[00:14] so, if my windows xp will crash after booting in grub, the best option is supergrub? [00:17] ok, I learned the hard way to not dual boot unless you have two hard disks [00:28] blackgatonegro, i dont have two disks and i have several boots [00:29] GridCube, windows xp crashes after I boot it in grub, I am gonna try rescatux to fix my windows xp sp3 crashing in grub [00:30] blackgatonegro, that probably has nothing to do with grub whatsoever [00:30] you could try loging to xubuntu and doing sudo update-grub [00:30] that should make grub work with xp [00:30] gonna try [00:31] i have XP in this machine, and it loads pretty well [00:31] you could even try boot-repair, you can get it from a ppa https://launchpad.net/~yannubuntu/+archive/boot-repair [00:32] if that doesnt help you will need to fix your windows [00:32] lets just say to try a disk cherck using grub is a bad idea if you have xubuntu and xp on the same hard disk [00:40] weirdest of things, for thouse of you who were here yesterday hearing about the freezing problem I had with my craptop [00:40] today it hasnt happened, not a single time [00:40] and I didnt change anything [00:40] i dont believe local temperatures have changed so to mean a change in the speed of the craptop [00:41] and I havent disabled or enabled new things [00:49] Hello there, I'm having a bit of trouble with skype notifications. I checked the forums and bugs and don't see anything so thought I'd pop in here to see if anyone was having similar issues. [00:50] Basically after a period of inactivity I get sound but no popup notifications for things like incoming calls (making it impossible to answer them). A restart of skype fixes the issue. Anyone else experiencing something like this? [01:05] trevelyon: Actually, you do still get them, they just "blend in", try minimizing the window real quick next event. [01:12] <[Relic]> are there any better nvidia drivers? [01:13] [Relic], settings, additional drivers pick the one that says "version current updates" [01:14] Than the ones found in "Additional Drivers"? [01:14] you can manuall update your drivers but is not recomended, as you could crash the pc [01:16] <[Relic]> sauerbraten was looking weird, not sure if it was drivers or fresh install setting but everything was like I had it before so I will try the other drivers and see if that help [01:18] <[Relic]> usually takes a few days to get everything working the ay you want it [01:27] @unit193 Thanks for the response but I really don't get them at all. I've cleared the area where they should appear and even testing an incoming call shows no popup but has the sound of it. I think this might have started after installing ia32-libs. I've done a purge on that package and uninstalled/reinstalled skype but no luck. Maybe it is just me experiencing this. [01:28] I also can't be certain on the ia32-libs thing either. My noticing it just seems to coincide with it's installation. [01:28] I get something like it too, but if I minimize part of the minimized window remains until the popup goes away. [01:29] What window did you minimize? [01:29] Whatever was up, the popup would blend in, but not change with changing windows, if that makes any sense. [01:31] Yes but I get other popups just fine there. In fact quiting and restarting skype causes the incoming call popups to show up again (in the same empty space as they should have before). It doesn't seem an overlay issue to me and only happens with skype notifications. [01:31] Rest of that is the same here. [01:32] Though, notifyd popups are much different anyway. [01:32] I also changed my notifications to the big ugly pink settings to rule that out. Still no notification popups from skype [01:33] Is there a way to see what notifications get to notifyd? [01:35] Now that I think about it this is not a normal notification. It's the skype specific answer dialog. I'm not even sure this goes through the normal notification system [01:37] I get chat notifications from skype just fine. It's only the call answer dialog/notification I don't seem to get [01:41] They use their own thing. [01:42] Ok, thanks for the help. It looks like it might be just me experiencing this so I will try and do some more digging. I appreciate the input. === blackgatocatnegr is now known as blackgatonegro1 [04:33] Hi. Is there any option to enable vsync on xfwm4-compositor? [04:45] arch: you can check in xfconf [04:47] well_laid_lawn: can't find this option [04:48] just i have terrible screen tearing with compositor enabled on nvidia blob [04:49] I don't use nvidia or the compositing - you