
jonomhall119, balsamiq00:05
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mhall119imbrandon: http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/02:11
mhall119it'll be on a blog post tomorrow morning too02:11
jokerdinohttp://meta.askubuntu.com/q/3566/25798 someone in AU community has suggestions for tracking developer tutorials..05:37
dholbachgood morning07:04
bkerensagnight folks07:11
AlanBellmorning all07:43
AlanBelldoes anyone know who runs the Ubuntu marketplace application?07:43
AlanBellit never listed my application, which is now up for renewal apparently, and it looks like nothing new is going on and everything has expired07:44
czajkowskiAlanBell: nope but will find out for you08:22
popeyczajkowski, I'm on it08:22
czajkowskiah grand08:22
AlanBellczajkowski: that would be great08:22
AlanBellI have tried several times in the past to find out who it belongs to as I would like to improve it08:23
czajkowskiAlanBell: popey is on it08:23
AlanBellso I see \o/08:23
dholbachLOL: https://plus.google.com/117485690627814051450/posts/dwhfM4feHYf11:58
mhall119AlanBell: I think ISD runs webapps.u.c13:12
hggdhballoons: pingly pingly13:44
AlanBellmhall119: there must be a business owner for that one, someone must be approving entries13:48
AlanBellI don't believe the application is broken, I think someone isn't processing a work queue13:48
czajkowskididnt popey already look into this13:49
AlanBellpopey was indeed looking into it, mhall119 added some other information13:49
s-foxHey people :)13:58
mhall119hi s-fox14:07
s-foxHello mhall119 , how are you? Been busy?14:07
mhall119but I suppose that's god14:09
s-foxDepends, are you having fun?14:10
mhall119most days :)14:17
s-foxnot bad thank you mhall119 , waiting for my entry in the ubuntu application competion thing to be reviewed.   never really bothered trying to get an app approved so fun experience14:20
czajkowskiAre you a technical writer? Want to work with amazing people and great team? Come join us! bit.ly/MFTzcU14:30
mhall119s-fox: I saw that, My Shortcuts14:30
s-foxmhall119,  :)  Did I do it right? I had loads of issues getting all the launchpad stuff sorted.   I found it easier to build the app than actually make the submission. lol14:33
mhall119s-fox: I don't know, I didn't look at it and I'm no expert on it anyway14:35
mhall119I'm just keeping tabs on the showdown submissions14:36
s-foxmhall119,  i see , no worries :)14:36
s-foxhow many people have entered so far? a lot?14:36
nhandlers-fox: I know how you must be feeling. I felt the same way while waiting for sponsors/ftpmaster to review a package of mine14:36
mhall119s-fox: 34 apps being worked on that I know of14:37
s-foxoh hey nhandler , not seen you for ages. everything good?14:37
mhall1197 have been submitted to MyApps so far14:37
s-foxnhandler,  i don't know if I am anxious, just concerned i missed an important step. i've never done this sort of thing before :)14:38
s-foxmhall119,  nice, great to see interest!14:38
mhall119s-fox: don't worry, the ARB will help you with anything that needs fixing14:38
s-foxbrilliant, thanks :)14:38
s-foxi am somewhat releived to know the ARB at least know i have something for them to laugh at ;)14:39
mhall119s-fox: 35 and 8 now :)14:41
mhall119the apps just keep coming14:41
s-foxnice :)14:41
s-foxis a list public yet of the entries? or will that happen after the deadline?14:42
mhall119s-fox: I'm just jotting down notes in a spreadsheet for my own use currently14:43
* s-fox nods. this whole competition is a great way for people to start getting into development on this platform :) personally speaking i have had to learn several new skills14:47
s-foxthis can only be a good thing, be that if i write an application again or if i try to help someone else14:48
dholbachhey jono15:00
jonohey dholbach15:00
jonodholbach, balloons, jcastro, mhall119 all set?15:00
s-foxhi jono15:00
jonohey s-fox15:01
mhall119jono: give me 2 minutes15:03
jonomhall119, np15:03
jonodholbach, mhall119, balloons, jcastro https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/6caab0a963cc469adf9cb164c1e70b1d72748e25?authuser=1&hl=en#15:04
