=== StaffRingedSeal is now known as Myrtti === teknico_ is now known as teknico [10:35] facundobatista, rye, can I have a very simple review for a branch that fixes a couple of bugs: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/reactor-new-line/+merge/112535 [10:36] mandel, yeap [10:38] facundobatista, thx, is a very simple branch [11:09] good morning [11:25] gatox, morning! [11:25] mandel, hi [11:25] gatox, and 'tiron de orejas' for not reading my descriptions ;) [11:26] mandel, i read it..... but that seems to be IRL, and i wanted to know if i can run the tests..... the u1-client only without installing anything [11:26] gatox, then point to the python lib from the other project [11:28] mandel, also..... the code seems REALLY similar to mine.... it needs to be different things.... or should we merge them? [11:28] gatox, I wanted it to merge once you landed yours.. but is taking to long [11:28] gatox, the code is only similar in the notifier, the rest is diff [11:28] gatox, take into account that is using a twisted factory to talk with the daemon [11:29] gatox, tests are diff etc.. [11:29] ahh ok ok [11:31] gatox, take a look at the code and you'll see is a lot simplre [11:31] s/simplre/simpler [11:34] mandel, AHHHHHHH jejjejeej sorry, you are right.... i didn't read the last part of the description [11:35] :P i read everything else, except the test part [11:35] gatox, no problem :) [11:35] gatox, I know I do the same hehehe [11:36] mandel, the code review i did it yesterday (when i thought: OMG they are going to make refactor everything again), and it seems fine [11:36] s/make/make me [11:37] this stop being fun...... 2 refactors ago :P jeje [11:37] gatox, only problem is the notificator, the rest is diff :) [11:37] gatox, which can be shared, but that is a very small part, maybe 300 lines? [11:38] mandel, the code is a +1 for me (already there)...... now going back to try to finish this refactor [11:39] gatox, superb, did you manage to run the tests? [11:39] gatox, by setting the python path I mean [11:39] gatox, also, can I have a super simple review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/reactor-new-line/+merge/112535 [11:40] mandel, no, i did the code review part [11:42] mandel, about lines: [11:42] 30 -FilesystemMonitor = filesystem_notifications.FilesystemMonitor [11:42] 31 -_GeneralINotifyProcessor = filesystem_notifications._GeneralINotifyProcessor [11:42] weren't we using that from somewhere else? [11:42] or that definition was unnecesary? [11:43] mandel, just curious...... [11:46] gatox, it was diff line 9 [11:47] yes, but this one is missing: FilesystemMonitor [11:47] * gatox downloading and using meld [11:50] ah i see [11:51] mandel, +1 [11:51] gatox, thx :) [12:25] gatox, I managed to get the daemon to be launched as root on the mac when you start the machine :) === yofel_ is now known as yofel [12:25] gatox, not sd but the fsevents daemon :) [12:25] mandel, COOL! [12:27] gatox, so right now, the only thing we have to do in the packaing is copy a file to a location and tell launchd to start it, should not be too hard :) [12:29] good morning! [12:29] ralsina, morning! [12:30] ralsina, hi [12:30] ralsina, so before I go, I have a fist launchd integration where we pass the domain-socket as a parameter to the daemon (via xml) and have fsevents at boot time :) [12:30] whoohoo! [12:30] mandel: nice :-) [12:30] ralsina, it means that the installer just has to copy the xml to the correct location and tell launchd to start using it [12:31] ralsina, was probably the last piece we needed to have a first alpha release working [12:35] ralsina, gatox, super simple MP that explains how to set you mac to have the daemon running at boot time: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/start-boot/+merge/112554 [12:35] mainly xml and fixing a small bug in the command line parsing [12:35] mandel: will try it after my call that starts in a few minutes [12:35] ralsina, ok, no problem :) [12:36] ralsina, also, the reactor issue in control panel and sso should be fixed by https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/reactor-new-line/+merge/112535 [12:36] ralsina, so we might be able to see things running very soon :) [12:36] mandel: wasn't mmcc doing that? [12:38] dobey: did we ever release anything with versions 3.1 or 4.1? I am guessing no, right? [12:39] ralsina, yes/no the issue was that the reactor was being dragged by the filesystem_notifications that was imported in platform [12:39] mandel: ok [12:39] mandel: that thing has been a pain in the ass since we started the qt migration, so good to finally see it fixed [12:39] ralsina, probably an error when refactoring things in ubuntuone-client, no filesystem_notifications is not in the init and therefore the reactor is not installed [12:40] mandel: instead of the monotonic pile of workarounds we had [12:40] ralsina, well, it was 'fixed' and then we moved things and broke it hehe [12:40] I'm off to have lunch [13:09] alecu, ping [13:15] argh, I am tempted to replace invalid characters in windows with "{{{NAMEOFINVALIDCHARACTER}}}" [13:19] ralsina: no, that's just the version we used in trunk at the time, so that nightlies/trunk are