might find someone in #xfce that'll have a clue [04:51] thx [05:16] hi yall [07:52] ho do I run application with my discrete NVIDIA card? I have installed bumblebee. I tried following the instructions on this website (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation) but no success. Can you please help? [08:45] can smb help me with xubuntu 12.04? [08:47] just ask ur question) [08:53] if possible [09:00] Quite impossible to know before the problem's been presented. [09:01] i just installed xubuntu 12.04 on my athlon xp 1.2 GHz 512 ram and ati radeon le (r100) 32 mb and found that it not possible to watch video - video otput is choppy and intermittent [09:02] i use latest smplayer [09:02] and codecs installed [09:02] on ubuntu 10.10 everything was ok [09:02] my screen resolution is [09:02] 1920x10850 [09:02] 1080 [09:04] alex_alex: Can you try with some other applications, like vlc for example? [09:04] is it possible to fix or 12.04 is more demanding to resources than ubuntu 10.10? [09:04] yes, i tried [09:04] vlc is even worse [09:05] parole - the same [09:05] i'am very upset [09:05] thus i do not know what to do. [09:05] It could be something related to graphics drivers. Are you using open or proprietary drivers? [09:06] open, they installed automatically [09:06] as my card is old, i have no support from ati [09:07] Ahh... right. [09:07] i tried to install edgers ppa with latest open drivers [09:07] but with no effect [09:07] Just to make sure, you rebooted after installing those ppa drivers, right? [09:07] yes [09:08] 'k [09:08] Do you by any chance have compositor enabled? [09:10] i installed compizconfig and no modules are checked [09:10] i tried to disable vsync - nothing [09:11] Go to Settings > Window Manager Tweaks, tab Compositor. Is it enabled? [09:13] in ccsm? [09:13] no, in xubuntu/xfce [09:15] Hmm... don't see any real performance regression bugs on LP. I don't have any options, left. Please file a bug about this. [09:18] yes, very strange. bad that i have to look for some other distro now [09:19] Was the compositor enabled? I don't know whether it fixes this particular problem, but I'd use that info for other purposes, too. So please if you could provide that answer, it'd be swell. :) [09:20] iam trying to find this setting right now [09:20] Go to the main menu (top-left corner), there's a menu entry Settings. Click on that, go to Settings Manager. [09:21] There you have several icons, one of them is Window Manager Tweaks. [09:22] Select that, and you'll see a few tabs. The last one is Compositor. The first checkbox is the one. [09:22] "Enable display compositing" [09:24] ok, i have russain system language, so i'll switch it to english now to be sure [09:25] Sure, thanks. [09:28] yes, it is enebled [09:28] enabled [09:29] Ok, can you try disabling it, and see if it affects to the video performance? [09:31] nothing changed significantly :( [09:36] Right, well it was just a thought. Sorry, I don't have other ideas. You could ask again later if you like, you could also check the just released alpha-2 live-cd to see whether anything there makes a difference. You can file a bug (and you should, it'd be appreciated, but only if you care enough to keep the installation so that you can provide additional information should the triagers need any). [09:37] 1920x1080 is your screen resolution? [09:38] what laptop model? [09:38] no laptopd, pc [09:39] thank you astarljava for your willingness to help! [09:40] can u decrease resolution and try play video again/ [09:40] Sure, we're not perfect around here, but we do care about our users. :) [09:44] i reduced video size in the smplayer window and it is more quick (but not enough) now [09:45] seems that it is to difficult to pc to play the video, but as i sad no such bug in 10.10 [09:47] Yeah, it sounds like a regression, but I don't know how to triage, graphics issues I'm not so familiar with. [09:48] maybe try out some other video formats and sizes [09:48] alex_alex: There's also a channel #radeon, maybe they could help you there? [09:49] ohh, i'll try to ask there too [09:49] thank you [09:49] No prob. [09:49] maybe software has just bloated [09:50] uzver: on smaller videos playback is smoother but 700x400 - "step by step strategy" [09:50] you could try different video outputs, it easy at least with vlc and gnome-mplayer [09:51] i tried all outputs in smplayer - xv is the most "quick" [09:52] also while playing cpu 100% [09:52] i wonder can it be due to pulseaudio? [09:52] on 10.10 i removed it [09:53] removing PA can free some resources for video playback [09:54] yes, i think i have to try it here too, what is the right way to do this? [09:55] package manager, synaptic/software-center/apt [09:56] i mean if it'll bt enough apt-get autoremove pulsaudio --purge? [09:57] on 10.10 it was a bit tricky to get rid of pa [09:58] also. what i need to install for volume control from the tray? [10:01] alex_alex: The correct command is `sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio`, and the volume icon should be in Indicator Plugin. [10:05] oh, i was always using --purge after with no idea it is wrong :) [10:06] i tried this on virtual machine, removed pavucontrol also, tried to add volume control to panel but theri is no indicator, just thin line instead [10:11] alex_alex: No, the incorrect part in your command was 'autoremove', that's used without any arguments. The correct one is 'remove'. [13:38] astraljava: are you here? [13:40] Yep. [13:42] i'm here again, i just rebooted the machine and oopsss [13:43] everything works without composite [13:43] Hmm... interesting. [13:44] yes. if i enable effects, video freezes, choppy and etc [13:44] If you could set it on, see if it slows video down again, if not, reboot and verify whether it _then_ slows video down, that'd be awesome. [13:44] if disabled - works fine [13:44] Ok. [13:44] Thanks a lot! [13:45] This is good data because we have that as one bullet point on the quality enhancements list for quantal. [13:45] oo, if it is possible to fix, that be awesome [13:45] because now i cant use alpha channel in the xfce-panel [13:46] Yes, that's the drawback. [13:46] or maybe i can? [13:46] You shouldn't be able to, IIRC. [13:48] yes, this option became "hidden" but is it possible to make the panel transparent in any other way? [13:51] menu>settings>settings editor>xfce4-panel>panel(number)>opacity (one of them) [13:52] i think that should work [14:09] mathsterk: unfortunately, thats doesnt work [14:09] :( [14:10] but thaks for this idea [14:11] by2all for today and have great weekends! === EyesIsMine is now known as Hat [14:54] the weather forecast in panel works again :o [15:15] After booting, using the "logout" function in the session menu for the first time works properly...the second time causes the system to freeze (i.e., not login) after the entering the correct password in the (LDM?) login screen. Just me being me or a known problem? [15:18] drc: i don't have that problem. maybe poke a guru to get an answer [15:22] thanks [18:33] How do I install themes in Xubuntu? [18:33] drag and drop doesn't work [18:34] I tried to extract the downloaded file to themes, didn't work. then I tried to extract it there, then drag the folder and drop it in themes, didn't work [18:34] I'm out of ideas [18:35] after extracting, move folder containing at least gtk-2.0 to ~/.themes [18:36] then re-open appearance dialog [18:36] or window manager theme, folder containing xfwm4, window manager settings [18:38] it won't let me move the containing folder to themes [18:38] and its not in window manager theme options in settings [18:39] (dot).themes you noticed? try re-opening entire settings dialog [18:41] filesystem/usr/share/themes right? [18:42] better to use /home/$USER/.themes [18:43] Sysi, I don't see that folder there. I'm using the live cd to test out themes [18:43] that folder doesn't exist by default [18:44] Sysi, so all I gotta do is make a folder called .themes? [18:44] extract theme there and re-open settings dialog [18:45] "I'm using the live cd to test out themes [18:45] urf [18:45] urf? [18:45] accidental paste [18:45] oh ok [18:47] yes it worked just fine :) thank you [18:47] np [18:47] the reason I'm tryin this out is because its difficult to find a working theme for gnome-shell [18:48] only issue now is window borders and buttons didn't change also [18:49] because you need to change them in window manager settings [18:50] I know but its not in the window manager settings [18:50] the one for the theme I mean [18:50] maybe your theme doesn't contain xfwm4 theme [18:50] I got it from xfce-look [18:51] Hi, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1984949 - When does language-selector run? Any comments? [18:51] robertzaccour: is there folder named xfwm4 in your theme folder? [18:51] theme or .theme? [18:52] oh yes there is [18:52] in theme [18:52] hum, then it should be available in window manager settings [18:56] Oh I figured it out [18:56] the theme the user made was for gnome [18:56] but wth did he upload it to xfce-look? [18:56] I hate it when people do that [18:56] for the gtk part [18:56] but misleads people like me [18:57] not having xfwm4 I mean [18:57] yeah, there should be a note about what parts theme really contains [18:58] there wasn't in the description, but in the comments I read another xfce user commenting window borders look the same then he explained to that user why [18:58] he should have put that in the description, especially since he put it on xfce-look [19:05] one minor issue now [19:06] guvcview isn't recording audio from my webcam [19:08] I am currently using Xubuntu 12.04 on my netbook.However, I have started to experiencing a persistent problem. Basically, I cannot install any software! This problem is largely due to the fact that the programs which I usually use to install applications (namely Synaptic Package Manager, Ubuntu Software Center and the default Xubuntu terminal emulator) cannot download the packages needed to begin the installation [19:10] techtonik: behind a proxy or firewall? [19:12] This might sound foolish but I do not know, I am just using the default setup of Xubuntu 12.04. (new user) [19:12] techtonik: open a terminal.. run "sudo apt-get update" [19:13] make sure no other package managers are open.. [19:13] !paste [19:13] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [19:13] anyone have an idea why guvcview doesn't record audio in xfce? [19:14] ^^ use pastebin to share any error messages techtonik [19:14] robertzaccour: routing... try pavucontrol [19:14] holstein, whats that? [19:15] robertzaccour: its something that will let you route audio using pulse audio [19:15] its something im suggesting for you to try in an effort to troubleshoot why you are not recording audio [19:15] oh the same thing as sound settings. it says establishing connection to pulseaudio. please wait.... been a few minutes [19:16] i would try recording *any* audio though.. maybe with audacity or something simpler.. right now, you are not sure what the issue is [19:16] could be something in alsamixer just to "turn on" the mic [19:16] run pulseaudio -k [19:17] I'm gonna reboot the live session might be a glitch [19:23] holstein that has failed saying ¨failed to fetch archives¨ [19:23] techtonik: if you can, pastebin the error message [19:24] are you connected to the internet on that machine?.. maybe try "ping -c 4 google.com" [19:26] yes I am [19:26] here is the URL ¨http://paste.ubuntu.com/1068229/¨ [19:29] techtonik: nothing marked http://ke.archive.ubuntu.com/ is working for me [19:30] so its not only my computer? [19:30] i would either look into where that went, and if its coming back, or just try changing where your machine is looking.. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ instead or whatever [19:30] techtonik: i dont know why your computer is looking for ke.archive.* [19:31] could be a mirror that is temporarily down.. could be a distro that is 12.04 based... could be an error.. could be something in the install [19:31] doesnt really matter what it is... you either need to point to other places that work, or wait til those come back [19:32] so are you suggesting a fresh re-installation? [19:32] no [19:32] techtonik: nope... im suggesting pointing to mirrors that are working, or looking into if thoe are going to be back up anytime soon [19:32] simply change the location for your repos [19:32] techtonik: no need to reinstall [19:33] How do you do that? [19:33] holstein [19:33] i would do that in the synaptic GUI, because thats is where i have done that in the past [19:35] holstein, so I should change the server from there? [19:35] isn't there option to automatically look up mirrors in synaptic [19:36] techtonik: there is not "should".. you can do what you like... you'll need to point to some mirrors that are working if you want to download sofware [19:36] there are several places and ways to do that... i woud try in synaptic.. and see if that makes sense.. if not... im looking for a guide for you :) [19:37] Sysi, if you choose the option to "choose optimal" on your repos selection [19:37] this seems good "check the Software Center >> Edit >> Software Sources . . . >> Download From setting to see if you are pointing to a valid server which is in your country" [19:37] holstein: will do [19:37] GridCube: I haven't opened synaptic in three years [19:38] :) [19:40] holstein: so I change fron the server I am currently using to the main server? Or the UK? Sorry to persist [19:40] techtonik, choose anyone and test it [19:40] if it works fast use that one if its too slow try other [19:41] GridCube, will try [19:41] if your internet is good any will do really [19:51] GridCube and holstein thanks for all