
len-dtailo, I think maybe I was dreaming. The rtirq script doesn't care if the IF is plugged in or not, It raises all the usb irq up in priority.02:12
len-dtIt also apears that the new kernel (3.5) is ok too, the only reason it seemed worse is that it was running on an external USB drive.02:14
len-dtwith the external drive plugged in my precise install is not as good either.02:15
ailolen-dt: The rtirq should not do anything with -generic, unless you provide it with the "threadirqs" boot parameter02:58
ailoIn -lowlatency it is builtint02:58
ailolen-dt: To see what the prios are do: ps -eo comm,rtprio03:03
ailolen-dt: To add threadirqs as a boot parameter, make sure this line reads:03:04
ailoAh, sorry..03:05
ailoIn the file /etc/default/grub that is03:06
ailolen-dt: Normally, the rtirq script has no effect for me at all03:06
ailoAt one time, it was making things worse. I haven't been able to reproduce, but then, I haven't spent any time investigating03:07
ailoNever has it made things better03:07
ailoIt will only improve things if you are having problems with priorities03:07
len-dtailo, unfortunately, it can't tell the difference between a USB audio IF and a USB mass storage device.03:46
len-dtEven worse, the mass storage device is USB 2.0 and the audio IF is USB 1.103:47
len-dtrtirq leaves the USB irqs in the order they are in and normally the USB 2 irq is already higher priority.03:47
len-dtOn my desktop it is for sure.03:48
len-dtailo, I wonder if I can order the usb irqs in the rtirq.config filels03:56
ailolen-dt: You can create your own custom setup04:03
len-dtailo, right now the rtirq order is "firewire snd usb i8042". In cases where the USB audio IF is being used, maybe USB should be ahead of snd. The way it is now, puts my internal sound IF at a higher priority than my USB IF and yet the external has the good pre.04:03
ailolen-dt: Not sure how, but I think in /etc/default/rtirq04:04
len-dtailo, can I do usb3 usb4 usb1?04:04
ailoNo idea :P04:04
ailoI've never edited the config myself04:04
len-dtailo, I'll try04:04
astraljavalen-dt: The situation is way less than optimal, yes. I'm quite doubtful of our future at the moment, we're having quite large problems that need to be resolved fairly quickly.04:07
len-dtI had to look for what you were answering astraljava ... ok04:09
len-dtwhat do we need?04:09
len-dtailo, I was able to put USB3 before the rest.04:10
astraljavalen-dt: We need to evaluate what we want to achieve during this cycle, we need to come up with a working process in which we track our progress, we need to have some vision about where we want to develop as a flavor, and we need more committed people. :)04:13
len-dtailo, I just did usb3 usb04:13
len-dtastraljava, Ya, need but don't really have.04:14
ailoastraljava: In what way has this changed from before?04:14
astraljavaGood question.04:15
astraljavaOne that I can't answer right now.04:15
len-dtastraljava, ailo in many ways it is not that different, Scott had a computer with IRC running all the time, but had about the same amount of time to input.04:15
len-dtI think we should fix anything broken, menu, theme, plymouth.04:16
ailoastraljava: What is your main concern? XFCE?04:16
astraljavaBut the fact remains that this is the gravest situation the project has been in since early '06 that I've been watching. We're not going anywhere.04:16
len-dtI think we should finish the stuff started with the kernel by making it's improvements available to the users apps04:17
astraljavaailo: My main concern is the lack of vision and guidance.04:17
ailoI don't fully agree04:17
ailoI mean, it hasn't been full throttle at any point during the time I've been around04:17
astraljavaWell okay, maybe there is something there in the background, but even if there were, nothing gets implemented.04:18
ailoI think we have a good chance of getting some really good work done for next release04:18
ailoMe and len will make sure of a part of that. With testing and documentation04:18
astraljavaThose are really good things.04:18
ailoAs for XFCE, I have no clue04:18
len-dtailo, is the web page up yet?04:18
astraljavaXfce is not a big issue. Our direct upstream (Xubuntu) will handle that.04:19
ailoastraljava: In that case, I think the situation is pretty mellow04:19
astraljavaAlso, the maintenance of kernel will be there, no worries.04:19
ailoI'm a little concerned with -lowlatency for precise though04:19
ailoIt seems we are stuck maintaining that04:20
ailoBut that shouldn't be too much of a problem, with a little help from someone04:20
