
techconnectedhey i downloaded and install lxde in ubuntu 12  and rebooted but still have unity01:48
melodie_hi !07:16
melodie_any chance someone is available to discuss stuff related to Lubuntu ?07:17
fluffyguyMorning all.09:09
fluffyguyanyone knows why lxpanel and openbox keeps "restarting" (Its like im on windows and explorer keeps dying on me) ?09:09
fluffyguyIts not really effecting systems performance but still Im curious why.09:10
melodie_fluffyguy, ?09:13
melodie_can you paste the content of .xsession-errors to pastebin and bring the link here ?09:13
fluffyguyill do my best to find it first09:14
melodie_it's in /home/fluffyguy/.xsession-errors09:14
fluffyguymelodie_ thx09:14
melodie_just open a lxterminal and display it's content with the command:09:14
melodie_cat .xsession-errors09:14
melodie_then paste the whole content of the console to pastebin09:15
melodie_Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_r300.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:17
melodie_you have a nvidia card and nvidia driver ?09:17
fluffyguyNo, I have old Ati 1050 AGP ( RV350 chip)09:17
melodie_I look09:17
melodie_and you look which driver is in use: with "sudo lshw | grep driver"09:18
melodie_ok you have radeon09:20
melodie_have you installed mesa ?09:20
fluffyguyI think not09:20
fluffyguyonly if it was in update manager09:20
melodie_I found a related topic09:21
melodie_I show you09:21
fluffyguySure ,thank you09:21
ubottuDebian bug 656719 in src:mesa "Please provide xvmc and vdpau Gallium3D video acceleration drivers (libg3dvl-mesa package)" [Wishlist,Open]09:21
melodie_I should probably help you check if this is relevant for your precise ati card model, but one in one you can start with installing mesa09:22
fluffyguyOne question ...is there a chance to mess up my video drivers? I have a really really bad experience with this card and Linux09:22
melodie_then maybe this libg3dvl-mesa package09:22
melodie_mesa should not hurt it, but the other one I take a close look to try to figure out if it is relevant09:23
melodie_(ATI is the ennemy of ou Freedom, sayd RMS)09:23
fluffyguyYea , I had NVidia for a while but that beast ate my weak PSU :)09:24
melodie_if you have a weak psu, you might want to try very old nvidia cards09:24
melodie_the ones that use best "nv" as a driver. :)09:25
fluffyguyNaah paycheck is in 2 weeks09:25
fluffyguyits time to finally switch to PCIE09:25
melodie_install mesa09:25
melodie_then wait a sec, I check the other one if I can find09:25
fluffyguymelodie_ http://tinypic.com/r/i60emw/609:27
melodie_fluffyguy, you might want to look and bookmark this one:09:27
fluffyguyThis is what I already have installed09:27
melodie_forget the quick filter, hit the search button and get just "mesa" and select name instead of name and description09:29
fluffyguyThese cards are supported with the legacy ATI 9-3 Catalyst release, but you MUST use a kernel <= 2.6.28 and Xserver <= 1.5.09:29
qstpphow to disable non-critical desktop notifications in 12.04?09:31
fluffyguymelodie_ I have searched by name and list is still pretty long.  whats the actual package name09:32
melodie_I check09:32
melodie_you run precise, right ?09:32
fluffyguy12.04 yes09:32
melodie_install all mesa packages you don't have except the ones related to dev (no -dev or -devel packages needed)09:34
melodie_32 bits ?09:35
melodie_I look here now:09:35
melodie_not that I think you should install that one, but in case there would be a more relevant driver in the repos for your card09:36
fluffyguyWell I clicked on bunch of mesa things...  lets test it09:37
fluffyguymelodie_ lists looks like this09:38
fluffyguyand yea 9.3 official driver never works for me ,probably due to higher kernel09:39
melodie_did this one: libwayland0 (version 0.85.0-1ubuntu2) will be installed come with the rest ?09:39
melodie_official drivers at ati seldom work it seems09:39
melodie_did this one: "libwayland0 (version 0.85.0-1ubuntu2) will be installed" come with the rest ?09:39
fluffyguyIm not sure09:40
fluffyguyI just clicked on everytthing with mesa09:40
fluffyguyjust not dbg and dev09:40
melodie_try to untick it, to see what would happen09:40
melodie_and don't install this one "libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental (version 8.0.2-0ubuntu3.1) will be installed"09:41
melodie_keep it in mind just but don't install it right away09:41
fluffyguyI unticked experimantal one09:42
melodie_for this one : "libgbm1 (version 8.0.2-0ubuntu3.1) will be installed" do the same check as for libwayland, see if it removes one from that list, if it does remove one, then keep it09:42
fluffyguybut libwayland0 (version 0.85.0-1ubuntu2)  ..I cant find that one ...09:42
