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vibhavWhy is https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/speech-dispatcher/0.7.1-6.1ubuntu1 uploaded to "quantal-proposed"?03:00
infinityvibhav: Because it was uploaded to -proposed during the freeze.  It's since been copied to release.03:01
infinityNote under publishing "Pocket: release".03:01
vibhavinfinity: Do you mean it was orignally uploaded to precise-proposed?03:02
infinityvibhav: No, quantal-proposed.03:02
infinityvibhav: During the Alpha2 soft freeze.03:02
infinityLaney: So, once I got an upgraded kernel on an armel buildd, I confirmed my mono patch DTRT.  If you want to pull it back into Debian sometime for me.03:03
infinityLaney: (It will have precisely zero effect on Debian buildds, but if Debian ever builds armel on armv6/armv7 hardware, the same bug will hit them)03:04
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infinityLaney: Might be good to get it in before the freeze, just in case someone upgrades the buildds post-release, and a security update explodes unexpectedly.03:05
vibhavinfinity: ah03:06
vibhavWhat does NBS stand for in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/ ?03:13
vibhavAh got it03:13
vibhavWhat does super-seeded mean?03:27
JontheEchidnavibhav: sounds like a mispelling of superseded? (To have been replaced)03:43
vibhavyeah, its superseeded. thanks JontheEchidna03:48
directhexsuperseded. one e.03:49
vibhavFor some strange reason, my pbuilder chroot does cannot find the package "blends-dev" in the Ubuntu repositories, any Idean why?04:03
JontheEchidnaI'd check to make sure that universe is enabled in its /etc/apt/sources.list04:06
JontheEchidnaand/or run a sudo pbuilder update04:06
vibhavIll try uploading it to a PPA and see if it works04:07
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* malkauns_ fires up his raspberry pi :)05:14
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fossiletI am the debian maintainer of the package 4digits. I would like the version in testing to be sync to 12.04. How is that possible?07:56
fossiletIt has a bug fix than the version in 12.04.07:57
ailofossilet: You could request a backport. I believe, apart of the ubuntu-dev-tools package there's requestbackport08:05
ailoI'm currently doing that now with another package08:05
ailoI uploaded it to PPA so I can test it first08:05
fossiletailo, Ok. I requsted sync, and it seems unapproriate08:06
ailofossilet: Yeah, requestsync is done for the development release, which is now 12.1008:06
fossiletailo: I must upload it to ppa and test in 12.04 then request that?08:06
fossiletailo: It is already in quantal though08:07
cjwatsonfossilet: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates08:08
ailofossilet: When you do requestbackport, you will come to a stage when you need to fill in some text. There is some info on what you can do to test the package, as well as explain why you want to backport it08:08
cjwatsonIf it's a bug fix rather than new features, you want that process, not requestbackport08:08
ailocjwatson: Oh, that was new to me too08:08
fossiletcjwatson: I was reading it08:09
fossiletbut do not know how to apply to this package..08:09
fossiletIn the 'procedure' section, it assumes there is already a bug repot for it08:10
fossiletbut there is for it08:10
fossiletit is fixed in debian08:10
cjwatsonSo create one08:10
cjwatsonWe use bug reports to track verification of stable updates; it isn't optional to have one in Ubuntu, even if it's already been fixed elsewhere08:11
fossiletcjwatson: Create for update request or bug fix?08:12
cjwatsonI don't know what you mean08:12
fossiletcjwatson: create a bug requesting that package be updated in 12.04?08:12
ailocjwatson: How about if a new feature fixes a bug?08:13
ailoOr, half-fixes it08:13
cjwatsonWe don't generally just copy packages from unstable releases into stable releases, any more than Debian stable does.  Somebody should prepare an upload that backports just the bug fix08:13
fossiletailo: In my case, it is just a fix08:13
cjwatsonailo: StableReleaseUpdates has guidance, I believe08:13
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fossiletOk, I will file a bug now08:16
ailocjwatson: Well, in the case of qjackctl, since the bug is probably not regarded critical, and is really caused by jackd, but where qjackctl has a new feature which makes that bug easier to live with, I find that backport is probably the best choice08:18
cjwatsonI don't really want to think about the specifics on a Saturday morning :)08:20
cjwatsonjust giving general pointers08:20
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 4 in Launchpad itself "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium,Fix released]08:23
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fossiletI have file the bug.08:24
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DavieyAnyone else booted this morning with a broken X?08:57
