
ychouchanehow are u !06:58
ychouchanewell i have found how remove dhcp server on my ltsp server06:59
ychouchanebut now i can't conenct the ltsp server on my network how do that please06:59
ychouchanealkisg, thnaks for u link07:00
alkisgYou're welcome07:00
ychouchanein this link i have found how configure my windows dhcp07:00
ychouchane now how i can"t conenct my edubuntu server on my network07:00
ychouchanehow i can add some fix ip on it please ?07:00
ychouchanealkisg, i realy don"t understanf i have delleted the dhcp server like the ubuntu wiki says, but he give ip on my new machine10:02
highvoltageychouchane: so currently you have the network section that's above the line on http://paste.ubuntu.com/1065986/13:11
highvoltageychouchane: if you remove the ip address info like below the line and change static to dhcp, then the machine will get dhcp from the network13:12
bencerhi all13:16
ychouchanehighvoltage, ok for this13:29
ychouchanebut why i have remove dhcp3 and edubuntu give some ip ?13:30
ychouchaneii give up13:39
highvoltageyc<tab> *sigh*13:40
Hyperbytehi voltage plz tell me i have just installed webserver 2apache but now edubuntu still doesnt work with internet surfing13:51
highvoltagehehe Hyperbyte :)13:52
highvoltageHyperbyte: we also get weird messages form the edubuntu webcontact form... like today:13:53
highvoltage(details removed to protect the ignorant) sent a message using the contact form at http://www.edubuntu.com/contact.13:53
highvoltageI NEED A DVD TAPE13:53
HyperbyteThat's it?13:54
highvoltagenot always sure if these people are just trolling. I usually give them the benefit of the doubt13:54
highvoltageyep, that's it.13:54
highvoltageand we often get things like that13:54
HyperbyteThere's this softphone I follow... registered to the list as well, SFLphone14:10
HyperbyteGreat softphone for business use14:10
HyperbyteAnyway... you'd be surprised how many people write to their website contact form about that they installed the app, and that they can't make calls.14:11
HyperbyteUsually this is because they don't have a SIP account / VoIP provider.14:11
HyperbyteThe program now shows a wizard explaining the workings of SIP when you boot it up without any accounts configured. :)14:12
stgraberhighvoltage: I pushed a few more updates to the edubuntu-server branch yesterday, mostly adding a new management tool (well, the skeleton of it at least), added automated manpage generation for the lot, some more packaging fixes and an upstart job15:48
stgraberso it now builds packages you can actually install (and enjoy seeing them do nothing at all ;))15:48
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
computermanI've went over my head and purchased a server (i really dont know why either) and now i have problems setting up the raid!16:23
computermanis anyone around to help?16:23
stgraberdid you try #ubuntu-server? I'd think you'd be more likely to get a quick answer there16:27
computermanstgraber: thanks: i thought #edubuntu referred to education as in help16:29
highvoltagewell people are free to ask anything in here but they might just be better off asking it somewhere more specific :)16:32
alkisgSure, I was just commenting on "i thought #edubuntu referred to education as in help"16:33
highvoltageyeah I couldn't parse that16:35
alkisgstgraber: the new epoptes version is supposed to work fine with ssvnc, if you have any arm hardware and can test it'd be nice (/me doesn't...)17:34
stgraberalkisg: ok, we'll test when we get the tablets17:36
stgraberalkisg: poke! (have they actually shipped?)17:36
alkisgI think highvoltage said they had some problems with shipping, but they solved them now?17:37
stgraberwell, RLNX had some problems with payment and zareason didn't want to ship until they were paid (kind of understandable)17:39
highvoltageactually zareason was very nice! they shipped it and said we can sort out payment later17:39
highvoltageso rlnx used the rest of the paypal limit to pay them a part and will pay the rest next month when the counter resets again17:40
highvoltagePierre-Luc asked them for a tracking number, which we'd probably get on monday because of the timezone delays17:40
highvoltageat least it's coming from california, so I suppose there's a good chance we'll have it by the end of next week17:41
highvoltagealkisg: I'll post you one the day we get them17:41
alkisgNice, thanks!17:41
alkisgI'll keep it around for a while to install edubuntu on it and then ship it to Phantomas17:42
highvoltagealkisg: could you mail me the address I should post it to?17:42
highvoltageogra_: and could you email me your postal address (for shipping the tablet to) as well?17:42
jbichastill being designed, but this is definitely something to look for: http://worldofgnome.org/lockdown-the-new-kickass-gnome-app/19:15
alkisgSounds nice :) And following the links, I fell upon that one: http://worldofgnome.org/uploads/2012/06/gnomevsubuntu.png19:23
alkisg...upstart => systemd, unity => gnome-shell, ubuntu software center => gnome software center... when does it stop? :D19:23
stgraberhighvoltage: looks like we had the quickest full EC vote ever ;)19:31
* highvoltage is an expert poker19:33
highvoltagestgraber: now we have to send a message to canonical about our intentions now that we at least have internal consensus19:33
zax1i am having a hell of a time with a fresh install of edubuntu on a dell d630 laptop... the wifi does not want to work. i tried reinstalling it but now i cant even see a wifi option up in the network option, help !@!22:35

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