astraljavaI will try to move that forward next week, I have a pretty big deadline this weekend I cannot ignore. After that I will have more time for *buntu matters.04:21
ailoThe main concern I've always had was having a functional system for multimedia04:21
ailoNot until precise do we have a good kernel, since 9.0404:21
ailoJust that detail makes a huge difference04:21
ailoI don't think the OS really needs a lot to be good04:22
ailoAnd there is vision. Only, is it too ambitious?04:22
ailoWhen dealing with user support, I find most people just need help with basics, and also, getting realtime privilege04:23
ailoIt would help a lot if we could give users an easy way to administer some things, like realtime privilege with a tool like -controls04:23
astraljavaailo: What is the vision in your opinion? How do you see the team committed to it?04:23
ailoLast year or so, there has been a lot of talk about workflows. 04:24
astraljavaAnd lastly, what is the team? How many active contributors do we have? Are enough of the fields covered?04:24
len-dtFrom the activity here we have three04:25
len-dtMaybe five04:26
ailoastraljava: We need to be better at inviting people to join the project04:29
len-dtailo, astraljava I think one of the problems may be the SW we don't ship04:29
ailoThat is one thing I felt was a bit lacking in the past04:29
ailoAlso, documentation has been a big problem04:29
ailoI think those areas should be solveable this year04:30
ailolen-dt: We can't ship SW that isn't in the repo04:30
len-dtsome of the sw that has non-ubuntuish licencing 04:31
len-dtYa, but we can make it easier to install04:31
ailolen-dt: Point taken04:31
ailoThe website should have info on things like that04:31
len-dtIt would be nice to have an installer like software center but with what people need.04:31
ailoIt should really be a portal to all the best in linux audio04:31
len-dtYa. that is what I mena04:32
ailoWe were talking about a PPA04:32
astraljavaailo: Good points, again. The team needs new contributors, ones with enthusiasm and drive. The whole project lacks drive. Maybe that was the word I should have used at first. :)04:32
ailoI think both me and len are pretty well equipped with drive, only things do move a bit slowly04:33
len-dtastraljava, part of the problem is getting a fix in. I can fix the menu... but I can't put it in. Last cycle I had to do it twice in two different packages04:33
len-dtBecause it took weeks to add it.04:34
astraljavalen-dt: That is again why I was asking questions about the team. We're ill-equipped in many fields.04:34
ailoastraljava: Perhaps len should just be allowed to make changes directly?04:35
len-dtastraljava, I found it annoying to "save up" fixes to do them all at once. My personal feeling is that the fixes should be put in as they are done.04:35
len-dtIt allows more time for fixing them if they don't work right.04:36
astraljavalen-dt: Are you not in the ubuntustudio-dev team on LP?04:36
ailoI am not either04:36
len-dtI don't thnk so.04:36
astraljavaWell, this here now comes to the lack of guidance I referred to.04:37
ailoI asked to join more than a year ago, but was denied04:37
ailoSo I haven't asked again04:37
ailoBut, I was recently allowed to edit the stagin site, so..04:37
ailoI'm an indirect member of the dev team, whatever that means04:39
astraljavaSadly I need to get to work, soon, so I'll put my thoughts real quick now: We have to put down the things we want to achieve, for this cycle and preferably for the next one (at least). We need to make sure we can commit to getting them done. We need to come up with a working government. And finally we need momentum.04:39
ailoAs long as we don'04:40
ailodon't take too big bites04:40
astraljavaI'd like to see your thoughts about these in the backlog when I am online again later today. Hopefully we can move things (and the project) forward, starting from this weekend.04:40
astraljavaailo: That's why I said we need the commitment to those things.04:40
astraljavaAlright, catch up with you guys later.04:41
len-dtastraljava, later.04:41
ailoastraljava: Yeah, later04:41
ailoMy main interests, and what I also think are achievable are: 1. documentation 2. New Website published 3. System tuning, testing and docs 4. -controls to administer at least user realtime privilege and a couple of other things04:43
ailo1. Documentation is half done on the user side04:44
ailoWe still need to have some dev docs04:44
ailoAlso, the website is mostly publishable as is04:44
