
burnbrighterCan anyone tell me why after juju bootstrapping, it is defaulting always to the same bootstrapping node?  What information related to juju is cached?00:15
burnbrighterI should elaborate, what information related to juju is cached/stored by MAAS or Cobbler?00:15
lifelessthey are separate layers00:26
lifelessmaas doesn't randomise node selection though00:26
burnbrighterI just asked the question over on the juju side and they said it was maas? :)00:27
lifelessdoing the node choice, yes.00:28
lifelessbut not remembering that its a specific way00:28
burnbrighteris node choice information cached/stored?00:33
burnbrighterok, I see what you are saying - no its not00:34
burnbrighterwhy is the same node getting chosen each time then?00:34
burnbrighterits not the first node that gets bootstrapped00:34
burnbrighterthat's what one would logically expect if the information isn't cached00:35
lifelessburnbrighter: lowest mac address perhaps ?01:06
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rvbaroaksoax: I've tested your package on precise.  The application loads fine, no signe of a wsgi error.09:41
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smoserroaksoax, looks like jeroen approved.13:01
smoserroaksoax, ping.13:03
allenaproaksoax: Want to talk about setup.py at some point?13:19
roaksoaxsmoser: pong13:28
roaksoaxallenap: sure give me a few minutes13:28
roaksoaxrvba: yeah.. that means something is screwed in my system then13:28
rvbaroaksoax: seems so.  I've done the test on a brand new canonistack precise instance.13:29
roaksoaxrvba: ok awesome, It failed for me to on a canonicastack, but then worked so something on my system is screwing it for sure13:29
roaksoaxDaviey: i'm ready when you are13:29
roaksoaxrvba: ok so I had to manually ship the enums.js cause building it buildseverything first apparently and gets stuff from pypi it seems13:36
rvbaroaksoax: I guess that's all right for now, just to get us going.  allenap wants to change how we build things.13:40
roaksoaxrvba: hehe yeah it is necessary for some part13:41
roaksoaxallenap: ok so i'm all yours13:41
roaksoaxallenap: I agree that what setup.py is doing now is good, though I personally believe it should build everything (or almost everythin) this way a makefile is not shipped13:41
allenaproaksoax: Okay, now I need a few minutes :) rvba, roaksoax: want to talk at 1400 UTC?13:41
roaksoaxsounds good :)13:42
allenaproaksoax, rvba: I've invited you to a hangout, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/30bec8fa14bb528af4c54648cfc5df6003d80c21?authuser=0&hl=en-GB14:02
Davieyroaksoax: i have a call now14:30
roaksoaxallenap: while you look into getting the enums.js being installed, I can look into installing other files I install manually on packaging14:31
roaksoaxDaviey: ok, let me know when you free to talk then :)14:31
smoserroaksoax, ok. so i'm still confused about how your maas-celeryd.conf job works.14:31
allenaproaksoax: Do you mean you'll fix lp:maas for us? :)14:31
smoserobviously i'm an idiot.14:31
smosereveryone knows that.14:31
smoserbut i do not think it is PYTHONPATH that is going to get the config found.14:32
smoser(grep PYTHONPATH from packaging branch shows only the maas executable. and the maas user doesn't even have a home directory, so its not something there)14:32
roaksoaxrvba: can you explain us how exactly celery works and how come it ends up sourcing the config file from /usr/share/maas?14:32
rvbaroaksoax: well, celery simply does "import celeryconfig".14:33
rvbaWhatever is one the path gets loaded.14:33
roaksoaxallenap: I'll fix setup.py to install those files I manually install from packaging, such as: txlongpoll.yaml or pserv.yaml, etc14:35
roaksoaxsmoser: ^^14:35
smoserrvba, 'path' as in PYTHONPATH ?14:36
rvbasmoser: Yes14:36
smoserthen i dont understand how that job is going to do this.14:36
roaksoaxsmoser: the job starts the daemon, which imports whatever is in the path14:36
rvbafwiw that's how we run it on a dev instance: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1066125/14:37
smoseryes. and there is no special PYTHONPATH for that job14:37
smoseri can only think that the upsart job is busted then.14:37
roaksoaxsmoser: maybe so, I haven't thought of that :)14:42
roaksoaxsmoser: I just assumed that celeryd will import from /usr/share/maas14:43
roaksoaxsmoser: the same way maas imports its config form there14:43
roaksoaxallenap: i.e. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1066136/14:45
roaksoaxerr e.g.14:45
smoserroaksoax, so i was hoping that you could just explicitly pass it the path to the file to load14:58
smoserbut it appears '--config /etc/maas/celeryconfig.py' doesnt work14:58
smoserso unfortunately, it seems that you will have to set PYTHONPATH to include /etc/maas14:58
smoserwhich seems stupid, to be honest14:58
rvbasmoser: yeah, that would be much more clean, but unfortunately celeryd does not support it.14:58
smoseras it would then have implications on any python that runs from celeryd or subproceses14:59
smoserrvba, is this 'celeryconfig.py' actually a config file?15:00
smoserie, would you ever expect for it to be modified by a user?15:00