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RAOFDaviey: Not me, but bah transitions; what driver?09:54
RAOFinfinity: You wouldn't happen to be around to give a pointer about getting a pandaboard to actually boot, after netinsting to a USB disc?10:33
tumbleweedRAOF: he said something about going to sleep, in #ubuntu-release10:35
RAOFtumbleweed: Ta.10:36
LaneyRAOF: try ogra_10:47
* Laney is using a dist-upgraded precise server preinstall for now10:47
Laneymaybe I'll venture out today to find a USB key10:48
infinityRAOF: You didn't take the SD out, did you?10:55
infinityRAOF: (the installer installs the bootloader and kernel to the SD)10:55
infinitytumbleweed: I lied, apparently.10:56
RAOFinfinity: I did not take the SD out; it did, however, say at the end of the install ‘you'll need to boot this thing manually, because ARM hardware sucks and we don't have a bootloader’.10:58
RAOFNot in so many words, but that was the gist I gained from it.10:58
infinityRAOF: Err, that's a filthy lie.10:58
infinityRAOF: What media did you use to install?10:58
infinityRAOF: I literally *just* did a precise/armhf netboot install to USB disk in the DC and it worked just fine.10:58
RAOFhttp://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/quantal/main/installer-armhf/current/images/omap4/netboot/boot.img-fb.gz is what I zcatted to the SD card.10:59
infinityRAOF: Try precise.10:59
RAOFWill do.11:00
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infinityRAOF: quantal's flash-kernel may still be goofy (if it is, that's an interesting datapoint, and I should check when it's not a long weekend)11:00
RAOFThere's no arcane ritual to be done to dist-upgrade from precise to quantal?11:00
infinityRAOF: My recommendation is "don't, use chroots".11:00
RAOFOr is the advice to *stay* on precise?11:00
infinityRAOF: Unless your goal is actually testing X and such.  In which case, dist-upgrading SHOULD work, unless Oli broke flash-kernel horribly (see above).11:01
RAOFWill do.11:01
infinityI suspect I should test all of this next week.  Remind me. :P11:01
RAOFActually testing X and such is one of the purposes of this board, yes.11:01
infinityTo be fair, X is in a bit of a state of flux right now anyway, until we get a newer libdrm, a newer kernel, and a newer x-mumble-omap driver.11:02
RAOFJust to confirm: I didn't need to do anything special in d-i to make this work, right? Just throw a / on a USB drive, and install?11:02
infinityI'm led to believe by KiBi that the newer libdrm is potentially blocked on nouveau having been yet again broken or something.11:03
infinityRAOF: Just hit enter lots.  The defaults should be fine (unless you want to manually partition for more swap or something)11:03
RAOFnouveau broke libdrm ABI. But I think they did so while actually bumping SONAME, so that should work, I think.11:03
infinityOh, in that case, let's go to town!11:04
RAOF“I'm smelling a lot of ‘if’ on this plan”11:04
infinityNew libdrm means I just need a kernel bump, and I can dump Rob's newer omap driver in and it might actually work.11:04
infinityAnd we get KMS and other fancy crap on omap, which would be shiny.11:05
RAOFAll manner of shiny!11:05
infinityAnd xrandr.  And, you know, welcome to 1999.11:05
infinity"Wait, what, I don't need my monitor plugged in when I boot?"11:06
infinityTo be marginally fair, I don't think anyone really thought through to the point where some crazy people would start using embedded CPUs as low-powered desktops.11:07
infinityAnd it turns out that most embedded systems have the screen permanently attached.11:07
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RAOFWho'd've thought? :)11:08
infinityAnyhow.  I should try to sleep again.  In theory, I'm going to be awake in 4 hours to drive out to some party in the mountains or something.11:09
infinityRAOF: Do let me know if precise works for you.  The only difference between your install and mine is that I used serial instead of the fb image, but if the fb one is somehow broken, that's just not right.11:10
RAOFSleep-deprived driving. What could possibly go wrong?11:10
infinityRAOF: (So, I assume it's just quantal that's broken)11:10
* RAOF grabs the precise fb one.11:10
infinitySleep-deprived driving for a couple of hours into the middle of nowhere.  Seems like a winning scenario.11:11
LaneyPrecise desktop never got past resizing for me.11:11
Laneypreinstalled, etc.11:11
infinityLaney: We're talking netboot.11:11
Laneyyeah, I should try that11:12
infinityLaney: If resizing broke on preinstalled, the only thing to blame is the SD card.11:12
LaneyI tried two, but to be fair they were the same make/model11:12
infinityEvery SD sucks.11:12
infinityI'm so very tempted to drop all the non-netboot ARM images, and just provide a netboot image that happens to have a desktop preseed, and call it done.11:14