len-dtMy opinion is the web site should have gone up two weeks ago.04:44
len-dtAs a user I would expect it to be a work in progress all the time.04:45
ailoSystem tuning, testing and docs is a bit time consuming, but if we find important things (like high res timer for midi), we should really think about adding them04:46
ailo-controls is not that hard to code. But it will take at least a week for me to get a functional package working04:46
ailoI'm really busy right now, I have to say04:46
ailoThe closer we get to August, the more time I will have04:47
len-dtailo, I have found some things that work and some that don't04:47
ailoDuring second half of July, I will have a lot of time, probably04:47
len-dtAugust will be my free time work wise, but I will have two kids to do stuff with.04:48
ailolen-dt: And I'm looking forward to going through all of that with you, so we can put up docs, and standardize testing somewhat. To get clear results04:48
len-dtSome of the guys on LAU seem to have some tests they use.04:49
ailoAll of the need to be gathered in writing, so it can be read and reviewed, along with posted testing results04:50
len-dtI would love to have a 64 bit machine... not for the new toy, but just so I could test ISOs04:50
len-dtBut we found out a few weeks ago that a loan we thought we had paid off 10 years ago was in two parts and we had only done one part :P04:52
len-dtSo no new toys right now. Still, I have both audio and MIDI USB IFs now.04:53
len-dtailo, I think the mode switch is worth while. It is all script and can be added as part of the settings pkg if needed.04:55
ailolen-dt: I think it's too early to say what should be done or not. We need to put things in writing first. You need to be able to read about it and understand why you would need it05:00
len-dtailo, documenting is not my strong side. Like test results or setting up tests. 05:00
len-dtI am willing though05:00
len-dtI think the workflow thing is the right direction05:01
len-dtstart there and then go "what is stopping me from working well"05:01
len-dtI think starting from talent in and going to art out and defining the steps to get there.05:03
len-dtailo, I think there are three parts to workflows (I'll change that number as I go)05:05
ailoworkflows are great, but there are only two ways to guide the users on that basis. One is documentation: explaining what you would use to do this or that. The other is applications that abstract some of the work for you05:05
ailoIf no one is doing documentation, or applications to develop the idea of workflows, nothing is happening on that front05:05
len-dtThere has to be documentation. Either text or video05:05
ailoI like the idea of a panel05:05
ailoOne thing that the user can never hide from, is having to learn how to use tools for specific tasks05:06
ailoDoesn't matter who you are, or what your workflow is05:06
ailoSo, I think what the user really needs is easy info05:07
ailoCategorized in a smart way05:07
ailoA panel contains information, as well as the ability to contorl applications05:08
ailoI think for that idea to take off, you really need to put a lot of time into it05:09
len-dtailo, so this is an advanced panel? something more than a dock?05:09
ailoThat is what I have had in mind all along. But I haven't tried creating one. Don't have the time. Also, it seems like there are more important tasks at hand right now05:09
len-dtailo, that is why I tried making one... not so that mine would be the final product but so that we could try different things.05:10
len-dtThe major comment I got was that the theme was wrong :-)   I was just worried about function.05:11
ailoWell, it's also a big project I think. I like the idea, but there's a lot to consider. Like what to use for it. dbus I suppose05:13
ailoAnd maybe ladish and whatnot05:13
ailoAnd how to use it05:13
ailoMaybe as a set of plugins05:14
ailoI would be happy to start by creating a simple system config program, like -controls, to do some things. and then add to it. Perhaps let the panel be a part of it05:14
ailoAnd all lended technology could be implemented in a plugin sort of fashion05:15
len-dtailo, I think for this cycle, docs, fixes, and continue the kernel transition with system settings.05:15
ailoIt's more than enough work :P05:16
len-dtailo, Ya, think in terms of two or three people for now.05:19
len-dtailo, I think even a rough version of a mode switch would be good for testing. -controls would work well too. Is it easy to make changes on?05:22
