
=== init is now known as Exio
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fasosè possibile avere kde su lubuntu? e come?07:45
Unit193!it | fasos07:45
ubottufasos: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:45
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rigeli have a lubuntu install that was originally set to auto-login to a specific user. i've aded a new user but cant seem to figure out how to not auto-login as the first user14:30
rigelthere doesnt seem to be a menu option  for it and i have looked on the lxde wiki but cant seem to find out which file i need to edit to change that option14:31
fillmanHello everybody. Did anyone used git and github on lxterminal. I always get error message when try to pull or push some stuff to github: Warning gnome-keyring could not connect.... and then it asks me for github login and password, it's just doesn't want to use my ssh key I have registered. What should I do?14:34
Unit193rigel: You using LightDM or LXDM?14:38
fillmanHow should I know that?14:38
fillmanoops that wasn;t for me I gues14:39
Unit193fillman: Not you, you're getting bug 93217714:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932177 in gnome-keyring (Debian) "XFCE (and other non-GNOME) desktops do not initialise gnome-keyring correctly / WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to PKCS11" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93217714:39
rigelUnit193: i dont know, i didnt configure this machine, where would i find that info?14:40
Unit193What version are you on?  COuld open lxterminal and type  dpkg -l |grep -e lightdm -e lxdm and see what it pulls.14:41
Unit193Hah, should haver just said   ps aux |grep -e lightdm -e lxdm  after all. :P14:43
Unit193Sorry mate.14:43
Unit193rigel: Still there?  Well, file for lightdm is in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf14:48
rigeland i can just comment out the autologin line with a # right?14:57
rigelexcellent thanks14:57
smile4abon appetit :)15:02
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smile4everbye :)18:26
n1ckn4me09876543is it safe to remove Language Support program if I'm not going to use it?19:22
n1ckn4me09876543 If you uninstall Language Support, future updates will not include new items in The Ubuntu desktop system set. \n Are you sure you want to continue?  The ubuntu desktop system \n ubuntu-desktop19:23
Unit193What package name? language-pack-en? You need that one.19:26
Unit193!crosspost | n1ckn4me0987654319:26
ubottun1ckn4me09876543: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.19:26
n1ckn4me09876543Unit193: its a program called Language Support19:31
n1ckn4me09876543if i uninstall that program will that remove english as well?19:31
n1ckn4me09876543Unit193: http://postimage.org/image/rtwilyjzl/19:38
Unit193Right, that is language-selector-gnome   and that by itself *shouldn't* be an issue to remove, but why do you want to?19:41
n1ckn4me09876543just removing stuff I wont be using, less clutter and stuff19:49
fluffyguySo far Lubuntu seems as best distro for "average" user (like myself).  Browsers (Java /Flash) work as intended, Empathy replaces WLM,SMP works as good replacement for KMPlayer (PotPlayer). Only thing I need is a good picture viewer similar to Picasa but google will help me on that . Great job devs.20:23
Unit193Thanks, though I'm no dev!  May take a look at gthumb, ristretto, or I think some use digicam?  Not sure how heavy the depends are, but it's a starting place.20:24
fluffyguyWill do.20:25
fluffyguyUnit193 ristretto does the job and its lightweight ,thanks20:31
Unit193Sure, it's had some great changes recently that make it nice.20:32
bulioeverytime I connect my digital camera in mass storage mode20:46
buliohundreds of lxterminal windows spawn20:46
buliowhat would cause this?20:46
bulioIts a canon dSLR, which I always mount as mass storage20:47
BigBendgood evening, I have Athlone 1800+ (1533 MHz), 256Mb RAM, video card: Nvidia GeForce 2 MX 400 64Mb , will lubuntu ok for this configuration or i should search some other OS that has less system requirements? thanks a lot20:55
Unit193You happen to have any more ram laying around?20:56
BigBendno :(20:56
Unit193Dang.  I have 512, but 500MHz so you may notice some swapping out, but maybe not too bad.  Try it and see what you think is your best bet really.20:56
BigBendI tried it with no install, but have some lags, hope when i install it will be better, thx Unit19320:58
Unit193LiveCDs aren't quite as fast, and you may get a faster install with the !alternate20:59
BigBendi am reading about alternate right now, thanks)21:01
Unit193bulio: Well, since no one else has responded yet, there's never a little window that pops up as well is there?21:02
bulioUnit193: yeah21:10
bulioit pops up first21:10
bulioonce I open the folder21:10
buliohundreds of terminals spawn21:10
Unit193Well, the camera isn't here right now so I can't exactly test that, and above that, there's a storm that threatens power.21:10
Unit193Sorry, don't happen to know why it'd do that, doesn't sound good.  I'd try sitting in a TTY and seeing if anything comes across logs or maybe just camp with htop. :P21:15

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