melodie_it's in your pastebin09:42
melodie_so you should try to find it with the search button : just type in "libwayland"09:43
fluffyguyit affects one package09:44
melodie_wait a sec09:45
melodie_do you have this one package installed ? libvdpau109:45
melodie_here is what OpenVG is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVG09:47
melodie_you can keep the related packages and install this mesa packages list now09:47
melodie_then reboot and check again the .xession-errors messages09:47
fluffyguywill do09:47
melodie_the other lib said in the debian thread does not show on the ppa lauchpad page, so I can't say more about it now, I look at the rest of the discussion here:09:48
ubottuDebian bug 656719 in src:mesa "Please provide xvmc and vdpau Gallium3D video acceleration drivers (libg3dvl-mesa package)" [Wishlist,Open]09:48
fluffyguyThere is no package named "libg3dvl-mesa" in synaptic09:49
fluffyguymelodie_ Im trying to install all this atm. So we will see if it works..if not ohh well it happens09:50
melodie_the thread is very recent, you might want to keep it at hand to follow the thread09:51
melodie_they might come to solutions which would later be included in Ubuntu09:51
fluffyguySure ,share it and ill bookmark it09:51
ubottuDebian bug 656719 in src:mesa "Please provide xvmc and vdpau Gallium3D video acceleration drivers (libg3dvl-mesa package)" [Wishlist,Open]09:52
melodie_this post:09:52
melodie_you see on the launchpad the lib with complicated name is not there anymore, but it appears as a + in the patch shown on that one post:09:53
melodie_"+Package: libg3dvl-mesa"09:53
melodie_and since the beginning of the thread this is the one which contains the lib which the .xsession-errors says is missing09:54
fluffyguyWell Im rebooting09:55
=== Hat is now known as Hatt
fluffyguySee ya in 2-3 mins09:56
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fluffyguymelodie_ http://pastebin.com/s4Ckpq4s10:02
fluffyguyNo errors so far10:02
fluffyguythat include openbox and lxpanel10:02
melodie_he fluffyguy !13:10
melodie_your problem is solved ?13:10
fluffyguyHi melodie_13:12
fluffyguyWell honestly I dont know13:12
fluffyguyDidnt had any issues with lxpanel or openbox crashing13:13
fluffyguySo far.13:13
melodie_and what does the .xsession-errors provide now ?13:13
melodie_fluffyguy, the message related to libvdpau-xx-300.so disappeared13:15
melodie_it means that the mesa packages were needed by your gpu : in one word you can consider it solved.13:15
melodie_does someone know why all versions Ubuntu provide a message stating that the gnome-polkit-authentication service can't be used ?13:16
fluffyguyit seem so ,give me a sec ill try to induce same error. with using applications I normaly use13:16
melodie_you will test the use of apps:13:16
melodie_you are not trying to introduce error. this is different. :)13:16
fluffyguyIm testing to see if I can crash openbox and lxpanel with normal usage13:17
fluffyguybetter? :D13:17
fluffyguyWell torrent client,True Crypt,Empathy ,Chrome,Audacious,SMPlayer and ofc Xchat work without any crash13:20
melodie_I tell you13:21
fluffyguybtw It seems I cant get correct CPU temp sensor readings13:22
fluffyguysensors command output looks liek this13:22
fluffyguyAdapter: Virtual device13:22
fluffyguytemp1:        +38.0°C  (crit = +75.0°C)13:22
melodie_great !13:24
fluffyguyThat is real? Damn its 34 Celsius in my room. Cant believe CPU is so cool.13:25
melodie_sure, the relevant drivers can help13:25
melodie_fluffyguy, I believe you could be interested about the cpufreq tool if you cpu can use it13:26
fluffyguyPentium 4 Northwood 2.66 GHz HT (Ancient PC)13:27
melodie_you have to try13:28
melodie_install cpufreq-utils13:28
melodie_and launch in console "cpufreq-info"13:28
fluffyguyno or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU13:30
fluffyguy  maximum transition latency: 0.00 ms.13:30
melodie_well, that happens13:31
fluffyguyYea and last weird issue. Playing movies in SMPlayer are having odd audio issue. Explosions /shooting and effects in general are pretty loud  but voices are quite.13:34
melodie_fluffyguy, then try VLC instead13:36
melodie_possibly also try to deactivate pulseaudio and choose alsa instead13:36
melodie_and possibly the video is at stake13:37
fluffyguyIll try VLC .I like SMPlayer bcs of "add black border" filter13:37
melodie_ok, back to Lubuntu matters13:39
melodie_I would like to know why the .xsession-errors give this "(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:1413): polkit-gnome-1-WARNING **: Failed to register client: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files"13:39
melodie_in the messages provided by .xsession-errors13:39
