=== daker-cloud is now known as daker_ | ||
daker_ | yo cjohnston | 15:55 |
cjohnston | hey daker_ | 16:51 |
cjohnston | daker_: ping | 17:33 |
daker_ | cjohnston: yo | 17:33 |
cjohnston | daker_: I pushed a couple of changes for LTP | 17:34 |
cjohnston | I'm working on some others that will make a couple of things easier that we use in Summit | 17:34 |
cjohnston | I was doing this while trying to get a working LTP back up to do reviews for you | 17:34 |
daker_ | i'll look at them :) | 17:34 |
daker_ | thanks | 17:34 |
cjohnston | daker_: antoher thing that I am working on, best I can tell it works with ltp, is the ability to just update-openids -u chrisjohnston | 17:35 |
cjohnston | instead of having to wait for all | 17:35 |
daker_ | oh yes that's cool | 17:36 |
cjohnston | the one css one that I reviewed last night just needs to be put in the new file and I'm pretty sure itll be good | 17:37 |
daker_ | ok | 17:37 |
cjohnston | daker_: how do you do the lint testing and such? | 17:42 |
cjohnston | id like to set it up for summit too | 17:42 |
daker_ | cjohnston: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ltp-devs/loco-team-portal/0.2/revision/528 | 17:43 |
cjohnston | k | 17:44 |
daker_ | but for me i use Pylinter plugin for Sublime text 2 | 17:46 |
cjohnston | daker_: I've got myself setup, and am going to do reviews... if you can update things as I go (don't know if you have time) then I'll re-review stuff | 17:57 |
daker_ | i am with you | 17:57 |
cjohnston | cool | 17:57 |
cjohnston | just reviewed one.. I think its probably just merge conflicts | 17:58 |
daker_ | what should i do exaclty ? | 18:00 |
daker_ | merge with the trunk then fix the conflicts ? | 18:01 |
cjohnston | if you can | 18:01 |
cjohnston | if not you may have to manually change the code again.. | 18:02 |
cjohnston | daker_: do you know that there are three failing tests? | 18:04 |
cjohnston | (in trunk) | 18:04 |
daker_ | the guest test ? | 18:05 |
cjohnston | i dont remember.. possibly | 18:05 |
cjohnston | I ran them yesterday | 18:05 |
cjohnston | I need to learn how to do testing so that I can get the tests in summit working, and write tests as i build my new site | 18:06 |
cjohnston | ERROR: testAdminIsATeamChecks (teams.tests.ACLChecksTestCase) | 18:07 |
cjohnston | Test if check for a more complicated LoCo Team setup works | 18:07 |
cjohnston | ERROR: test_update_user_details_long_names (django_openid_auth.tests.test_auth.OpenIDBackendTests) | 18:07 |
cjohnston | FAIL: test_anonymous_user (teams.tests.EditTeamTestCase) | 18:07 |
cjohnston | ERROR: test_current_site_in_context_after_login (django.contrib.auth.tests.views.LoginTest) | 18:08 |
daker_ | no those are the openid_auth tests | 18:08 |
daker_ | or not | 18:08 |
cjohnston | daker_: I'm just checking... | 18:16 |
cjohnston | "datetime.datetime.now()" doesn't require the import time? | 18:16 |
cjohnston | and def create_feed(user, url): doesnt require User? | 18:18 |
daker_ | where ? articles app ? | 18:21 |
cjohnston | i believe so | 18:27 |
cjohnston | yes | 18:27 |
daker_ | cjohnston: now https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.978901/+merge/102019 | 18:31 |
cjohnston | ok | 18:32 |
cjohnston | daker_: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.978901/+merge/102019 | 18:37 |
daker_ | which file ? | 18:38 |
cjohnston | line 167 of the mp... | 18:39 |
cjohnston | I don't remember which file it is | 18:39 |
cjohnston | https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.identica/+merge/105567 <--- if you give feedback I'll re-review | 18:39 |
cjohnston | loco_directory/templates/events/team_event_detail.html | 18:39 |
daker_ | done | 18:43 |
cjohnston | https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.978901/+merge/102019 | 18:51 |
daker_ | hmm? | 18:54 |
cjohnston | added a second comment to it | 18:54 |
daker_ | ok | 18:54 |
cjohnston | just a couple things to clean up the look of the form | 18:54 |
daker_ | change what to : | 18:54 |
daker_ | Change to: | 18:54 |
daker_ | <div class="row"> | 18:54 |
daker_ | <section class="span-8"> | 18:54 |
daker_ | ? | 18:54 |
cjohnston | <article class="main-content"> | 18:55 |
daker_ | ah ok | 18:56 |
cjohnston | ill be back in a couple hours.. back to the beach.. kids are up from naps | 19:00 |
daker_ | ok | 19:01 |
daker_ | have fun | 19:02 |
cjohnston | daker_: I'm back | 20:50 |
daker_ | try now https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.960695.meetings-app/+merge/108492 cjohnston | 20:56 |
daker_ | brb | 20:56 |
cjohnston | daker_: mhall119_ is ltp still on cranberry? | 20:59 |
cjohnston | daker_: http://ubuntuone.com/1PM23ezrCNB2pqSMb6VM1z does the horizontal line between my 'test' comment and the line with the date look like its a solid line vs all the others being dotted? | 21:08 |
daker_ | 404 | 21:10 |
cjohnston | http://ubuntuone.com/1PM23ezrCNB2pqSMb6VM1z ? | 21:11 |
daker_ | yes | 21:11 |
daker_ | 404 | 21:11 |
cjohnston | hrm | 21:12 |
cjohnston | its working for me | 21:12 |
