
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
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edgyHI, cannot install nvidia-current $ apt-cache policy nvidia-settings nvidia-current |grep Candidate10:47
edgy  Candidate: 295.33-0ubuntu110:47
edgy  Candidate: 302.17-0ubuntu110:47
edgyis this a known bug?10:47
BluesKajHey all12:32
penguin42Hi BK12:32
BluesKajhey penguin4212:46
BluesKajgot black/blank screen here for 10secs or so, after grub and before the login scrn. I haven't seen that before.12:48
penguin42ah, same as I was saying yesterday?12:51
penguin42my bug 101957912:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019579 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "No splash; monitor powers off before login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101957912:52
penguin42Wah! Synergy broke again13:25
lupintheethirdIs there anything I need to do other than apt-get upgrade to go from 12.10 alpha 1 to 214:13
penguin42well, dist-upgrade is normally best14:13
lupintheethirdokay ill give it a shot quick and make sure14:14
lupintheethirdsays command not found?14:14
penguin42just keep it upto date like you would a normal system and it should pick most things up; although sometimes if something was broken by a previous version it may need some hand holding - apt-get dist-upgrade14:14
lupintheethirdalright appreciate it, are you getting a few packages that refuse to install and are grayed out?14:15
lupintheethirdThe following packages have been kept back:14:15
lupintheethird  nvidia-current nvidia-current-updates update-notifier update-notifier-common14:15
lupintheethird  winetricks14:15
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IdleOneI have 165+ 5 new packages waiting to be installed. What concerns me here is that nvidia-current is going to be removed, not sure what to do. Will removing nvidia-current mean I'll be left with no way to access GUI?14:37
IdleOneAh, hell with it. jumping in head long14:38
IdleOneWill see what's in the deep end :)14:38
* penguin42 hands IdleOne a snorkel14:40
IdleOneheh, this is not a good sign :)14:41
IdleOnepenguin42: I have faith that the universe will provide.14:41
penguin42IdleOne: I knew there had to be an optimist somewhere14:43
BluesKajIdleOne, I had the same dilemma yesterday , it all woked out except for the 10-15 sec delay between grub and the login now14:44
IdleOneif it is only an added 10-15 secs bootup. I can live with it14:45
IdleOneThink I should try a reboot and see what happens?14:46
BluesKajIdleOne, nvidia-current is now listed as the 302.17 driver in the repos /synaptic , my default driver in addational drivers is the 295.33-0ubuntu114:50
penguin42BluesKaj: But I'm getting that delay with ATI - so it's not an nvidiasm14:50
BluesKajthe 302 driver suffers from dependency probs so that's proby why it's being removed14:51
BluesKajpenguin42, yeah , i didn't think the graphics drivers have anything to do with delay either , sheer coincidence i guess14:52
IdleOnenvidia-current : Depends: xorg-video-abi-11 but it is not installable                  Recommends: nvidia-settings (>= 302.17) but 295.33-0ubuntu1 is to be installed14:52
IdleOnethere is the issue14:52
BluesKajIdleOne, yes , that'why I install ed the nvidia/riva in additional drivers14:53
BluesKajit's the 29514:53
bjsniderthe xorg-video-abi-11 thing means the blob needs to be rebuilt for quantal14:55
BluesKajIdleOne, run dpkg -l | grep nvidia to see which driver you have now14:59
IdleOneBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069529/15:02
bjsniderIdleOne, is there a major xorg update in the group of packages15:03
IdleOnebjsnider: yes, many xorg packages were updated15:03
bjsniderthat's the issue15:04
bjsniderthey're newer thant he blob, so it must be removed15:04
bjsnideryou can mv the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to a .bak or whatever and use nouveau15:04
BluesKajbjsnider, the 295 works fine , why nouveau15:05
bjsniderbecause it's being forced out, he said15:06
BluesKajthe 302 was previosly desginated as nvidi-current , but due to dependency porobs it's to be removed and replaced by the 29515:07
