
xixorsup n00bs01:31
skreech__xixor nub01:47
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nandhuHI Does any one know how to configure and test SNMP02:44
nandhuin ubuntu02:44
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Guest55061Is anybody awake? I'm having problems up the wazoo with getting any scripts to run. This is so frustrating, I was running Kubuntu for over a year and never had any issues running scripts...now I can't run anything I downlong. I've searched all over and I'm totally lost. If anyone can point me in the right direction or give some suggestions I would really appreciate it. I'm about ready to dump kubuntu04:00
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Nicekiwi_Guest55061: what kinda scripts?04:06
Guest55061I'm just trying to get Tor up and running. The thing I can't figure out is why I'm having all these problems, what changed? I ran tor with no problem as well as any other shell script out there on Kubuntu but now on the exact same OS I can't get anything to work...anyway sorry to vent. First off the shell script won't exectue, like it did before. It just opens Gedit and shows me the code for the script. So I open Konsole and do a "chmod +x04:10
Guest55061tor.sh" and then run "bash tor.sh" and I get access denied. The wierd thing to is SH won't work to run scripts either. I'm just totally lost because Kubuntu never had an issue executing this exact same script on itself when I had it before. The only thing I can thing of is I'm missing some package but I though shell scripts were as standard as they come.04:10
Guest55061I'll get some output04:10
Guest55061Command "sh start-tor-browser" output "Launching Tor Browser Bundle for Linux in /home/jack/tor-browser_en-US04:11
Guest55061start-tor-browser: 225: start-tor-browser: ./App/vidalia: Permission denied04:11
Guest55061Vidalia exited abnormally.  Exit code: 126"04:11
Guest55061I have the executable option checked, I've tried running it in terminal and "opening with" bash or sh and they just won't run04:15
Guest55061If I run sudo tor.sh tor won't let me run as root, which I don't want to do :P I just feel like I'm missing a package or something  but why did I have no problems before?  ><04:16
Guest55061I guess it's time to start trying a new OS, I can't figure out what the heck is going on. This is so frustrating, I don't understand how I'm using the same scripts on the same OS that worked before and now it just decides not work.04:21
Guest55061No Ideas from anyone, I really liked Kubuntu I with I knew why it worked with no problems and now I can't run a script to save my life04:27
Guest55061I wish*04:27
Guest55061Nicekiwi did you have any ideas? I'm at my wits end with this04:30
Guest55061Well I guess I'm trying linux mint now. Thanks anyway04:34
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[Relic]fresh 12.04, where's the trash bin located?04:59
liudashello, did anyone faced clock self changes ater updates? mine is set not to show time zone, but it starts showing despite this stetting?05:01
Nicekiwi_liudas: which clock?05:13
liudasNicekiwi: right down corner05:13
Nicekiwi_[Relic]: in Dolphin05:13
Nicekiwi_liudas: does it say UTC or something?05:14
liudasNicekiwi: yes05:14
liudasthat's what i finf annoying05:14
Nicekiwi_liudas: hover ur mouse over the time and scroll with ur scroll wheel05:14
liudasit's set not to show, but after some updates it start showing05:15
Nicekiwi_liudas: scrolling didnt chnage it?05:15
Nicekiwi_[Relic]: it maybe called the Wastebin now05:16
liudasit changes - thanks for the tip, but i guess it shuldn't change after some updates05:16
[Relic]moved it to the mainbar so now I can find it05:17
[Relic]now I just need to figure out why sauerbraten is so choppy in movement now05:21
nicekiwiliudas: , yeah dunno about the update. maybe u chnaged it accidently with the scroll thing05:21
liudasnicekiwi: actually i have 3 PC's wuth kubuntu and possibility for such accident is close to zero05:23
* nicekiwi shrugs05:23
liudasnicekiwi: and they all face the same. so i wonder does updates change something in this settings. i guess it happens after kernel updates.05:24
liudasnicekiwi, in such situation i ussually opn clock seting anr see that theris still no check for showing time zone in clock but it's shown. then i chek / unchek - apply ant time zone is gone05:26
liudasnicekiwi: ok thatnk's for your responce - i can live with it :)05:27
liudasnicekiwi: guy from kde channel tought me about scrolling on clock - it will be much easier :)05:29
Nicekiwi_sweet beans05:32
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qw[UA]help me please update/upgrade my system10:23
Lynoureqw[UA]: you are more likely to get the help if you go into the details10:28
Lynourelike from what to what, and what kind of problems you are having10:28