astraljavaGood conversation.05:31
astraljavalen-dt: I wouldn't be worried about UI right now. We're in the middle of LTS releases right now. This is our playground, now is the time to go wild and experiment.05:32
len-dtastraljava, Yes, but it needs more than just me to try it.05:33
len-dtI can put screen shots up, but that doesn't really say anything.05:33
astraljavaailo: You are spot on; without documents or supporting applications, or development on those, we got nothing. The DE and the kernel are important, but the former comes from elsewhere, and the latter is mostly taken care of elsewhere as well (minus testing and "developing").05:34
astraljavalen-dt: True.05:35
len-dtWe need someone with more experience than me for testing these things.05:35
len-dtI can test that it does what it is expected to do.05:36
len-dtBut I can't often tell if "what it is expected to do" is worth while.05:36
ailoAs for me and len-dt, I believe we have our work cut out for us for next release. There are blueprints, and clear goals05:40
ailoSo, in that respect, we know where we are headed05:40
ailoIt's just a matter of getting things done05:41
* len-dt has to go to sleep, he works better with 6 hours of sleep.05:41
len-dtailo, I think I/we should set up a ppa to put settings packages in to test.05:42
len-dtSo we can "install" a setting test it and document it.05:42
ailolen-dt: I can do that ardoun next weekend. These coming days will be wild for me05:42
ailoI'm also putting up kernels05:42
len-dtIf it is an installed test, it is more likely to be consistent.05:43
len-dtOk, good night all.05:43
ailoastraljava: If we were to post on such lists as LAD to try find developers, I do think we need to have a clear statement with what we need and where we are going. Preferably also a clear hierarchy - or responsibility areas05:44
ailoIf I were to critisize Scott for something, then it is to do too much himself, and not gladly give away responsibility05:45
ailoBut for him to feel doing that is successful, people do need to get things done too05:45
ailoI mean, he tends to put too much on himself05:46
ailoA member of the team doesn't need to share an equal percentage of the workload. Just be responsible of his/hers responisibility area05:47
astraljavaailo: Good that it sounds like you see this from the same perspective. :)05:48
astraljavaI'm a little afraid to recruit, when I don't know what I'm marketing, really.05:48
ailoastraljava: It's also difficult to manage expanding the team if there isn't clear structure and planning in every area. This is hard to achieve though. 05:56
ailoI am lead of documentation, and prefer to be notified on all concerning docs05:56
ailoI would think len-dt would like to be in on anything concerning testing05:57
astraljavaIt's not, really. It needs the governing virtual team and regular meetings.05:57
ailoAs long as everyone isn't trying to do everything05:59
ailoWhich easily ends up in noone doing nothing05:59
astraljavalen-dt: ailo: holstein: knome: You guys are mentioned on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamStructure06:30
astraljavaWe need to meet, quick. Post times when you're most available. If we cannot agree on a DateTime soon, I'll create a doodle poll or similar.06:31
astraljavaConsidering there's not that many of us, I figure we can do it on here.06:31
astraljavaI'll start; any day, best availability from 1500 UTC till 2100 UTC.06:32
ailoastraljava: I edited that page some time ago. I tried putting up people in positions that seemed logical06:39
ailoHowever, knome is probably not a US team member?06:39
ailoastraljava: Those times work for me as well06:40
ailoI mean, he can be if he wants to of course. Just that I was asking about it before, and seemed like none of the Xubuntu people were team members. Everyone are of course welcome to participate anyway, AFAIAC06:42
astraljavaailo: I don't know currently what the team is, or it consists of.06:53
astraljavaIt's a good place to start from, that page. If one wishes to get removed from it, he may voice it now. :)06:54
knomeastraljava, ailo; i'm generally interested how US does, since it's beneficial for xubuntu if another derivative uses xfce too, since we can for some part share resources12:05
knomeastraljava, pretty much any day/evening time works for me, though not on this weekend or next thursday. the rest i can just organize to work12:06
astraljavaknome: Thanks, ACK.12:21
ailoastraljava: I think it would be good if we focused on the blueprint format as the starting point https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/topic-quantal-flavor-ubuntustudio12:57
