
kavkav@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -o loop   /media/casper-rw /home/kav/caspermnt/04:42
kav[sudo] password for kav:04:43
kav/media/casper-rw: Is a directory04:43
kavkav@ubuntu:~$ cd caspermnt/04:43
kavkav@ubuntu:~/caspermnt$ ls04:43
stlsaintjoined, asked no question jsut pasted alot and left04:53
=== tenach_ is now known as tenach
philipballewhello there08:12
philipballewIm really nice sometimes elit , but sometimes if you say hello, noone will respond.08:13
eliti din see any1 chattin08:14
eliti though i d chk if any1 was thr08:14
philipballewyeah, were here, but not always chatting. If your just wanting to talk, #ubuntu-beginners-team is a good place elit08:15
elitoh no no08:15
eliti hav a problem08:15
elitwas hoping fr some help actually08:15
philipballewIve got 99 problems and my computer aint one08:16
philipballewWhats your problem08:16
eliti hav posted it on AU08:16
elitheres a link08:16
philipballewelit, are you using virtualbox or vmware?08:17
philipballewwhat makes you run 11.04?08:21
philipballewelit, did you look in additional drivers?08:22
geirhaThe guest os should just piggy-back on your host-OSes network connection08:22
elitoh damn08:23
elitits 10.1008:23
elitn yea i did chk the additional drivers08:23
elitvmware virtual ethernet driver and vmware virtual machine communication interface are enabled08:24
elitshould anythng else be thr??08:24
philipballewwell ifconfig shows interfaces?08:27
elitifconfig lo        Link encap:Local Loopback             inet addr:  Mask:           inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host           UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1           RX packets:204 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0           TX packets:204 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0           collisions:0 txqueuelen:0            RX bytes:15888 (15.8 KB)  TX bytes:15888 (15.8 KB)08:29
elitand iw config returned no wireless connections08:29
philipballewgeirha, wanna make sense of that?08:30
philipballewyour  not using wifi08:30
eliti am on my host OS08:30
philipballewwhat os is vitalized?08:31
geirhaWhy do you want the guest OS to control your host OS's network adapter?08:31
eliti want to install sql on ubuntu08:31
elitfr tht i need net08:32
geirhaelit: So you don't want the guest OS to use the wireless card directly. What you want is to set up the virtual machine with bridged network08:32
geirhathat will allow your windows and ubuntu systems to communicate08:32
elitoh ok08:33
elitany pointer on how to do tht?08:33
geirhathough that is beyond the scope of this channel. You need help with setting up vmware08:33
geirhaI see there's a #vmware channel08:33
philipballewid try that, but you should also edit your au question then wait a while08:34
geirhaYou should really use an LTS release as server though, I recommend you grab an Ubuntu 12.04 iso to run in that vm08:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ggg4444can someone help me with my void 11 problem?15:06
holstein!ask | ggg444415:07
ubot2ggg4444: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:07
ggg4444void 11 comes up with this error http://pastebin.ca/216581815:08
ggg4444whats wrong with it?15:09
holsteinim not going to help you with "penetration", but that error means (to me) that you are calling for a device that is not there15:11
ggg4444well the wireless gui picks it up and its plugged in15:12
ggg4444ive loaded hostad drivers i think15:13
holsteinggg4444: maybe you want to try some backtrack docs or channels.. i dont feel comfortable assisting you with that15:15
holsteinggg4444: interpreting the errors makes me think you are calling for a device that is not present... the incorrect name or whatever15:15
ggg4444how do i fix that?15:16
holsteinggg4444: i would look at the documentation for the application you are using15:19
beason4251Hello! I'm new to Ubuntu. Is this where I should come if I'm having problems?17:56
stlsaintbeason4251: yes18:15
stlsaintbeason4251: do you have an issue now?18:15
=== lins is now known as linse
ntwrk_keithWhen I log into my Ubuntu server using SSH, I get a MOTD type of output that shows the uptime,usage, ip address of the server... Is there anyway I can see that whenever I want?20:50
stlsaintntwrk_keith: yes20:53
stlsainthrm, one sec before i give you wrong command20:53
* stlsaint goes ssh into server20:53
stlsainthrm, i assume your not speaking of the "info" command?20:55
JoseeAntonioRHi, Tm_T!20:55
ntwrk_keithuhm, I dont think so20:55
ntwrk_keithlet me pastebin it20:55
JoseeAntonioRI think that's part of Landscape20:57
stlsaintit is20:58
