BenjaminPratt | Hey I have a really quick question | 00:02 |
BenjaminPratt | (hoping this is the right place to ask) | 00:02 |
BenjaminPratt | is it possible to change how users are authenticated in LightDM? (use something other than username/password to authenticate) | 00:03 |
BenjaminPratt | many apologies if I'm disturbing or asking in the wrong place | 00:04 |
bryceh | BenjaminPratt, check the lightdm mailing list, the archives would be worth perusing | 00:04 |
BenjaminPratt | thanks | 00:04 |
RAOF | Also, the answer is “yes” | 00:07 |
davkbod-ld | Query - How do you change the display of a file window from Icons to list? | 00:12 |
bschaefer | davkbod-ld, if your talking about nautilus then View -> List | 00:13 |
robert_ancell | RAOF, what was that wayland link you sent me ages ago? | 02:56 |
RAOF | Um... ppa:raof/system-compositor-scratchpad? | 02:56 |
robert_ancell | RAOF, wasn't there a wiki page or something that went with it? I've lost the tab and not finding it in FF history | 02:59 |
RAOF | You mean ? | 02:59 |
RAOF | I've just resent the email for you :) | 03:00 |
robert_ancell | I thought there was something else, but I must be misremembering | 03:00 |
RAOF | I'm not sure what else there would be? I mean, there's all sorts of extra interesting information, I just don't recall what I might have sent your way ;) | 03:02 |
robert_ancell | it is gone to the sands of time | 03:03 |
RAOF | Fallible memory. It's... around here somewhere, I'm sure. | 03:03 |
robert_ancell | RAOF, btw, do you know what the plans are with XDG_RUNTIME_DIR? | 03:06 |
RAOF | Nope, but I believe we have one. | 03:06 |
RAOF | Failing anything else, export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp is an insecure but working option :) | 03:06 |
robert_ancell | yeah, I did XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=~/.runtime | 03:09 |
robert_ancell | RAOF, I should be able to just run 'weston' from a terminal and get a weston display on that VT right? | 03:46 |
RAOF | robert_ancell: If you're doing it on a VT you need to ensure that /dev/input/* is readable by weston; it's not setuid root, and those are normally only accessible to root. | 03:47 |
RAOF | robert_ancell: If you do it from an X term you should be able to just run weston, yes. | 03:48 |
robert_ancell | RAOF, so sudo weston should work? | 03:48 |
robert_ancell | yeah, I have it working in X, but running from the text terminal locked up my vide | 03:48 |
robert_ancell | video | 03:48 |
RAOF | sudo weston should work, I think. There may also be “weston-launch” in there, which *is* setuid; I forgot if I added that to the packaging. | 03:50 |
RAOF | robert_ancell: It didn't *actually* kill it; you should be able to chvt 7 to get back to X :) | 03:54 |
robert_ancell | RAOF, from a remote login? | 03:55 |
RAOF | Yeah. | 03:55 |
pitti | Good morning | 04:55 |
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didrocks | good morning | 06:26 |
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pitti | bonjour didrocks, ca va? | 06:34 |
didrocks | guten morgen pitti, I'm fine, and yourself? | 06:35 |
pitti | didrocks: slightly depressed and tired, but ok otherwise :) | 06:35 |
didrocks | pitti: depressed, why? | 06:36 |
pitti | Italy vs. Germany 2:1 | 06:36 |
didrocks | ah ;) | 06:36 |
didrocks | I was at a python party, so avoided footbal :) | 06:37 |
pitti | they were so nervous and anxious, they played hideously for the most part | 06:37 |
didrocks | oh really? | 06:38 |
didrocks | yeah, too much tensions sometimes… | 06:38 |
didrocks | and you lost your capabalities | 06:38 |
pitti | yeah, the press and everyone kept saying how we never won against Italy, etc. | 06:39 |
pitti | psychology :) | 06:39 |
pitti | anyway, Italy's team did deserve it, they play really well | 06:39 |
pitti | I bet they beat Spain with 2:0 on Sunday | 06:40 |
=== jml` is now known as jml | ||
seb128 | hey | 08:15 |
pitti | bonjour seb128, ca va? | 08:17 |
seb128 | pitti, hey pitti! ca va bien! und dir ? | 08:18 |
pitti | seb128: a bit sad about the German team losing last night | 08:18 |
seb128 | pitti, sorry for Germany, damn Italians ;-) | 08:18 |
pitti | but Italy deserved it, our team played hideously bad last night | 08:18 |
seb128 | yeah, dunno if that's the stress which caught up on them or what | 08:18 |
pitti | psychology, I guess; everyone on TV was repeating over and over how we always lose against Italy :) | 08:18 |
seb128 | they didn't really play their game | 08:19 |
pitti | no, they can do so much better | 08:19 |
pitti | but anyway, the Italians played amazingly again | 08:19 |
pitti | I was rather unimpressed with Spain on Wednesday, my bet is 2:0 for Italy on Sunday | 08:19 |
pitti | on that note, it seems there is betting going on in pretty much ever company, except Canonical! :-) | 08:20 |
pitti | my wife is on rank #8 out of 705, she's doing rather well in her company | 08:20 |
seb128 | haha | 08:21 |
seb128 | pitti, Spain is not impressive but they win, I put 2:1 for Spain ;-) | 08:22 |
pitti | seb128: I'm betting a beer at GUADEC that they won't | 08:23 |
seb128 | pitti, I'm in! let's see how that goes ;-) | 08:24 |
* pitti ^5s seb128 | 08:24 | |
seb128 | ^5s! ;-) | 08:24 |
Sweetshark | bonjours a tous | 08:38 |
mhr3 | i guess it's just slovakia who can beat italians :) | 08:44 |
mhr3 | right Trevinho? :) | 08:44 |
* Sweetshark was at a public viewing yesterday. it was really thrilling -- emotions running high. | 08:45 | |
* didrocks was at a python hackfest in Lyon, way better :) | 08:45 | |
seb128 | Sweetshark, hey | 08:51 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, there was not much suspense in that match though :-( | 08:52 |
seb128 | didrocks, python3 porting? ;-) | 08:52 |
didrocks | seb128: not really, just fun hacking ;) | 08:52 |
Sweetshark | seb128: if you were on a public viewing in Germany, there was suspense ... | 08:53 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, living in their own world ;-) or was the suspense "we will go back with a 4-0"? | 08:55 |