melodie_anyone has an idea ?13:39
fluffyguyTry on #ubuntu .maybe someone there can help. :)13:42
melodie_fluffyguy, I'll see13:42
fluffyguyWell Im off for now... Thanks for your time melodie_  and good luck with your issue. Bye13:47
muhammedi install burg15:50
muhammedbut i cant change default boot15:50
muhammedi use grub-customizer15:51
hbk.i am unable to install neither ubuntu nor lubuntu. Either the installation crashes or it says unable to find rev 265...... i have tried downloading different versions yet no success15:51
muhammedi choice win 8 for default boot15:51
muhammedi reboot15:51
muhammedbut itts boot lubuntu15:51
fluffyguyAnyone here tried playing Wolfenstein ET on 120.04?16:47
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pcmanhi all18:05
qstpphow to disable non-critical desktop notifications in 12.04?18:07
SomeDamnBodywhen I try to do lubuntu-software-center I get ImportError: No module named defer18:11
SomeDamnBodycan anybody help me? I found python-defer in apt-get and deferred in pip, but I don't know how to get either of them to work18:12
SomeDamnBodyI installed both, it doesn't seem to work18:12
Unit193qstpp: Which ones?  Some are per program setting.18:13
qstppUnit193: for instance Firefox download complete notifications18:13
qstppUnit193: i've disabled network manager network up-down with gconfeditor18:14
qstppUnit193: but it still notifies me only on boot if network is not connected18:14
qstppUnit193: is there a way to tackle all notifications at once?18:14
Unit193about:config in firefox: browser.download.manager.showAlertOnComplete18:15
Unit193You can disable the daemon.18:15
qstppUnit193: as for ff, that would disable notification inside it, but i would like to disable only desktop notification18:15
qstppUnit193: can you tell me how to disable the daemon and which one?18:16
Unit193notification-daemon, and one way to do it is uninstall it. :P18:17
qstppUnit193: well, if there isn't a way to disable all non-critical ones, then uninstallation will do18:17
Unit193(I don't have it, so I can't tell you how to disable it other than sudo update-rc.d -f notification-daemon  remove   maybe)18:17
qstppUnit193: ok, thanks!18:19
Unit193Sure, but not 100% sure that's the right name.18:20
qstppforgot to mention, i found another program installed called notify-send18:20
Unit193That's the client application.18:21
qstppit has -u option to set urgency level18:21
qstppi just don't know when is it started and how to start it with that flag18:22
qstppcan that urgency level somehow be set to notifications daemon?18:24
SomeDamnBodyactually, there was a site-package not installed18:25
SomeDamnBodyactualled called defer and not deferred18:25
SomeDamnBodypip install defer fixed it! thanks18:26
Unit193qstpp: Checking the I use...18:26
Unit193SomeDamnBody: Cool.18:26
pcmanany developers here?18:39
SomeDamnBodypcman, you need some help?18:39
pcmanSomeDamnBody: is anyone intersted in working on a power manager?18:39
SomeDamnBodywell... I'm not18:42
SomeDamnBodythere's like fifty of them already in existence18:42
SomeDamnBodyyou should check out what already exists first and modify those before just making your own18:42
SomeDamnBodyit will probably save you a lot of work18:42
SomeDamnBodypcman ^18:42
Unit193gilir, wxl, and a couple others can randomly be found in here or #lubuntu-offtopic18:43
pcmanSomeDamnBody: true18:43
pcmanSomeDamnBody: just want to have a desktop-independent one.18:43
SomeDamnBodydesktop-independent? what do you mean by that?18:44
SomeDamnBodyand why do you need this?18:44
SomeDamnBodywhat is the base motivation?18:44
pcmanSomeDamnBody: for use with our lxde.18:46
pcmanSomeDamnBody: or other pure wm environments.18:46
SomeDamnBodypcman, are you a developer yourself? can you give me some background so I understand more where you're coming from. And then the desired end result of the power manager that you're looking for?18:47
Unit193pcman is the dev for lxde, and pcmanfm.18:47
SomeDamnBodydidn't know that18:48
SomeDamnBodyyeah, I just like lxde for it's lightweightness, I've never had trouble with the power manager18:48
pcmanSomeDamnBody: better if we can have  one.18:48
SomeDamnBodywell, I guess I can't help you...18:49
qstpppcman: since you're here, there's a minor bug involving lxde menu18:50
pcmanqstpp: yeah?18:51
pcmanour bug tracker is full of bugs. :-(18:51
pcmanman power is wanted.18:51
qstppwhen you add some program from it to desktop, menu doesn't close but you have to click it couple of times18:51
pcmanqstpp: really? let me try it.18:52
pcmanqstpp: oh, yes. I noticed that.18:52
qstpppcman: nothing important, just letting you know18:53