always newer [13:19] dobey: we did put a 4.1 in trunk? [13:19] ralsina: 4.1 is currently the trunk version number, yes [13:19] dobey: I thought trunk was 3.99.x also [13:19] nope [13:19] dobey: oh, ok, good to know we don have time-traveling users :-) [13:21] man, being able to use only one monitor sucks :( [13:40] alecu, are you here?? [13:44] Gatox: my isp seems to be fully broken. [13:44] I'm using my phone, but I hate typing here [13:45] alecu, :S i just wanted to let you know that i fix the darwin3 branch....... and i added a comment regarding the EVENT_CODES [13:45] (SwiftKey makes it a bit more bearable, but still...) [13:46] gatox: ack [13:46] alecu, phones with actually qwerty keyboard FTW :P [13:46] for me is really difficult to type on screens [13:55] alecu, if you are going to use eng you can always dictate, which is a little better :) [13:59] Mandel, do you use that to write code comments? [14:00] So... Google works, YouTube works, the isp website works. The rest is dead. [14:00] alecu, hehehe no, I use my phone ;) [14:01] Net neutrality....? [14:02] mandel, alecu so.... i've updated darwin3 and darwin4.... i review the comments and docstrings inn darwin4 to avoid the same problems as darwin3.... the only thing missing is the thing about EVENT_CODES that i answered to alecu in darwin3 (and reviews) [14:06] alecu, at least you can watch google IO :P [14:06] gatox, ok, if you are not too busy, can we give reviews to mmcc? [14:07] mandel, yes..... my main concern right now is to have reviews :P so i can do reviews too [14:08] mandel, ok, i have mmcc branches here..... i'll start reviewing them [14:08] gatox, thx :) [14:09] gatox, I'll take a look at yours once I'm done with his [14:09] mandel, can you review darwin4 before you leave to pycon please? [14:09] mandel, thx! [14:10] mandel: did you see the latest comment in bug #1017916 ? [14:10] Launchpad bug 1017916 in Ubuntu One Client "[windows] Does not download files with newlines (\n)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1017916 [14:11] ralsina, no, looking [14:12] alecu: you are in telecentro, and it's dead, right? [14:13] alecu: want to push the team call for tomorrw? I'm ok with that. [14:13] ralsina: +1 [14:14] ralsina: you on telecentro too? [14:14] ralsina, people must think I'm stupid and don't test code before I propose it.. the code uses {LINE SEPARATOR} and not {VERTICAL TAB} [14:15] dobey: can I get a rereview of https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/u1db/cmake2/+merge/112392 before it starts getting conflicts? :-) [14:15] ralsina: Google and YouTube work fine... perhaps we can hangout instead of mumbling. [14:16] alecu: let me comb myself first then! [14:16] alecu: and get on the plane with my fancy glasses ;-) [14:17] ralsina: sorry, new bzr breaks tarmac. made a branch to fix that real quick [14:17] dobey: sure, that looks much more important indeed :-) [14:18] thisfred, dobey, gatox, alecu, mmcc, briancurtin, mandel: anyone against doing a team hangout? [14:18] also: anyone knows how to *do* a team hangout? [14:18] ralsina: i am against [14:18] ralsina, nop [14:18] no idea how, but i'm up for a try [14:18] ralsina, that I don't know how to use the bloody thing.. but I don't mind [14:18] no, I have no idea if it'll work with my firefox, but I'm willing to try [14:18] dobey: any particular reason, and, are you more or less against it than against a team mumble? [14:19] I will try to start one and invite you guys [14:19] is the plug-in packaged in ubuntu? [14:19] dobey: no idea [14:19] ralsina, oh.... i'll need the other computer..... thx again alienware [14:21] well, not like i have video anyway, so whatever [14:23] ralsina: please invite my gmail address, not my canonical one [14:23] I don't intend to use that on g+ [14:23] thisfred: which one is it? [14:23] ralsina: it's thisfred :) [14:23] thisfred: ack! [14:23] ralsina, I need to get 3g for that [14:24] ralsina, give me 5 mins and then feel free to invite me [14:24] * mandel runs for the 3g modem [14:24] anyway, it's not call time yet :-) [14:25] thisfred: seems like I can't invite you for some reason [14:25] Ahhhh can't invite you twice [14:26] anyway, this seems to work [14:26] ralsina: alecu invited me [14:26] ahhh ok [14:26] anyway, let's do this again at call time ;-) [14:27] * briancurtin -> quick coffee run [14:31] are we using yield from everywhere already? It's been out for more than a day! [14:32] huh? [14:32] dobey: new in python 3.3 [14:32] it removes yield? [14:32] it allows subgenerators [14:33] eh [14:33] dobey: no it introduces 'yield from' [14:33] so you can yield from something else that is a generator. [14:34] yield from range(10) [14:34] for instance [14:38] gatox, ralsina any idea why would the qt ui get blocked after calling load? [14:38] mandel, that use to happend when we had issues with the backend [14:38] like being None or something [14:39] mandel: blocked as in showing the overlay? Usually you have an exception to go with it [14:40] ralsina, gatox, shows the overlay, does nothing after [14:40] man people ask for the craziest things in software [14:40] mandel: start it with --debug ande U1_DEBUG=1 and see if you get an exception in