Sweetshark | seb128: no, it was shooting the ball forward and in in the last 20 minutes. | 09:00 |
pitti | Sweetshark: indeed, we've been in a Biergarten, too | 09:00 |
pitti | the last 10 mins were just crazy | 09:00 |
Sweetshark | seb128: people were silent in the first half as there seemed little to win. | 09:00 |
pitti | Neuer playing in front of the Italian goal was great | 09:00 |
dupondje | => I got a patch ready for audacious. Upload it now? Or wait for debian to fix? Or ? :) | 09:01 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1018087 in totem "Seek bar not working with left click" [Medium,Fix released] | 09:01 |
Sweetshark | seb128: but the last 10-20 minutes were crazy. with stuff like neuer taking the ball with his head at the middle line. | 09:01 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, yeah, I saw the match on TV ;-) | 09:01 |
seb128 | Italy was close to score a third one before that though | 09:02 |
pitti | yeah, only the offside rescued us there | 09:02 |
seb128 | they had at least 2 one to one opportunity, and I'm not even sure the one they scored which didn't validated was not valid | 09:02 |
Sweetshark | seb128: sure, thats the trouble with being behind. one has to play full risk. | 09:03 |
pitti | erk, how did I manage to break the retracers now | 09:03 |
pitti | seb128: ^ fixed again, sorry for the spam | 09:05 |
seb128 | pitti, thanks | 09:06 |
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chrisccoulson | good morning everyoe | 09:22 |
chrisccoulson | **everyone | 09:22 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, hey, happy friday! how are you? | 09:27 |
chrisccoulson | hi seb128. i'm good thanks, how are you? | 09:29 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, I'm good, though some days I hate users :p or at least the ones ranting for day on a bug because it's their pet bugs and you dared to put the importance to "Low" | 09:30 |
chrisccoulson | oh, which bug was that? | 09:30 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, | 09:31 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 996604 in compiz-core "When number of workspaces is set to 1, the Spread no longer works" [High,Confirmed] | 09:31 |
chrisccoulson | heh | 09:31 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, they are getting crazy because I said that normal users have no way to change the number of workspace so the config "1 ws" is not the most common one | 09:32 |
pitti | do they demand their money back? | 09:32 |
seb128 | pitti, no, they paid and want their issue fixed, giving the money back is not an option apparently :p | 09:33 |
Sweetshark | wow: | 09:34 |
seb128 | Sweetshark, that's a fake :p | 09:34 |
pitti | I can see it going into the upwards direction :) | 09:35 |
chrisccoulson | mpt - a while ago, you provided text for a security update restart notification on, but atm i'm having difficulty figuring out a way to decide if an update is a security update or not | 09:39 |
chrisccoulson | would you be interested in providing a more generic text? | 09:39 |
chrisccoulson | i could also do with text for addon install/removal/upgrade too, all of which require a restart (and which we can provide notifications for, now) | 09:40 |
chrisccoulson | and also plugins, but they don't technically need a restart. we just need to get users to refresh pages with plugins | 09:40 |
mpt | chrisccoulson, is there a problem with the current generic text? | 09:41 |
mpt | (Apart from the fact it says "Your browser", iirc, rather than "Firefox") | 09:41 |
chrisccoulson | mpt - yeah, i wasn't sure whether to just replace "Your browser" with "Firefox". this is the current text: | 09:42 |
Sweetshark | so, a few days ago cjwatson gave me this: for copy packages with binaries without timeout ... however I failed to use it. | 09:42 |
mpt | chrisccoulson, hm, that is a bit passive aggressive | 09:43 |
Sweetshark | I thought lp-shell is in ubuntu-dev-tools, but could find it there. so i just did what lp-shell does from reading pitti s post myself, but then I ended up with python claiming target_archive has no copyPackages member .... | 09:44 |
mpt | chrisccoulson, the problem with that text is that it doesn't explain *why* it needs to be restarted. What normally works, but won't now until you restart it? | 09:45 |
chrisccoulson | mpt - good question. it should carry on working, but we just want them to restart so they get the latest updates (whether those are new features of security fixes) | 09:47 |
mpt | chrisccoulson, I don't think it's important enough to spend a lot of time carrying a patch, but if it's no trouble (or if you plan to push it upstream), maybe use my suggested text minus the word "security" | 09:48 |
mpt | i.e. "You should restart Firefox now to install updates." | 09:48 |
chrisccoulson | mpt - oh, it's no bother. this notification is an ubuntu modification anyway | 09:48 |
pitti | Sweetshark: it's in lptools; doesn't command-not-found tell you? | 09:49 |
Sweetshark | pitti: heh, because of the lp-shell lpshell rename, I only tried tabcompleting it ... | 09:59 |
Sweetshark | pitti: thx | 09:59 |
Sweetshark | pitti: "Not enabled for copying to PPAs yet", any way around that? | 10:02 |
seb128 | lol | 10:07 |
* seb128 hugs pitti | 10:08 | |
seb128 | "From now on, can you please file new bug reports for similar issues? " | 10:08 |
seb128 | lalala :-p | 10:08 |
* pitti hugs back seb128 | 10:11 | |
pitti | seb128: from distro? no off-hand idea, no; but I thought you could do that from teh web ui | 10:12 |
pitti | err, Sweetshark ^ | 10:12 |
Sweetshark | pitti: see cjwatsons reply on ubuntu-devel ... | 10:13 |
seb128 | hum | 10:31 |
seb128 | something on the line didn't like the thunders around, I got disconnect | 10:32 |
and471 | hi, is this the best place to get dev help with something releated to indicators? | 10:57 |
chrisccoulson | bah, that sucks. just updated nightly and it crashes on shutdown now. in my addon code! | 10:57 |
and471 | or is that #ubuntu-unity? | 10:58 |
seb128 | and471, #ubuntu-unity | 10:58 |