zepphi there! i have a question: in my knode every news article which has not been read has a HUGE icon... ive read on internet to install oxygen-icon-theme-complete but that does not solve this problem... any suggestions?10:29
qw[UA]i woul like correct upgrade/update my system10:29
qw[UA]would* sorry10:33
mydogsnameisrudyqw[UA]: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:38
qw[UA]my system write me: You system now is not supported10:39
mydogsnameisrudywhat are you running?10:40
Os_Maleusanybody using here kmail and knowing how to change the "User-Agent"-entry there?10:40
qw[UA]i am not upgrade/update in konsole10:40
Os_Maleus found a description that says the following: "Select Settings | Configure KMail ... Composer ... Headers tab ... Click on New ... Type the header's name in the Name: field ... To overwrite the "User-Agent:" header, type "User-Agent", for example ... Type the desired value in the Value: field ... Click OK"10:40
Os_Maleusbut if I follow it, closing the window for the settings over "Apply" and "OK", the changes are in fact not taken over.10:40
Lynoureqw[UA]: which version of kubuntu are you on?10:42
mydogsnameisrudyin terminal type     lsb_release -a10:42
mydogsnameisrudyqw[UA]: ^10:44
qw[UA]ubuntu 10.1010:57
qw[UA]sorry i am diner=)10:57
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mydogsnameisrudy10.10 no longer supported as of 4-10-1211:02
qw[UA]now i upgrade in 11.04 and didn't have error11:02
qw[UA]in upgrad11:02
mydogsnameisrudyyou did upgrade?11:03
qw[UA]in programm writen upgrade11:04
mydogsnameisrudyqw[UA]:  in terminal type     lsb_release -a11:04
qw[UA]i am not upgrade in konsole11:04
qw[UA]see pm please11:05
mydogsnameisrudyyour running 10.10 its not supported11:05
qw[UA]yes and i am upgrade in 11.0411:05
mydogsnameisrudyyou are upgrading now?11:06
qw[UA]see this screen http://s017.radikal.ru/i413/1207/12/6baae135faae.jpg please11:07
mydogsnameisrudythen wait untill the upgrade is finished11:08
qw[UA]i am write11:09
mydogsnameisrudyafter the upgrade is finished you can run update and upgrade11:09
qw[UA]retry ?11:11
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mydogsnameisrudywhen the upgrade is finished    !!!11:14
lankaHi, I'm the first time in this irc channel11:19
mydogsnameisrudyhello lanka11:20
qw[UA]12.04 beta or not ?11:25
mydogsnameisrudyqw[UA]:  12.04  is no longer beta11:29
grifo74hi please whO is the minimal hardware requiriments to run kubunt11:32
grifo7412.04 have kernel pae?11:33
mydogsnameisrudygrifo74: http://askubuntu.com/questions/125280/what-are-the-minimum-system-requirements-for-12-04-lts11:34
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mah454KDE have like gnome sushi ?12:04
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BluesKajHey all12:32
lordcirthSo, I installed Lancelot, but I can't get rid of Kickoff, it won't let me remove it?12:50
BluesKajlordcirth, right click on the kicker and choose "remove this application launcher"12:58
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=== Guest54976 is now known as Kutubun
Kutubunhello guys13:27
Kutubunsomeone can explain why i cant install any packet on kubuntu ?13:28
Kutubuni'm testing it on an usb key with a virtual machine and in 'persistant mode'13:28
BluesKajwhy the VM , Kutubun , the usb stick should be sufficient13:33
penguin42on QQ there doesn't seem to be a shortcut for the window menu option 'more actions' (which I think was advanced previously?) - is this intentional - makes it harder to get to the keep-above13:33
Kutubunit's because i'm running kubuntu under microsoft (shame on me) so i use oracle vmbox13:34
BluesKajbut you have ubuntu on USB , right? ..whynot just boot into the USB stick13:38
Kutubunyes you re right. But i need actually to run some softs under windows it's why i'm virtualising kubuntu13:39
Kutubunbut maybe my problems are coming from the virtualisation, i don't really know13:40
penguin42missed the start -whats the problem you're seeing in virtualbox?13:40
Kutubunwell, the problem is that i can't install anything on kubuntu13:41
BluesKajKutubun, that's a very unigue situation and I've never heard of it before , so I can't advise13:41
penguin42Kutubun: What happens when you try?13:41
Kutubunwell i can't download any packet13:42
Kutubunand of course i can't install them13:42
penguin42does basic networking work - like can you get a  webpage up in the guest?13:42
Kutubunyes, i can use the browser, chat on irc etc13:42
BluesKajpenguin42, Kutubun's original question : testing it on an usb key with a virtual machine and in 'persistant mode13:42
penguin42BluesKaj: Oh I see - so it's still on the USB key but in the VM?13:43
Kutubunyes thats right13:43
BluesKajyup seems so13:43
penguin42Kutubun: Is it just out of space on the thumb?13:43
Kutubunwell i'm using a 16gb usb key and i have only kubuntu on it13:44
penguin42persistent thumbs can be a bit odd - never had good experience with them13:44
Kutubunso i think i must have alots of free space13:44