your help, problem solved! Just changed the server to the Main server :) [20:40] were would i find directions for a clean install for xubuntu that would reformat the hard drive? [20:42] the live cd has gparted on it for formatting partitions [20:44] is that a downloadable item cd live ? can it be downloaded to a usb drive then booted from that? [20:44] sure [20:45] How do I add a Xubuntu machine to a Windows workgroup? [20:45] i will read more on that thank you for the inforamtion [20:47] ball: I don't use windows here so I dunno, ask again in a bit when someone who knows is around [20:50] Hello [20:52] question: despite disabling access control to my X11 session, remote programs still say "can't open display: [this machine]:0" ... why? [20:53] ie, from this machine: user@phobos-xubuntu:~$ xhost + [20:53] access control disabled, clients can connect from any host [20:54] delt: what do you mean by remote programs [20:54] and from remote machine: [20:54] [pts/3][user@deimos]:~$ xcalc [20:54] Error: Can't open display: phobos:0.0 [20:54] oh sorry about the flood btw :3 [20:54] Did you ssh into the machine that's running the X client? [20:55] telnet. (local network) [20:55] Native X may be disabled for security reasons (it's unencrypted) [20:55] check /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc to see if nolisten tcp is part of the command [20:55] Try ssh -X remotehost [20:55] ...then xcalc [20:56] yeah i might not want to fugg around with ssh in the immediate future.... [20:58] lately i got hacked because of it..... didn't know that (contrary to what i learned in unix classes) accounts disabled in /etc/passwd (username:*:blahblah) could still login via ssh [20:58] anwyay gonna do a lot of manpage reading before using ssh again :/ [20:59] well_laid_lawn: xserverrc seems to be a shell script, which just runs: exec /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp "$@" [20:59] ssh is trivial, I don't know what you're scared of. [20:59] so like you said "nolisten" is there [20:59] so that means it doesn't listen on tcp for other hosts [21:00] uh, "nolisten tcp" i meant [21:00] yeah, would seem to be it.. thanks! [21:02] cp /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc.distroot <--- seems like a smart thing to do, ie. each time i modify something in /etc/ right? [21:02] s/distroot/dist/ (term was on line boundary, and somehow assumed the username from next line's prompt was part of the same word) [21:03] (or so i'm guessing) [21:03] very very nice distro btw.. thanks! saying again.... [21:05] now the file just runs X "$@" ...i'm guessing a symlink to the actual X binary would do the same? [21:05] why a symlink? [21:07] dunno, was just thinking out lo..uh verbose :3 [21:07] so now that i have: [21:07] # now let's drop the "nolisten tcp" so we can run stuff from other hosts... [21:07] # which leaves us with: [21:07] exec /usr/bin/X "$@" [21:07] i guess i just have to restart the X server itself... change runlevel, reboot, ...? [21:08] restart X and have a look at xhost [21:08] or look at xhost and restart the X server [21:09] oh, would have guessed... where's the "nozap" option to the X server? (commandline/config file) [21:10] i would have assumed it was from a config.file, but i copied mine directly from my slack partition (nvidia drivers, weirdo screen modes, etc etc) and ctrl+alt+backspace still doesnt work [21:10] /etc/X11/xorg.conf iirc [21:10] isn't nozap a driver option? [21:10] anyway brb... [21:11] Right, that's it... I'm off to mow the cat. [21:11] mow? [21:11] poor cat [21:11] awh [21:11] :( [21:12] well, send the result/remains to well_laid_lawn, so he can lay them well as part of his lawn :D [21:12] heh [21:12] anyway.... this telnet client is on the server but... brb [21:12] !info xhost [21:12] Package xhost does not exist in precise [21:12] there you go then [21:13] !find xhost [21:13] File xhost found in bash-completion, fusil, gnuspool, kde-runtime, kde-runtime-data, kde-runtime-dbg, manpages-it, scheme2c, x11-common, x11-xserver-utils (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xhost&mode=&suite=precise&arch=any [21:14] .... :( killed X process (seems to respawn from inittab) ... no go :/ [21:15] probably need to kill the dm [21:15] anyway, rebooting the xubuntu machine.... [21:15] brb [21:18] :( [21:18] access control disabled, clients can connect from any host [21:18] SI:localuser:user [21:18] [pts/3][user@deimos]:~$ xcalc [21:18] Error: Can't open display: phobos:0.0 [21:19] :( :( :( [21:19] weird thing is, everything works fine when this machine is running