can't believe they still have the guts to pull sorry emails on you after all this20:15
sflr_superfly: I wait until you finish with the changes20:15
superflysflr_: Done20:15
=== sflr_ is now known as sflr
magespawndo we have a google+ account for ubuntu-za20:16
sflrok, thanks20:16
sflrmagespawn: https://plus.google.com/11287720637434038780220:17
sflrthere's a link from the website too, +1!20:17
magespawnmm i saw that, that was why i asked.20:17
sflrinetpro created it today20:18
* inetpro gets up to see who's banging on the door20:20
inetproahh... it's just sflr? 20:21
sflrwas telling magespawn you created the G+ page today :)20:22
magespawnthat animated picture for the meeting is pretty cool, looks almost like a live feed.20:23
sflrlatest Cape Town weather update: rain started20:39
Kerberothen it will be here soon20:40
Symmetriaitaly beat germany20:41
Symmetriathats funny20:41
Kerberoo, so that is what all the euro2012 facebook comments are about20:42
sflryeah, finally Italy left the old players behind and now have a decent team20:42
Kerberoit all makes sense now20:42
Symmetriasflr, heh, balotelli though is a risk20:44
Symmetriaalways a huge risk20:44
Symmetriabecause if you get him on a good day, he's brilliant20:44
Symmetriaget him on a bad day, he will throw a tantrum and get a red card20:44
sflrSymmetria, that's true, but it takes more than one player to make a good team :) I think Spain can start worrying now about the final. hehe20:45
Symmetriasflr heh, I dont think spain are terribly worried20:46
sflrhey Squirm 20:46
Symmetriaspain have easily got the strongest national side in the world at the moment, other than MAYBE brazil20:46
sflryeah lets see. Spain didnt shine in euro2012. i was hoping for germany to crack the whip20:47
Symmetriasflr besides, let italy have the glory this time around, come next tournament half their squad will have been banned for match fixing (again)20:47
sflrand Argentina. haha20:47
sflrtoo unpredictable. it was a good tourny though. on the olympics soon! haha. but before that tour de france. I think there is too much sports happening throughout the year. 20:48
Kerberoit is very bad for productivity20:49
sflrKerbero: is very bad for my sleep! lol20:50
sflrI was truly hoping tonight wont get to penalties :|20:50
Kerberoprogramming is bad for my time + bores me. but it is very good for the wallet20:51
sflrKerbero: get somebody to do it for you? :)20:51
Kerberoi do20:51
Kerberobut sometimes there are stuff you have to do yourself20:52
Kerberoespecially if the help is on holiday20:52
sflrtrue true20:53
Banlamsflr, but if you get someone else to do it you get less money20:56
Kerberothat too20:57
sflrBanlam: time is money, but money pays the bills. I agree with you, sometimes still good to outsource to talented youngsters20:58
Kerberobut some times getting money for work is not the most important20:58
Banlamlike Kerbero and I?20:58
Banlamit's mainly i don't trust other people to do things the way i want them done20:58
Kerberothe guy that contracted me to do this work is going to be vice rector now20:58
Banlamand i like knowing all aspects of somethign i'm working on20:58
Kerberoie, the vice rector knows me -> good reference20:59
Banlamwhat are you doing for him?20:59
Kerberothat books thing20:59
sflrwill speak in 15 years time. haha20:59
Kerberowill tell you later20:59
sflradded Facebook 'like' on top of ubuntu-za.org. hope you 'Like' it :P21:00
Banlam:/ chrome and firefox are displaying something differnetly21:00
Kerberowhere is my g+ ?21:00
Kerberosflr: wouldn't it be nicer if the like is in the menu on the left?21:01
Kerberoless intrusive21:01
sflrKerbero: is in the sidebar. 21:01
sflrKerbero: I want to line up social media icons on top21:02
Kerberowill comment again when it is doen21:02