ailoI just realized I better update it with relevant info on my own part, which I just did12:58
ailoYou're welcome to chime in and add yourself to work items. I'm doing docs as far as it is relevant to me. But there are other fields which are basically only done by Scott13:00
ailoastraljava: What workflows are concerned, please have a look at the feature tour in the staging site https://staging.ubuntustudio.org/tour/13:02
ailoNew workflow for this release is publishing13:02
ailoSo, we need to look at seeding and menu categories for that13:03
ailoastraljava: I think before the meeting, it would be good if you had a look at the blueprints https://staging.ubuntustudio.org/, the staging site https://staging.ubuntustudio.org/, and the current community wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio. 13:05
ailoAs for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio, any ideas are welcome on how to improve development documentation13:06
ailoI will be doing that next13:06
astraljavaI just did a little. It's horribly, horribly outdated.13:06
ailoNot only that. It doesn't really help us much with the format it has13:08
ailoWe need to have clear areas of development, and methods for working as well as documenting results13:11
ailoAnd docs on what we need to know, or what new devs need to learn13:12
ailoActually, docs for new devs might be the best place to start13:12
ailoAnd there should be some kind of procedure to be accepted as a dev13:13
astraljavaSo why is that website not live?13:13
ailoscott-work: Hey. What is it that you feel is lacking from the staging website currently, which needs to be taken care of before publishing it?13:14
holsteinsupport team!13:16
ailoholstein: Your it!13:17
knomeif you want progress on the website, i can file an RT ticket to get it out.13:18
holsteinid like to put out what we have13:18
knomeothers agree?13:19
scott-workailo: i don't think there is anything that is really preventing us from getting it released, you really did an outstanding job adding to it13:19
scott-workanything else to be added can be done later i believe13:19
scott-workknome: i agree13:19
knometicket created13:20
ailoIt's almost cheap champagne time :P13:20
knomeit should be live in about a week max, i suppose13:20
ailoknome: So, how does it work later? Do we always make changes to the staging site, and get it published with a rt ticket?13:21
knomeailo, no. you'll just login at ubuntustudio.org/wp-admin and the changes are live immediately13:21
ailoThat's wonderful :)13:22
knomeisn't it :)13:22
* knome hopes there isn't any regressions on going live13:22
holsteinyeah... thats the deal!13:22
holsteinwe can change what we need as we go13:22
scott-worki am sorry i have been so removed from ubuntu studio development over the past months13:59
scott-worki thought things would sort out at work and i would have more time but it hasn't worked that way13:59
scott-worki expect to remain minimally involved for a few months coming as well13:59
scott-worki also have a chance to work on some creative projects that i have desired for a few years and i would deeply regret delaying these if they were not available when i was ready for them14:00
len-dtknome, +1 to publish website a week ago...14:00
knomelen-dt, the ticket is filed already :)14:00
scott-workso i'll be sending an email to the mailing list about minimizing my involvement for a while and soliciting others to accept some of the daily/weekly responsibilities14:01
scott-worki still feel very strongly about ubuntu studio development and i still have a plan through the next LTS14:01
scott-worki will also be posting this weekend about that as well to outline it14:02
* len-dt wishes to thank holstein for all the support he does.14:02
scott-worki expect the bulk of the creative projects to require the next three or four months and i believe that i'll be holistically involved again with ubuntu studio, which is roughly right before or right after this release14:03
ailoscott-work: I think we have a good idea of what you want to accomplish in many areas, and I will do my best to keep working within those lines. 14:04
len-dtscott-work, understood. Some of us need acces so we can at least make fixes.14:04
ailoscott-work: Not sure if I'm an Ubuntu Studio developer, but it would be nice to be added14:04
ailoscott-work: Also, len-dt might be useful having that responsibility too14:04