ntwrk_keithanyway to bring that up without having to exit and log back in?20:59
stlsaintntwrk_keith: try enter command: /usr/bin/landscape-sysinfo20:59
JoseeAntonioRJust landscape-sysinfo would work21:00
stlsaintno prob21:00
stlsaintJoseeAntonioR: o/21:01
stlsaintsup man21:01
ntwrk_keithanyone using ubuntu for syslog server? If so, what are you using and is it generally easy to setup?21:04
stlsaintntwrk_keith: not me. sorry21:05
Unit193stlsaint: /etc/motd generally.21:16
stlsaintUnit193: aye but that wont show sysinfo. just the message21:19
Unit193It's pretty handy with motd.d, but it may be in .bashrc.21:20
ntwrk_keithah so I could change the motd?21:21
stlsaintntwrk_keith: yes21:22
stlsaintntwrk_keith: edit the /etc/motd.tail21:22
Unit193He's still here, righto.  Also check for a /etc/update-motd.d/21:23
stlsaintUnit193: are you on server or desktop?21:23
ntwrk_keithboth files empty21:24
stlsainti dont know about desktop. only server is to use /etc/motd.tail :\ meh maybe either would work21:24
stlsaintntwrk_keith: right, you add what you want21:24
ntwrk_keithI dont know enough to build my own21:25
ntwrk_keithbut thanks21:25
Unit193stlsaint: Ah, figured they'd have some things as being the same.  But, .bashrc should still have something.21:26
Unit193Second one was a folder though, so it would appear to be.21:27
ntwrk_keithso /etc/bash.rc ?21:27
Unit193~/.bashrc generally.21:27
stlsainthrm, i dont think bash is where you want to be21:28
stlsaintUnit193: are you referring to the terminal prompt motd?21:28
stlsaintOP is referring to ssh'ing into a server showing landscape sysinfo21:29
Unit193I seem to be missing what he's wanting, might be best to have you do it then.21:29
stlsaintUnit193: ;)21:29
stlsaintntwrk_keith: bashrc can provide a motd to your terminal prompt but thats not what you want for your situation21:30
ntwrk_keithI think I've found what I need21:30
stlsaintntwrk_keith: stick with /etc/motd.tail21:30
ntwrk_keithAh I see..21:30
ntwrk_keithI dont know how to put the info that shows up in landscape-sysinfo into the MOTD21:30
ntwrk_keithor if its even possible21:30
stlsaintntwrk_keith: that info is produced via scripts21:31
ntwrk_keithI'll probably just stick with this21:31
stlsaintntwrk_keith: the sysinfo is a separate part from the motd21:31
stlsaintntwrk_keith: so part 1 is: Motd, part 2 is: landscape-sysinfo21:31
ntwrk_keithso when I logged in, it would show MOTD, then landscape-sysinfo IF a MOTD was configured?21:32
stlsaintntwrk_keith: well a motd is already configured via /etc/motd file but to customize it you want to use /etc/motd.tail21:33
stlsaintntwrk_keith: quick google search pulls this as an example: http://gol10dr.com/customizing-ubuntus-ssh-motd21:33
ntwrk_keithAh it will show up at the bottom21:35
ntwrk_keithhence the term tail21:35
ntwrk_keithSorry for all the questions. I started with Linux Mint about a month and a half ago and then put Ubuntu server on an old desktop about 3 weeks ago. Still learning the CLI and where everything is and what it does21:36
stlsaintntwrk_keith: its cool. this is a great channel to get help21:37
Guest82836I attempted to install ubuntu 12.04 64 bit onto my Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit system; however it seems to crash everytime; each time when i reboot it gives me an error page which roughly says: you ahve a problem with your disk run windows in normal mode and use chkdsk/r then reboot into windows then turn off system and then boot again. well i've tried and it didnt work. Somehow i can't get...21:45
Guest82836...ubuntu installed on my system. what am i doing wrong?21:45
Unit193Did windows actually do the check disk, and did you fully power off rather than reboot?21:46
Guest82836it didnt at first; o had to reboot coz the partition was in use at the time21:47
Guest82836o = i21:47
Guest82836after that i powered down21:47
Guest82836i.e. after the chkdsk21:48
Guest82836then started again; booted w7 fully; then reboot and plugged in the cd / dvd21:48
Guest82836and it kept giving me the same error page21:49
Unit193Anyway, Windows has basically marked that it's a little off/dirty/needs checked, and Ubuntu doesn't want to mess up your windows install so it's telling you to fix it.21:51
Guest82836i understand the error21:51
Guest82836i fixed the disc21:52
Guest82836meanwhile i tried to install the 32 bit version of ubuntu on my secondary system (which is 32 bit) and it says Kernel panic21:52
stlsaintbad download?21:53
Guest82836it came from www.ubuntu.com21:53
Guest82836the 64 bit as well as the 32 bit21:54
Guest82836do you have any suggestions where i can get a proper download?21:54