stderr [14:40] ralsina, ok [14:41] mandel, i've started to debug that.... it wasn't really clear where the problem was... but then i needed to keep working on the fsevents branches and i couldn't see what was going on [14:41] it's like if they went to a chevy dealer and asked if they can have a mustang engine in a new corvette [14:41] s/i've started/i started [14:41] gatox, no worries, is just that I want to see everything working in my machine [14:41] ralsina, --debug where? for the bin/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt? [14:42] mandel: yes [14:42] ralsina, seems not to have that option [14:42] mandel: then just setting U1_DEBUG [14:42] mandel, i was doing it with U1_DEBUG [14:43] ack [14:44] i miss my other monitor [14:47] gatox, ralsina, so, it can be that the signal CredentialsNotFound is not received because the sso process is killed before is done something that does no happen on windows because it is never killed [14:47] gatox, ralsina nothing to do with the reactor etc.. [14:48] mandel: maybe we want it not to die on darwin either? [14:49] ralsina, well as a quick fix yes, as the proper way to fix it is to keep track of the signals to send and wait 'til they are done [14:50] catching up, just remembered to say hi. good morning folks [14:50] mandel: yes [14:54] mmcc, +1 to this one: v [14:54] https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1015825-reorder-reactor/+merge/112432 [14:54] gatox, I have concerns about that one [14:54] I don't think that is needed [14:54] mandel, what? [14:54] gatox, the reactor branch from mmc [14:54] mmcc [14:54] sorry [14:54] mandel, why is not needed? [14:55] gatox, testing right now with contorl panel trunk but AFAIK the ui is shown with no problems [14:55] gatox, if it is not needed on windows, why is it on darwin? [14:56] mandel: if what is not needed? [14:56] mmcc, create the Qapp first [14:57] mandel, oh right - I have no idea. I'd love to figure it out, but in irc a couple of days ago alecu suggested that maybe we shouldn't poke the tiger by changing working code on windows [14:58] mmcc, what was the issue? [14:58] I believe that if we just did the same thing on windows as I do on darwin in that branch, it'll work fine. the tests with it that way work fine on windows... [14:59] the issue was that, if you install the qt4reactor first thing, it will create a QCoreApp for you. this breaks UI on darwin, but not on windows, for some reason [14:59] ralsina: so to prep for hangout, what should i be doing right now? do we have canonical plus accounts now? (i dont remember seeing one) [14:59] mmcc, but how did it break the ui on darwin? [14:59] mmcc, mandel, gatox, dobey, thisfred, alecu, let's hangout [15:00] mandel: shows the overlay then hangs, showing no animation. no gui events are sent [15:00] how many nerds does it take to make a g+ hangout work [15:00] dobey, too many.. [15:00] oh yeah, hangout, what do i do? please invite michael.mccracken at gmail..? [15:00] * mmcc puts on a shirt [15:00] ralsina: also, gmail address for me too, don't use canonical address on g+ [15:00] mmcc, os, that is not due to that, is because there is an error from sso to control panel and gets frozen like that [15:01] mmcc, I'm looking on how to do a quick hack to fix that [15:01] mandel I'm pretty sure we're seeing different things [15:01] in my testing I do get the credentials_not_found back from sso, it hangs after that [15:02] hmm [15:03] when is this hangout? on the 9th green at 9? [15:03] mmcc, yo do get an message saying that, but you don't see the stderr from twisted telling you it did not manage to send the signal [15:03] lol [15:03] mmcc: we're in there now [15:03] mmcc: didn't you get the invite? [15:03] ralsina, or me [15:03] for varying definitions of "we" [15:03] * mmcc not one of the cool kids [15:04] ralsina, did you see my private msg? [15:04] ralsina: no, I got no hangout [15:04] mandel: yep, invited you [15:04] mmcc: so need an invite? [15:04] er, no hangout invite [15:04] mmcc: what's your preferred gmail? [15:04] ralsina: yes plz, to my michael.mccracken@gmail [15:05] ralsina, ok, installing plugin, few sec [15:06] la la la [15:06] * mmcc refreshes... [15:06] where do these invite things show up? [15:06] dobey: google + I suppose [15:06] i thought g+ had circles [15:06] and etc [15:06] dobey, on other people's computers, apparently [15:07] dobey: yep, that too [15:07] * dobey is too cool for hangouts [15:08] hangout is hilarious [15:08] I expect it to get boring soon [15:08] * dobey already bored [15:08] dobey, mmcc: are you having trouble? [15:09] define trouble [15:09] there is no invite, and i don't see anyone else hanging out in my stream [15:09] ralsina: I was, apparently there's some plugin that I am now downloading, but there was no message about that [15:10] mmcc: ok [15:10] I just randomly clicked on the "Hang out" button and then it told me [15:10] dobey: I invited you on the canonical address. Should I use another one? [15:10] yes, gmail [15:10] dobey: which one? [15:10] see /msg [15:12] okay, well I have the plugin now but still no invite [15:12] 9th green at 9 [15:12] * mmcc thinks he hears sprinklers [15:12] mmcc: I'll try again [15:13] mmcc: invited again [15:13] mmcc, let me know when you add the test that mandel request here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1018614-darwin-raise/+merge/112493 [15:14] where should I be looking again? it shows up as an email? or in google plus? right now, neither one has anything new [15:19] the big problem is dev-tools [15:37] nice mandel [15:38] +1 to hangout from now on. better audio quality, optional video with monocles and scuba goggles, and mandel puppet show [15:38] :) [15:42] ok, need to get lunch; bbiab [15:42] briancurtin: agreed, it seemed to work pretty well. Not sure why it felt necessary to put "Michael McCracken hung out" on my timeline, shared only with myself... it's like, I was there, so... [15:43] anyway, mandel - I'll add tests for calling raise_ only on darwin. I agree with ralsina that it shouldn't hurt on other platforms but I don't know how to prove that :) [15:43] also mandel, can you paste a U1_DEBUG listing from the credentials not found issue you're having? [15:43] mmcc: get it running on ubuntu and windows with raise_ and see it does the same thing as before [15:43] mmcc: it's for the record in case you need an alibi, just share yourself with the police and you're covered [15:44] mmcc: I can do ubuntu for you :-) [15:44] mmcc: just to avoid platform-specific behaviour if it's unnecessary [15:44] ralsina: ok I'll test it all out. I have the code on both running vms [15:44] oh and FYI - it's my review day, i'll keep an eye on my inbox but feel free to directly ping me for reviews [15:44] ralsina: I was mostly concerned with unintended other consequences [15:45] aaaaaand lunch! [15:46] brb, garage door broke apparently?! === ubuntu_guru is now known as Daveonearth [15:52] mmcc, I'm looking closer to see if I get the bloody thing to run :) [15:53] mmcc, gatox, turns out that because we do set #!/usr/bin/python the stupid python path was wrong.. [15:58] <__lucio__> mandel, ralsina, in win32, files come as bytes or unicode or what? [15:58] <__lucio__> verterok, ^^ [15:58] kk [15:59] __lucio__, withint sd everything is bytes, that is, we convert to unicode to talk with windows, get unicode, return bytes to the state machine [15:59] does it make sense? [15:59] <__lucio__> mandel, so windows always returns unicode? [16:00] <__lucio__> we make it bytes in utf-8, but for we always get unicode from the platform [16:00] __lucio__, we allways pass bytes in utf-8 outside ubuntuone/platform [16:01] __lucio__, in the windows modules that interact with windows we use unicode (since listdir(unicode) returns unicode and listdir(bytes) returns bytes) [16:01] <__lucio__> mandel, so, we interact with windows using unicode? or bytes? [16:02] __lucio__, unicode [16:02] <__lucio__> verterok, ^^ [16:02] verterok, don't be shy, you can ask me ;-) [16:02] hehehe [16:05] hehe [16:05] mandel, where was the shebang hurting us? [16:05] mmcc, in ubuntu-sso-login [16:06] mmcc, it gets launched by the ui so it uses the wrong python [16:06] mmcc, that solves some but not all the problems [16:06] mandel: and we algo get unicode from the win-inotify (don't remember the name of the module)? [16:07] verterok, yes, we get the path from the fs in unicode and we pass them to bytes utf-8 [16:07] mandel I'm still not sure what problems you're seeing. perhaps it's the different environment we use? I have been using the buildout python to test controlpanel, and the mac-env script from the buildout [16:07] mandel: kk [16:07] mmcc, have you tested sso without the --login parameter? [16:08] verterok, FYI is under ubuntuone/platform/filesystem_notifications/windows.py [16:11] mandel, I think so, let me check my notes [16:11] kk, thanks [16:14] mmcc, ok, just tested the thing, you are 120% right with the reactor.. [16:14] mmcc, I think we should do it both on win and darwin and not just on darwin [16:15] on win there should be no problem [16:15] mandel, this is about installing qt4reactor after the uniqueapp init? [16:15] mmcc, yes [16:16] ok, yeah I agree. in fact if anything it'll avoid creating an unused qcoreapp on windows... [16:17] I'd like alecu's opinion here, since he was the one who suggested leaving windows code alone [16:19] mmcc, AFAIK there is not diff and the correct way per docs of the qtreactor is the way you did it in darwin [16:20] ok mandel, for the other issue, can you tell me exactly what you're doing? I don't understand why not having --login with sso makes a difference [16:21] mmcc, it calls the backend, just remove the --login param and try to run the thing to create a new account [16:21] * gatox lunch === gatox is now known as gatox_lunch [16:21] oh right, I have done that directly in the past, but doing that from control panel wasn't working for me last night [16:22] mmcc, is because of the python path [16:23] at least in my system [16:25] ok, I think dobey's change broke this for us. I can't run sso directly anymore either [16:27] what I see: when I run bin/ubuntu-sso-login-qt, it gets to the point of trying to run ubuntu-sso-login and that dies, unable to import pyqt [16:27] it's the change in r978 [16:27] mmcc, exactly, that was what I got, simple way to fix it is changing the path [16:27] mmcc, but