sflrI want to put it where the ISP logo is, but not possible. and the sidebar is keeps growing :)21:02
Kerberowell to be blunt, there are a lot of shit in that side bar21:02
sflrexactly, want to clean up there. but please come with suggestions :)21:05
Banlamwhile people are critiqueing21:05
Banlamcomments welcome21:06
Kerberosflr: scrap the search21:08
Kerberouser login one line in the menu rather than an entire block21:08
sflrok Kerbero 21:08
Kerberoand i think the spaces between events are too big21:09
Kerberoone less newline should do21:09
sflrBanlam: AboutUs/ContactUs should be part of the menu21:09
sflri see what you mean Kerbero 21:09
Symmetriaholy crap? there are some screwed up people out there21:09
SymmetriaA university is an LIR IMHO if it provides IP transit services to its students who are, in effect residential subscribers. 21:09
Banlamsflr, the horizontal menu?21:09
Symmetria^^^ that dude is an idiot21:09
Banlamwhat mailing list is this on?21:10
superflyBanlam: your menu items look like they belong somewhere else ;-)21:10
sflrBanlam: yes, at the end of horizontal menu. 21:10
Banlamsuperfly, I don't understand?21:10
sflrSymmetria: is that the best they could come up with? haha21:11
Banlamthe ones on the left?21:11
superflyBanlam: they look out of place... the rest of the site is kinda plain and boring, and then the menu items look like they come from some web 2.0 menu item generator21:11
superflyBanlam: and on top21:11
superflythough the ones on top don't look that bad because they're all linked together21:12
Banlamok, i understand what you're saying21:12
* Kerbero is scared to link his heavily used website here21:12
KerberoBanlam: i don't like it that all your headings differ21:13
Kerberosame font, same size, same colour would look better imho21:13
BanlamKerbero, in the article?21:13
Banlamthat contents jsut for testing pirposes21:13
Kerberoo, and you look stuckup in that photo21:14
Kerberouse a different one21:14
Banlamnot me21:14
Banlamand again, it's just for testing21:14
Kerberoit does look like you21:14
Banlamkinda i guess21:15
Banlambut it's not a very good quality photo21:15
Banlamso it kinda looks like lots of people21:15
nlsthznGood night21:15
Banlamit's content which i copied from their current site21:15
Banlamjust so there's somethign there21:15
Kerberoone of *those* projects...21:16
sflrthis looks better > http://www.firedisaster.co.za/21:16
Banlamslfr, yeah i know21:16
Banlamthat's what i'm tryign to work on21:16
Banlamalong with what the client wants21:16
Banlamthey wanted simpler21:16
sflroh, i recognized now with the picture. haha21:16
Banlamand i'm workign kinda from their designs21:16
superfly0_o what was that... my scroll lock and caps lock lights came on and my computer froze21:17
Banlamwell mockups that they wanted21:17
Kerberoi prefer the type of website designing i do21:17
Kerberomore backend and very simple very functional frontend21:18
Kerberopeople don't expect much21:18
superflyBanlam: suggestion #1 don't use Joomla21:18
Kerberoso i give them just a little bit more21:18
Banlamsuperfly, lol21:18
superflyBanlam: suggestion #2 use Drupal21:18
Banlamwhat do you suggest instead?21:18
Banlami know joomla too well compared to drupal21:18
Banlami've used drupal a bit21:19
Banlambut haven't done anything beyond just a plain website21:19
Kerberoi don't like cms's21:19
Kerberobut for sites like these i suppose you need to use one21:19
superflyBanlam: Drupal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joomla21:20
Banlamsuperfly, from what perspective?21:20
superflyBanlam: any and all21:20
sflrI like wordpress. it comes down to personal preference i think.21:20
Banlami run my blog on wordpress, and i like it21:21
Banlamfor somethign simple21:21
sflrthe site needs to be functional but esthetic too :)21:21
Banlamaesthetics aren't CMS dependent though21:21
