
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
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=== chu is now known as Guest51762
=== Logan|Colbert is now known as Logan_
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=== chu is now known as Guest39107
=== Guest39107 is now known as chu
LordOfTimeanyone on bug control here?14:16
LordOfTimeor rather, can help me confirm whether this bug is invalid?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/101928014:16
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1019280 in metacity "[need-packaging] New Upstream Release" [Undecided,New]14:16
LordOfTimesince its already in Debian (they only give a link to the sid package)14:16
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
bcurtiswxLordOfTime, The currently Ubuntu version is lower than the one in sid it appears,14:29
LordOfTimebcurtiswx: its marked, needs-packaging, what it needs is a sync14:29
LordOfTimeis tagging as 'needs-packaging' valid for when a sync is needed?14:29
hggdhnope, but we can put this down as lack of knowledge from the OP. Just correct to a sync (or merge) as needed14:30
bcurtiswxIf it were me, i would close the bug and ask the user to use 'requestsync' from the terminal14:30
LordOfTimei agree with hggdh on this, but that's because right now my mood is such i dont want to close that bug14:32
LordOfTimeunfortunately, LP crapped out on me right now14:32
LordOfTimeso i cant do anything </annoyed.14:32
bcurtiswxLordOfTime, its entirely up to you. Your original question was whether it was valid, and it is. What you do from this point is up to you :)14:33
LordOfTimebcurtiswx: :P14:33
LordOfTimeits also dependent on LP working14:33
* bcurtiswx kicks LP14:33
LordOfTimebut unfortunately for some reason i'm getting LP OOPS things14:33
LordOfTime(timeouts everywhere from this IP)14:33
LordOfTimethe only thing i can see is my user page without a timeout14:34
bcurtiswxcould be because it's cached14:34
LordOfTime*notices a few emails sitting in his inbox*14:34
LordOfTime... ohh...14:34
LordOfTime"Network Maintenance"14:34
bcurtiswxhaha, i'd still be raged, just more patient14:34
LordOfTimebcurtiswx: problem is the maintenance window14:35
LordOfTime('tis a BIG WINDOW)14:35
bcurtiswxworks fine 'ere14:36
LordOfTimeyeah, the source is here14:36
* LordOfTime now has standard HTTP timeout errors14:36
bcurtiswxsorry you're IT doesn't like you14:36
hggdhoh, c'mon, IT does not like users, period14:46
* hggdh knowns, been there14:46
bcurtiswxit's true, i think they're trained to loathe every user..14:49
LordOfTimeexcept I work in IT14:53
LordOfTime:P *14:53
hggdhso did I, for quite a long time15:01
LordOfTimehggdh: i'm on ITSec though15:09
hggdhoh, even worse ;-)15:10
LordOfTimehggdh: heh15:19
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
TheLordOfTimeis anyone on Ubuntu 12.04 able to check and confirm this?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seahorse/+bug/101934117:15
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1019341 in seahorse "Seahorse GUI does not display additional-identity email information on PGP keys " [Undecided,New]17:15
hggdhTheLordOfTime: I am running Quantal -- it works (but with a slightly different interface, the emails are listed below the GPG keys)18:46
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  ah, well its a 12.04 regression then, because that existed in 11.10 according to a few people around here21:44
TheLordOfTime(and it existed in 11.04)21:44
hggdhTheLordOfTime: it does sound as a regression. But, as Seb pointed out, might not be easy to fix. The best, I guess, would be to ping the seahorse developers at seahorse-list at gnome.org21:46
micahgif it's a regression, it should be flagged in LP as such21:46
hggdhTheLordOfTime: also what micahg points out -- add 'regression-release' as a tag to your bug21:47
micahgalso needs targetting :)21:47
* micahg gives a task21:47
* micahg waits for the tag21:48
* TheLordOfTime waits for signal strength to increase slightly21:48
micahgTheLordOfTime: make sure to include a comment about it being a regression from oneiric as well21:49
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  i havent confirmed *personally* its a regression, as I skipped Oneiric (wouldnt run on this system)21:50
micahgTheLordOfTime: well, do you have a reliable source? :)21:50
TheLordOfTimemicahg:  hang on, i might have an old oneiric VM lying around i can confirm in21:50
micahgif it works in oneiric and is broken in precise, it should be easier to fix21:50
TheLordOfTime*backs up an old multi-name key for testing*21:51
micahgif it's broke in both, that's more difficult21:51
* micahg used that word easy too easily21:51
micahgas both precise and oneiric have 3.2.221:51
micahgotherwise both releases should be noted as affected21:52
* TheLordOfTime will have to personally test before marking that its a regression21:54
TheLordOfTimesince apparently this VM is exploded21:54

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