[01:11] hello. netbook with intel gma 3600 loads to black screen, but recovery - resume normal and recovery - root - restart fixes it temporarily ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12055698#post12055698 ) . i have looked at logs - found nothing. i have tried to add "nomodeset" to grub menu item , has not helped... but at next start after starting with nomodeset it loads nirmally, as i remember... any ideas? we need gma 3600 driver just for correct resoluti [01:11] on 1024 600, and there it is, just there is black screen appear [01:14] qdb, it would be more productive to ask in #ubuntu-x, and submit a bug too. but the channel will be dead now, since most of them are home for the evenings or asleep [01:28] thank you [02:02] I'm experiencing segfaults when X starts on the most up to date Quantal [02:04] When I check the logs, I see an error: "fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0@1:0:1) found" [02:07] Hm, looks like I might have to boot with nomodeset [02:28] fglrx doesn't even use kernel modesetting. [02:31] hello can you help me to upgrade from ubuntu 12.4 to 12.10 rc1 please [02:35] Which file do I edit to change which graphics driver loads? [02:43] Under the system configurations > Additional hardware drivers (or something like that), you can disable fglrx [03:02] Daekdroom, X is crashing, I only have commandline access to this system [03:05] imnichol, 'sudo jockey-text' [03:05] Well, I'm not sure whether Quantal still has jockey. [03:05] yeah it does [03:05] But I wasn't running it as sudo [03:05] I tried it earlier [03:05] Thanks for the tip [03:09] When I run jockey-text as root, it just prings "Sesarching for available drivers..." and drops me back to the shell prompt [03:12] It's possible to pass a --disable=DRIVER parameter to disable it, but I'm not sure what name fglrx is under. [03:14] Hm. [03:15] xorg:fglrx or xorg:fglrx_updates according to 'sudo jockey-text --list' [03:17] well, looks like it's doing something [03:17] Just pegged the HDD [03:18] I could have sworn there was a file I could modify to force it to load the radeon driver instead of the fglrx driver [03:21] whoa, whoa, looks like it worked [03:23] Modifying a file is not enough because fglrx likes to overwrite a few important X.org components. === chu is now known as Guest51762 === viv`d is now known as vivid === Guest51762 is now known as chu === chu is now known as Guest39107 === Guest39107 is now known as chu === myrtti is now known as Myrtti === LJL is now known as LjL === KM0201_ is now known as KM0201 === elky` is now known as elky [11:15] Howdy all [11:44] Hi,, I am getting this error when I dist-upgrade since yesterday: /usr/bin/mandb: zcat < /usr/share/man/man1/pgrep.1.gz: Segmentation fault (core dumped) [11:44] *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/mandb: corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007fb3c8b31130 *** [11:59] any hint [12:02] edgy: have you tried a normal update upgrade today [12:02] philinux: yes, and got same error [12:02] nvidia-current is also broken for me because nvidia-settings cannot be installed [12:02] is it only me? [12:03] edgy: not seeing that here. Just had a massive update. [12:04] ok let me try again ... [12:04] I had to do a install -f to get a compiz package to install [12:05] I will paste the whole session if it didn't work so may be you can help [12:05] edgy: I doubt it. tra [12:05] try a dpkg --configure -a [12:18] philinux: dpkg --configure -a gives Errors were encountered while processing: [12:18] man-db [12:19] edgy: I would grab the alpha 2 iso or zsync yours and clean install [12:20] philinux: I don't want to make a fresh install if possible [12:20] edgy: you didnt do a partial upgrade by any chance [12:21] philinux: sorry? what do you mean by partial upgrade [12:21] edgy: using software updater [12:21] philinux: software updater? I just did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade [12:21] ok [12:22] edgy: why not clean install. This is testing [12:22] you get to test the iso [12:22] philinux: I migrated some data [12:22] let me reboot and try again === patdk-wk_ is now known as patdk-wk [12:51] anyone testing kde 4.9? === myrtti is now known as Myrtti [13:25] great idea for pusing python3 [13:26] now arch wont be alone any more :D [13:27] python and pygtk 3 ? [13:27] does python applications lloks like gtk+3 ? [13:27] looks* [13:48] ? [13:58] where is a package list for precise dvd [13:59] oops wrong chan === Cees_ is now known as Cees === yofel_ is now known as yofel [16:38] hello. netbook with intel gma 3600 loads to black screen, but recovery - resume normal and recovery - root - restart fixes it temporarily ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12055698#post12055698 ) . i have looked at logs - found nothing. i have tried to add "nomodeset" to grub menu item , has not helped... but at next start after starting with nomodeset it loads nirmally, as i remember... any ideas? we need gma 3600 driver just for correct resoluti [16:38] on 1024 600, and there it is, just there is black screen appear [20:50] Hello. I need help [20:51] Can somebody please help me with ubuntu? [20:51] !ask | tdjones [20:51] tdjones: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [20:52] I got bumped off the site. [20:52] Can somebody please help me with ubuntu? [20:52] !ask | tdjones [20:52] tdjones: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [20:53] I have two folders on my desktop which are locked. How do I unlock them? I found instructions on the Internet but they didn't work. [20:53] guntbert; the second time is that "See also !patience" missing ^_^ [20:54] tdjones; which version of Ubuntu are you running? [20:54] MrChrisDruif: I know - it would have been impolite :) [20:54] Ubuntu 11.04 I think it's gnome. [20:55] tdjones: the channel you need is #ubuntu [20:55] Yup 11.04 it says in About Ubuntu. [20:55] So you can't help me? [20:55] tdjones: this channel is for the alpha version [20:55] ok [20:56] guntbert; it's for the development version to be precise (haha, still gives me giggles this cycle) [20:56] MrChrisDruif: right you are - but I was typing with just one hand :) [20:57] And he got the hint ^_^ [22:38] So what's the deal with the Quantal cd image being 760MB? [22:38] Too big for a CD with overburn but so close [22:41] imnichol: the limit will be 800mb in quantal: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-q-one-iso-for-q [22:42] Ah ok [22:42] It's for USB drives, that makes sense [22:42] Thanks