BluesKaj'scuse my poor typing skills15:07
* BluesKaj suffers from phat phinger syndrome15:08
bjsniderwhere is the 295 coming from?15:09
BluesKajadditional drivers15:09
bjsniderthat's no answer15:09
BluesKajit's theonly nvidia driver listed there15:10
BluesKajnvidia riva15:10
BluesKajthat works , all the others will give the dpkg dependency error15:11
bjsnideradditional drivers is just the jockey app15:13
bjsnideryou shouldn't have access to the 29515:13
bjsniderit has been replaced by the 30215:13
bjsnideropen up synaptic, and look at the properties for nvidia-current, and thent he versions tab15:14
IdleOnebjsnider: How do I check to see what graphics driver is currently in use?15:36
bjsniderIdleOne, lspci -v15:42
bjsniderlook for the vga device15:43
IdleOneKernel driver in use: nvidia15:46
IdleOne        Kernel modules: nouveau, nvidiafb15:46
IdleOneso it is using nouveau now?15:46
bjsniderthe second line is modules that can also handle that device, but the blob is currently handling it15:47
IdleOnehmm, ok.15:47
IdleOneeverything seems to be working good except that it changed the font to microscopic15:48
bjsniderwell, you could do a lot worse15:49
BluesKajI guess the nvidia riva driver is the same as the nouveau , if it's not then I'm confused , because this is the result of " glxinfo | grep OpenGL" : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1069736/17:02
mwozniak00hi, somebody else have problem with dependencies of nvidia close driver on ubuntu 12.10 alpha2 ?17:06
trismmwozniak00: nvidia needs a rebuild for the new xorg, bug 101907917:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019079 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates (Ubuntu) "[quantal] nvidia-current-updates needs rebuilt for Xserver 1.12" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101907917:06
bjsniderBluesKaj, do a lspci -v and look for the vga compatible controller entry. it will say what driver is being used17:35
BluesKajbjsnider, just as i suspected . nouveau17:36
bjsnidernothing wrong with that17:37
bjsnidernouveau is a good driver17:37
bjsniderno kittens were strangled in producing it17:37
trismif you don't mind your fan running at 100% all the time17:38
BluesKajthink I might try the xedgers 302 driver built for Quantal17:38
bjsnidertrism, get a card that doesn't have or need a fan17:38
bjsniderBluesKaj, what is wrong with nouveau?17:42
mwozniak00hmmm on 12.10 my sda have hot -> 55C17:43
ubottuA schedule of Quantal Quetzal (12.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalReleaseSchedule17:45
BluesKajbjsnider, installed the 302 driver from xedgers ppa  ...seems much faster than nouveau18:09
bjsniderBluesKaj, using xorg-edgers over a long term period of time is probably a bad idea18:28
bjsniderso i would ppa-purge it when alberto rebuilds the 30218:28
bjsnideralthough nouveau is fine18:28
BluesKajbjsnider, well it works here , and untill it starts to act up I'll stick with it ...if alberto is still dev'ing perhaps he could also fix the depends for 295.5318:31
bjsnideri'd like to point out that you didn't seem to have a problem with nouveau until you found out that's what was driving your card18:32
bjsniderunless i'm reading the situation wrong18:32
BluesKajbjsnider, correct , the nouveau is ok , just slow18:32
bjsnideror maybe kde is slow18:33
bjsnideri used nouveau on gnome and didn't notice any loss of speed18:33
penguin42hmph, muon has stopped allowing upgrades - 'This operation cannot continue since proper authorisation was not provided'18:34
BluesKajif kde is slow , how would I notice the diff , bjsnider18:34
bjsniderwell, the blob replaces the whole mesa side of things with its own proprietary opengl code18:34
bjsniderso that may be propping kde up a bit18:35
BluesKajand there is a difference , a significant one at that18:35
penguin42can someone just check something for me -  do they still have packagekit installed on qq?18:36
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yofelif you mean on kubuntu - no, it shouldn't be installed usually18:37
penguin42yofel: I do, hmm - ok, so what does muon use to auth that it can do package installation?18:37