penguin42Kutubun: If you're running under virtualbox why not install it onto a virtual disk?13:45
Kutubunwell it's a possibility.13:46
penguin42Kutubun: It's worth a try, after all virtual disks are free!13:46
Kutubuni'll try also to boot directly on the usb key and see whats happens13:47
Kutubun** i have allowed 1 gig of ram13:48
Kutubunmaybe it's not enough to run kubuntu properly ?13:49
penguin421GB should run OK13:49
penguin42oh hang on13:52
penguin42is it running using a ramdisk for some of it and that's why it's not letting you install stuff?13:53
lordcirthBluesKaj: That's the problem, it doesn't have that button like the rest13:54
BluesKajlordcirth, that button , do you mean the choice in right click dialog or the" K" Launcher icon?13:56
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Guest75920penguin42: on the 'live' version what is the root password ?14:01
Guest75920i'm wondering if it's not because i don't have the root privillèges14:01
penguin42is there one? You should be able to do sudo -s and get a root shell14:01
penguin42the live one should let you do anything14:02
Guest75920thanks, i'll try14:02
Guest75920hey thank you for your help14:03
Guest75920it's working :)14:03
Guest75920now it's working :)14:03
penguin42hmm well14:03
BluesKajGuest75920, did you boot with usb stick?14:04
kubuntu_penguin42:  it's working14:06
* BluesKaj wonders what's working14:10
penguin42he seems happy though14:11
BluesKaj"it" can mean a lot of things ...why do ppl think we're mind readers :)14:12
penguin42what - you mean you aren't?14:13
BluesKajpenguin42, I'm not as experienced as you , so probly not :)14:14
penguin42Just use the force....14:15
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BarkingFishafternoon guys. anyone around who can help me with a package pinning problem please?  I don't want pulseaudio on here, so last time I removed it, i pinned it to prevent installation. I upgraded last night, and the entire pinning list i created has been ignored.15:40
BarkingFishif i paste it up, can someone see what the hell I've done wrong please?15:40
BarkingFishthat's what it should be ignoring, pulseaudio, it's x11 module and firefox15:42
penguin42BarkingFish: Isn't it easier to leave it in but disable it?15:47
BarkingFishpenguin42, if you can tell me how to disable it, you can do more than everyone else I've asked over the last 14 months!15:48
BarkingFishi just delete it off the system whenever I realise it's on here.  I don't like it cause it messes up my sound and audacity won't do anything15:49
penguin42BarkingFish: Hmm - well if you edit /etc/pulse/client.conf to set autospawn - no   that should stop it auto starting which is one step15:49
* penguin42 could swear there was a KDE setting to choose between Pulse and Jack etc but I can't see it15:51
BarkingFishthe issue I have is that the pinning list should work. This is what I get though: W: No priority (or zero) specified for pin15:51
* penguin42 has never been any good with pinning15:51
BarkingFishyet as you can see from my paste, I have set a priority for the pin15:51
BarkingFish-10 means basically, leave the hell alone and don't touch it :)15:51
penguin42BarkingFish: I'd always thought the pinning was to specify versions you wanted rather than to nuke it altogether15:53
BarkingFishpinning can also be used to prevent a package being installed15:54
BarkingFishif no copy exists on the system, and you pin it in that state, any update should ignore packages in the pinning list and not install them15:54
penguin42ah ok15:54
BarkingFishpenguin42, i found the problem :)16:05
BarkingFishI forgot to stick a colon after the Pin-priority line in the prefs file :P16:06
penguin42haha - didn't give you any diagnostics ?16:06
BarkingFishnope, just the error I showed you - W: No priority (or zero) specified for pin.16:07
BarkingFishI just google it off and found something in Debian's help wiki.16:07
penguin42hmm that's not helpful16:07
BarkingFishit should at least warn you that you have an error in your preferences file or something, even just a bog standard syntax error thingy.16:08
grifohello how i install plasmoid?16:11
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penguin42Don't suppose anyone knows if there is a key shortcut to get to 'Edit Track CDDB Info' in k3b ?16:21
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grifohhello how i install plasmoids?16:53
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gabraff_what is the better audio file converter to kubuntu? i want to converte a m4a audio file to mp3.17:44
Peace-gabraff_: mah... you can do it with ffmpeg17:54
Peace-gabraff_: for file in *.* ;do ffmpeg -i "$file" -ab 128k  "${file%.*}".mp3 ; done17:55
Peace-gabraff_: do that on konsole and it will convert every file in the folder into mp3 files17:55
Peace-you can choose another bitrate17:55
Peace-128k could be low for you17:55