stlsaintGuest82836: that still does not mean you didn't get a bad download. check the md5sum of them21:54
Unit193Or it should have a boot option for checking it.21:57
Guest82836checking the sum now21:58
Guest82836having trouble checking it22:01
Guest82836it doesn't seem to be good22:04
Guest82836ok where can i get proper downloads?22:05
Unit193I like the torrents better, built in checking and faster.22:06
Guest82836ok thx; will try to dl from btscene, since piratebay is down at the moment22:08
JoseeAntonioRGuest82836: We have our own torrent links.22:08
JoseeAntonioRGuest82836: What version are you trying to download?22:08
Guest82836ok pls help me and provide one or 222:08
Guest82836ubuntu 12.04 in 64 bit and in 32 bit22:09
=== Guest82836 is now known as Michael_1
Michael_1JoseeAntonioR: do you have those torrent links and if so would you like to share them with me?22:12
Unit193torrent.ubuntu.com ?22:13
stlsaintUnit193: one stop shop ;)22:14
stlsaintMichael_1: ^^22:15
Michael_1thanks @unit193 & @stlsaint22:15
stlsaintno prob22:15
JoseeAntonioRwell, personally I use releases.ubuntu.com, but cdimages also work22:16
stlsaintJoseeAntonioR: funny i only pull from cdimages ;)22:16
stlsaintits awesome to know more avenues exist really. i tottaly forgot all about torrent.ubuntu22:17
JoseeAntonioRI never knew about torrent, although it seems the links are a little more buried22:17
stlsaintJoseeAntonioR: meh, organized ;)22:18
Michael_1thx a lot; i almost didnt see what to do else anymore22:18
stlsaintJoseeAntonioR: also releases doesnt provide dev releases IE: quantal22:18
stlsainthence i like cdimages...like i said...one stop shop :D22:19
Michael_1i hope i can get these working22:20
stlsaintso do we ;)22:20
Michael_1had ubuntu before (v10)22:20
JoseeAntonioRIf you've got any problem, don't hesitate to ask22:21
Michael_1and trying it again22:21
Michael_1thanks again, and btw i'm relatively new to irc,22:21
Michael_1btw is it possible to install ubuntu directly from hdd as a mounted image?22:23
JoseeAntonioRMichael_1: No, it's not.22:27
Michael_1JoseeAntonioR: too bad; thanks for the answer22:28
Unit193stlsaint: I typically pull from cdimage via zsync for testing, then by release I already have the next version, grab the torrent and start seeding.22:30
Unit193Youcan use a USB flash drive though.22:31
Michael_1i wonder; i'm downloading all the ubuntu 12.04 by the links unit193 & stlsaint shared; but one 64 bit is 1,6 GB and another one is 698MB. how come? any additional stuff in the 1,6 version?22:31
stlsaintMichael_1: you are looking at the dvd's and cd images22:31
Michael_1there both 64 bit releases22:31
stlsaintthe 1.6gb is the dvd image22:31
stlsaintthe other is the cd image22:32
Michael_1ok; i feel kinda stupid right now22:32
Unit193That's not a problem, size mismatch is a bit of a worry.22:33
Michael_1got one 1 with utorrent22:36
Michael_1burning now with infrarecorder22:38
Michael_1will go up for the next attempt; thank you all for your help and your patience22:40
Unit193Hope it works this time!22:41
Michael_1I hope so too22:41
Michael_1if not you'll see me back and if it does you'll probably see me back too.. i think i'll have a lot of questions22:42
Michael_1will first try it on my secondary system....22:45
Michael_1i'll keep you posted22:45
Michael_1ok; here we go again22:56
Michael_132 bit version gives kernel panic again22:56
Michael_1i give up; dont know what to do now anymore with Ubuntu it keeps giving me the kernel panic @ the 32 bit system.... suggestions anyone?22:59
Michael_1thx for the help all, will get back at Ubuntu if i can get a proper release somewhere23:04
Michael_1bye all23:04
Michael_1back again23:42
Michael_1have tried the wubi on my x64 system and it still doesnt work; i cant get ubuntu live on my primary system23:43
Michael_1\although there's one positive thing; i used the wubi.exe on my secondary system and yes ubuntu works there23:43
Michael_1so what else can i do to get ubuntu working on my x64 system?23:44
Unit193Try it as a live CD. LiveCDs and real installs work so much better.23:46
Michael_1i did23:48
Michael_15 times23:48
Michael_1and it didnt work 5 times in a row23:48
Michael_1you gave me the more proper file locations for the distro23:49
Unit193Oh, in that case I don't know.23:53
Michael_1well i'm happy i got  it working on 1 pc23:57
Michael_1I guess i'll build another custom pc and then install only Ubuntu on it; hope that will work23:57
Michael_1thx again for the advice23:58
Michael_1take care @unit19323:58
Unit193Sure, sorry I coul..dn't help.23:58

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