
twobottuxauappdev: Quickly add Scrolling to Window <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157384/quickly-add-scrolling-to-window>00:04
twobottuxauappdev: Application won't run when installed in "/opt" <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157388/application-wont-run-when-installed-in-opt>00:17
Anxi80What is the path for accessing things like DVD drives?00:38
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twobottuxauappdev: Connenct a method for a window destroy <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157480/connenct-a-method-for-a-window-destroy>07:02
dholbachgood morning07:04
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=== Guest39107 is now known as chu
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twobottuxauappdev: Connect a method for window destroy <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157480/connect-a-method-for-window-destroy>08:05
twobottuxauappdev: How to set PyGtk toolbuttons label color? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157510/how-to-set-pygtk-toolbuttons-label-color>08:40
twobottuxauappdev: Problem with 'insert_at_cursor' attribute <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157556/problem-with-insert-at-cursor-attribute>10:54
twobottuxauappdev: Adding button to grid in Quickly <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157351/adding-button-to-grid-in-quickly>12:05
The_FredI have submitted an app and its at the review stage... how long does this take?12:45
zoopsterThe_Fred: open source and free (as in beer)?13:12
The_Fredwell, its half of a system13:16
The_Fredthe code for review is free and open, and is 'server' side for Ubuntu desktops13:17
mhall119The_Fred: so it has an open source desktop app that connect to a server?13:20
The_Fredno, its an android app that connects to ubuntu desktop13:21
mhall119oh, ok13:22
mhall119as long as the desktop part, the part you submitted, is free and open, then it will be reviewed by the community ARB team13:22
The_Fredaha , i see,13:23
twobottuxauappdev: Wikipedia lens example broken [closed] <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157364/wikipedia-lens-example-broken>13:23
mhall119The_Fred: it usually takes a few days, and they've been getting a lot more app submissions lately13:23
The_Fredthats good, i suppose its the app competition thats helped the surge :)13:24
mhall119yup :)13:25
The_Fredim very nervous because it the first time i've had to do packaging..13:27
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mhall119yeah, it can be daunting at first, but once you understand it it's really pretty simple13:29
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hakermaniaI have a little problem with my application, as for the indicators. I'm not programming in python, but in C++.16:09
hakermaniaThe problem is described here: http://www.unix.com/programming/191843-combining-qt-gtk-only-one-problem.html16:09
hakermaniaIf anyone can help..... Thanks!16:09
hakermaniaAnyone :) ?19:02
george_eI have submitted an app to MyApps but failed to mention in the remarks section that I had a PPA set up.20:45
george_eI've left a comment here: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1020/feedback/20:45
george_eIs that the right place to put the information?20:45
hakermaniageorge_e, what's your app? :)21:02
hakermania(i don't know your answer?)21:02
george_ehakermania: https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/1020/21:03
twobottuxauappdev: Set up apt-get remove commands in deb file (dh_make) <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157764/set-up-apt-get-remove-commands-in-deb-file-dh-make>21:14
twobottuxauappdev: forcing a redraw using python in gtk3 <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157767/forcing-a-redraw-using-python-in-gtk3>21:20
hakermaniagearge_e, nice one! We are developing an application for conversion between video, image and picture, but we will submit it probably tomorrow morning or later(we didn't want to have the idea taken)21:27
hakermaniavideo, audio nad picture* Lolz21:27
twobottuxauappdev: WebKit.WebView - wrap content <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157771/webkit-webview-wrap-content>21:32
george_ehakermania: Sounds interesting!21:43
hakermaniageorge_e, yep, there's nothing similar in USC (for both 3 of them) and users tend to go to terminal, something that we "don't want". It's will be something like FormatFactory for Windows, if you've heard of it...21:44
george_eIs FormatFactory similar to MediaCoder?21:45
george_eI have to confess that I've never heard of it.21:45
hakermaniageorge_e, yes, something like it, except that it converts images, too. http://www.formatoz.com/21:48
hakermaniaIt's free, that's why it needs funding, though...21:49
twobottuxauappdev: Quickly make amd64 version <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157784/quickly-make-amd64-version>22:08
twobottuxauappdev: How do I force a redraw using python in gtk3? <http://askubuntu.com/questions/157767/how-do-i-force-a-redraw-using-python-in-gtk3>22:21

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