is not the right way to do it :( [16:27] changing the shebang line in teh script? [16:28] mmcc, yes [16:28] mmcc, if you do that it works + your reactor branch [16:28] mmcc, I'm even going to report a ui bug \o/ [16:29] mandel, great. [16:29] ok so alecu - any opinion on moving the qt4reactor after uniqueapp on windows too? it'll be a quick change, the tests you asked for yesterday are already there [16:34] mmcc, gatox_lunch first funny ui bug 1018918 [16:34] Launchpad bug 1018918 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Scrolling shares on darwin does not work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1018918 [16:35] oh and ralsina ^ [16:35] mandel, juazzzzzzzzzzz [16:35] gatox_lunch, have you seen the video, wtf? [16:35] mandel, yes! [16:36] mandel, it seems that they were attached to a diff parent or something [16:39] gatox_lunch, also added bug 1018919 [16:39] Launchpad bug 1018919 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "There are blue highligts in the lists" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1018919 [16:40] mandel, yes, that's because we are not overriding the mac default for that [16:41] ohhh issues that i enjoy more!! [16:41] * gatox_lunch is happy to see these things [16:41] gatox_lunch, and this bug 1018921 [16:41] Launchpad bug 1018921 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Selected checkboxes are blue in darwin" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1018921 [16:41] hello, all!!!! [16:42] welcome back alecu [16:42] mmcc, I have tested the reactor branch from mmcc I think we have to do the same on windows [16:42] alecu, ^ [16:42] ups [16:42] mandel: why so? [16:43] alecu, because is what the qtreactor does say [16:43] alecu, it was wrong that we did it this way, it just works on windows, the other way QApp before reactor is better and works in all platforms [16:43] mandel: sorry, I'm catching up with the backlog. Where does it say so? [16:44] mandel: if it does work fine on windows, let's move ahead. [16:44] alecu, let me get you the docs [16:44] mandel: I had some issues with the qt4reactor initialization previously, so I was not convinced about touching those bits on windows. [16:45] alecu, well, we can leave it like that, I don't think is needed [16:45] mandel, mmcc: but if we test all that IRL under windows and it works fine, then let's move ahead. [16:45] anyway, if you look at the backlog, is working :) [16:45] mandel: awesome then. [16:45] alecu, other more important issue is the problem with the python path, but is just hurting use because we use the brew one [16:46] mandel: what's the issue with the windows path? [16:46] mandel: I saw some relative imports with ../ [16:47] alecu, is in shebangs paths that are broken, at least for use with the python buildout [16:48] alecu, points to /usr/bin/python and we use /usr/local/python, I think is fixable if we execute the scripts using python path and not just path [16:48] alecu, but is a minor PITA for developers, the packaged version should work ok [16:49] mandel: oh, I see. I don't mind using "python bin/script" at all. [16:49] so yeah: very minor pita. A very small sandwich you'll make with that pita. [16:49] alecu, hehe [16:50] alecu, so, all the rest works :) [16:50] all, shares, details, sso, sd work [16:50] we might have some bugs when we start sd (I cought an already running error) but seems that we just have packaging left! [16:51] mandel, how are you editing the path to the backend scripts now? where are you adding 'python' exactly? [16:51] mandel is such an optimist :) [16:52] mmcc, I just changed the shebang, the smart way would be to tell the runner to use python + path and not just path and you are sorted [16:52] mmcc, is latet here, so I won't be able to fix that yet I'll add a bug :) [16:57] mmcc, alecu bug 1018924 [16:57] Launchpad bug 1018924 in Ubuntu One Control Panel "Scripts are not ran because the shebang points to the wrong path" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1018924 [16:57] mandel: ok, add the bug and assign me, I'll do it [16:57] hrmm [16:57] uhm [16:57] please do not change those back to /usr/bin/env [16:58] they cannot be that [16:58] dobey we're not going to do that. [16:58] the idea was to change the code that invokes them to say 'python backend-bin' [16:59] dobey, that wont be touched, is the way we launch them :) [16:59] although it needs some thought, since of course it's different when packaged and I want to be sure it does the right thing on windows [17:00] mmcc, indeed, you are the one that will have to deal with it :) [17:00] mandel: what launches them? [17:01] dobey, they are subprocess from control panel and sso, lets make the call as python script and not script and is fixed [17:01] dobey, the a rnner code somewhere in sso-utils [17:02] ugh [17:02] mandel, and that runner code is only used on windows and darwin right? [17:02] calling "python script" from subprocess is nasty [17:02] and it will break ubuntu [17:02] it's the protocol buffer stuff [17:02] mmcc, yes [17:02] so won't break linux [17:03] dobey, it wont break ubuntu it will just be done in darwin [17:03] perspective broker [17:03] thanks dobey, d'oh [17:03] mmcc, in windows we call the .exe so we have to do something similar [17:03] which reminds me [17:04] briancurtin: we can't just simply switch to nose or something else, for running the tests. we're not just using plain trial, but u1trial which does a bunch of extra stuff we need for various tests [17:05] so we port u1trial or something as well [17:07] i should break up the dirspec stuff i was doing into smaller branches. [17:07] well, it's small as-is, but doesn't work exactly on both 2 and 3, and is being really annoying [17:10] mandel - ok to set status to approved on that reactor reordering mp? you +1ed but left it [17:10] mmcc, before I go, I have this for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-fsevents-daemon/start-boot/+merge/112554 [17:12] mmcc, let me check === gatox_lunch is now known as gatox [17:12] mmcc, yes, I just approved in case you wanted to make more changes [17:12] mandel, ah ok. I have no other changes [17:13] mmcc, usually the global approve is done by the person that proposes the mp, just in case :) [17:13] mmcc, feel free to land it [17:13] mandel, oh i didn't know that. someone told me it was usually the 2nd approver... [17:13] mandel your branch looks fine but i can't tell what changed in main.m. are my eyes failing me? [17:13] whitespace? [17:14] mmcc, optional to required argument [17:14] mmcc, and no argument for help [17:14] yeah i just noticed that but what about line 80 of the diff? [17:14] * mmcc needs to get better sleep [17:15] mmcc, typo! [17:15] ah there it is! ok thanks [17:16] mandel +1 [17:16] ok, then EOD for me, I'll me off next week but feel free to ask for help over twitter or if I'm here :) [17:17] you might be ignored :P [17:18] mandel, go away! [17:18] ejeje [17:18] * mandel goes to pack etc.. [17:18] ok mandel have a great trip. [17:19] * mmcc couldn't think of a joke about mandel 'meing' off [17:19] mmcc, hehe [17:19] stupid fingers :P [17:22] alecu, i don't know if you have a decent internet connection now... but i've submitted the changes of the events code to darwin3 already :D [17:26] gatox: great [17:26] gatox: I do. Telecentro got their issues sorted up. [17:27] alecu, good for you!! \o/ [17:42] lunch [17:53] ralsina: so how do i install stuff to a destdir, under the right prefix, using cmake? [17:55] dobey: I am doing the install now in the next branch [17:55] should be ready a bit after the previous one merges [17:56] ah ok; so what are the limits of what this branch does exactly? [17:56] it just builds and that's it? [17:57] dobey: yep, it builds and runs tests [17:58] dobey: trying not to do things like installing before I knew what the heck to install ;-) [17:59] ralsina: any specific reason to build the static lib by default instead of the shlib? [17:59] dobey: it's easier to run the tests in place [18:00] * dobey hugs libtool [18:00] dobey: hehe, it sure needs loving :-) [18:02] how do you dist a tarball with cmake? [18:05] dobey: well, I could use cpack [18:07] dobey: I suspect this is going to be annoying to package in that there is a library and a python package [18:07] it's not annoying with autotools [18:07] it's quite simple [18:08] dobey: I am sure it is [18:13] I wonder why the heck is setup.py installing u1todo when it's not in the package list [18:17] don't know [18:17] dobey: lp:~ralsina/u1db/cmake3 supports "make install", "make install-python" and "make package" that creates a tarball [18:18] you need to do "make install-python package" if you want a package that has both the library and the python package [18:18] or can do python setup.py install to just install the python stuff [18:19] that seems weird [18:20] dobey: the logical way to install a python package is by using setup.py [18:20] the logical way to install a C library is make install [18:20] this is just both things in the same folder [18:20] i don't see what installing has to do with making a tarblal distribution of the source [18:20] make package OTOH is a gross hack I will remove soonish ;-) [18:21] and mixing build systems is always pain [18:21] the logical way to install anything is to use a single system to do installation (which should be a system which can also do uninstallation) [18:22] dobey: it's two completely separate things. The only reason they are together AFAICS is because the tests for the C library run from python [18:23] well, it's more the tests for the python running against the C library [18:23] and because they are part of the same tree [18:23] yes, but there is no reason why the C library could not be in a separate tree, really. It's all a bit promiscuous. [18:24] So to install the library: "cmake . && make && make install" is enough and works [18:24] And for the python package, "python setup.py install" is enough and works [18:25] why does make install not install both? [18:25] And there is a tricky "make check" that builds both and runs the tests for both and installs nothing [18:25] dobey: because they will not be the same package? [18:25] yes they will? [18:25] dobey: why? [18:25] what do you mean by "package" there? [18:25] the python stuff works just fine with no C [18:26] debian package [18:26] the python package doesn't use the C library at