roaksoaxsmoser: i'll include /usr/share/maas to PYTHONPATH15:00
smoserbecause if not, we shouldn't put it in /etc/15:00
smoserroaksoax, but that will have the same implications.15:00
smoserif its not a config file, then lets not put it in /etc/15:00
smoserand if it is a config file15:00
rvbasmoser: it's a config file indeed.15:01
smoserrvba, really?15:01
smoserwhat would be changed?15:01
smoseri'm reading http://paste.ubuntu.com/1066166/15:01
rvbasmoser: I assure you :).  As weird as it may sound.15:01
smoserand it doesn't seem like anything would be changed.15:01
smoseror, if the user had to change something, it would make sense to ake those chagnes in15:02
smoserbut i admit to not understanding anything.15:02
rvbaYeah, same trick we used for the django settings file.15:02
smoserso this one is not a config file15:02
smoserbut 'user_maasceleryconfig' is15:02
rvbaDepends what you call a config file I guess.  This configures how celery should work.15:02
rvbae.g. we want it to work with "CELERY_ACKS_LATE = True".15:03
rvbaThat's in that file.15:03
smoserok. i'llbuy that.15:03
smoserso, generally, though, i tihnk it is a bad idea to put either /usr/share/maas or /etc/maas into PYTHONPATH15:03
smoserwould not you agree?15:03
rvbaI don't.  /usr/share/maas contains the Django project.15:04
smoserso then that makes more sense.15:04
* rvba checks.15:04
roaksoaxrvba: yes, usr/share/maas contains the project15:05
rvbaNo, /usr/share/maas/maas contains the project.15:05
roaksoaxrvba: usr/share/maas contains the 'maas' project  :)15:06
rvbaAh, right. /usr/share/maas/maas *is* the project.15:07
smoserroaksoax, so in the upstart job, we modify the environment to contain PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/maas15:09
smoseryou dont actually have to worry about appending to pythonpath, becauase when upstart runs the job its not going to have any15:09
smoser(ie, you dont have to PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH}}15:09
roaksoaxsmoser: ok ;)15:19
roaksoaxsmoser: however, is it possible to set pythonpath in the upstart job?15:29
smoserwell, you could do it 2 ways:15:30
smoserexec env PYTHONPATH=... celeryd ...15:30
smoseror add15:30
roaksoaxenv PYTHONPATH='/usr/share/maas/'15:30
roaksoaxexport PYTHONPATH15:30
Davieysmoser: How did the config get in the python path?15:31
smoserenv PYTHONPATH=....15:31
smoseras part of the upstart job15:31
smoserDaviey, it did not.15:31
Daviey.. i happened to discuss it with smoser earlier... i was confused aswell15:31
Davieysmoser: so how did it work?15:32
smoserroaksoax, you'll see other examples in your /etc/init/*.conf of 'env'15:32
smoserits awesome.15:32
smosercelery doesn't fail if it doesnt find a config file15:32
smoserit just keeps running.15:32
smoser(it does warn)15:32
roaksoaxrvba: would it make sense to rename maas_local_settings_sample.py to maas_local_settings.py so it gets installed by setup.py?15:34
smoserceleryd really should have *some* way to pass path to a thing to load.15:35
Davieyit does...15:35
rvbaroaksoax: I've got no problem with that at all.  That file is only there to be used by the package.15:35
Davieysmoser: you can declare from the cmd line15:36
smoserDaviey, it takes a --config argument, yes.15:36
roaksoaxsmoser: I hit that too, but when I symlinked from etc/maas to /usr/share/maas, the warning was gone! that's why I assumed it picked up the config: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1066222/15:36
smoserand then it tries to load that thing by essentially 'import <that-string>'15:36
smoserbut if that-string is not in PYTHONPATH, it doesn't work.15:37
smoser(and you can't pass it a full path)15:37
smoserroaksoax, i don tunderstand how that could possibly work15:37
smoserdo you?15:37
roaksoaxsmoser: I don't that's exactly why it seems strange to me why celery works15:39
roaksoaxsmoser: that';s why I assu,med it sourced that path15:39
roaksoaxsmoser: you are welcome to install the package from PPA and see it for yourself15:39
roaksoaxrvba: ok cool then15:41
smoserroaksoax, you didn't see the error because it only goes to stderr15:41
smoserit doesn't go to the log15:41
smoserand upstart jobs stderr is going nowwhere.15:42
roaksoaxsmoser: anywyas, it makes no sense to continue argueing about this cause I already applied that to the upstart job :)15:43
roaksoaxrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_rename_settings_file.py/+merge/112800 please :)15:54
roaksoaxrvba: thank you !15:55
roaksoaxallenap: still around?16:37
allenaproaksoax: Not really. Is it urgent?16:54
roaksoaxallenap: yes and no, but if you could quickly review https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/maas_setup_data_files/+merge/112810 i'll be gratefull (as will allow me to continue)16:55
allenaproaksoax: Done, +1 :)16:56
roaksoaxallenap: thanks!16:56
* roaksoax lunch17:22
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
roaksoaxsmoser: would you care to review/approve https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/packaging_updates_bzr704/+merge/112837 please?19:49
roaksoaxsmoser: thanks20:12

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