seb128 | chrisccoulson, did you figure out the refresh issue btw? | 10:59 |
and471 | seb128, thanks | 10:59 |
seb128 | yw | 10:59 |
chrisccoulson | seb128, hmmm, i've not noticed that today actually | 10:59 |
ricotz | seb128, hi :), maybe you could take a look at vala-0.18 where the libvala-0.18-dev.install file wasnt renamed accordingly | 11:02 |
pitti | seb128: FYI, I targetted to "precise 12.10" milestone (it did not have a milestone before) | 11:04 |
seb128 | ricotz, can do | 11:04 |
pitti | seb128: with that stuff will appear on your page | 11:04 |
pitti | (and that works instantly, yay) | 11:04 |
seb128 | pitti, thanks | 11:05 |
pitti | seb128: do you think it's appropriate to target to alpha-3, or beta-1? | 11:05 |
pitti | this is a rather major change, so a3 would be good to aim for | 11:06 |
pitti | seb128: I set it to alpha-3 now, please feel free to change | 11:11 |
seb128 | pitti, sorry I was just checking calendar, etc, agreed a3 looks good | 11:12 |
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ricotz | seb128, thanks | 11:25 |
kelemengabor | hi pitti, could you move the tested precise language packs from -proposed to -updates? | 11:44 |
bigon | pitti: hey, I've a queston about apport, how is it guessing the Package in which the exec is? because I'm using apport here on debian and some of the reports are missing the Package field | 12:05 |
pitti | re | 12:09 |
pitti | kelemengabor: sure, getting on it | 12:10 |
pitti | bigon: it greps /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list, and takes diversions into account | 12:10 |
pitti | bigon: (it uses some heuristic shortcuts to make it faster than dpkg -S) | 12:11 |
pitti | bigon: is it only the package field that's missing, or most other data as well (such as DistroRelease:)? There's a very likely explanation for the latter | 12:11 |
bigon | ExecPath is present, I'm not sure about DistroRelease | 12:12 |
bigon | I'll check next time | 12:12 |
bigon | thx | 12:12 |
pitti | bigon: at the time of the crash, only the minimally required info is written into the .crash file (such as the core dump and /proc/ info) | 12:13 |
pitti | bigon: everything which can be collected when the crashing process already went away is deferred to teh time when you click "report" in the UI | 12:14 |
cyphermox | goof morning | 12:14 |
cyphermox | good morning too :) | 12:14 |
pitti | bigon: so if people just send you the bare .crash files after a crash which never went through the UI, you'd see that | 12:14 |
pitti | hey cyphermox, hoof are you? | 12:14 |
bigon | oh I see | 12:15 |
cyphermox | pitti: I'm good, how about you? | 12:15 |
pitti | cyphermox: quite fine, thanks! | 12:15 |
seb128 | cyphermox, gook morning to you as well | 12:15 |
seb128 | ;-) | 12:15 |
cyphermox | seb128: no thanks | 12:15 |
cyphermox | ;) | 12:15 |
seb128 | doh, gook is an actual word, wrong picking ... I was about to pick gooj but according to google that worth | 12:17 |
seb128 | ok, let's settle on the usual "good morning" then | 12:17 |
seb128 | cyphermox, good morning ;-) | 12:17 |
cyphermox | alright :) | 12:18 |
seb128 | cyphermox, thanks for picking up all the stuff I pinged you about this week btw! | 12:18 |
pitti | kelemengabor: done | 12:18 |
kelemengabor | thanks! | 12:18 |
seb128 | cyphermox, I hope you didn't get too much overloaded at the end! | 12:19 |
cyphermox | no, I'm alright | 12:19 |
cyphermox | I like having lots and lots to do, it's far more stimulating to be able to switch from thing to thing rather than stick with one probably boring task | 12:20 |
* cyphermox tries to do a major cleanup of his assigned bugs right now | 12:20 | |
seb128 | cyphermox, ;-) | 12:22 |
cyphermox | I expect to be able to upload e-d-s 3.5.3 before 16h00 UTC | 12:23 |
seb128 | cyphermox, how much will that break? ;-) don't forget to use quantal-proposed for that, we are past freeze but still it seems like a transitional thing and worth going through proposed | 12:25 |
cyphermox | yeah, guess so | 12:25 |
cyphermox | it will break lots | 12:25 |
seb128 | cyphermox, oh, good, I see pitti reviewed your python3 software-properties port, I was going to chase reviewers for you | 12:25 |
pitti | :) | 12:25 |
cyphermox | seb128: thanks. by all means if you want to look at it too ;) | 12:25 |
seb128 | pitti, thanks for that! | 12:25 |
pitti | I had a couple of nitpicks, but looks fine | 12:26 |
seb128 | cyphermox, I will have a look as well while I've it at screen | 12:26 |
cyphermox | pitti: btw, some of the things are code that I merged from the other python3 porting branches for software-properties, including cjwatson's | 12:26 |
pitti | hmm, why do we get hardly any crash submitted to LP today | 12:27 |
cyphermox | and the Breaks: was most likely just something I forgot to throw out as I was trying to build the package a different way at first | 12:27 |
pitti | I need one | 12:27 |
cyphermox | pitti: do you want me to crash NM ? | 12:27 |
pitti | I want to test StacktraceSource.txt; I believe I made it work again | 12:27 |
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow | ||
pitti | I could of course upload a dummy crash, but I was hoping for a real-life one | 12:27 |
pitti | anyway, I'll just wait a bit | 12:28 |
cyphermox | oh, there's an error in the NM hook | 12:29 |
seb128 | pitti, when did you fix that? | 12:29 |
seb128 | pitti, we got some report this morning | 12:30 |
seb128 | btw is anyone on quantal having stability issues with nautilus? | 12:30 |
seb128 | we got a few bug saying that it's trivial to segfault since recent updates | 12:30 |
didrocks | seb128: desrt: hey, so what do you think about this format for in session user migration? | 12:32 |
didrocks | seb128: no issue for me, but I didn't restart my session since yesterday | 12:32 |
didrocks | can restart nautilus if needed | 12:32 |
seb128 | didrocks, would be nice | 12:32 |
seb128 | didrocks, thanks | 12:32 |
didrocks | trying | 12:32 |
didrocks | ok, new nautilus running, let's see :) | 12:33 |
pitti | seb128: an hour ago | 12:34 |