all [18:26] and viceversa [18:26] binary package is irrelevant. if i grab a tarball, and build and install it, it should install everything [18:26] not half the stuff [18:26] I can make it do that, probably [18:26] actually, setup.py install probably does install the cython extension [18:26] but why would someone that only wants the C stuff install the python stuff and viceversa [18:27] no it doesn't [18:27] though it would be really nice if it didn't [18:27] it used to [18:27] I made it not do it [18:27] ;-) [18:27] ok [18:27] then they can install the libu1db-1.0-1 package from ubuntu or whatever [18:27] dobey: installing both together makes as much sense as installing your vala and the js implementation together [18:28] uh [18:28] if they were in the same tree, it would make perfect sense [18:28] we have divergent understandings of "perfect" :-) [18:29] But sure, I'll give it a shot [18:29] it's like pulling the entire mozilla tree, to install libnss3.so [18:29] in a much smaller scale of course [18:29] and besides, both the C and python of u1db are incredibly tiny [18:29] yes [18:29] if it wasn't for the weird testing dependency, they belong in separate tress, I suspect [18:30] i don't know about that. it's good that they're in the same tree [18:30] it makes it easier to ensure consistency [18:31] ok, back to making it do what we want [18:31] and u1db is small enough that it probably won't hit the same issues that ubuntuone-client did/does in this regard [18:31] oh right [18:31] tarmac [18:33] * dobey wonders if alpha2 image is done [18:44] dobey: does a tarball like https://pastebin.canonical.com/69104/ after "cmake . && make && make package" look reasonable? [18:45] dobey: there are a bunch of missing bits in the setup.py which cause READMEs and license files not to be installed yet [18:48] ralsina: no, that's installed files, not the source tree [18:49] tarball needs to be roughly equiv to what setup.py sdist does for python, and make dist does in autotools [18:49] dobey: yes. To get a tarball of the sources, just tarball the sources. Or am I missing something? [18:49] ok [18:49] * ralsina has yet to see a sdist that creates something that later builds a package though [18:50] huh? [18:50] dobey: 99.99% of the sdists in python are broken [18:50] 100% of ours are not? [18:50] dobey: Trust you in that, have not checked! [18:51] ralsina: well, we'd be hard pressed to have any users at all on ubuntu, if it didn't work :) [18:51] dobey: that should be a tarball with the generated Makefiles in it, right? === zyga is now known as zyga-afk [18:51] i think so, but i don't know what the standard faire for cmake is [18:52] dobey: ok, will research [18:52] for autotools it includes Makefile.in files and configure script, which builds the Makefiles [18:53] i think some of the unity stuff uses cmake [18:53] so maybe some of those guys have a remote idea about it [18:56] found a recipe for it [18:56] So, in autotools it's the post-autogen status? [18:57] basically [18:57] ok [18:59] there, make dist produces this: https://pastebin.canonical.com/69105/ [18:59] ready for cmake && make [19:09] cool [19:17] people (specially ralsina ) i need to leave a little bit early today, it's my mother birthday, and she is not living at 3000km anymore, so i need to buy a gift :P [19:17] gatox: pollerudo [19:17] ralsina, :( [19:17] gatox: sure man :) [19:18] gatox: go ahead, I would do the same thing :-) [19:18] ralsina, i don't buy gift since 6 years ago...... so........ jejej [19:18] it has to be kind of special [19:18] so, she's getting a car, right? [19:18] ralsina, yes, this one: http://www.collectobil.com/images/items/3739.jpg [19:18] jejee [19:19] hahaha [19:19] go man, moms always come first [19:19] ok.... i'm off see you tomorrow! [19:19] thanks! [19:19] clearly we don't have the same mothers [19:20] beuno: sure bro! [19:20] ;-) [19:20] heh [19:20] * ralsina tries to say it like Desmond from lost [19:20] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq_SURMi1Mo [19:22] sometimes I wonder how we haven't filled the internet yet [19:22] you should start all your comments on reddit that way [19:22] "Sorry brotha, but you're an idiot." [19:23] the accent just doesn't translate [19:23] maybe in italics... Sorry *brotha* ... [19:24] I think you need an h in there, brohtha [19:27] beuno: we have not filled the internet because we keep making it larger, of course. Beware of the upcoming internet real estate bubble when people realize we have much more storage than we really need. [19:27] brothah more likely [19:28] there you go, dobey solved it [19:29] yay irish accents [19:30] desmond was a scotsman [19:30] although all the time traveling may have altered his accent. Or all the nosebleeding. [19:31] the guy from riveshaft was the token irishman, IIRC [19:31] driveshaft* [19:31] or perhaps the token hobbit [19:37] ralsina: there's another hobbit that has of lately turned into a special agent. A bear one. [19:37] really? he does the voices? [19:38] yes he does! [19:38] ian holm? [19:39] I never got over Sean Astin appearing as a steroid user in 50 first dates [19:39] dobey: Sean Astin [19:39] oh [19:41] * ralsina imagines Sean Astin and Dominic