
gmbfrankban, bac Said I should pass this on :) https://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/s720x720/293727_10150902819136845_208774280_n.jpg08:43
bacthank you gmb11:51
baci must confess i knew italy had beaten germany but didn't know they were up against spain next.11:52
gary_posterbac benji frankban (gmb sprinting) https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/ce53455e59c22e8108452c6d52293c8b4e481603?authuser=1&hl=en-US12:09
gmbgary_poster, bac, benji, frankban: I have a solution for (at least some of) the parallel testing under 2.7 problems. Yes, it's zope.testing that's at fault. Can one of you take a look at this when you have a free moment? https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/zope.testing/make-skips-work-bug-1019275/+merge/11276213:06
gary_postergreat, gmb!  bac says he will review13:06
gmbCool, thanks.13:06
gmbbac, If you haven't started on that MP yet, Jelmer just reviewed it for me.13:42
gmbIf you have, well, same message, but with more sympathy.13:42
bacgmb, great.  still on call13:42
bachad not looked yet13:42
gmbgary_poster, bac, benji, frankban Any idea why a buildbot-master instance wouldn't get past the "installed" stage?14:04
gary_postergmb, I'm afraid not.  And FWIW, it Worked For Me14:22
gmbgary_poster, It was using a different branch for checkouts... I've switched it back to devel and poked the config manually.14:25
gary_posterbenji, ok, I'm ready.  https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/36c7b753942b0839215fca6730a9a0a9b7356ce8?hl=en-US14:26
gary_posterweird gmb (IIUC) but glad you have it working well enough (IIUC)14:27
gmbgary_poster, YUC :)14:27
bacgmb, if you set a commit message on your zope.testing branch it should be landed by tarmac.  if you push changes you'll need to toggle the top-level approval.15:19
bachi frankban, in your MP at 213 and 216 it looks like you're calling 'apt-get update' twice in a row.  intentional?15:49
frankbanbac: let me see15:50
bacfrankban: oh, nm.  i can't read15:50
frankbanbac: heh, upgrade vs update?15:51
bacyep, sorry15:51
gmbbac: My branch can't land through tarmac, it seems:    raise Exception("Requires subunit 0.0.5 or better") happens a few times.16:11
gmbIs subunit installed on the canonistack instance?16:11
bacgmb: hmm, perhaps not.  let me finish this review and i'll check/fix it.16:12
bacfrankban: review done.  looks good but i made a couple of suggestions.  toggle it to 'approved' after pushing any changes you make.16:14
frankbanbac, right, thanks16:14
bacgmb:  boo -- http://paste.ubuntu.com/1066309/16:20
bacreally?  avahi and fontconfig?  and libthai-data?  wth?16:20
gmbYeah. Um... That's a fun dependency tree there.16:21
baci just don't get it16:21
baci mean, it has no impact on my life, but it still is deeply offensive16:21
bacAfter this operation, 24.2 MB of additional disk space will be used.16:22
bacDo you want to continue [Y/n]? Y-but-I'm-Not-Happy16:22
bacthe good news is doing stuff within the data center is mighty snappy16:23
gmbbac: Do I need to do anything once you've done to get the branch through tarmac?16:24
bacgmb: no, once i'm done i'll toggle to approved again and it should just work16:25
gmbbac: Cool. In that case I'll disconnect. I'll be at Schiphol before long...16:25
gmbSee you all Monday.16:25
bacyay, you16:25
* gmb -> exeunt, on a train16:25
bacgary_poster: i just had to restart tarmac.  it occurs to me that the next time that happens i should ask someone else to do it...spread the knowledge.  pretty painless but may require some local setup as documented.17:04
bacgary_poster: could you make us ops on this channel?  i'd like to update the topic with the tarmac IP address.17:05
frankbanbac: review commented, do you agree in approving the MP as is? I will investigate the symlink issue when I am back.17:10
gary_posterbac, I'll be happy to make everyone ops.  Do you know how, by chance?  If not I'll look it up17:28
gary_posterwhy is /msg chanserv help not doing anything? :-/17:40
gary_posterbenji, if you type /msg chanserv help, do you get any reply?  /msg nickserv help works...17:43
benjigary_poster: works for me17:43
gary_posterwill try rejoining, maybe17:44
gary_posterbac, everybody has ops, whee17:49
gary_posterbenji, can rejoin on hangouts whenever suits you17:52
bacthanks gary17:52
benjigary_poster: k17:52
benjigary_poster: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/553e533541af2146473369b5b184ced83f539c3917:54
bacfrankban: i think it is nicer to use os.symlink but that shouldn't stop you from landing.  feel free to update the MP to approved and let it land.17:55
frankbancool bac, thank you17:58
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-yellow to: https://dev.launchpad.net/yellow | http://launchpad.leankitkanban.com/Boards/Show/14028610 | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | https://devpad.canonical.com/ ssh tarmac@
gary_posterbac, could you hangout with us https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/553e533541af2146473369b5b184ced83f539c3918:22
gary_posterget me a repo and code and stuff18:56
gary_posterget me a branch to do stuff in18:56
bacgary_poster: my tarmac branch is at lp:~bac/tarmac/make_treedir20:09
bacit is doc fix and code fix20:09
gary_posterawesome bac, thanks for link20:09
bacgary_poster: do you use a scroll pad, magic or otherwise?20:15
bacsingle-swipe back-n-forth on kanban used to scroll the screen.  the update seems to have broken that.  kind of annoying as i have to go grab the scroll bar now.20:16
gary_posterbac I do20:16
gary_posterbac, two finger scroll in Ubuntu works fro me20:16
baccould be my choice of an aberrant browser20:16
bacor desktop20:17
bacgary_poster: so is the s76 being replaced?20:17
gary_posterbac not sure yet. returned today.  Will arrive next friday.  when I get money back I will be willing to act :-)20:20

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