cjohnston | i just tried again | 21:12 |
cjohnston | http://imgur.com/4HMPm | 21:13 |
cjohnston | daker_: ^ | 21:13 |
daker_ | https://one.ubuntu.com/1PM23ezrCNB2pqSMb6VM1z 404 | 21:13 |
daker_ | https | 21:13 |
daker_ | cjohnston: what are you testing ? | 21:14 |
daker_ | ah events | 21:14 |
cjohnston | thats with https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.978901/+merge/102019 I think I see a problem, but I want someone else to confirm | 21:14 |
cjohnston | its the event comments | 21:14 |
cjohnston | daker_: if you answered, I missed it.. https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.960695.articles-app/+merge/108428 for the articles, it doesn't require User and the datetime doesnt require time? | 21:21 |
cjohnston | just want to make 100% sure | 21:21 |
daker_ | it doesn't require User | 21:23 |
daker_ | datetime ? where ? | 21:23 |
cjohnston | print "[%s] Updating: %s" % (datetime.datetime.now(), feed.title) | 21:24 |
cjohnston | I guess it requires datetime not time | 21:24 |
daker_ | yes and we already import it | 21:25 |
cjohnston | I see that now.. approved :-) | 21:27 |
daker_ | ok | 21:29 |
cjohnston | daker_: check your email | 21:38 |
daker_ | thanks | 21:40 |
cjohnston | its getting really annoying | 21:40 |
daker_ | :) | 21:42 |
cjohnston | daker_: it also looks like you need commit messages in LP | 21:42 |
daker_ | ? | 21:42 |
daker_ | ah yes yes | 21:42 |
cjohnston | daker_: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-team-portal/update-openids-update/+merge/112914 <-- when you test this, ./manage.py update-openids -u chrisjohnston <-- the one user meathod | 21:43 |
cjohnston | method | 21:43 |
cjohnston | please ensure though that the old way works.. I have been having internet connection troubles and cant keep a solid connection long enough to go through all of it | 21:44 |
daker_ | maybe you have to add an except | 21:44 |
daker_ | if this user = User.objects.get(username=username) fails ? | 21:44 |
cjohnston | doing the one user works.. its when I try to update all of the openids that I lose internet | 21:45 |
cjohnston | its a conenction problem and not a script problem, I'm certain, but I would like it properly eested | 21:45 |
cjohnston | tested | 21:46 |
cjohnston | I'll be home in 5 minutes, I hope to get back on in an hour or so and work more | 21:46 |
daker_ | cjohnston: | 21:47 |
daker_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068434/ | 21:47 |
cjohnston | but its updating the openid | 21:48 |
cjohnston | doesnt matter if the user already exists | 21:49 |
daker_ | no if the user doesn't exist the get function will raise a traceback | 21:52 |
daker_ | The DoesNotExist exception is raised whenever the lookup with get() fails | 21:53 |
daker_ | and the command will not execute the | 21:54 |
daker_ | launchpad.set_user_openid(user, force=True) | 21:54 |
cjohnston | gotcha | 21:55 |
cjohnston | i was thinking you were trying to do something backwards | 21:55 |
daker_ | :) | 21:56 |
daker_ | and i am lost | 21:56 |
cjohnston | I dont think you are | 21:57 |
cjohnston | are you saying replace lines 24-29 of the MP with your paste? | 21:59 |
daker_ | yes | 22:01 |
daker_ | i rejected this https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.960695.events-app/+merge/108462 | 22:02 |
daker_ | will work on another one | 22:02 |
daker_ | i hate conflicts | 22:02 |
cjohnston | ok | 22:03 |
daker_ | cjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.960695.common-app/+merge/108439 | 22:09 |
=== daker_ is now known as daker | ||
daker | cjohnston: https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-team-portal/fix.960695.events-app2/+merge/112916 | 22:47 |
cjohnston | ok daker.. | 22:52 |
cjohnston | I'm home.. had dinner.. back on my desktop | 22:53 |
cjohnston | lets see what we can work out | 22:53 |
cjohnston | daker: doing the "try" thing doesnt work when you don't specify a user (i.e. doing all | 22:58 |
cjohnston | ) | 22:58 |
daker | no i think there is something wrong | 22:59 |
cjohnston | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068536/ | 23:01 |
daker | cjohnston: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068538/ ? | 23:02 |
daker | cjohnston: the sys.exit('Seems that this user does not exist') should inside the except | 23:04 |
cjohnston | that looks better | 23:04 |
cjohnston | seems to be running | 23:04 |
daker | cjohnston: like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068561/ | 23:19 |
daker | look at yours https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-team-portal/update-openids-update/view/head:/loco_directory/common/management/commands/update-openids.py | 23:20 |
cjohnston | ya.. i havent pushed it again | 23:20 |
daker | ok | 23:20 |
cjohnston | im back on good internet so im testing updating all | 23:20 |
daker | ok time for bed :) | 23:21 |
cjohnston | I feel the same way after a day at the beach | 23:21 |
cjohnston | sleep well | 23:21 |
daker | :) | 23:21 |
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