ailoGiven that we use the responsibility with care and caution14:05
ailoWhich I am certain we will14:05
ailoI started outlining some sort of dev docs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/DeveloperDocumentation14:05
ailoscott-work: len-dt: astraljava: holstein: Do tell me if that sounds like what we are after14:06
ailoOr if not..14:06
ailoI would need help adding to the Ubuntu Studio developer tasks14:07
ailoI will create pages for each14:07
ailohmm, scott-work: you were wanting to create a new way of testing, right?14:08
scott-workhehe, you guys are awesome!14:08
scott-workailo: well, i intended to document some processes just to help others get involved14:08
scott-workbut also brainstorming minimums to check for quality (e.g. does jack start with rt)14:09
scott-workholstein and astraljava and micahg are awesome too :)14:09
ailoI was more thinking about that automated testing thing you were talking about14:09
* len-dt is off to work14:09
scott-workoh, yes!  there is that too14:09
scott-worki saw some cool things about that at uds14:10
ailoThat would be one of those current goals, to put that into use14:10
scott-workby len-dt 14:10
scott-workailo: absolutely14:10
scott-workjust to note: i have two main goals for my work during the next few months; creative desire and money14:11
scott-worki want to create a few things but i also want to explore monetizing 14:11
scott-workwhich leads me to one of the long range plans for ubuntu studio;  can it be monetized for those who work with it?14:11
scott-worki think so and towards the next LTS i had wanted to see if a new audience couldn't be schools (all ages) or non-major-label studios?14:12
ailoI see. Well, that sounds like a plan a bit further ahead. Something that we perhaps aren't in a hurry to decide about. Sounds intriging14:13
scott-workmy thought is that one could get paid to install audio recording systems in schools or studios14:13
scott-workAND maintenance contracts could exist in the same locations14:13
ailoWho would do this? Anyone who wanted to?14:13
ailoAnd US devs provide support?14:14
scott-worktechnically, anyone could14:15
scott-workbut it might be hard to get a contract with a school just being a guy off the street with no affiliation14:15
ailoI can't say I'm really too interested in anything that deals with economy on this project, but I'm sure it could be easier getting experienced devs to help with US, if they had a chance to get paid for it too14:15
ailoJust that, how big is that market :P14:16
scott-workthere is a fairly good movement in the US to move towards open source software and with an economic recession, things are changing14:16
scott-workbut i don't know specifics about the market14:16
scott-workit will be difficult, but a well polished presentation and demonstration might help 14:17
scott-workgetting the first one will give the whole thing a sense of legitimacy as well14:17
ailoI think the main problem is probably installation. The rest is not supposed to be14:17
ailoGetting the OS to work with specific hardware14:17
ailoAnd just the pain of doing it, if you don't know anything about Linux14:18
scott-workbut that's a year in the future or so to really start brainstorming and making sure things are set up properly14:18
ailoIt would be cool if it happened14:18
scott-workincidentally, as i learn more about films, i think some groups would be willing to spend a decent amount of money to buy a ubuntu studio derivative specific to making films14:19
scott-workthere is a whole movement to using DSLR cameras and doing things on the cheap14:19
scott-workanyways, got to go back to work14:19
knomethis all sounds great, but you really need to get the basics right first :)14:19
ailoI don't think there's anything wrong with pursuing that in the greater perspective, but I agree. We have more basic tasks at hand right now14:21
ailoscott-work: I guess I am a member of the ubuntustudio-dev team, since being in the website team makes me an indirect member. There's no button for joining anyway14:32
ailoOr do one need to be invited?14:33
scott-workknome:  considering other audiences and what needs to be done is easily over a year away, maybe more18:04
scott-workailo: i agree about more important concerns at the moment, i was just mentioning some of these ideas18:05
scott-workpartly because i am starting something long term that i hope will help me perhaps transition from the job i currently have into something that centers around artsy-fartsty stuff like music, video, books, and linux18:06