seb128 | pitti, ok, I don't have more recents ones, let's wait then | 12:35 |
pitti | seb128: I turned the deb-src back on a while ago already, but the StacktraceSource stuff did not actually work with the new-style apt sandbox; now it does | 12:35 |
seb128 | good | 12:37 |
seb128 | didrocks, reset /apps/seahorse // recursively reset value(s) from this dir // only add if not in list | 12:39 |
seb128 | didrocks, I guess the "// only add if not in list" part is a copy error? does it apply to individual keys as well? | 12:39 |
didrocks | right, bad copy paste :) | 12:39 |
didrocks | I was wanting to mean "always succeed, do not fail is the keys aren't there" | 12:40 |
didrocks | yep | 12:40 |
didrocks | hence the (s) | 12:40 |
didrocks | I should maybe make it clear | 12:40 |
didrocks | if it's a dir, it's the whole dir | 12:40 |
didrocks | if it's just a key, apply the reset to the key | 12:40 |
didrocks | should be revert btw to apply on gsettings wording | 12:40 |
seb128 | didrocks, seems fine to me, I wonder if we need an extra flag in the move case for "clean the old location or not" | 12:41 |
seb128 | didrocks, though we can probably add a reset line to clean as well | 12:41 |
didrocks | seb128: reset/revert if at gsettings level | 12:42 |
didrocks | dconf-move should clean I guess | 12:42 |
didrocks | what do you think? | 12:42 |
didrocks | if we moved the key, we don't have schemas | 12:42 |
didrocks | move* | 12:42 |
seb128 | right | 12:43 |
didrocks | ok, I'm adding this precision | 12:43 |
seb128 | I'm wondering if there are cases we want a copy rather than a move | 12:43 |
didrocks | then, this vocabulary are just shortcuts for the most common operation | 12:43 |
seb128 | though I guess they are not frequent ones | 12:43 |
didrocks | so we can do them in script | 12:44 |
seb128 | right | 12:44 |
didrocks | if we see that we are other frequents case, we can make the tool smarter | 12:44 |
didrocks | have* | 12:44 |
seb128 | the question of leaving old stuff behind or not is always tricky | 12:44 |
seb128 | especially if you take into account the same user dir used on different desktop versions | 12:45 |
seb128 | like having a NFS home and connecting from your precise work box or your quantal laptop | 12:45 |
didrocks | seb128: yeah, it's not something that we really support (same user dir, multiple versions) already :/ | 12:45 |
didrocks | like tomboy changed its schema | 12:45 |
didrocks | we migrated gconf to gsettings once | 12:45 |
didrocks | not sure, it's really a tricky issue | 12:45 |
didrocks | or we should have versionned schema | 12:45 |
seb128 | right | 12:46 |
didrocks | but its a little bit out of scope for this tool as long as we don't have this support :) | 12:46 |
seb128 | well as you said we don't really support that | 12:46 |
seb128 | so let's not bother about for v1 | 12:46 |
didrocks | yeah, we can revisit this decision later on | 12:46 |
didrocks | seb128: no crash until now on nautilus | 13:01 |
seb128 | didrocks, ok, good, thanks! | 13:01 |
dobey | mvo: moin | 13:08 |
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bcurtiswx | kenvandine, 90 and 10AM, im scared :P | 13:43 |
kenvandine | me too! | 13:43 |
hyperair | O_o | 13:43 |
kenvandine | i got up at 6:45 to water my lawn! | 13:43 |
bcurtiswx | O_o | 13:44 |
dobey | heh | 13:44 |
seb128 | kenvandine, bcurtiswx: urg, that's an hot day you got there! | 13:45 |
bcurtiswx | seb128, forecasted for 104 here | 13:45 |
kenvandine | expecting 106F later today here | 13:45 |
seb128 | kenvandine, I guess it's time to turn on the ac :p | 13:45 |
* kenvandine just hopes the AC doesn't break today | 13:46 | |
kenvandine | everytime i've had to have it repaired was on 100+ days | 13:46 |
bcurtiswx | get a backup window AC? | 13:46 |
kenvandine | and always on a weekend... what's up with that! | 13:46 |
dobey | high: 101F | 13:47 |
seb128 | over 40°C | 13:47 |
dobey | whee | 13:47 |
seb128 | it's freaking hot where you live! | 13:47 |
bcurtiswx | oh yeah, i should have started with Celsius | 13:47 |
dobey | it's hotter than my cpu, outside! | 13:47 |
seb128 | dobey, start building stuff and you can reverse that :p | 13:48 |
kenvandine | hehe | 13:48 |
* kenvandine is building chromium here :) | 13:48 | |
kenvandine | maybe i should wait until after the sun goes down | 13:48 |
dobey | not building any browsers on my system anytime soon | 13:48 |
kenvandine | :) | 13:48 |
bcurtiswx | im liking chrome | 13:48 |
* kenvandine prefers firefox | 13:48 | |
seb128 | cyphermox, do you have any clue about he's talking nm config but that's over my networking foo ;-) | 13:48 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1018806 in gvfs "GVFS does not resolve to FQDN or IP address" [Low,Triaged] | 13:48 |
cyphermox | cute. | 13:49 |
seb128 | cyphermox, well, there is no so much network foo in fact, out of dnsmasq that I've no clue about but he says he's having the issue without it as well | 13:50 |
bcurtiswx | im walking to get my lunch today, maybe i'll sweat those calories off before i get there.. | 13:50 |
dobey | cyphermox: his proxy is broken | 13:50 |
seb128 | bcurtiswx, don't forget to take a botter of water to make it to the lunch place ;-) | 13:51 |
dobey | seb128: ^^ | 13:51 |
seb128 | dobey, how do you see that from the description? or is that a classic error? | 13:51 |
dobey | $ gvfs-mount dav:// | 13:52 |
dobey | Error mounting location: HTTP Error: Cannot resolve proxy hostname () | 13:52 |
dobey | in comment #4 | 13:52 |
seb128 | oh | 13:52 |
seb128 | well spotted | 13:52 |
cyphermox | seems reasonable; given #7 as well | 13:52 |
dobey | so something is clearly wrong with his own configuration | 13:52 |
dobey | i can open in nautilus just fine here | 13:52 |
dobey | and running my own server with dns/dhcp on my network | 13:53 |
seb128 | right, works for me as well | 13:53 |
seb128 | cyphermox, dobey: thanks | 13:54 |
bcurtiswx | ut oh, ken's already bit the dust... | 13:55 |
bcurtiswx | whew, we thought your computer combusted on you :P | 14:04 |
dobey | i'm sure mine would by now, if i had kept the nvidia card in it | 14:05 |