penguin42should that be some bit of polkit?18:37
yofelpolkit (polkit-kde-1)18:38
yofeldo you have a 'polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1' running?18:39
penguin42hmm, well that's installed and polkitd is apparently running18:39
penguin42no I don't18:39
yofelyou should18:39
penguin42I have a polkitd running and I have a /etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1.desktop18:39
yofelmaybe it crashed?18:39
penguin42hmm actually - this probably also explians why it wouldn't shut down last night18:41
penguin42yofel: Does it show up for you on KDE Services Configuration18:41
penguin42I can't see it listed in mine18:42
yofelhm, can't see it - the process is running though18:42
penguin42as you?18:43
yofelyofel     2998  0.0  0.2 375800 16428 ?        Sl   Jun30   0:00 /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-118:43
penguin42I have /etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1.desktop and /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-118:44
penguin42hmm - what would you expect xdg-open to do when running a .desktop file ? It gives me 'No running instance of xfce4-panel was found'18:45
yofelyou should have a /usr/share/autostart/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1.desktop btw. - that's what the package ships18:47
yofel(and I would believe xdg-open should look at the Exec line and not do what it did there...)18:47
penguin42yes I do18:47
yofelthe service should be started at login, but I don't know what happens if it crashes or whatever18:48
penguin42hmm, xdg-open runs kde-open and it's kde-open that gives that error18:49
yofelah, fun18:51
penguin42bah, and that's binary18:51
penguin42hmm, so that's coming from /usr/share/applications/panel-desktop-handler.desktop18:57
* penguin42 defenestrates xfce4-panel18:58
penguin42yofel: Well, manually starting polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1 seems to fix muon - now as to why it wasn't started, hmm19:00
yofellook for a crash message in dmesg maybe - otherwise I don't know why that would happen.19:00
penguin42doesn't look like it crashed19:06
litropyI have an iMac running Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7700  @ 2.40GHz. I imagine, but I want to make sure here, that I should go with the PC (Intel x86) desktop CD, and not 64-bit Mac (AMD64) desktop CD, correct? cat /proc/cpuinfo: http://pastebin.com/Wj2JawUC20:51
MrChrisDruiflitropy; I think you could better ask support questions in #ubuntu, but if you must know: Core 2 Duo has support for 64-bit (AMD64). I'm not sure if you have to use the more specific amd64+mac builds, but I'm sure they know in that other channnel21:54
MrChrisDruifThis channel is for the development release of Ubuntu, currently 12.10 Quantal Quetzal litropy21:55
litropyMrChrisDruif, Thank you for your input. I asked here because I was referring to the 12.10 download page http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/quantal/alpha-2/21:58
MrChrisDruifOw, you want to use the development release? I guessed you ask advice for the normal release ^_^21:58
litropyHaha, no prob21:59
MrChrisDruiflitropy; you're on a mac?22:10
litropyMrChrisDruif, yes.22:11
litropyMrChrisDruif, ^22:11
MrChrisDruifThen you need either this one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/quantal/alpha-2/quantal-desktop-amd64+mac.iso or if you want to torrent: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/quantal/alpha-2/quantal-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent22:11
litropyMrChrisDruif, Thanks bud.22:12
MrChrisDruif20" or 24"?22:12
litropy20": http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/specs/imac-core-2-duo-2.4-20-inch-aluminum-specs.html22:12
MrChrisDruifBecause as it is stated on that same Alpha 2 page: "Choose this to take full advantage of computers based on the AMD64 or EM64T architecture (e.g., Athlon64, Opteron, EM64T Xeon). If you have a non-64-bit processor made by AMD, or if you need full support for 32-bit code, use the Intel x86 images instead. This image is adjusted to work properly on Mac systems."22:13
MrChrisDruifI do love how Mac's look...it's just their business ethnics and pricing that is putting me off! =)22:14