s-foxyou know what would be good? if glade did more than  just the ui and allowed you to write code within the application.15:04
jonojcastro, balloons you coming along?15:08
dholbachmhall119, do you have the keys to the appdev propaganda machinery? http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2012/06/be-part-of-the-ubuntu-apps-sprint/ would be good to have on there :)15:54
mhall119dholbach: done16:07
dholbachand reddit'ed too16:08
dholbachthanks mhall11916:09
jcastrojono: call in ~8 min?16:23
czajkowskijcastro: jono mhall119 can we have some RT love please https://twitter.com/launchpad_net/status/21871292942241792016:24
jonoczajkowski, done16:27
jonojcastro, lets go now16:27
czajkowskijono: thank you16:28
jonojcastro, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/4e8284cf2ef624f5de82b3273ba15851059e9781?authuser=1&hl=en#16:29
czajkowskimhall119: thank you16:30
jonojcastro, you joining?16:31
jonojcastro, it isnt workin16:32
jonojcastro, let me hop on another call for 10 and then I will call you when I am driving out to pick up my car16:32
jonowill call you on the phone16:32
jcastrook, yeah good idea16:34
jcastroI don't have time to debug this.16:34
jcastroit's clearly on my end though, the plugin is crashing16:34
jcastrocyphermox: ping16:35
cyphermoxjcastro: hey16:36
jcastrohey are you on g+?16:36
dholbachalright my friends - time to call it a day and make dinner16:36
dholbachhave a great WE16:36
jcastrodholbach: cya!16:36
cyphermoxwell, I have G+, not on the page right now, wh16:36
dholbachbye jcastro :)16:36
jcastroseen this before ^^ ?16:36
jcastroI've seen where disabling N fixes some centrino 1000 problems, but never this before16:37
jcastrothis guy is reasonably famous so I wanted to help him16:37
cyphermoxwell, there are some drivers which happen to not play nice, yes16:37
cyphermoxbut that's not a bug report, there's so many different models it's hard to say like this16:38
cyphermoxah, that one16:38
cyphermoxit's not necessarily impossible that trying to use the card as a hotspot put the firmware in a weird state16:39
cyphermoxbut usually that would get cleared up in a reboot16:39
cyphermoxit definitely sounds like an issue that should be on launchpad and looked at by the kernel team, if not by some person who works on the intel driver upstream16:40
bkerensacyphermox: will kernel team even look at it though?17:26
cjohnstonmhall119: did you notice the database errors from ltp?17:35
pleia2mhall119: any luck getting a list of instructors yesterday for next week? (I checked the google doc and the dev showdown page, no updates yet)17:40
mhall119pleia2: still working on a schedule, it'll be Tuesay only though, nothing Monday17:56
pleia2mhall119: ok, thanks17:56
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jcastrohey mhall11918:24
jcastroor dpm18:24
jcastrocan you guys put your lessons learned on using G+ on the wiki somewhere so we can use it for Ubuntu on Air?18:24
mhall119jcastro: sure, I have it roughly done in a Google doc already18:25
bkerensa:P jcastro care to expense 500 trifolds? :P18:25
jcastroJoseeAntonioR: mhall119 has it in a google doc18:26
JoseeAntonioRmay I have the link for it?18:26
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: let me clean it up and put it on the wiki, a lot of it is old and not relevant anymore18:28
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: jcastro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/OnAir18:49
JoseeAntonioRmhall119: great, thanks18:50
JoseeAntonioRi've got some ideas to get over the shortcomings, and the problems18:51
jcastro<3 thanks dude18:55
bkerensajcastro: add your charm school to my OSCON schedule :)18:56
bkerensaadded* even18:56
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: the recommendations and tasks at the bottom are what we ended up doing, they worked well for us18:57
JoseeAntonioRgreat, so test sessions done18:59
mhall119JoseeAntonioR: 20 of them in fact :)19:01
mhall119balloons: are you using znc with irssi?20:01
bkerensamhall119_ and jcastro if either of you have a OpenPhoto acct and want a early Flickr import invite let me know :)22:56

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