saviois there any chennel for ubuntu lightdm help17:55
Peace-savio: well i guess #ubuntu17:56
Peace-gabraff_: you need ffmpeg with mp3 encoder ...17:56
Peace-gabraff_: so you need medibuntu i guess17:56
Peace-to check that ...17:56
Peace-ffmpeg -formats 2>&1 | grep mp317:57
Peace-if you have not the encoder you will not able to convert ...17:57
Peace-BluesKaj: hola17:58
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BluesKajhi Peace-18:05
Peace-BluesKaj: euro 2012 ... going to see football italy vs spain18:09
ronromcan anyone tell me whats the repository to install latest kde version?18:21
rekcuFniarBronrom: from kubuntu updates ppa: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa18:31
rekcuFniarBLatest  version is
rekcuFniarBVersion 4.9 will be available in the Kubuntu Backports PPA: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports18:32
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ronromrekcuFniarB: backports have an older kde version18:47
rekcuFniarBronrom: because kde 4.9 is not released yet.18:48
ronromseams it exists in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/beta18:48
ronrombut how do i add this one in cli?18:48
phoenix_firebrdin backports kde version is 4.8.9018:48
phoenix_firebrdaka 4.9 beta 218:48
rekcuFniarBronrom: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa18:49
ronromphoenix_firebrd: in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports  its 4.8.218:49
rekcuFniarBIt will add kubuntu updates ppa18:49
ronromrekcuFniarB: and to add beta backports which is the one that has 4.8.9018:50
rekcuFniarBronrom: don't use beta backports. it's not stable version.18:50
rekcuFniarBronrom: use kubuntu updates ppa, latest kde is there, 4.8.418:50
ronromrekcuFniarB: can you tell hwo can i do to add it in cli?18:50
phoenix_firebrdmy mistake, i am using beta backports18:51
rekcuFniarBWhen kde 4.9 is released, it will be available in the Kubuntu Backports ppa.18:51
ronromrekcuFniarB: so i guess yu dont want to tell18:51
rekcuFniarBronrom: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/ppa18:51
ronromrekcuFniarB: that you already told and was to add updates18:51
rekcuFniarBronrom: yo can see on the it's page: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta18:52
ronromyes i already run sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/beta18:53
ronromi have installed kde 4.8.90 from beta repo but now the desktop apepars blank and appears: I19:47
ronromi have installed kde 4.8.90 from beta repo but now the desktop apepars blank and appears: Unable to open package org.kde.active.systemtray19:47
ronromi dont know why by it did started kde with another activity now that i changed to original activity all is ok19:49
ronromwhy theres no icons in desktop? like an icon to run dolphin in $HOME ?19:50
ronromkubuntu is an ok distro but there are distros far better and that in packagement terms leave kubuntu far away like Mageia, OpenSuse or Fedora19:51
ronromi have tried Mageia a few days ago and i was surprised to see how good that distro is19:51
ronrommany improvements in severall aspects not  justpaclagement, for example the kde menu if more concise, simpler and easier to use, kde default menu has too many entries19:52
Tm_Thi ronrom, could you join us in #kubuntu-offtopic for this conversation? we prefer keeping this channel for support questions (:19:52
ronromTm_T: yes of course, im just referring some topics that kubuntu developers should check19:53
ronromit would certainly improve kubuntu19:53
ronromTm_T: anyway im going to see the euro final that on the 2º half19:54
Tm_Tronrom: you could find developers elsewhere, this is user support channel19:54
rekcuFniarBronrom: didn't I say don't use beta backports. it's not stable version?19:54
ronromTm_T: i dodnt knew, sorry19:55
ronromrekcuFniarB: no, the beta packages are fine19:55
Tm_Tronrom: no problem (:19:55
SJrUm where in 12.04 do I edit kernel options for booting, like for instance setting the memory limit of my system?20:11
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Newfiecan anyone help me with my boot loader??21:18
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timi_7xhi all, how can i get utserver to work with 12.04 LTS, getting that "./utserver: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8" error, have tried ex. this "sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libssl.so.0.9.8 && sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.0.0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.0.9.8" which gives me error -->sudo ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libssl22:46
timi_7xwhich gives me following error --> ./utserver: error while loading shared libraries: libssl.so.0.9.8: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6422:46
timi_7xtried to symlink also into /lib/i386-linux-gnu/ directory22:47
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