mvo | dobey: hello | 14:09 |
dobey | mvo: hey. i guess we should argue about the script name a bit :) | 14:10 |
mvo | dobey: heh :) sure! | 14:12 |
mvo | dobey: so as I understand it you don't like the idea of keeping the binary package name and the binary executable name the same? | 14:12 |
dobey | mvo: so nessita was saying you want to keep the script name as ubuntu-sso-login-gtk and have software-center build an ubuntu-sso-client-gtk binary package. and i don't think that's a great idea | 14:13 |
dobey | mvo: i don't see any good reason to not rename it to software-center-login and just ship it in the current software-center binary package, really | 14:14 |
dobey | mvo: renaming it and having it in that package makes the packaging transition a lot smoother and easier to deal with | 14:14 |
mvo | dobey: right, it I don't have a strong opinion either way, but my feeling is that its pretty smooth either way, i.e. the binary package build from a new source package with the same content should also be pretty smooth | 14:16 |
mvo | dobey: unless you have some concerns that I haven't thought about? | 14:16 |
dobey | well, i guess having two separate source packages in the archive building the same binary package with different versions and different files, in the same archive, is a bad thing | 14:17 |
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mvo | dobey: its ok as long as there is consistency, i.e. if s-c starts building a binary package with a higher version number, that is fine and ubuntu-sso-client stops building the -gtk package | 14:18 |
mvo | dobey: but like I said, no strong opinion either way :) it may well be simpler to just all merge it into the usc package | 14:19 |
dobey | mvo: but that has to happen at the exact same time, no? | 14:19 |
mvo | dobey: | 14:20 |
dobey | and usc is the only thing using it, and it's not part of ubuntu-sso-client any more; the implications of having the same binary package name are not something i want really :) | 14:20 |
mvo | dobey: ups, sorry :) it should be fine if there is a delay as long as the new binary package from usc has a higher version number | 14:20 |
mvo | dobey: I understand the concern about the confusion around the name though | 14:21 |
dobey | mvo: so can we rename it and keep it in the usc package, and update the calls to sso in there to include the preferred binary name to execute? | 14:22 |
mvo | dobey: yes, we can do that | 14:22 |
dobey | mvo: great! thanks! do i need to do anything to help with it? since nessita is on vacation and all the current branches for this are hers... | 14:24 |
mvo | dobey: its fine I think (unless you want to jump in), probably not going to happen today, but early next week | 14:25 |
dobey | mvo: ok. please let me know if there's anything i need to help with. :) | 14:27 |
mvo | thanks | 14:29 |
jbicha | anyone want to shepherd libzapojit through the new queue? it's needed to build the new gnome-documents | 14:30 |
seb128 | cyphermox, do you know what "web proxy autodiscovery" is? | 14:47 |
seb128 | jbicha, let me have a look | 14:47 |
cyphermox | yes, not supported ;) | 14:47 |
cyphermox | j/k | 14:47 |
seb128 | cyphermox, ;-) | 14:47 |
cyphermox | it's a mechanism that people can use to figure out what the proxy to use is, depending on a web page, or maybe SRV records in DNS | 14:47 |
seb128 | cyphermox, so that gvfs bug, the user had his proxy set on "auto" and g-c-c says that auto without an url uses "web proxy autodiscovery" | 14:48 |
cyphermox | ah | 14:48 |
cyphermox | would need to look at the code to figure out how they implemented it | 14:48 |
seb128 | cyphermox, I wonder if there is still a bug somewhere for that case | 14:48 |
cyphermox | it's possible | 14:48 |
cyphermox | or something we're not packaging/building ;) | 14:48 |
seb128 | cyphermox, let's not bother about it, it's rather a corner case and we have higher priority bugs | 14:48 |
* cyphermox adds it to the possible-weekend-work list | 14:49 | |
seb128 | cyphermox, or maybe you can just ask Dan how it's supposed to work? | 14:49 |
seb128 | just to know if you can get an easy reply on whether we lack a bit of infra there | 14:49 |
cyphermox | I'll just have a quick glance at g-c-c | 14:50 |
seb128 | cyphermox, ok, thanks | 14:50 |
seb128 | jbicha, not a blocker but you should open a bug asking for librest-deb to depends on its gir | 14:53 |
bcurtiswx | ok, im gonna attempt to make it to the subway for lunch and back, wish me luck :P | 14:57 |
seb128 | jbicha, NEWed | 14:59 |
seb128 | bcurtiswx, good luck! ;-) | 14:59 |
cyphermox | seb128: I think it's expected behavior | 15:08 |
cyphermox | if there is no URL set, it's probably falling back to trying to use http://wpad/wpad.dat, which means "try to contact this machine name any way possible, and use that default file" | 15:09 |
seb128 | cyphermox, ok, thanks | 15:09 |
cyphermox | with the implication that anyone on the network could respond "yes, use me as your proxy, let me learn about your credit cards" | 15:10 |
seb128 | ;-) | 15:11 |
* mdeslaur raises eyebrow | 15:12 | |
seb128 | mdeslaur, free stuff you can buy on the internet! ;-) | 15:13 |
cyphermox | mdeslaur: fun proxy settings that are slightly insecure by design :) | 15:13 |
seb128 | mdeslaur, it's "auto" proxy for you ;-) | 15:13 |
mdeslaur | cyphermox: what is doing this? | 15:14 |
mdeslaur | web browsers already do something like just needs to be done in a sane way | 15:14 |
seb128 | cyphermox, you scared mdeslaur :p | 15:15 |
cyphermox | libproxy | 15:15 |
cyphermox | the browsers do it just the same afaik, or maybe they disabled doing anything if there is no PAC URL | 15:15 |
cyphermox | WPAD is an actual feature though, despite it being insane ;) | 15:15 |
seb128 | pitti, gnome-icon-theme's not-in-humanity.txt is basically a "install-those-in-the-default-set" right? i.e we can add stuff which are in humanity to the set? | 15:16 |
bcurtiswx | im alive :D | 15:36 |
seb128 | bcurtiswx, you managed to not melt on the way to lunch, good ;-) | 15:37 |