superflyBanlam: more secure, better architected, faster, less maintenance headaches21:21
KerberoBanlam: don't get hacked :P21:21
sflrjust keep a backup :P21:21
Banlamkerbero, don't hack me ;P21:21
Banlamyeah, i will21:22
Kerberobackup, get hacked, restore backup, get hacked again21:22
superfly(also why I use Drupal for blogs and not WordPress - WordPress is like a sieve when it comes to security, it's full of holes)21:22
Kerberopoor banlam21:22
sflrBanlam: wasnt your site about rally pictures?21:22
Banlammy WP hasn't been hacked since i did a complete overhaul in decemeber21:22
Banlamsflr, it isn't about that, but does include21:22
sflrI run many wordpress sites, didnt get hacked yet. its just matter of time I guess :)21:23
Banlamthe header is a rally image21:23
Banlammy current WP doesn't have any extras21:23
Banlambesides akismet21:23
sflrBanlam: ok, saw some rally cars the other day :)21:23
Banlamand wordpress stats21:23
Banlamsflr, well i did a blog post on tuesday with a few pics from a rally this last weekend21:23
Kerberointeresting how nobody wants to hack weather API's21:24
Banlamkerbero, your site doesn't have any inputs though21:24
Banlamand the fact that your API is 100% your own doing21:24
Banlamthere's not a huge market21:24
Banlamrather find a WP flaw21:24
sflrweather API? hacked or not will still say the wrong info ;)21:24
Banlamand tehn write a script to hack every website with it21:24
Banlam"The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it." - Patrick Young21:25
Kerberosflr: measurements, not forecasts21:25
sflrwhat website is that?21:25
Kerberodon't tell him21:25
sflroh ok21:25
Kerberothen i'll get comments about my bad layout :P21:25
Banlamkerbero why not?21:25
Banlamit's not that bad21:25
Banlamit get's the job don21:26
Kerbero"it's too blue"21:26
sflrits good informative.21:27
sflrdistinctive blocks, not all flow together21:27
sflri like this: "You are visiting this website from somewhere on The Internet."21:27
Kerbero"You are visiting from the Stellenbosch campus. IP ="21:27
sflrdo you have your own weather station? or is it more like a mashup from different sources?21:28
Kerberoi have three different weather stations i pull the data from directly21:28
Kerberothen i do some averaging+failover21:29
sflrthat's cool21:29
Kerberothe project is running for 4 years now21:29
sflrwhere is the Indoor place?21:29
Kerberotime to write some decent stat reporting pages21:29
sflrwebcam is cool. I must look at it during the day. haha21:29
Kerberoyes you should21:30
Kerberoindoor measurements are useless21:30
Banlamwebcam isn't great though :P21:30
Banlameven during the day21:30
Kerberosflr: nice banner picture at the top he?21:30
Banlammy inside temperature at the momen goes up and down between 15 and 1921:31
Kerberomy room is 17.421:32
Banlamhaven't seen it out of that range in the past few weeks21:32
Kerbero13.4 outside my window21:32
BanlamI'm at 15.9atm21:32
Banlam13 outside, well at the airport21:32
Banlami'm too lazy to put the thermometer out the window21:32
Kerberoubuntu just told me i'm screwed21:32
sflrits nice. did you take the panoramic pic?21:33
Kerberoand that i have to buy a 2k peice of hardware21:33
Kerberosflr: banlam did21:33
sflrwow, you must get into photography :)21:33
* Banlam does it as a hobbt21:34
sflroriginal: faklogo.jpg21:35
Kerberothat is the logo on the right21:36
sflrI know :) 21:36
Kerberothere we go21:37
Kerberoshould have an hd one somewhere21:37
sflrthe google maps show 4 stations21:37
Kerberoand you will know21:37
Kerberothe middle one is not weather21:37
Kerberonot really21:37
sflrthe image one?21:38
sflrthat image is really beautiful21:38
sflrSonbesie > sun radiation21:39
Kerberoquite an expensive piece of hardware21:39
Kerberofew hundred k21:39
Banlamuniversities have so much money21:39