litropyMrChrisDruif, See, that's the thing ... it's an Intel, implying x86, but it's 64-bit, and a mac ...22:14
litropyMrChrisDruif, Ya, it's quite a dilemma about macs. I'd love to upgrade my GPU/CPU, but can't.22:15
MrChrisDruiflitropy; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core_2_duo#64-bit_Core_microarchitecture_based22:15
MrChrisDruif(P.s.: I'm running 64bit atm on a normal laptop with core 2 duo22:16
MrChrisDruifIntel® Core™2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz × 222:16
litropyMrChrisDruif, still no mention of AMD in that link. But if you know what you're sure, I'll trust ya.22:17
MrChrisDruifEM64T = from Intel22:18
MrChrisDruifEM64T Xeon (I don't recall any AMD cpu's to be named Xeon)22:18
MrChrisDruif(It's from that same line I copied)22:18
FernandoMiguelMrChrisDruif: xeon is from intel22:20
FernandoMiguelwhich is an EM64T22:20
MrChrisDruiflitropy; and if you want to have a good read about AMD64 (or to be more precise x86-64), have a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6422:20
MrChrisDruifFernandoMiguel; tell that to litropy ;-)22:20
MrChrisDruifI already know that amd64+mac is the iso he needs for his iMac ( http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/specs/imac-core-2-duo-2.4-20-inch-aluminum-specs.html )22:21
DaekdroomIt's called AMD64 because AMD was the first to implement it.22:21
DaekdroomBut Intel calls it EMT64.22:21
DaekdroomBoth are the same as x86_6422:21
Daekdroom(and know I notice that all that has been said already)22:22
litropyThanks, MrChrisDruif, FernandoMiguel, Daekdroom22:22
MrChrisDruifBut backup is always appreciated Daekdroom =)22:23
MrChrisDruifDaekdroom; on the Alpha 2 page it says EM64T, should that be EMT64?22:24
DaekdroomLet me check.22:24
DaekdroomIt's EM64T indeed. I mixed it up.22:25
MrChrisDruifAlright, didn't want to go through that whole wikipedia page, just to check that ;-)22:26
MrChrisDruifBtw, how is everybody liking Quantal so far?22:27
DaekdroomMy Quantal VM is so slow to upgrade packages I haven't bothering running it.22:32
FernandoMiguelDaekdroom: I know how you feel22:33
FernandoMiguelmy office laptop with HD is the same22:34
FernandoMiguelmiss my SSD a lot22:34
litropyJust a note: after upgrading my RAM, I figured out that since I have 32-bit installed, I only have use of about 3GBs. So now, I'm gonna have to go through the long and arduous process of clean installing 64-bit, then restoring my system back to its custom setup. All my fault.22:34
litropyI figured why not go alpha during the process.22:34
litropyThere are a few guides as to how to "upgrade" from 32 to 64, but meh ... too finicky.22:35
FernandoMiguellitropy: or you try a PAE kernel22:37
FernandoMiguelI think it's server edition kernel that has it now22:37
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info22:37
litropyFernandoMiguel, I looked into that only briefly ... I need to do further research to see the pros and cons ... it sounds like going full 64-bit would be more economical for my system resources, no?22:42
DaekdroomThe -generic kernel has PAE in quantal.22:43
DaekdroomIn the past you'd have to use -generic-pae, now it's a 32-bit default for Ubuntu.22:43
litropyGood to know, Daekdroom22:44
DaekdroomNot everyone thinks it's that good because starting from Quantal people with older machines won't be able to boot Lubuntu.22:45
litropySo, if I determined there wouldn't be much of a difference in performance between 32-bit with PAE and full 64-bit, I could just apt-get dist-upgrade and have pae installed?22:45
jtaylorit depends22:45
jtayloramd64 is faster due to its more modern instruction set and more registers22:46
DaekdroomBut it can be slower due to higher RAM usage.22:46
jtaylorbut i386 has smaller pointers and thus better cache performance22:46
jtaylorso its hard to say what is faster, it depends on the application22:46
jtaylori386 is certainly better for ram usage22:47
Daekdroomiirc enconding, decoding and compiling benefit from 64-bit22:47
litropyThis includes video/audio/image codecs?22:47
DaekdroomDepends on how they were compiled.22:49