bcurtiswx | did I feel like I wanted to melt, yes.. | 15:37 |
bcurtiswx | ICYWW: | 15:39 |
cyphermox | didrocks: still around? | 15:55 |
didrocks | cyphermox: yep | 15:56 |
cyphermox | I'm sure you're already aware of compiz-gnome trying to overwrite files that belong to libcompizconfig0? | 15:57 |
cyphermox | I just sucked at upgrading this computer I guess ;) | 15:57 |
didrocks | cyphermox: hum nobody mentionned it in fact :) | 15:58 |
cyphermox | | 15:58 |
didrocks | cyphermox: do you have the trace of the upgrade exactly? | 15:58 |
cyphermox | | 15:58 |
didrocks | thanks | 15:58 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1019270 in compiz "package compiz-gnome 1: failed to install/upgrade: a tentar sobre-escrever '/usr/share/gconf/schemas/compiz-ccp.schemas', que também está no pacote libcompizconfig0" [Undecided,New] | 15:58 |
didrocks | excellent! | 15:58 |
cyphermox | also | 15:58 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 1019248 in compiz "package compiz-gnome 1:0.9.8+bzr3249-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gconf/schemas/compiz-ccp.schemas', which is also in package libcompizconfig0" [Undecided,New] | 15:58 |
cyphermox | apt-get -f install fixes it, too | 15:59 |
mterry | didrocks, you're an archive admin, right? Want to do me a favor? I have ubuntu-release-upgrader in NEW (quantal-proposed). I'd like it looked over and approved/promoted to main (it's just a split of code from update-manager) if you have the time. Else I can bug someone else :) | 16:01 |
didrocks | mterry: let me fix the compiz issue first, and then on that | 16:02 |
mterry | didrocks, no rush! | 16:02 |
bcurtiswx | will someone add a precise task for bug #1018784 for me? | 16:09 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 1018784 in empathy "[SRU Precise] update to" [Wishlist,Fix released] | 16:09 |
didrocks | cyphermox: fixed, thanks! | 16:11 |
didrocks | funny, lintian complains about the testsuite flag in control | 16:13 |
didrocks | even if it's XS- | 16:13 |
didrocks | mterry: hum, you have some missing copyright | 16:15 |
didrocks | see DistUpgrade/ and DistUpgrade/NvidiaDetector/ | 16:15 |
mterry | didrocks, oh crap, /me looks | 16:15 |
didrocks | also DistUpgrade/ | 16:16 |
bcurtiswx | whats that desktop package tracker again? | 16:16 |
didrocks | bcurtiswx: | 16:17 |
bcurtiswx | didrocks, ty :) | 16:21 |
didrocks | bcurtiswx: yw :) | 16:22 |
didrocks | mterry: man, this debian/rules is closed to insanity :) | 16:22 |
didrocks | ubuntu-release-upgrader-qt doesn't dep on python3-distupgrade? | 16:23 |
mterry | didrocks, yes :) It's cut-pasted from update-manager though, so update-manager got less complicated! | 16:26 |
didrocks | mterry: ahah, it's a way to see it :p | 16:26 |
didrocks | mterry: for qt (which seems to use python) not depending on python3-distupgrade, this is wanted? | 16:26 |
mterry | didrocks, -qt only has a shell script that calls another script in -core, plus some .ui files | 16:26 |
didrocks | ah ok, as I saw some python-qt dep, I was wondering | 16:27 |
mterry | didrocks, well, it provides the deps needed to use the qt stuff in python3-distupgrade | 16:27 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine, you were going to take care of syncing folks, right? | 16:27 |
didrocks | ok, ok | 16:27 |
mterry | python3-distupgrade has gtk and qt code in it, but leaves the deps for that in the parent packages | 16:27 |
didrocks | nice to see the test suite running :) | 16:27 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, or updating it if needed it | 16:27 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, did it get updated in debian? | 16:27 |
didrocks | mterry: no, I mean, that -gtk dep on python3-distupgrade | 16:28 |
didrocks | mterry: not the -qt one | 16:28 |
didrocks | but -core dep on it | 16:28 |
didrocks | so there is some code of uneeded dep on -gtk :) | 16:28 |
didrocks | but that's ok anyway ;) | 16:28 |
didrocks | the transition looks good | 16:28 |
mterry | didrocks, ah, that's just because -gtk uses the python calls directly too | 16:28 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine, according to the website of packages, folks-0.6.9-1build1 --> | 16:28 |
didrocks | buildling | 16:28 |
kenvandine | great | 16:29 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, i'll sync it | 16:29 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine, great, thanks :) | 16:29 |
didrocks | mterry: oh, lintian in fact confirms that it doesn't like the circular dep :) | 16:30 |
didrocks | W: ubuntu-release-upgrader source: intra-source-package-circular-dependency python3-distupgrade ubuntu-release-upgrader-core | 16:30 |
didrocks | maybe worth avoiding it then? | 16:30 |
didrocks | also: | 16:30 |
didrocks | E: ubuntu-release-upgrader-core: python-script-but-no-python-dep usr/bin/do-release-upgrade | 16:30 |
didrocks | E: ubuntu-release-upgrader-core: python-script-but-no-python-dep usr/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/do-partial-upgrade | 16:30 |
didrocks | you need some ${python:Depends} in it, maybe | 16:31 |
didrocks | that's coming for the previous package I bet, but better to fix them now :) | 16:31 |
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga | ||
mterry | didrocks, OK, I have fixed up the copyright stuff, let me see these | 16:32 |
cyphermox | Laney: hey | 16:32 |
cyphermox | Laney: am I supposed to be able to build ben on quantal for the transition tracker? there's a bunch of ocaml packages uninstallable | 16:32 |
didrocks | mterry: I'm rejecting the current package btw | 16:32 |
mterry | didrocks, QQ | 16:33 |
mterry | didrocks, OK, fixed those issues | 16:34 |
didrocks | waow, same url? | 16:34 |
didrocks | ah no | 16:34 |
didrocks | no bzr branch :) | 16:34 |
* didrocks got used to it ;) | 16:34 | |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine, so what were we waiting for to get 3.5.3 in quantal ? was it folks? | 16:34 |
didrocks | mterry: the FHS seems fine other, please reupload | 16:34 |