Banlambut they're sooo stingy wiht how they give it out21:40
Kerberowell... their sponsors do21:40
Kerberoand it is meant for renewable energy research21:40
sflrdoes the solar graphs come from Sonbesie? weather.sun.ac.za/graphs/SolarGraphs.php21:40
Kerberoso there is more money21:40
Kerberosflr: no21:40
Kerberothey are from the M&M station21:40
sflrah, universities all the same :) at least you guys can play with expensive toys!21:40
Kerberowhat would give a better graph21:41
Kerberowith both stations' values21:41
Kerberomax of only 500watt/m^221:41
Kerberothat is low21:41
Kerberoin summer we get >1k21:42
sflrshort days probably21:42
Kerberosun is far away21:42
sflrvery interesting. I must visit your site tomorrow again21:42
Kerberoyou can download the data if you want21:43
Kerberoand draw your own graphs and/or stats21:43
Kerberoi should try and download everything again21:43
Kerberolast time i did it i killed the server21:43
sflrhaha. first I browse it :)21:44
sflrdata must be huge if it goes back for years21:44
KerberoSymmetria's old server was quite a beast 10 years back21:44
Kerberobut 10GB of memory is not that much anymore21:45
Kerberosflr: it became huge when i started logging minutely rather that 10 minutely21:45
sflryeah, 10GB really small these days21:46
sflrcan you receive images from weather satellites?21:46
Kerberobut i think the radio is broken21:46
Kerberoneed to have a look at it21:46
Kerberobut time...21:47
sflrthat's awesome. wanted to do something like that21:47
sflrI think if you want to hack a weather API, you need to start getting to the source, the satellite :)21:47
Banlamthat would be an epic way to get into the system21:48
Banlammanipulatin the data the satelite receives :P21:48
sflreverybody relies on the satellite data. nobody will know its 0wned21:50
magespawnKerbero, I would take taht machine now though21:51
Kerberowhat do you need so much ram for?21:52
sflrok guys, i'm outta here. thanks for the chat. and keep up the good work on the site :)21:52
magespawnagg no, I just like having big spec21:52
magespawnlike bragging rights21:52
Kerberoi have another server laying on top of this one21:52
Kerberoto which i want to migrate21:53
Kerbero16GB ram21:53
Banlammagespawn sounds very similar to Kerbero 21:53
Kerberothe current one has a dualcore 2.8GHz (p4 series) cpu21:53
Kerbero^ xeon21:53
Kerberothe new one is a generation newer21:53
Kerberoand >3GHz21:53
Kerberoso it should make everything a little snappier21:53
Kerberothose specs are nothing21:54
Kerberothe real nice specs is the hdd sie21:54
Kerberowhich is also not THAT big these days21:54
* Kerbero sees he's monologuing here21:55
Banlamconversation <21:55
magespawni do not work on server machines unfortunately21:56
Kerberomagespawn: if you like nice specs, get yourself an invy bridge21:56
magespawnjust desktops that i have loaded server software on21:56
Kerberothose things are awesome21:56
magespawnmoney tends to be the problem21:56
Kerberothat's why i don't have one21:57
Kerberobut am stuck with 10y old servers21:57
Kerberothat i bought for next to nothing21:57
magespawnahh well there we go then21:57
Kerberohopefully my i5 ivy arrives on tuesday21:58
magespawndid have a chance to look at a sun X2100, but only briefly21:58
Kerberosparc cpu?21:59
Kerberomy ears21:59
magespawni am not sure, did not want to boot completly, bios could not detect the cpu fan22:00
Kerberosounds almost as bad as the weather.sun one before i brought a sidecutter near it22:00
magespawnand when I did get it running the os was windows server 2003 I think, password locked and nobody could remember the password. and that so far is the end of it22:01
Kerberox86 based22:02
Kerberobut ok, need to write a little bit of code22:02
magespawncheers Kerbero22:02
magespawngood night all22:03

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