litropyThis is mainly a media center. I do some scraping of Google Maps, but that's while I'm asleep.22:49
jtaylorif your adventerous you could install gentoo with x32 :)22:49
jtaylorits the best of both worlds22:49
litropyPlus, I enjoy working with you guys in debugging.22:49
litropyjtaylor, hah ... I'll stick with what I (kind of) know.22:50
Daekdroomjtaylor, do you know whether it's possible to use x86 packages in x32 through multiarch?22:50
jtaylorwith a little luck we'll get the base infrastructure for x32 in quantal already22:51
jtaylorbut more likely only q+1 :/22:51
litropyAnyhow, apt-get dist-upgrade will automatically install pae?22:51
jtaylorglibc with support for it was only released a couple of days ago22:51
litropySweet. I'll hold off from 64, then.22:51
litropyAnd, there we go. The OS is now ripping itself apart only to put itself back together again.22:52
litropy... While it's running. That will never fail to impress me.22:53
jtayloruntil you get a powercut while its replacing libc or the kernel ;)22:53
jtaylorthough even that is repairable22:53
DaekdroomIs it?22:54
litropyWayland yet?22:54
jtaylordpkg is atomic, so you have either one or the other on disk but not broken in between state but you still need to manually fix it to the correct state22:54
jtaylorwhich is probably not easy22:55
MrChrisDruifDaekdroom; x86 = 32bit right? ;-)22:58
MrChrisDruif"do you know whether it's possible to use x86 packages in x32 through multiarch?"23:00
MrChrisDruifI think yes ;-)23:00
jtaylorx32 != x8623:00
DaekdroomAnd I believe that points out how inconvenient it was to name it x32.23:01
MrChrisDruifWhat is x32 then? I never heard of that..23:01
jtaylorits a new abi for 32 bit aps on x86_6423:01
DaekdroomIt's something between x86 and x86_64.23:01
DaekdroomGives us the benefits of both, but breaks compatibility. :(23:01
psusi64 bit except for memory pointers are still 3223:01
psusiso gives most of the beneifts of x64, without one drawback: more memory used to hold pointers23:02
MrChrisDruifOh dear lord, not again?23:03
MrChrisDruifDo we ever do stuff the right way?23:03
Daekdroomx32 will eventually become obsolete because applications are still limited to 4GiB RAM in it.23:03
Daekdroom(but the entire system is not)23:03
jtaylorno x32 will make i386 obsolete23:04
psusithe vast majority of applications have no need for more ram23:04
MrChrisDruifJust my webbrowser ^_^23:04
jtaylor99.9% of apps don't need more than 4gb of ram23:04
psusihence, the idea goes, why should they have to pay for it with increased pointer size?23:04
psusiin theory it isn't a bad idea... I'm still not sure it will make much difference in practice though23:05
jtaylorlikely not, its probably more useful for memory limited embedded cases23:05
MrChrisDruifApps should just use the memory they need and not more23:05
jtaylorwhich is so far I know the main driver behind it23:05
psusiMrChrisDruif, that's neither here nor there... the question is how much memory they need to hold a pointer23:06
jtayloralso it helps solve the 2038 problem23:06
jtaylortime_t is still 64 bit in x3223:06
jtaylorwith it we can abolish i386 and get rid of the problem23:06
jtaylorfor 64 bit cpu's at least23:07
MrChrisDruifI'm gonna read this when I get back. I'm off to bed, but I'll have some scrollback23:07
FernandoMiguelcan we have 256 bits CPU/archs now? :D23:08
psusiI think that it is a rare application that spends a significant amount of its memory holding pointers though, so reducing the pointer size won't help much23:08
jtaylorI'm sure that already exists23:08
jtaylorwell high level languages tend to make massive use of pointers23:08
jtaylore.g. python23:08
jtaylorevery object holds many pointers23:09
DaekdroomDoes Arch Linux support x32 already?23:09
Daekdroomand now a question that is fit for this channel.23:10
DaekdroomShould I ppa-purge xorg-edgers before trying to upgrade to quantal?23:10
jtaylorits probably a good idea to do that23:11
DaekdroomI'm glad I tried to purge it first because it's breaking my system :P23:15
DaekdroomIf I were using the upgrade manager, I probably would not notice that.23:15

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