slackware..... [21:20] delt: slap xubuntu and go to bed, then when you wake up, xubuntu magicaly works [21:23] or see man xhost [21:38] hmm.... "ps xauww | grep X" reveals: root 1167 1.6 2.5 71752 52668 tty7 Rs+ 17:16 0:19 /usr/local/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch -background none [21:39] *sigh* specifying :n and vt(n) directly to X reminds me of my first "startx" replacement script which i wrote sometime in 1998-99 [21:39] wish i still had all the skills i had back then :( :( [21:40] looks like you need to check lightdm's conf to see how it is starting X, I don't use a dm here so I don't have those hassles [21:40] :) [21:41] ME NEITHER... USUALLY [21:41] just trying out ubuntu :3 :3 [21:44] uh... would "lightdm" be that minimal desktop manager that pops up "sometimes" ...usually related to logout/shutdown issues? [21:44] it's the login manager [21:44] (following the tradition of xdm, kdm, etcetc....) [21:44] !info lightdm [21:44] lightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 94 kB, installed size 432 kB [21:45] LightDM is an X display manager that aims to be light, fast, extensible and multi-desktop.[1] It uses a WebKit backend to draw HTML-based login interfaces.[2] [21:45] LightDM offers at least the same functionality as GDM but it has a simpler code base and does not load any GNOME libraries to work.[3] LightDM is the default display manager for Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu and Mythbuntu since 11.10 release and for Lubuntu since 12.04 release.[4][5] [21:46] you know everything now [21:46] haha "edubuntu" nice one :D [21:46] it's been going for a while now [21:47] !kde [21:47] KDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. [21:47] oh, was wondering also... is there a way to install all kde apps without making kde the default "desktop environment"? [21:48] searching for various words such as kde, koffice, .... in the "software-center" app didn't give much useful info :/ [21:48] delt: There's no meta-package for "all KDE apps" unfortunately, sorry. [21:48] I'm guessing if you play with some confs you could do that [21:48] :( [21:48] But they all have necessary dependencies set. [21:48] define "confs" in this context [21:49] So if you install an application, all the required libraries will follow. [21:49] i noticed =) good thing too =) =) [21:49] what dm starts and what the dm starts [21:50] aaaanyway... let's see what the PPID of the X server is under this current configuration...... [21:51] *sigh* of course, "top" 's default config, omits the ONE field, .... [21:53] root 1051 0.0 0.1 34020 3068 ? Ssl 17:16 0:00 lightdm [21:53] how would i have guessed... :3 [21:54] "grep lightdm /etc/*/*" was spectacularly helpful.... :/ [21:55] lets take a look at /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [21:56] root@phobos-xubuntu:~# find /etc/ | grep -i lightdm | wc -l [21:56] 14 [21:56] interesting [21:57] oh yeah, i forght.... /etc/init replaces the whole inittab thing... [21:57] * delt == oldschool (as in obsolete) unix dude [21:58] astraljava: how about specific KDE packages? (ie. " [21:58] koffice" ) ahfuck oops [22:00] koffice "might" have the whole kde desktop as a dep [22:00] Please mind the language, we're a family-friendly channel. :) What about it? Same goes for all of them, necessary libs will be pulled in as dependencies. No cruft, though. And I believe kdm will only get installed if you explicitly install that, or kubuntu-desktop or some such. [22:01] erm... what's the actual package called these days? Neither precise nor quantal finds that one. [22:02] !fin koffice [22:02] !find koffice [22:02] Found: koffice-l10n-ca, koffice-l10n-cavalencia, koffice-l10n-da, koffice-l10n-de, koffice-l10n-el, koffice-l10n-engb, koffice-l10n-es, koffice-l10n-et, koffice-l10n-fr, koffice-l10n-gl (and 17 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=koffice&searchon=names&suite=precise§ion=all [22:03] That's what I mean, there doesn't seem to be others than localization packages with that name. [22:03] I figured it was part of kde itself [22:04] install kde - get koffice [22:04] me [22:04] you could try koffice --no-install-recommends [22:04] Well that's weird. $ sudo apt-get install koffice-l10n-engb [22:04] Suggested packages: [22:04] koffice [22:04] But that won't be installed. [22:05] Not even with --install-suggests. [22:05] Which makes sense, though, as apt-cache cannot find it. [22:05] with --no-install-recommends it just installs qt [22:06] E: Package 'koffice' has no installation candidate [22:06] oooo [22:06] right [22:06] true that [22:06] Wanna