scott-workailo: as for access to the code, i need to look into that and see who has what permissions18:06
scott-workhere's an interesting thought....18:23
scott-workwhat if a linux system looked like this: https://tails.boum.org/doc/first_steps/startup_options/windows_camouflage/index.en.html18:23
scott-workbut offered all the audio goodness that ubuntu studio (et el) can offer18:23
scott-worki wonder if this would be more acceptable to a larger audience and more people would be willing to use it18:23
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len-dtailo, Just so you know, I was able to use rtirq to improve my USB audio performance even with the usb 2.0 mas storage plugged in.21:23
ailolen-dt: cool21:24
ailolen-dt: Would you mind writing down what settings and why the performance improved?21:25
len-dtailo, I also found it made a difference which USB socket I used.21:25
ailoI mean, what config you used, and how that helped, etc..21:26
len-dtailo, IRQ sharing for one21:26
len-dtailo, where would you like me to put it?21:26
ailolen-dt: You could just post it on the dev mail list if you like21:28
len-dtailo, great, will do.21:28
ailolen-dt: I guess we should try to make use of the mail list more often. Easy way to store info and maybe others will read about it and comment as well21:29
ailoWe could even post to the mail list automatically when doing automated test later21:32
ailoI have an automated mail setup on this computer to send issue reports for some projects. Using msmtp21:33
ailoIt's a commandline tool for sending emails. Pretty handy when wanting to send automated emails21:33
len-dtcould do.21:37
knomeailo, please rethink flooding the -devel mailing list21:38
knomeailo, maybe create another one for -bugs or so21:38
ailoknome: Well, how do we do that?21:39
knomesame with launchpad - i'd really love if the ubuntustudio-devel team wasn't subscribed to all bugs, but ubuntustudio-bugs21:39
knomeailo, i suppose create an rt ticket ;)21:39
knomeailo, rt.ubuntu.com21:39
ailoknome: hmm, I don't seem to have permission21:42
knomeailo, login with ubuntu SSO21:43
knomeailo, you should.21:43
ailoknome: I had some weird problem. Had a login screen where to input info. But I do seem to be logged in now21:44
knomeailo, yes, there's a login screen, but in that, there's a ubuntu sso button too :)21:44
ailoknome: I did use the sso button, but was still redirected to a page where to fill in details..21:45
knomeailo, weird. :)21:45
knomei'll be around a bit if you need help with filing the ticket21:46
ailoknome: Thanks. I'm looking around a bit first21:46
knomeailo, mmhm. basically, requestors is a list of email addresses. after that, you only need to add subject and a description.21:47
ailoknome: Queue? Lists?21:48
ailoknome: So I add my email adress as requestor? And explain what I need?21:48
knomeand yeah, i suppose queue can be lists21:48
knomei looked at another ticket for creating a list, you basically need to just name the list and tell why you want it21:49
ailook. I'm requesting to establish a new list called ubuntustudio-testing, then21:50
knomeailo, thinking about lists technically too, you probably need to mention them who should be the list admin, if not you21:51
knomeailo, if you want, you can add me to the cc field and i can follow the progress21:52
knomeoh, created :)21:52
knomei'll star it21:52
ailoI can be the admin, np21:54
knomehehe, yeah :)21:54
knomeok, i'm off21:55
knomesee you later21:55
ailoknome: later21:55
len-dtastraljava, meeting times for me are weekdays 2230 UTC till 0600utc or so. On Saturday, 1500utc till 2200utc on and off (I have other things to do during that time too)21:55
len-dtastraljava, please note these are daylight savings hours when I am -8hrs. In the winter I am -921:56
len-dtso those hours are good for this cycle. The sunday time worked good for me in the winter, but is too late for me now.21:57
ailolen-dt: We are about, I think +2,+3 right now, so when it's evening for you guys, we're sleeping. So, generally, your earliest time, and our latest time make some kind of a boundary22:01
ailo2230 on weekdays may be a bit late, but Saturday from 1500-2200 sounds pretty good22:02
len-dtailo, Ya, I have noticed :-)  I normally have about 5 minutes in the morning while eating before work. I read the backlog and maybe comment one or two things.22:04
len-dtafter work I sometimes write two or three pages with the hopes someone will see it when they get up...22:05

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