Monaghan in hobbitware singing "(You All) Everybody" [19:41] oh, Martin Freeman is Bilbo in the hobbit [19:42] ralsina: looks like 3.0.2 is updated on the web server [19:43] awesome [19:43] Morgan Freeman would be much more fun [19:43] dobey: he does look like a younger Iam Holm, though. [19:44] alecu: indeed, if slightly taller [19:44] ralsina, briancurtin a quick review for you guys: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-1018614-darwin-raise/+merge/112493 [19:44] mmcc: got it! [19:45] mmcc: looking in a min [19:45] thx [19:47] dobey: what are the chances of having a tarmac for python3 running a twisted from a non-official bitbucket branch? [19:47] perhaps we can do it on a jenkins instance instead, and it would be safer. [19:47] alecu: I am intrigued by your request ;-) [19:48] ralsina: I've just seen python3 running the trial from https://bitbucket.org/pitrou/t3k [19:48] alecu: trial from there works, with reactors and everything? [19:48] ralsina, dobey: that means that *some* reactor is working too [19:49] i have a local branch of twisted with trial that does --help, but plug-ins aren't getting loaded [19:49] yep [19:49] FAILED (skips=1483, expectedFailures=14, failures=69, errors=1226, successes=4808) [19:49] his irst milestone "almost done" includes trial [19:52] cool [20:09] brb [20:23] mmcc: approved that branch. it just needs mandel's approval after his Needs Fixing [20:32] briancurtin: thanks. I guess it can wait until he gets back. seems unlikely to acquire conflicts... [20:34] mmcc: my real monocle is at the monocle-polisher's shop, sadly. [20:39] ralsina: hah. hard to find a good monocle polisher these days. they always want to use that synthetic monocole polish [20:41] yeah, i only ever use stuff made from dead stuff [20:47] ralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-infrastructure/tarmac-tweaks/+merge/112648 <- is that correct? [20:47] mmcc: yeah, and polishing with one's foulard is just not the same [20:47] dobey: looking [20:48] dobey: yep [20:48] * mmcc looks up foulard [20:48] ralsina: cool. feel free to approve it then :) [20:49] ralsina: ah, see if you'd said cravat I would've known. foulard is just too fancy for me. [20:49] mmcc: je suis francophile [20:50] dobey: I am EODing in a bit, so after that one merges can you set cmake2 to approved? [20:51] ralsina: well, after the tarmac instance gets updated with the new config [20:51] dobey: sure [20:53] dobey: CMake claims to be able to build .deb packages on its own but I suspect without tweaking the quality will not be acceptable [20:53] dobey: but it does accept tweaking [20:58] it's possible with autotools too, but i don't want to go there [21:06] dobey: guessed as much, those things are usually not very good [21:07] yeah [21:12] * dobey wonders what status to set for bug #1019013 [21:12] Launchpad bug 1019013 in Ubuntu One Client "Client dont save the disconnect " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019013 [21:22] anyone know if there's a builtin constant for environment variable separators? ie, ':' on unix and ';' on win32? obviously it's simple to do myself, but so is os.path.sep and we have that convenience... [21:23] os.pathsep is all i'm familiar with [21:23] (os.path.sep is the separator between folders, e.g, '\\' on win) [21:23] yeah, me too. a quick search thru os didn't show anything [21:23] thx [21:26] yeah, os.pathsep [21:32] os.pathsep and os.path.sep ... someone did not think that very clearly. [21:32] instead of os.path.sep use os.sep :-) [21:33] pathsep could have been envsep, maybe [21:39] I always used it as os.sep. Now that I know about os.path.sep I am going to have to check every time I see os.pathsep [21:53] mandel: if you have not left for pycon, please abstain in this review: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntu-sso-client/py3-winreg/+merge/111725 [22:01] briancurtin: pylint coughed a few errors in: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntu-sso-client/py3-urllib/+merge/112429 [22:07] briancurtin: also, this one breaks in 2.7: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntu-sso-client/py3-StringIO/+merge/112443 [22:08] ah crap [22:08] it has to be "cmake ." not "cmake" [22:09] briancurtin: 3 approves, 2 needfixins [22:10] dobey: yeah, sorry :-( [22:10] just noticed it [22:14] alecu: my mistake on the stringio branch, i probably ran it then looked in another window since i have 100 command prompts...getting out of hand [22:14] :-) [22:15] windows pylint didnt complain about those lint issues you mentioned :/ that sucks, easy to fix though [22:16] or rather, it complained about the ones that i fixed with disable/enable comments (until i ended up fixing them). seems like i have to apply those everywhere [22:19] ok, i need to run [22:19] bye dobey [22:19] briancurtin: ack [22:20] ralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-infrastructure/tarmac-tweaks/+merge/112662 to fix the cmake to cmake . [22:20] have a good evening all. i'll finish up the sso sru in the am [22:22] i'm heading out as well. see everyone tomorrow [22:34] ok, going for dinner now. will be back again later tonight. [22:56] * alecu leaves as well... [22:57] bye all!