didrocks | mterry: if you have a diff for me, that would be even nicer! | 16:35 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, just folks | 16:35 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, where did you see the folks update? | 16:35 |
bcurtiswx | | 16:35 |
kenvandine | oh | 16:35 |
kenvandine | ok | 16:35 |
kenvandine | that isn't the debian version then | 16:35 |
kenvandine | latest in debian is still 0.6.9 | 16:36 |
kenvandine | i'll update it myself | 16:36 |
bcurtiswx | Oh, I get that chart now | 16:36 |
bcurtiswx | I can update it too, i just didn't want to push a package ahead of debian | 16:36 |
bcurtiswx | thought it was a no-no | 16:37 |
kenvandine | do you have time ? | 16:37 |
mterry | didrocks, | 16:37 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine, yup | 16:38 |
kenvandine | it'll probably be a soname bump and transition | 16:38 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, i just checked, 101F in the shade on my back deck! | 16:38 |
kenvandine | ridiculous! | 16:38 |
didrocks | mterry: hum | 16:39 |
didrocks | mterry: Copyright: 2005 Gustavo Noronha Silva <> in DistUpgrade/ | 16:39 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine, it's scary when we both use the same word at the same time like that.. please lets not do this again | 16:39 |
kenvandine | hehe | 16:39 |
mterry | didrocks, guh, missed that | 16:40 |
mterry | stupid copyright | 16:40 |
didrocks | mterry: in debian/tmp/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/DistUpgrade/ | 16:40 |
didrocks | as well | 16:40 |
didrocks | mterry: yeah, same for me :/ | 16:40 |
didrocks | mterry: imagine the merge of compiz copyright (the 8 sources in 1) | 16:40 |
mterry | didrocks, well that latter is just the built version | 16:40 |
mterry | didrocks, :) | 16:40 |
didrocks | was some great hours of fun! | 16:40 |
didrocks | ooops | 16:41 |
didrocks | yeah, noises in my licencecheck | 16:41 |
didrocks | ok ;) | 16:41 |
didrocks | seems only that one missing | 16:41 |
didrocks | and then, we're fine | 16:41 |
mterry | OK, will upload a version with that fixed too | 16:41 |
didrocks | ok, upload directly, I'm trusting you that you are doing the change :) | 16:42 |
mterry | didrocks, I still want to upload to -proposed so that I can move update-manager, update-notifier, and this one in lockstep | 16:44 |
mterry | didrocks, but once it gets built, I'll want a push from proposed to release | 16:44 |
Laney | cyphermox: in general, but I can't account for all packages all of the time :-) | 16:46 |
cyphermox | Laney: no; mostly just curious if you knew about it ;) | 16:46 |
Laney | | 16:46 |
Laney | maybe something there? | 16:46 |
cyphermox | well the two packages I ran into so far are there yes | 16:47 |
didrocks | mterry: yeah, I can do it, but we let that to the release team who check the queue regularly | 16:47 |
cyphermox | thanks | 16:47 |
didrocks | mterry: so, i'll accept both the source and then the binary in main proposed | 16:47 |
Laney | cyphermox: just a transition then, would be good if you could no-change rebuild/upload them | 16:47 |
didrocks | then, the release team will migrate both to release | 16:47 |
mterry | didrocks, k! | 16:47 |
cyphermox | Laney: yeah was planning to fix it enough so that I can build the tracker locally | 16:47 |
Laney | maybe point +1 to the rest of the packages | 16:47 |
cyphermox | Laney: then I'd be curious how much work it would be to be able to track things in -proposed to each with completing transitions there, unless that's already taken into account | 16:48 |
didrocks | mterry: just tell me once it's in the queue | 16:48 |
mterry | didrocks, sure | 16:49 |
mterry | didrocks, this takes a while to build source of | 16:49 |
Laney | cyphermox: The new ben (which should be deployed RSN™) is in lp:ubuntu-transition-trackers | 16:49 |
didrocks | yeah, I noticed that | 16:49 |
cyphermox | weee | 16:49 |
Laney | don't spend much time beating on the old code | 16:49 |
cyphermox | Laney: I'd like to maybe do most of the e-d-s transition in proposed. | 16:49 |
Laney | s/trackers/tracker/ | 16:49 |
Laney | sure, that's a good idea | 16:50 |
Laney | might be as simple as adding a new 'download' file | 16:51 |
Laney | not sure though; would be good to fin dout | 16:51 |
cyphermox | Laney: my new download file is written, but I think it's not going to work since the packages are listed based on arch | 16:52 |
cyphermox | though I guess I might be lucky and have a pacakge in -proposed override the version found in - and everything magically work :) | 16:53 |
Laney | I'm just not sure that partial suites is a use-case that the authors cared for | 16:53 |
cyphermox | right | 16:53 |
Laney | unless of course they were interested in transitions in experimental | 16:54 |
cyphermox | it's software, it can be fixed | 16:54 |
cyphermox | just maybe not by me | 16:54 |
Laney | you know, I'll just ask him :P | 16:54 |
mterry | didrocks, it's back in proposed | 16:58 |
Laney | cyphermox: So, it doesn't handle it, but you can probably cat the Packages/Sources files together and have that work | 16:59 |
Laney | skipping the 'download' step in ben itself | 17:00 |
cyphermox | ok | 17:00 |
didrocks | mterry: source accepted, I'll bin NEW it after some exercice :) | 17:01 |
mterry | "Can you split DistUpgrade out of update-manager," they said! "It'll be easy," they said! | 17:04 |
mterry | (not your fault, just getting to this point was a lot more work than I expected. :) | 17:04 |
didrocks | heh ;) | 17:08 |
didrocks | ok, really running out now, will bin NEW in ~40 minutes if published | 17:08 |
didrocks | won't connect back, /me waves a good evening and week-end! | 17:11 |
* kenvandine gives mterry a high five | 17:30 | |
kenvandine | mterry, that certainly wasn't a small task :) | 17:30 |
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mterry | kenvandine, thanks for the reviews you did. Now I'm mostly clear for my +1-maint month | 17:32 |
* mterry goes and gets lunch | 17:32 | |
kenvandine | enjoy! | 17:32 |