pcmanqstpp: file it in the bug tracker please.18:53
qstpphaven't used it before, you mean one on lxde.org?18:53
pcmanqstpp: though bugs in the tracker are processed slowly, someday they will be solved.18:53
pcmanqstpp: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?limit=25&func=&group_id=180858&atid=894869&assignee=&status=&category=&artgroup=&keyword=&submitter=&artifact_id=&assignee=&status=1&category=&artgroup=&submitter=&keyword=&artifact_id=&submit=Filter&mass_category=&mass_priority=&mass_resolution=&mass_assignee=&mass_artgroup=&mass_status=&mass_cannedresponse=&_visit_cookie=6eff56ea4d45185007b1fd8d3d8ac0ae18:54
wxlsurprised you don't get kicked for flooding with a url like that pcman  :)18:54
pcmanqstpp: due to shortage of man power, bugs are fixed slowly now, but sooner or later they'll be handled.18:54
qstppwxl: kicking out pcman would kick out l from lubuntu18:55
qstpppcman: no worries, nothing urgent. btw lxde does deliver what it promises. great work!18:56
Unit193pcman: IIRC, someone reported one a bit back about problems with shift+delete, but didn't describe well that it didn't work when you hit shift, then rightclicked > Delete.  I tried searching for the bugreport, but didn't find it, do you happen to know the one?18:57
wxlUnit193: you looked on launchpad? cuz i thought i saw it there.18:58
pcmanUnit193: yes. File a new one if it's not there.18:58
pcmanUnit193: but pcmanfm use another bug tracker.18:58
pcmanUnit193: see http://sf.net/projects/pcmanfm/18:58
Unit193pcman: That's the one I checked, but didn't check LP.18:58
wxlfor the typical user, they'd expect to file it on lp.18:59
Unit193Yep, but it's not configured, just checked.19:00
PAPICan anybody tell me if there is a site like gnome looks for lxde desktop?19:17
wxlbox looks PAPI19:19
kanliotbox looks is for openbox, not gnome widgets, right?19:23
Unit193You'd have to get a themem that supports GTK2 and 3.19:24
wxlkanliot: there's a bunch of stuff on there for different wms/des but i don't *THINK* there are gnome widgets19:24
melodie_good evening19:27
kanliotis that only for 10.04 or something?19:29
kanlioti'm not sure if it applies to newer versions of lubuntu19:30
melodie_I would like to know if there is a place for Lubuntu where it is possible to post 2 .xsession-errors, containing error messages and warnings19:30
kanliotmelodie, you can pastebin here, or ask on the ubuntuforums.com19:30
kanliotor in #ubuntu channel19:31
Unit193If you want someone to look at the file, pastebin.com.19:31
wxlalso if there's a problem, you could make a bug report19:31
Unit193(Forums or askubuntu, both handy if you don't like IRC)19:32
GeDaMoI'm looking for a POP3/IMAP mailbox checker; up until now I've used mail-notification but it has a metric crapload of dependencies on Lubuntu 12.04 (an extra 125MB of disk space used seems a little excessive)19:32
Unit193GeDaMo: Well, you could try installing from terminal with the --no-install-recommends  option.19:33
wxlkanliot: honestly i have never encountered that problem at all before.19:33
GeDaMoI give that a try19:33
melodie_hi kanliot19:33
melodie_kanliot, ok I paste : but be aware it is not to solve a problem, the machine is gone19:33
melodie_it's for information which should be used to improve the distribution19:34
kanliotpastebin.com please melodie_19:34
melodie_so is it relevant ?19:34
kanliotlooks normal to me19:36
kanliotwhat am i missing?19:36
melodie_you are missing this:19:37
wxlkanliot: it looks like that bug re: the link you posted earlier was fixed upstream in debian so that the version of network-manager in 11.04 should have the fix. it's possible 10.04 does not have the problem and 10.10 probably does.19:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1000679 in policykit-1-gnome (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu 12.04: polkit-gnome-1-WARNING" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:37
melodie_among else19:37
kanliotto be honest, i know very little about policykit19:38
kanliotwxl thanks19:39
wxlkanliot: np ;)19:40
GeDaMoUnit193: thanks, that got it installed; is there a way of doing on install recommends in Synaptic?19:41
Unit193GeDaMo: No idea, I don't use it. :P19:42
Unit193You can set it globally though.19:42
melodie_kanliot, it should not show this message I think19:42
kanliotis the message only in the log, or does it pop up when any user logs in?19:43
GeDaMoAha! There is an option in preferences "Consider recommended packages as dependencies"19:43
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toschoi'm trying to use lxkeymap to change caps_lock to compose, but it doesn't work22:06
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