try again? :D [22:07] Strange, but I never paid that much attention to the Kubuntu side anyway. Maybe it has a plain and simple explanation. [22:07] bah it's no big deal.... i can click on each kde app i want to use =) [22:08] now back to this remote-apps-on-ubuntu-x11 thing.... [22:09] this light-dm runs the aforementioned file directly? (/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc) [22:09] regarding light-dm i'm just finding a -mess- of config stuff in /etc/ [22:10] uh lightdm sorry [22:10] doesn't seem like it from what you said earlier [22:10] $ lsof | grep xinit [22:10] sh 2624 jaska 10r REG 8,17 10105 40372661 /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc [22:11] But I'm not an X specialist by any means. [22:11] lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/user/.gvfs Output information may be incomplete. [22:11] sh 1371 user 10r REG 8,5 10103 392934 /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc [22:12] jaska.... is your last name "raatikainen" by any chance :D [22:12] Nope. :) [22:13] are you from finland? [22:13] I am, yes. [22:13] and/or play drums :D [22:13] jk [22:13] Nope. But I got the CoB reference. [22:14] * astraljava is mostly a guitarist, but plays also the keys, the cello and the bass [22:14] kidding aside, finnish seems like an interesting language. [22:14] Oh, it's not, really. [22:14] <--- guitarist and tracker(as in audio sequencing) [22:14] I prefer English. [22:14] ...and am much better at it. [22:14] one of your countrymen created a landmark in tracking/audio sequencing [22:15] Savolainen? [22:15] Sami ..... tamilheto? [22:15] anyway, st3 (the s3m format) [22:15] Hmm... then may not. [22:16] I know that the Savolainen brothers have been notorious in the linux audio world. [22:16] Scream Tracker is a tracker (an integrated multi-track step sequencer and sampler as a software application). It was created by Psi (Sami Tammilehto) of Finland's Future Crew (FC)[1][2] It was coded in C and assembly language. The first popular version ..... [22:16] I even worked at the same organization for a little while. [22:16] ...with one of them. [22:16] Oh okay. Didn't know that. [22:17] then came impulse tracker in the mid/late 90's.... [22:17] Heheh. That one I do remember. :) [22:17] i am/was on the schism tracker dev theme since 2005/6 .... schismtracker.org [22:17] (i designed the logo :D ) [22:18] the old one was a cursive-script one like IT but said "schism tracker" instead [22:18] Cool. :) [22:19] i totally suck as a coder, especially today, but i implemented 12-channel view, and a few other neat features [22:19] like masking on the instrument note -> sample trans table, etc... [22:20] oh and the "demo tune" since like, 2007 (secretly wishing) [22:20] Sweet. Well, many of the OSS projects don't necessarily need top notch programmers. Just ones that have a passion and drive for the project. Code can always be optimized, but it needs to appear first. :) [22:20] i should really write a new one... [22:21] tune i mean [22:22] as a programmer i suck totally... trouble with concentration because of health issues [22:22] which is probably why i haven't even solved this remote-X11-app thing yet [22:23] did you look at man xhost? [22:23] it gets worse over the years.... [22:23] oh yeah i did [22:23] k [22:24] uh 2sec gonna boot back into slack so i have all my fancy popup-manpages-or-whatever-i-want stuff :D [22:27] okie, now i'm in my element! [22:27] except i can't test xubuntu first-hand (though i can mount the ext* partitions) [22:29] see, this xterm window i'm typing in now is running off the server, displayed on this machine.... [22:30] Right, well. In that sense, Xubuntu is not much different from any other linux. [22:30] astraljava: any cool tunes you've got online? [22:30] * astraljava also irc's from a shell provider account [22:30] delt: Nothing of my own, no. [22:31] band...? [22:31] delt: Also, this is a support channel. If you wanna talk offtopic, --> #xubuntu-offtopic. We'll gladly welcome you there. :) [22:32] oh sry [22:32] No probs. :) [22:48] seems like newer linux distro's (like *buntu) are adding a bunch of "abstraction layers" between the Xserver and actual apps.... [22:49] which are mostly both useful, but also troublesome.... (my impression) [22:49] I wouldn't know, They Just Work™. [22:51] hi, im configuring docky and what apps to stick to it, for some reason the option "pin/stick to docky" doesnt show up when right clicking chromium icon in docky, it does with gimp and audacious and such. any ideas anyone? [22:51] SO WHO'S WITH ME?!! ....dockie?