bcurtiswx | gj mterry | 17:32 |
bcurtiswx | i was just about to ping seb.. lol | 17:35 |
bcurtiswx | whoever maintains the versions page should know that the upstream links are all broken | 17:35 |
bcurtiswx | well most are wrong | 17:35 |
jbicha | bcurtiswx: robert_ancell has been doing a lot of work to the versions page | 17:45 |
bcurtiswx | jbicha, thanks I'll ping him next time i see him | 17:46 |
jbicha | unfortunately it takes a long time to regenerate the page which makes it a bit annoying to test fixes | 17:46 |
jbicha | (see the fine print at the bottom of the page) | 17:46 |
bcurtiswx | jbicha, dieing from heat exhaustion yet in SC ? | 17:46 |
jbicha | haha, my phone says it's 100 now, but predicted high is 108 today, 109 tomorrow and 106 on Sunday | 17:48 |
jbicha | the low today was 77 though which is not too bad | 17:49 |
kenvandine | bcurtiswx, did you find the build failure for folks? | 17:50 |
kenvandine | Requested 'libebook-1.2 >= 3.5.3' but version of libebook is 3.4.3 | 17:50 |
bcurtiswx | actually i was trying to figure out how to get pbuilder to save the build-dep installs for empathy/folks/temepathy* so it saves on build test time | 17:50 |
bcurtiswx | kenvandine, so not yet | 17:50 |
kenvandine | and i noticed in the NEWS file | 17:51 |
kenvandine | • evolution-data-server ≥ 3.5.4 | 17:51 |
kenvandine | we aren't there yet :/ | 17:51 |
kenvandine | cyphermox, so what's the story with eds 3.5.x? | 17:54 |
kenvandine | cyphermox, libfolks 0.7.x needs it, and empathy 3.5.3 needs libfolks 0.7.1 | 17:55 |
cyphermox | kenvandine: in progress, but it will happen in -proposed first to try and not break everything | 18:08 |
popey | cjohnston, is it possible to disable the ubiquity feature which does the repacking of debs before installing? | 18:09 |
popey | drat, wrong cj* | 18:09 |
kenvandine | cyphermox, great | 18:09 |
kenvandine | cyphermox, can you ping me when it starts to land? | 18:09 |
cyphermox | sure | 18:10 |
cyphermox | you know, there are no 3.5.4 tarballs yet though | 18:10 |
kenvandine | thx | 18:10 |
kenvandine | i suspect there will be soon :) | 18:11 |
kenvandine | all i really need is folks 0.7.1 which needs 3.5.3 | 18:11 |
cyphermox | sure | 18:11 |
kenvandine | but folks 0.7.2 is out already which needs 3.5.4 | 18:11 |
cyphermox | libfolks is one of the things that needs to be rebuilt once I upload e-d-s anyway so we can ship that with -rpoposed as well | 18:11 |
cyphermox | ok | 18:11 |
kenvandine | cyphermox, that is what i was thinking | 18:11 |
kenvandine | i could update it in -proposed once enough of the build depends land there | 18:12 |
cyphermox | are you missing other things than libfolks? | 18:12 |
kenvandine | nope | 18:13 |
bcurtiswx | well todays record high was completely shattered | 18:19 |
bcurtiswx | was 101, we're at 102 (Before heat index) | 18:19 |
bcurtiswx | 109/110 with heat index | 18:20 |
bcurtiswx | i have to at least experience this first hand, brb | 18:20 |
bcurtiswx | yeah, wow, it's so much worse then lunch time.. i could barely breathe outside | 18:30 |
cyphermox | Laney: ben also doesn't build on quantal :) | 18:47 |
Laney | uh oh | 18:48 |
cyphermox | easy enough fix, if I did it right :) | 18:49 |
cyphermox | does this make sense? | 18:49 |
* cyphermox knows less than nothing about ocaml | 18:50 | |
Laney | I can't tell by just looking at that patch, but that could be reasonable | 18:50 |
Laney | which branch were you building? | 18:51 |
cyphermox | that's pretty much the question I was asking, sorry | 18:51 |
cyphermox | that was lp:ubuntu-transition-tracker | 18:51 |
cyphermox | afaict lp:~ubuntu-transition-trackers/+junk/transition-tracker has the same issue | 18:51 |
cyphermox | I built lp: then copied the files over to lp:~ | 18:51 |
cyphermox | yeah, seems happy now. | 18:53 |
cyphermox | lp:~mathieu-tl/+junk/transition-tracker if you're interested | 18:55 |
Laney | cyphermox: style in ben seems to be to fully qualify | 18:55 |
Laney | so | 18:55 |
Laney | let's check if it's upstream already | 18:55 |
cyphermox | oops | 18:55 |
Laney | (that is | 18:55 |
Laney | | 18:56 |
Laney | :-) | 18:56 |
cyphermox | ah, fun. I thought that was precisely lp:ubuntu-transition-tracker | 18:56 |
Laney | nah, there are some ubuntu customisations | 18:56 |
Laney | mainly branding | 18:56 |
cyphermox | ah I see | 18:57 |
Laney | they also introduced some new deps that we'd have to get IS to install … | 18:57 |
Laney | so I've been stalling on merging it up | 18:57 |
cyphermox | well, at least I got to get my page to get rendered, so I'll just use that to have a list to work with | 18:57 |
Laney | yep | 18:57 |
cyphermox | not going to be much help right now if doing things in proposed anyway | 18:58 |
Laney | well, if catting them together works then we should change the deployed instance to do that | 18:58 |
Laney | we'll be wanting that anyway | 18:58 |
cyphermox | yeah, I think it works, but I won't know until e-d-s + one of it's reverse-build-depends are in -proposed | 18:59 |
Laney | you could | .package ~ /somepackaginproposed/ in the is_affected line and see if you see the proposed version | 18:59 |
cyphermox | yeah | 19:01 |
cyphermox | micahg: re thunderbird, that was the plan, I'm just getting ready to start thinking about using -proposed now; getting everything set up before I do an upload and regret it ;) | 19:03 |
cyphermox | chrisccoulson: ^^ any plans for a thunderbird upload soon? | 19:03 |
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=== pedobear is now known as rhys | ||
rhys | question. Anyone have a problem where ubuntu-one moves a file to the trash and doesn't update it? For me I have this fun problem where Ubuntu one will just "eat" some files and i have to restore from backup. | 20:25 |
jbicha | rhys: you should probably ask the Ubuntu One team: | 20:40 |
dobey | rhys: files deleted on the server get moved to the trash; and #ubuntuone is the channel for ubuntu one | 20:41 |
rhys | Thank you, I was looking for that | 20:42 |
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