infinityBut I suspect people would whine about that.11:15
* Laney decides to go out climbing instead11:17
b33j0yjoin #ubuntu_classroom12:54
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ejatbug 201116:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 2011 in Launchpad itself "malone doesn't know about network-manager" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201116:19
BarkingFishGood afternoon guys. I wonder if you could help me, since I can't seem to find this on launchpad.  There is a gent in #ubuntu asking about a problem with OpenSSH 5.9p1 - i googled and found a bug which could be causing his issues, I can't find a launchpad report on it though.  Any ideas?16:27
BarkingFishHe's upgraded from 5.3p1 to 5.9p1, and from what I can see, this appears to have been present since 5.8p116:28
penguin42hmm, this PDF has just printed a last page which says that it's printed using vegetable oil based inks on paper which is Forest Stewardship council certified - almost certainly isn't16:46
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DavieyRAOF: fglrx / ATI non-free20:11
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infinityDaviey: Oh, did the new xorg ABI break fglrx?20:46
* infinity isn't surprised.20:46
slangasekyes, that happens every time there's a video driver ABI bump20:46
Davieyinfinity: it's beena little sketchy since linux 3.5.. but X now segfaults since the new xorg.20:46
Davieyslangasek: every time.. why isn't this avoidable ?20:47
infinityYou can, perhaps, blame me.  I went through the list of drivers in proposed and it looked complete.  Cause, well, I didn't even think to check the non-free ones.20:47
penguin42the open Radeon driver is now working again in qq for the cards that are happy20:47
slangasekDaviey: um.  because they're binary drivers?20:47
infinityDaviey: Any chance the free driver works?20:47
slangasekso when the binary interface changes and the driver doesn't, the driver breaks20:48
Davieyinfinity: Seems to now...  I've only recently gone back to ATI, and Precise required non-free20:48
infinitynvidia's usually gotten around this by being so dangerously xserver-agnostic that, on the one hand, it rarely breaks, but on the other hand, it can't integrate for crap and needs to reinvent every X feature it wants.20:48
Davieyslangasek: right.. but surely we can handle this a little more gracefully ?20:48
infinityBut fglrx plays "nicer", which means it breaks harder.20:49
infinityDaviey: Well, the only grace we can exercise is "never upgrade X until AMD catches up", which isn't really a pleasant way to do development either. :/20:49
* infinity goes to look upstream to see if they've already fixed this and we just forgot to rev the driver.20:50
DavieyI specifically questioned this aspect with the 'daily stability', and was told that if we break non-free, we'd still roll back.20:50
infinityOh look, something was released two days ago.20:51
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slangasekDaviey: really?  Because that's inconsistent with the desktop team's policy on binary drivers for years20:51
infinityAnd the kernel team.20:52
Davieyslangasek: right, that is why i raised it..20:52
infinityIn fact, especially the kernel team.20:52
slangasekraised it with whom?20:52
infinityBinary drivers break against new kernels every 20 minutes.20:52
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Davieyslangasek: UDS session about daily stability, Rick responded.20:52
slangasekwere the X maintainers in there? :)20:52
DavieyNFI :)20:53
slangasekso it's not realistic to wait for the binary drivers to be available before updating the X server20:54
slangasekwe've waited months at a time for binary driver updates20:54
DavieyI raised this specific issue, as Natty cycle left me burned for about a month via Nvidia.20:54
Davieyslangasek: yeah, i can see the pain here.. I wonder if it was known poor Daviey would be left X-less this morning when it was upload.20:56
slangasekyou said the free drivers worked, once you rejiggered?20:56
slangasekif so, that suggests an integration bug with the binary driver packages20:57
slangasekthings should automatically un-configure themselves on ABI change20:57
Davieyslangasek: Yeah, seems the free drivers now support this chipset.. So i'm pleased that it forced me to try the free ones again. :)20:58
DavieyAlthough, X is lost on resume.. but i can live with that for now.20:58
slangasekso please file a bug against the fglrx package about the fact that your config was left in a broken state on upgrade20:59
Davieyslangasek: umm, ok21:01
infinityDear AMD, thanks for your release notes being two years out of date.21:02
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infinityBit hard to tell if the new driver will actually be any happier with the new xorg.21:03
infinityI guess I'll leave it to someone who has hardware.21:04
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